1. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offer? 2. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provide? 3. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. match its knowledge-base to? 4. What type of planning does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offer? 5. What type of daily summary does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provide? 6. What do the monthly reports monitor?
1. 1. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offer? 2. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provide? 3. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. match its knowledge-base to? 4. What type of planning does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offer? 5. What type of daily summary does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provide? 6. What do the monthly reports monitor?
Note: The answer of each reading comprehension question can be found in the text. To find the answer, you have to be able to find the keyword of the question in the text. Once you find the keyword, the answer must be nearby.
1. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offer?
Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offers a wide range of financial package.
As written in the text: "Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offers a wide range of financial package to suit the individual needs of its clients" (line 1)
2. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provide?
Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provides advice based on their outstanding information sources.
As written in the text: " To that end, we provide advice based on our outstanding information sources." (line 3)
3. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. match its knowledge-base to?
Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. matches its knowledge-base to our understanding of individual markets.
As written in the text: "Matching our knowledge-base with your understanding of individual markets can make you a big winner in the increasingly complex marketplace" (line 4)
4. What type of planning does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offer?
The type of planning that Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offers is strategic planning
The answer can be found in the line 7
5. What type of daily summary does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provide?
The type of daily summary that Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provides is daily summary of stock market and industry trends
The answer can be found in the line 10
6. What do the monthly reports monitor?
The monthly reports monitor company-to-peer performance
The answer can be found in the line 12.
I hope the answer is clear enough and matches with your expectation
Detil tambahan:
Kelas: SMP
Pelajaran: bahasa inggris
Kategori: Advertisement
2. $. What are the functions of the underlined words?a Responses ol expression of offering of helpervicesb. Responses of expressions of asking for help services• Responses of expression al accepting of help servicesd. Responses of expressions of refusing of help servicee Responses of expressions of begging of help services
E Ini jawaban nya klala
3. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. match its knowledge-base to ?
SOAL : What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. match its knowledge-base to?
customers' understanding of individual companies
4. give the functions of comlimenting of expressions!
Jawaban:-------------------------------------The compliment expressions are frequently used in communication. Delivering and responding compliment is one of media to build and create good relationship between and among people when communicating. It is also considered as a politeness strategy in order to make the communication run in harmony
5. Functions of the cleaning robot
Like many other cleaning robots, it uses a laser sensor to detect and avoid obstacles. In addition to cleaning the floors, it can also pick up and dispose of garbage. Its slender body allows it to clean even in tight spaces and small corridors.
Seperti banyak robot pembersih lainnya, robot ini menggunakan sensor laser untuk mendeteksi dan menghindari rintangan. Selain untuk membersihkan lantai, juga dapat memungut dan membuang sampah. Tubuhnya yang ramping memungkinkannya untuk membersihkan bahkan di ruang sempit dan koridor kecil.#maafkalausalah^_^6. Mention the functions of language
Language can help us communicate with other people easily.
Learning many languages will also give us an advantage when applying for a job.
