Aura: hi, aruna... Nayla: i'm going to the store. Aruna: ... Nayla: i'm going to buy a pairof socks and a drawing books. Aruna: hey, i have some new unused drawing books. I'll give you one. Nayla: wow, ... Aruna: ... I don't we it anyway. Nayla: i'll take it on your ho use tomorrow, good bye aruna. Aruna...
1. Aura: hi, aruna... Nayla: i'm going to the store. Aruna: ... Nayla: i'm going to buy a pairof socks and a drawing books. Aruna: hey, i have some new unused drawing books. I'll give you one. Nayla: wow, ... Aruna: ... I don't we it anyway. Nayla: i'll take it on your ho use tomorrow, good bye aruna. Aruna...
1 Where are you going?
2 How about you?
3 thanks
4 no problem
5 good bye
diisi gitu kah?
2. Complete the blanks for nomer 6 to 10!Aruna: Hi, Aruna. ...(6)Nayla : Hi, Nayla. I'm going to the store.Aruna: ...(7)Nayla : I'm going to buy a pair of socks and a drawing bookAruna : Hey, I have some new unused drawing books. I'll give you one.Nayla : Wow, ...(8).Aruna : ...(9). I don't use it anyway.Nayla : I'll take it in you house tomorrow. Goodbye, ArunaAruna : ...(10)tolong di bantu jawab kak please
6. Where are you going
7. What do you want to buy
8. Thank You
9. You are welcome
10. Ok.Good Bye
Maaf kalo salah semoga membantu
3. Write about your current job or business. Some ideas for content development (optional): How you started your job / business Challenges and difficulties you faced and how you handled them Your current situation How you feel about your job / business Etc. (Free writing, minimum 75 words)
Tugas ini memintamu menceritakan pekerjaan atau aktivitas barumu. Ide awalnya bagaimana, tantangannya apa sj, kesulitannya apa, keadaannya jg, prasaanmu bgaimna saat melakukn pkerjaan dan ksibukn trsbut?
(tulisannya bebas, minimal 75 kata)
misal aku beri contoh begini, nanti kamu smpurnakan ya...
I like drawing and painting. It is very interesting. I love it so much. I can express everything in my mind. I can explore my imagine countinously. I get a lot of new experiences every day. In the other side, it also give me some material benefits. Some people buy my paintings. So I get much money from my hobby.
silahkan dilanjutkan sndri...
4. Aruna memiliki sifat yang sama dengan neneknya, yaitu berambut lurus. Sementara itu, kedua orang tua Aruna berambut keriting. Sifat rambut lurus yang dimiliki nenek Aruna adalah A. Dominan B. Resesif C. Dominan semu D. Intermediet
jawabannya yang A. Dominan
5. a. He made a joke and as a result his business ________.
Maaf kalo salah :v
6. uang niswa 2/3 uang aruna ,sedangkan uang aruna 2/7 uang rizki. jika jumlah uang niswa Rp 12.000,00. Tentukan jumlah uang aruna dan rizki adalah !pakai cara
7. Aruna : Hi, Nayla. .....(6)Nayla : Hi, Aruna. I'm going to the store.Aruna : ......(7)Nayla : I'm going to buy a pair of socks and a drawing book.Aruna : Hey,I have some new unused drawing books.I'll give you one.Nayla : Wow,....(8)Aruna : .......(9). I don't use it anyway.Nayla : I'll take it in your house tomorrow.Good bye, Aruna.Aruna : ........(10).6. a. What are you going?b. Where are you going?c. Where are you buying?d. What are you buying?plis tolong dijawab kk pliiiis
b. Where are you going?
maaf kalau salah
B. Where are you going?
8. 4 poinComplete the blanks fornumber 6 to 10! Aruna : Hi,Aruna. ... (6) Nayla : Hi, Nayla. I'mgoing to the store. Aruna: ... (7)Nayla : I'm going to buy a pair ofsocks and a drawing bookAruna : Hey, I have some newunused drawing books. I'll giveyou one. Nayla : Wow, ... (8)Aruna: ... (9). I don't use itanyway. Nayla : I'll take it in yourhouse tomorrow. Goodbye,Aruna. *
6. where are you going?
7. what are going to buy?
8. thank you so much!
