Apa bahasa indonesia nya 10th class
1. Apa bahasa indonesia nya 10th class
bahasa indonesianya 10 th class yaitu kelas 10
maaf kalo salah kak jadikan terbrainly ya
2. is the 10th letter in thealphabet
"j" is the tenth letter of the English alphabet. J is a consonant.
3. When was the slip printed?a.The slip was printed on July 10th 2000 b.The slip was printed on July 10th 2001 c.The slip was printed on July 10th 2020 d.The slip was printed on July 10th 2021 e e.The slip was printed on July 10th 2022
jawabannya ga ada yg betul harusnya August 19 2013
JIka jawaban ini membantu please jadikan jawaban tercerdas
4. minta tolong kak (-) Indah does not study in my class.(?) ... ?a. does indah not study in my class ?b.Do not Indah study in my class ?c. Does Indah studt in my class?d. Do Indah study in my class?
jawabanya c
SEMOGA BENERC. Does indah study in my class?
5. Please write how to say this date below in English 10th August 2021
ten august twenty twentyone
6. Is Ivan in the 10th grade with juan Felipe and nicolas.
yes they are.
ekhm i don't have the book english maybe yes.
7. Jelaskan fungsi dan manfaat class-class built in!
fungsi class built in antaralain:
1. funsi array
2. funsi class/ objeck
3. fungsi Database
4. fungsi pengolah PDF
5. fungsi pengolah file
6. fungsi pengolah gambar
7. fungsi matematika
8. fungsi string
9. fungsi tanggal waktu
10. fungsi reguler ekspresi
11. fungsi fariabel.
8. menulis nama hari dalam bahasa Inggris berdasarkan kalender 2020 bahasa Inggris 10th january is a
tanggal 10 januari 2020 adalah hari jumat
9. I arrived in Indonesia a week ago, ........ March 10th ." The missing preposition is: ........
Penjelasan: kata on dipakai untuk menjelaskan tanggal hari dan tahun
semoga membantu:3
10. We celebrate Hero Day ona. August 10thb. September 10thC. October 10thd. November 10th
d. november 10th
maaf kalo salah
Jawaban : D ) November 10th.Kapan kita memperingati Hari Pahlawan ? 10 November.
11. 24. How many dots are there in the 10th pattern?
54,karna di hitung pola ke-10,bukan titik ke-10
12. There are 22 boys and 16 girls in Yani's class. There are 5 more students in Anton's class than in Yani's class. a How many students are there in Yani's class? b How many students are there in Anton's class?
a. There are 38 students in Yani's class
b. There are 43 students in Anton's class
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
a. 22 + 16 = 38
b. 38 + 5 = 43
13. Which one is true. We in the class or we are in the class or we are in class???
The correct answer is we are in the classroomwe are in the class itu jawaban dari pertanyaannya
14. Is ivan in the 10th grade with juan filipe and nicolas
yes of course
he is great
15. 1. I......... to SMA Jayanegara 1, and I am in 10th grade.
di soal terlihat bahwa ia mengatakan kalau ia bersekolah di SMA Jayanegara 1
dan mengapa menggunakan Verb 1?
itu karena ditunjukkan di kata "I am in 10th grade" am menunjukan present, jadi jawabannya juga berbentuk present, yaitu "go"
16. Which one is true. We in the class or we are in the class or we are in class???
We are in the class
smoga bermanfaatwe are in the class
17. 1.There is an important rule about food in the scholl...A.you don't have to can in classB.you mustn't can in classC.yoy heve to eat in classD.you must eat in class
There is an important rule about food in the school isyoudon'thavetoeatinclass
18. I arrived in Indonesia a week ago,....... March 10th." The missing preposition is: .......
penggunaan kata "on" berarti diatas atau pada tanggal
19. 4. Write in five sentences your class in English. Describe your class!
Jawaban:I would like to describe my classroom, in my class have many tables and chairs, in my class have a clock, white board, and 2 fan, but in my class haven't AC
20. Is She in the class? a. Isn’t She in the class? c. Weren’t She in the class? b. Wasn’t She in the Class? d. doesn’t She in the class?
maaf jika salah
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