Improves our memory
Semoga membantu
7. One of financial bussinese managed of ronny corporation ?
financial section
8. bahasa lain dari qus (quality of services) adalah
Jawaban:Quality of Service (QoS)
kemampuan dari suatu jaringan untuk menyediakan pelayanan yang lebih baik kepada lalulintas jaringan tertentu. Tujuan akhir dari QoS adalah memberikan network service yang lebih baik dan terencana dengan dedicated bandwith, jitter dan latency yang terkontrol dan meningkatkan loss characteristic. QoS software dapat memberikan keuntungan-keuntungan sebagai berikut:
1) Kontrol pada resources-kontrol diatas resources seperti bandwidth, equipment, wide-area facilities dan sebagainya. Sebagai contoh network manager dapat membatasi bandwidth yang digunakan transfer FTP di backbone atau memberi prioritas pada akses database yang penting 2) Penggunaan network resources yang lebih efisien-informasi tentang network sedang digunakan untuk apa dan traffic yang paling penting untuk digunakan untuk memberikan service pada pelanggan 3) Pengaturan pada aplikasi yang bersifat mission-critical-menjamin bahwa WAN digunakan secara efisien oleh aplikasi-aplikasi yang bersifat mission-critical, dimana merupakan aplikasi yang paling penting ke pelanggan; dimana dibutuhkan bandwith yang besar dan delay yang minimum kepada aplikasi seperti multimedia dan aplikasi voice, dan tidak adanya interfensi antara mission-critical traffic satu dan lainnya. 4) Algoritma Class-of-service (CoS) menjamin ketepatan waktu pengiriman semua traffic di atas network yang bermacam-macam. Sebagai contoh, weighted fair queuing (WFQ) mencegah transfer file yang menggunakan bandwidth yang tidak tepat, ketika sedang sharing dengan trafic yang pendek dan bersifat interactive. Sebagai tambahan, WFQ menggunakan IP precedence bits didalam IP header untuk memberikan bobot lebih tinggi kepada traffic tertentu sehingga akan memberikan prosentase bandwidth yang lebih besar. 5) The Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) mengijinkan aplikasi untuk memesan sebelumnya penggunaan network resource. RSVP terdiri daftar spesifikasi yang telah dipesan untuk digunakan.Daftar tersebut digunakan oleh host-host pada network untuk meminta special service dan menjamin bagaimana jaringan memeperlakukan traffic-trafic dari host tersebut. 6) Committed Access Rate (CAR) QoS memberikan limitasi pada rate perfomance dan klasifikasi packet. CAR mempunyai kemampuan sebagai berikut:
a) Membatasi input atau output dari transmission rate pada interface atau subinterface berdasarkan pada kriteria yang fleksible b) Klasifikasi packet dengan pengaturan pada IP precedence atau QoS group; QoS group adalah QoS class identifier internal pada router
CAR dapat digunakan berdasarkan pada kriteria tertentu seperti incoming interface, IP precedence, QoS group, atau kriteria pada IP access list. CAR memberikan tindakan yang bisa dikonfigurasi, seperti transmit, drop, set precedence, atau set QoS group, ketika traffic sesuai atau melebihi rate limit. Keuntungan dari CAR antara lain adalah menajemen bandwidth melalui rate limiting dan kalsifikasi packet classification melalui IP precedence dan QoS group setting. Jumlah bandwidth yang dibutuhkan dapat dikontrol melalui penempatan priorittas pada trasmisi packet. Tiga jenis queuing option yang pupular meliputi:
1. Priority queuing-memberikan pengiriman protokol atau paket tertentu yang terjamin dan tepat waktu. Pengiriman tersebut dapat di set dengan prioritas high, medium, normal dan low. Ketika router sedang memproses paket prioritas medium, ketika ada paket dengan prioritas high masuk, maka router akan menghentikan prosesnya dan melayani paket dengan prioritas lebih tinggi. Priority queuing digunakan untuk menjamin lalulintas yang bersifat mission-critical traffic dapat lewat.
2. Custom queuing-memberikan bandwidth yang proporsional dengan cara memberikan satu dari 16 kemungkinan antrian pada tipe protokol. Dengan custom queuing, prosentase bandwidth pada suatu interface dapat dikontrol dengan cara mengkonfigurasi berapa banyak byte yang dikirim pada satu waktu. Setiap antiran diproses bergiliran. Custom queuing digunakan ketika kita menginginkan semua protokol bisa mendapat bagian dari bandwidth yang tersedia.
3. Weighted Fair Queuing-memberikan alokasi bandwith yang fair kepada semua traffic di jaringan secara otomatis. Fair queuing memberikan manajemen prioritas traffic yang secara dinamik. Low-volume traffic, seperti Telnet session, akan diberikan prioritas diatas high-volume traffic, seperti FTP sessions.
