In Reconciliation Statement Expenses Shown Only In Financial Accounts Are

In Reconciliation Statement Expenses Shown Only In Financial Accounts Are

Two or more items are omitted in each of the tabulations of income statement data shown below​

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1. Two or more items are omitted in each of the tabulations of income statement data shown below​


For 2013:

Net sales = $279,000

Ending inventory = $32,000

Purchases = $242,000

For 2014:

Sales revenue = $360,000

Cost of Goods sold = $269,000

Ending inventory = $24,000

For 2015:

Net sales = $390,000

Sales returns and allowances = $20,000

Beginning inventory = $24,000

Ending inventory = $31,000


Note: See the attached excel file for the tabulated income statement data to see the filled missing amounts. The answers are the ones in bold red color.

For each of the years, the calculations are done as follows:

For 2013:

Net sales = Sales revenue - Sales returns and allowances = $290,000 - $11,000 = $279,000

Ending inventory in 2013 = Beginning inventory in 2014 = $32,000

Purchases = Cost of Goods sold - Beginning inventory + Purchase returns and allowances – Freight-in + Ending inventory = $233,000 - 20,000 + 5,000 - 8,000 + $32,000 = $242,000

For 2014:

Sales revenue = Sales returns and allowances + Net sales = $13,000 + $347,000 = $360,000

Cost of Goods sold = Net sales - Gross profit on sales = $347,000 - $91,000 = $269,000

Ending inventory = Beginning inventory + Purchases - Purchase returns and allowances + Freight-in - Cost of Goods sold = $32,000 + $260,000 - $8,000 + $9,000 - $269,000 = $24,000

For 2015:

Net sales = Cost of Goods sold + Gross profit on sales = $293,000 + $97,000 = $390,000

Sales returns and allowances = Sales revenue - Net sales = $410,000 - $390,000 = $20,000

Beginning inventory in 2015 = Ending inventory in 2014 = $24,000

Ending inventory = Beginning inventory + Purchases - Purchase returns and allowances + Freight-in - Cost of Goods sold = $24,000 + $298,000 - $10,000 + $12,000 - $293,000 = $31,000

ma'af kalau salah

2. the correct passive voice in past tense sentences are shown in number​


kalimat pasif yang benar dalam kalimat lampau ditunjukkan dalam angka A 1.2.dan 3

3. In 1900 there were only about 9000 cars in the world. Today there are about 650 the statement true? please answer.


Karena revolusi industri jaman sekarang dapat memproduksi mobil secara besar-besaran.

4. koala are mammals they .... only in eucalyptus

semoga membantu
maaf kalo salah atau bisa juga (eated, /eating)

5. are tea trees only grown in cool areas


Are tea trees only grown in cool areas?

No, They aren't.
because As far as I know, you can still grow a tea plant even in cold regions by entering into a greenhouse or inside a container especially during winter.


6. Apa terjemahan there are 10 students in library in the morning. In the afternon,there are only 5 students. There are more students in the morning , and fewer students in the afternon

Ada 10 siswa di perpustakaan di pagi hari. pada sore hari hanya ada 5 siswa.Ada siswa lebih di pagi hari dan siswa lebih sedikit di sore hari.
Ada 20 murid di perpustakaan pada pagi hari. Di sore hari, ada 5 murid. Disana lebih banyak murid yang berada di perpustakaan pada pagi hari, dan lebih sedikit di sore hari

7. Yuni: there are 10 student in the library in the morning. In afternoon there are only 5 student . there are more student in the morning,and fewer student in the afternoon

yuni: ada 10 murid di perpustakaan pada pagi hari. di siang/sore hari hanya ada 5 orang. ada lebih banyak murid di pagi, dan lebih sedikit di sore hariyuni : di pagi hari ada 10 pelajar di perpus. di sore hari ada 5 pelajar. Pada pagi hari lebih banyak pelajar dan pada sore hari lebih sedikit

8. construction work in progress di trial balance dimasukan di assets apa di statement of financial position(balance sheet)

di statement of financial position.
dan sebenarnya assets itu termasuk didalam statement of financial position.

9. yuni :usully there are 10 studens in the liblary in the morning. In afternoon ,usually there are only 5 stutends .there are..... Studens in the mornig and...... In the afternoon.


There are 10 students in the morning and 5 students in the afternoon.


Semoga membantu

10. mention five villages are shown in the text above!​


Tujuh Koto, Sembilan Koto, Petajin, Muara Sebo

, and Batin Dou Belas


Ada di teks paragraf pertama kalimat pertama.

11. There are only 90 questions in this test,.....?​

Jawaban:there are only 90 questions in this test is it ??


12. therw are only two persons in the dialogue abave​


hanya ada dua orang dalam dialog tersebut


maaf kalo slh bisa cari di google

13. 1.mention five villages are shown in the text above!​


maaf teks nya di mana nya ya?????......

14. apa jawaban dari how many steps are shown in text above.......​


five steps


semoga membantu :3

jawaban: there are 5 steps shown (ada 5 langkah yang ditunjukkan)

15. Terjemahan How many steps are shown in the text

How many steps are shown in the text
Berapa banyak langkah yang ditampilkan dalam teks

Semoga membantu ya ^_^
berapa banyak langkah-langkah yang ditunjukan didalam teks.

16. yuni :usully there are 10 studens in the liblary in the morning. In afternoon ,usually there are only 5 stutends .there are..... Studens in the mornig and...... In the afternoon.


yuni: seharusnya ada 10 siswa di perpustakaan di pagi hari. Sore hari biasanya hanya ada 5 gagap. Ada ..... Pelajar di pagi hari dan ...... Sore hari


maaf cuman bisa translate

17. apa jawaban dari how many steps are shown in text above​

the answer is five step in text above




karena pertanyaannya ada berapa langkah-langkah/tahap dalam teks tersebut

18. All of the following are arguments in favor of using the indirect (reconciliation) method as opposed to the direct method for reporting a statement of cash flows except:


Blossom Ltd. is a retailer that uses the perpetual inventory method. All sales returns from customers result in the goods being returned to inventory; the inventory is not damaged. Assume that there are no credit transactions; all amounts are settled in cash. You are provided with the following information for Blossom Ltd. for the month of January 2017 , method as opposed to the direct method for reporting a statement of cash flows except identify the examples of direct and indirect speech in the story of issumboshy

19. there are only two persons in the dialogue above​


ini bukan pertanyaan ,ini seperti kalimat

20. there are only two persons in thedialogue above​


hanya ada 2 orang dalam dialog di atas

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