The correct order of the
1. The correct order of the
Urutan yang benar dari
maaf kalo salah
2. the correct Order of
Sister (Karena ada 2 S,1 R,1E,1T
3. the correct order of the jumbled word is
d. put on your jacket or you will get a cold
D. put on your jacket or you will get a cold
put on =pakai
your =kamu untuk menandakan kepunyaan
jacket =jaket
or = atau
you = kamu
will = akan
get = mendapat atau mendapatkan
a cold = panas untuk suhu badan dapat juga diartikan sakit
pakai jaket kamu atau kmu akan sakit
semoga membantu
jadikan jawaban ini jawaban terbaik
4. Which of the following does not show the strengths of the film?
Jawaban: Yang mana dari berikut ini tidak menunjukkan kekuatan film
Maaf ya kalo salah >_<
5. arrange the following steep of making orangen juice into the correct order
Arrange the following steps of making orange juice into the correct order.
Cut the fruit into little pieces.Put the fruits into the blender and add three teaspoons of sugar.Put the top on the blender.Plug in the blender.Press the ON button; let it mix for three minutes.Press the OFF button, and then pour the fruit juice into a glass.Unplug the blender.Penjelasan:
Dalam proses membuat jus jeruk, langkah-langkah yang diperlukan secara berturut-turut adalah (1) memotong buah jeruk, (2) memasukkan buah dan gula ke dalam blender, (3) menutup blender, (4) menghubungkan kabel blender ke arus listrik, (5) menekan tombol ON, (6) mematikan tombol OFF dan menuang jus, serta (7) melepaskan kabel blender.
6. arrange the following words into the correct order to form good sentence. mind the correct orders of the noun phrase
1. two large egg for this recipe
2. i'd like to try on these three shirt
3. where are our two small suitcase?
4. can you name the five people Richester in the world
5. all SIXTEEN first class passengers died i the accident
mohon dijadikan jawaban terbagus
1. for this recipe two large eggs
2. i'd like to try on these three shirts
3. where are our two small suitcase?
4. can you name five people the richest in the world
5. first class all sixteen Passengers died in the accident
maaf klo salah
7. rearrange the words into the correct order:is-what-of-"terrible"-meaning-the-?
what is the meaning of terrible
8. arrange the following text into correct order of story the little prince
mana teksnya
kita disuruh mnyusun teks yg benar untuk menjadi cerita the little prince/pangeran kecil.
tapi teksnya gak ada
9. arrange the following words into the correct order to form good sentence. mind the correct orders of the noun phrase
6. My younger brother both live and work in Jakarta.
7. Inflation is one of the serious problems facing the government ways.
8. Ronaldo's goal was one of the few exciting moments in the match.
9. Many people want to live a quite peaceful lives.
10. Very few giant pandas remain in the wild.
10. Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order (1-8).
ini artinya maaf saya nebaknya kurang tepat
A: would you like to come to the cinema?
B: When are you going?
A: At six
B: sorry, but I am working late
A: The film is also on at nine.
B: Ok. I’d love to come at nine.
A: Great. Let’s meet outside the cinema at quarter to nine.
B: Right. See you there. Bye
Berdasarkan arti:
A: apa kamu ingin datang ke bioskop?
B: Kapan kamu pergi?
A: Pukul enam
B: maaf, tapi saya kerja lembur
A: Film ini juga diputar jam sembilan.
B: Oke. Saya ingin datang jam sembilan.
A: Bagus. Mari kita bertemu di luar bioskop jam sembilan kurang seperempat.
B: Benar. Sampai jumpa. Sampai jumpa
11. Make the correct order of the suquence of the activities above based on the seront
urutan yang benar dari kelayakan kegiatan di atas berdasarkan seront
12. What the strengths and the weaknesses of audio lingual method?
all the students are actives in the class
b. The circumstance class are more interesting and life
c. The speaking and listening skill are more drilled, so the pronunciation skill and listening skill are more controlled
For the smart students this method is bored, because the procedure of the ALM method is majority repeat the sentence.
b. Sometimes the students are confused because the teacher explain the material in simple way not in detail way.
c. The grammar skill is not more drilled.
13. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives?.
terjemahan:Kalimat manakah yang menggunakan urutan kata sifat yang benar?.
maaf ini kalimat yang dimaksud soal diatas mana si??
maaf cm bisa bantu trjemah doang
14. which arrangement is the correct order of the day?
aturan yg mana yang merupakan hari yang benar?
15. List the strengths and weaknesses of Britain and France as leaders of the League of Nations.
Britain and france,both prime movers of the league, suffered from serious economic problems ir the 1930s and were reluctant to exert economic pressure Japan ir case it led to war,which they were ill-equipped to win, especially without American help.
16. 1. Contain - C-vitamin- of - orangesThe correct order is
Oranges Contain of C Vitamin
oranges contain of Vitamin C
semoga membantu
17. eggs a basket of the correct order is?...
a basket of eggs.
Sekeranjang telur.
a basket eggs
sekeranjang telur
18. Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order (1-8).
itu urutan percakapannya
19. arrange the following parts of letter into correct order!
B - A - D - C
Part B sebagai pembuka
Part A dan D sebagai isi
Part C sebagai penutup
Semoga membantu~20. which arrangement is the correct order of the day?
The correct order of the day in a week :
Monday (Senin)Tuesday (Selasa)Wednesday (Rabu)Thursday (Kamis)Friday (Jum'at)Saturday (Sabtu)Sunday (Minggu)PembahasanIn a week, there are seven days. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday.
In a month, there are four weeks.
In a year, there are twelve months. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
What day is today ? (hari apa hari ini?)
Today is Saturday (hari ini adalah hari sabtu)
What day is tomorrow ? (hari apa besok?)
Tomorrow is Sunday (besok adalah hari minggu)
If today is Tuesday, tomorrow is Wednesday (jika hari ini selasa, maka besok adalah hari Rabu)
Pelajari lebih lanjutThe days of the week is tomorrow ? day of the week jawabanKelas: 6
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Holiday, Days of the week
Kode: 6.5.2
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