9. What are the functions of the underluned words? What are the functions of the italicized words ?
Yang italic : bagaimana jika saya Bantu persiapanya
Fungsinya : to offer a help , untuk memberikan bantuan
Yang underlined : oh kau sangat baik, tapi saya akan mengerjakanya dengan saudara perempuan saya, terimakasih susah menawarkan
Fungsinya : to decline an offer / to show a denial , untuk menunjukan penolakan
Maaf klo salah
10. write three functions of brochure
1. To inform potential consumers related to the company or also the products or services that will be offered. 2. As an advertising tool or also a promotional tool, which can
11. expression of offering help/services
may i help you?
what can i help for you
12. examples of functions of future continuous tense
Using the Future Continuous Tense
I will arrive at five o'clock.
At five o'clock, I will be meeting with the management about my raise.
Michael will be running a marathon this Saturday.
Eric will be competing against Michael in the race.
I will be watching Michael and Eric race.
I will be being stressed tomorrow during my science test.
jadikan jawaban yg tercerdas yaah :)13. Mention 2 functions of medicines
To make someone feel better,by killing ,removing or redirect the pain/virus/bacterium attacking the patient
To Prevent anything unwanted,from the bacterium/virus/pain coming back,to making the patient's immune/antibody system better and upgraded
Untuk membuat seseorang merasa lebih baik,dengan membunuh,menghilangkan atau mengalihkan rasa sakit/virus/bakteri yang menyerang pasien
untuk mencegah hal yang tak diinginkan,dari mencegah bakteri/rasa sakit/virusnya datang kembali hingga memperbaik sistem imun dan antibodi pasien menjadi lebih bagus
maaf kalau salah sekian
1 healing
2 heal
Maaf kalo salah
14. 29. Who is Ms. PrisiaTanuwardana?a. Production manager of Wardana Financial Firmb. Marketing Manager of Wardana Financial Firmc. Sales manager of Wardana Financial Firmd. CEO of Wardana Financial Firme. The Cleaning service
#Slmt mengerjakan tugas dari rumah.
15. write the functions of
where is the picture?
the question is Soo strange
16. what are the functions of posters
tell people about informationFunction of poster is mediate to give some information for other people or public about something
17. mention the functions of posters?
1. to persuade the readers
2. to give informations about events or things1. as informatian and promotian media.
2. as interior decoration.
3. as propaganda media.
18. One of the functions of label is to ....
where is the labelll?
19. apa artinya sosial functions of proverbs
sosial functions of proverbs dalam bahasa indonesia yaitu ;
fungsi sosial dari peribahasa
sosial functions of proverbs
fungsi sosial dari peribahasa
20. Activity 2 : social functions of proverbs
Grounded primarily in the ethnography of communication and aligned with the multidisciplinarity of discourse analysis, the book examines the use of proverbs in the daily life of a social network of Mexican-origin transnational families in Chicago and Michoacán, Mexico. Various and detailed analyses of actual proverb use reveal that proverbs in this particular population function as a highly contextualized communicative strategy that serves four discrete social functions: to argue, to advise, to establish rapport, and to entertain. Proposing that the social and cognitive aspects of language use must be combined for a complete understanding of how such genres of language are actually used by regular people in daily life, the author shows how ordinary people use sophisticated cognitive processes to interpret the socially-relevant meanings of proverbs in everyday conversation.
The book provides an unusual mix of contextualized discourse analysis that is ethnographic, linguistic, and cognitive, yielding much needed insight into a segment of the Mexican-origin population of the Midwestern U.S., a population whose increasing importance and size is often mentioned, but about which precious few linguistic studies have been conducted. The volume not only helps to fill this void but it is also one of the few studies that focuses on the impact of transnationalism on linguistic practices, regardless of cultural group. Departing from the conventional approach of ignoring the role of everyday-language use in order to focus exclusively on culture, economics, or migrant patterns, the book makes linguistic practice the central issue, and thus affirms that it is language that weaves together the two distant sites of transnational communities, providing a fertile area for understanding the perspectives of the transmigrants themselves.
(maaf kalo salah)
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