9. no problem
semoga membantuu :D
9. analisis film aruna dan lidahnya
Aruna dan Lidahnya diadaptasi lepas dari novel karya Laksmi Pamuntjak yang berjudul sama. Film ini telah dirilis sejak 2018 lalu dan sudah bisa disaksikan juga di Netflix. Film ini dibintangi oleh Dian Sastrowardoyo (Aruna), Nicholas Saputra (Bono), Hannah Al Rashid (Nadezhda atau Nad), dan Oka Antara (Farish
semoga membantu
maaf ya kalau salah
10. 1. Choose the correct answer by crossing (gja,The dialogue is for number 1 to 5.Listen to the tape and complete the blankscarefully!Aruna : Hi, Aruna, ... (1)Nayla : Hi, Nayla, I'm going to the store.Aruna ... (2)Nayla : I'm going to buy a pair of sock anda drawing bookAruna - Hey, I have some new unuseddrawing books. I'll give you one.Nayla : Wow.... (3)Aruna ... (4) I don't use it anyway.Aruna : I'll take it in your house tomorrow.Goodbye, Nayla.Nayla : .... (5)1 a. What are you going?b. Where are you going?c. Where are you buying?d. What are you bring?
(C) Where are you buying
11. What is a private letter? What is a business letter? And then please mention some types of a business letter.
Private letter is a printed message send from the writer for a private purpose.
Business letter is a printed message send by a company to another company for spesific business purposes. Example : Order Letter, Complaint Letter, Inquiry Letter, etc.
12. Aruna : hello, nara ...? Nara : hi, aruna ... How is everything?
Aruna: hello, nara how are you?
Nara: hi aruna, fine. how is everything?
13. Aruna: hello, Nara. ...? Nara:hi, Aruna.... How is everything
Aruna: halo, Nara....? Nara: hai, Aruna.... bagaimana semuanya
14. Write down and elaborate parts of a complete business letters
Business Letters Section:
- Has the official name of the business party
- Usually written general contents relating to financial matters or business matters
- Has Date Identity, Issuer Name, Signature.
maybe Usefull
15. Aruna : Hi, Aruna. ... (1)Nayla : Hi, Nayla. I'm going to the store.Aruna : ... (2)Nayla : I'm going to buy a pair of sock anda drawing bookAruna : Hey, I have some new unuseddrawing books. I'll give you one.Nayla : Wow.... (3)Aruna :... (4) I don't use it anyway.Aruna : I'll take it in your house tomorrow.Goodbye, Nayla.Nayla : .... (5)1. a. What are you going?b. Where are you going?c. Where are you buying?d. What are you buying?
b. where are you going ? ........
1. B. Where are you going?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
2-3 mana opsi pilihannya?
16. analisis film Aruna dan lidahnya !
Film yang menceritakan perjalanan Aruna (Dian Sastrowardoyo) menginvestigasi kasus flu burung di empat kota sembari beburu kuliner Nusantara ini terasa seperti makanan. Rasa manis, asam dan asin padu jadi satu seperti makanan dalam satu piring. Berbagai macam rasa bergumul dalam hati.
Di saat yang bersamaan, sahabat Aruna yang bernama Bono (Nicholas Saputra) ingin mengajaknya untuk berlibur sejenak. Profesinya yang seorang chef membuat Bono harus kreatif dalam mengolah makanan. Dengan maksud ingin mencari inspirasi dari kuliner berbagai daerah, untuk itu lah ia ingin terlibat dalam investigasi Aruna.
Tak disangka, sesampainya di Surabaya, Aruna dan Bono kedatangan sahabat mereka yang sudah lama tinggal di luar negeri bernama Nadezhda (Hannah Al Rashid). Karena ingin menyelesaikan buku kulinernya, Nad pun tergoda ingin pulang ke Indonesia dan mengikuti perjalanan Aruna berwisata ke empat daerah itu tadi.
Sumber : CNN Indonesia
17. business letter and choice
business letter :kartu bisnis
18. Explain the following words and make up sentences with either of them: to mind one’s own business; bad business; dirty business; personal business; business hours; monkey (funny) business; annual business; to be in business; to be out of business; booming business; to build up business; business competition; business corporation
banyan tree and I have a good day at work and I have to go to the gym and I have to go to bed now and I have to
19. Business ______ are used to understand business processes, and the nature, role, and scope of the data.
Bussines Process
aku tidak asal asalan ya kak
20. Aruna : Hello, Nara. ...? Nara : Hi, Aruna. ... How is everything? Aruna: ... Good to see you here. We. Haven't met each other in the past year. Nara : ... I'm moving to Surabaya and I didn't have change to Contact anybody here. Aruna : Then, let's change our number. ... Nara : ... Here's my number. Aruna : This is my number By the way, ... I need to go to my private academy now. Nara : Okay. Let's me again sometime when I still in this town. Aruna : ... We can ask our old friends to join. Nara : That would be great. Aruna : Then, ... Nara. Nara : ... Aruna.
