Jake Was Cycling From His To Home To The Museum

Jake Was Cycling From His To Home To The Museum

Tiger likes to ride his....when he was cycling​

Daftar Isi

1. Tiger likes to ride his....when he was cycling​


Tiger likes to ride his Bike when he was cycling​

Karena kata - kata cycling itu dipakai untuk sepeda / bike

2. Which of the following sentences belongs to the correct one?A. I went to the museum last week.B. I gone to the museum last week.C. I was go to the museum last week.D. I was went to the museum last week.​



kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat past tense yg artinya kejadian yg pernah terjadi so, kita menggunakan verb 2.


Jawaban : A. I went to the museum last week.

Past simple tense
Karena menyatakan kalimat yang sudah lampau atau yang sudah terjadi (terdapat pada kata last week)

3. 4. Tania the long "I don't really like cycling ! would rather stay at home than go cycling. What about you, Rita? What on would you like to do weekend?" The underlined expression showed that.... A She both confused whether stay at home or cycling She is planing to go cycling with another friend She prefers go cycling to stay at home D. She likes better stay at home than go cycling E. She likes to much for cycling ​


D. she likes better stay at home than go cycling


because she say "i don't really like cycling ! would rather stay at home than go cycling." jd dia tuuh gasuka yg namanya bersepeda, jadii jawabannya KEMUNGKINAN BESAR ADALAH D

4. 1. Make comparisons based on the situation given!Thomas goes cycling from Pati to Kudus every month. Robert and Halsey go cycling from Pati to Semarang every month. James goes cycling from Pati to Yogyakarta every month. Sowe can say:a.b.C.​


a. Thomas, Robert, Halsey, and James go cycling every month.

b. Thomas, Robert, Halsey, and James go cycling from Pati.

c. Thomas goes cycling to Kudus, Robert and Halsey go cycling to Semarang, and James goes cycling to Yogyakarta.

5. You must turn to the...........right to go to the museum

You must turn to the side of the right to go to the museum

6. susun : the major-his art collection-to-offer-the city museum-for nothing

The major offer his art collection to the city museum for nothing

7. susun kalimatnya1. museum - likes - lampung - Siti - many - in - the 2. to - everyday - goes - almost - week - she - market - in - Your - from - is3. home - Poso - brother - far - his​


1)Siti - likes - many - museum - in - the - lampung

3)Poso - his - brother - far - home

"2" nya ak gk tau

8. Mr. Mansyur and his boy are going to Satria Mandala Museum right now.The negative form of the above sentence is ..Mr. Mansyur and his boy isn't going to Satria Mandala Museum right now.Are Mr. Mansyur and his boy going to Satria Mandala Museum right now?Mr. Mansyur and his boy am not going to Satria Mandala Museum right now.Mr. Mansyur and his boy aren't going to Satria Mandala Museum right now.​


D. Mr. Mansyur and his boy aren't going to Satria Mandala Museum right now.​


maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu:)

9. 1. A postman took 15 min to cycle from the post office to Block A. He cycled 12 km from another 30 min from Block A to Block B. The total distance that a postman cycled was 22.5 km a. Find his cycling speed in km/h from Block A to Block b. What was his average cycling speed for the whole journey 2. Alex jogged round a 400-m track. He took a total of 16min to jog 3 1/2 rounds of the same rock a. Find the total distance that Alex Had jogged b. Find Alex's average speed in m/min



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

10. A new museum was recently opened and visitors flocked to it. The pie chart shows the number of visitors to the museum from Monday to Friday. Tuesday had 19 of the total visitors from Monday to Friday. The fractions of visitors on Monday and Wednesday were the same, which is equal to 14 of the total visitors. How many people visited the museum on Tuesday?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

of the total visitors. how many people visited the museum

11. An officer said the ticket fee was to help preserve the museum. (-) ____________. (+) ____________?

(-) An officer does not said the ticket fee was to help preserve the museum.

(?) Does an officer said the ticket fee was to help preserve the museum?

An officer said the ticket fee was to help preserve the museum.

(-) An officer didn't say the ticket fee was to help preserve the museum.

(? ) did An officer say the ticket fee was to help preserve the museum?

12. Thomas goes cycling from Pati to Kudus every month. Robert and Halsey go cycling from Pati to Semarang every month. James goes cycling from Pati to Yogyakarta every month. So we can say a. b. c.​


a. Thomas, Robert, Halsey, and James go cycling every month.

b. Thomas, Robert, Halsey, and James go cycling from Pati.

c. Thomas goes cycling to Kudus, Robert and Halsey go cycling to Semarang, and James goes cycling to Yogyakarta.

13. Yoga goes to the river. He bring his hook. Hewan ternak to do a. Swimming b. Fishing c. Hiking d. Cycling


b. Fishing


maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu









14. Answer the questions based on the text below.Iwan went to Pontianak two weeks ago. He went to Equator Monument. His father rode him to go to the monument. He met some friends there. He got some information about the uniqueness of the monument from his friends. Then, he looked a bus to go to the museum. He visited the museum with his friends, after that they went to Pontianak waterfront. They enjoyed the view there. Finally, he felt tired but happy.Questions :What is the type of the text?What is the purpose of the text ?When did Iwan go to Pontianak ?How did he go to the monument ?What did he get from his friends about the monument?Did he take a bus to go the museum ?Before visited the museum, where did Iwan go?What sentence is the Re- Orientation of the text?What did Iwan do after visited the museum?What did Iwan feel after his trip?​


1. Past tense

3. Iwan went to Pontianak two weeks ago

15. susun kalimatnya1. museum - likes - lampung - Siti - many - in - the 2. to - everyday - goes - almost - week - she - market - in - Your - from - is3. home - Poso - brother - far - his​


1. Siti likes lampung in the many museum

16. 25. What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?A. The Hungarian library was transformed intothe Hungarian National Museum.B. The museum founder donated his belongingsfor the museum establishment.The museum founder acquired the collectionof historical relics for the museum.D. The museum was built through a chronologyfrom prehistoric times to the present day.​

B maaf jika salah ya maaf maaf ya

17. Firdaus Goes Cycling to his office everyday Negativ :kalimat tanya :​


Negative:Firdaus Not Goes Cycling to his office everyday

Kalimat Tanya: Are Firdaus Goes Cycling To His Office Everyday?


Maaf Kalo Salah Semoga Membantu ;)



Firdaus goesn't cycling to his office everyday

Goes firdaus cycling to his office everyday?

Kalo gasalah :)

18. A postman took 15 min from the post office to Blok A. He cycled 12 km from another 30 min from Blok A to Block B. The total distance that a postman cycled was 22.5 km. (b) What was the average cycling speed for the whole journey?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

bentar itu 22.5 itu udah total kan? dari post office- block B?

kalau iya 22.5Km/45.. 0.5km/menit

19. Can you show me the way to national monument from national museum.



terjemahan::bisakah kamu menunjukkan jalan ke monumen nasional dari museum Nasional?

terjemahan::bisakah kamu menunjukkan jalan ke monumen nasional dari museum Nasional?Jika ini percakapan maka kamu menjawabnya::

terjemahan::bisakah kamu menunjukkan jalan ke monumen nasional dari museum Nasional?Jika ini percakapan maka kamu menjawabnya::"Yes,of course i'll show you the way."


semoga membantu

20. i...cycling to the market​


I am cycling to the market


semoga membantu

semoga dapet nilai bagus ya

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