Aruna : Hello, Nara. How are you? Nara : Hi, Aruna. I'm fine, Thank you. How is everything? Aruna: Great as always. Good to see you here. We haven't met each other in the past year. Nara : Yeah..It's because I'm moving to Surabaya and I didn't have any chance to contact anybody here. Aruna : Then, let's change our number. Can you give me your number?. Nara : Yes, I agree. Here's my number. Aruna : This is my number. By the way, Nara. I'm so sorry. I need to go to my private academy now. Nara : Okay. Let's meet again sometime when I'm still in this town. Aruna : Yes, of course. We can ask our old friends to join. Nara : That would be great. Aruna : Then, See you soon, Nara. Nara : See you Aruna. PembahasanAruna : Hello, Nara. How are you? (Hallo , Nara. Bagaimana kabarmu?)--- How are you merupakan kalimat sapaan yang biasa dipakai untuk membuka percakapan.Nara : Hi, Aruna. I'm fine, Thank you. How is everything? ( Hai, Aruna. Saya baik-baik saja. terimakasih. Bagaimana keaadanmu?)--- 'I'm fine, Thank you' merupakan jawaban yang umum digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan 'How are you?' sama halnya seperti 'How is everything' Aruna: Great as always. Good to see you here. We haven't met each other in the past year. ( Seperti biasa,selalu baik. Senang bisa bertemu kamu disini. Kita sudah beberapa tahun tidak bertemu.) --- 'Great as always' merupakan jawaban yang bisa digunakan untuk pertanyaan 'How is everything'.Nara : Yeah..It's because I'm moving to Surabaya and I didn't have any chance to contact anybody here. ( Ya..Itu karena saya pindah ke Surabaya dan saya tidak ada kesempatan untuk menghubungi siapapun disini) --- Karena kalimat setelah titik-titik merupakan kalimat penjelasan, maka kita harus menambahkan kalimat penghubung ' It's because' agar kalimat menjadi relevan dan sempurna.Aruna : Then, let's change our number. Can you give me your number?. (kalau begitu. mari bertukar nomor telepon. Bisakah kamu memberikan nomor teleponmu?)--- Karena jawaban pada baris berikutnya menyiratkan tanggapan, maka kita harus membuat kalimat pertanyaan.Nara : Yes, of course. Here's my number. (ya, Tentu saja.. Ini nomor saya.)--- 'Yes, of course' adalah respon dari pertanyaan 'Can you give me your number?'Aruna : This is my number. By the way, Nara. I'm so sorry. I need to go to my private academy now. (Ini nomor saya. Eh, Nara. saya minta maaf. Saya harus pergi ke tempat khursus sekarang)--- 'by the way' adalah ungkapan khusus yang tiap katanya tidak bisa di terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, namun biasanya digunakan untuk mengalihkan topik pembicaraan. 'I'm sorry' merupakan ungkapan yang biasa di sebutkan sebelum kita ingin undur diri dari suatu pertemuan.Nara : Okay. Let's meet again sometime when I'm still in this town. ( Ok. Ketemu lagi lain kali ketika saya masih di kota ini ya.)Aruna : Yes, of course. We can ask our old friends to join. (Ya, tentu saja. Kita bisa mengajak teman-teman yang lain untuk bergabung.)--- 'Yes. of course' merupakan tanggapan dari kalimat ajakan 'Let's me again sometime when I still in this town'Nara : That would be great. ( pasti akan menyenangkan)Aruna : Then, See you soon, Nara. ( Kalau begitu, Sampai jumpa lagi, Nara.)--- Kita menggunakan 'see you soon' karena ada kemungkinan nmereka akan bertemu dalam waktu dekat. oleh karenaitu kita tidak menggunakan 'Good bye' karena Good bye di pakian untuk salam perpisahan.Nara : See you Aruna. (sampai jumpa lagi Aruna.)Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri dan soal tentang understanding dialogue tentang mengisi titik-titik dalam dialogue
Detil JawabanKelas : VII SMP
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Bab : Greetings, Leave-takings, expression of gratitude and apology
Kode: 7.5.1
Kata kunci : Dialogue, greetings,gratitude, apology.
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