A Box Contains Four Damaged And Eight Undamaged

A Box Contains Four Damaged And Eight Undamaged

khadijah was born on 28-12-2004a) the twenty eight december two thousand and fourb) the twenty eight december two thousand and fivec)twentieth eight ofdecember two thousand and fourd) the twenty eight ofdecember two thousand and four

Daftar Isi

1. khadijah was born on 28-12-2004a) the twenty eight december two thousand and fourb) the twenty eight december two thousand and fivec)twentieth eight ofdecember two thousand and fourd) the twenty eight ofdecember two thousand and four

jawabannya (d) yang benar

2. A large box contains 18 small boxes and each small box contains 25 chocolate bars. How many chocolate bars are in the large box?

18 x 25 = 450
there are 450 chocolate bars in the large box

3. • The ………………… of three, four, and eight is five.

jawaban: two

maaf kalau salah ; - (




4. four mangos eight thousand​

4 mangos, Rp. 8000



artinya : untuk mangga delapan ribu

5. Four thousand eight hundred and second. The right number bellow is ...​


Four thousand eight hundred and second = 4.800 detik


6. 8. ... divided by eight is eight. 8 a. sixty four b. twenty four C. sixty four d. fifty six​


sixty four divided by eight is eight.



64/8 = 8

7. the numerl for two million, for hundred and twenty_ four thousand, eight hundred and twelve is...



8. four three eight nine one four three seven five two eight seven five Coba terjemahkan Ke Bahasa Indonesia

Empat tiga delapan sembilan satu empat tiga tujuh lima dua delapan tujuh limaEmpat tiga delapan sembilan satu empat tiga tujuh lima dua delapan tujuh lima

Tolong Minta Saya Jawaban Terbaik

9. The box contains artinya

the box contains: kotak mengandung (berisi)THE BOX CONTAINS: KOTAK BERISI

10. 4.nineteen seventy-ninetwo thousand and threenineteen saventy-sixnineteen ninety-eightnineteen eight -ninetwo thousand and fournineteen eight - fournineteen ninety -twonineteen eight -onetheo thousand and twelvetolong terjemahin pakai angka ka terimakasih​













sesuai urutan soalnya ya kak


nineteen seventy-nine 1979

two thousand and three 2003

nineteen seventy-six 1979

nineteen ninety-eight 1998

nineteen eight -nine 1989

two thousand and four 2004

nineteen eight - four 1984

nineteen ninety -two 1992

nineteen eight -one 1981

theo thousand and twelve 2012

11. eight to four artinya​


dalam bahasa Inggris yg artinya delapan sampai empat


delapan sampai empat kak..

12. Quiz (+50): 170845 = (a.) Seventeen thousand eight hundred and forty five. (b.) Seventy hundred thousand eighty four five. (c.) One hundred thousand seven hundred and eighty four five. (d.) One hundred and seventy thousand eight hundred and forty five. (e.) One hundred and seventeen thousand eight hundred and forty five.


(d.) One hundred and seventy thousand eight hundred and forty five.


Jawaban dicetak tebal pilihan D. dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Cardinal Number (bilangan pokok) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

170845 = One hundred and seventy thousand eight hundred and forty five. (Seratus tujuh puluh ribu delapan ratus empat puluh lima)

Cardinal number dalam mapel matematika, bilangan kardinal / bilangan pokok, adalah generalisasi dari bilangan asli yang digunakan untuk mengukur bilangan asli / bilangan pokok dalam himpunan.

Semoga membantu ya.


170.845 = ?

100.000 = One hundred thousand

70.000 = Seventy thousand

800 = eight hundred

40 = fourty

5 = five

Penggunaan “and” bisa berlaku jika kita ingin menyebutkan jumlah uang, debit, angka, dll. Contoh :

23 = Twenty and three666 = six hundred and sixty sixDan lain lain

= 170.845

= 100.000 + 70.800 + 45

One hundred thousand and seventy thousand eight hundred and fourty five.

Demikian, jawabannya adalah D

13. eight plus four equals isilah

Eight plus four equals Twelve.
Arti : Delapan ditambah empat samadengan dua belas.
8 + 4 = 12.

Jawabannya = Twelve.

14. TERJEMAHKAN KE BAHASA INDONESIA 1).seven million four hundred forty four thousand a hundred and twenty nine? 2).Thirty eight million three hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred and fifty three ? 3). Ninety second ? 4). Thirty third ? 5). Four hundred ninetieth? 6).Two thousand and four hundred first? 7). One hundred fourth? 8).Nine hundred forty eight ? 9). A thousand and one hundred twenty seven ? 10) Two hundred seven thousand three hundred and eight six ?


1). Tujuh juta empat ratus empat puluh empat ribu seratus dua puluh sembilan?

2). Tiga puluh delapan juta tiga ratus sembilan puluh sembilan ribu tujuh ratus lima puluh tiga?

3). Sembilan puluh detik?

4). Tiga puluh tiga?

5). Empat ratus sembilan puluh?

6) .Dua ribu empat ratus pertama?

7). Seratus empat?

8). Sembilan ratus empat puluh delapan?

9). Seribu seratus dua puluh tujuh?

10) Dua ratus tujuh ribu tiga ratus delapan enam?

15. Angelique buys a box of 50 oranges. 3 of the oranges are damaged. 10 How many oranges are damaged?

47 orange was damaged.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a box of orange with 50. 3 was damage

50-3 = 47 orange was damaged

16. pertanyaannya you can find the notice "fragile"in the box.the underlined word means.... a.the box contains flammable stuff. b. the box contains valuable stuff. c. the box contains breakable stuff. d. the box contains expensive stuff.jawabannya a,b,c atau d

jawabannya C. the box contains breakable stuff. 
karena fragile itu sesuatu yang cepat rapuh atau pecah. so, the answer is C artinya kotak berisi barang-barang pecah.Jawabannya C karena "Fregile" adalah rapuh atau barang yang mudah rusak jadii dalam jawaban C disebutkan "Breakable Stuff" yang berarti barang mudah rusak.

Jadi terdapat kesamaan atau sinonim antara Fregile dan breakable Stuff

Kalo A itu artinya mudah terbakar, B artinya barang bernilai dan D adalah barang mahal.

17. twenty eight multiplied by six equal to a. one hundread sixty two b. one hundread and four c. one hundread and sixty eight d. one hundread and sixty seven

c. one hundread and sixty eightC.One hundred and sixty eight

18. To whom the phone calling four monitors damaged​


to repairmen who can repair damaged monitors

19. A : what's time is it ?? 08.52 B : ....a. at eight to six b. at eight to eight c. at eight to nine d. at eight pas fifty four ​


d. at eight pas fifty four

maaf kalau salah

D. At Eight Past Fifty Four

20. Example: Two - four - six -.... Two - four - eight .... 1. Four, eight,.... 2. one, three .... 3. five, ten.... 4. Ten, fifteen.... 5. Ten, twenty....


1.)4 - 8 - 12 - 16 - 20 - 24 - 28 - 32 dst

2.) 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 11 dst

3.) 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 dst

4.)10 - 15 - 20 - 30 dst

5.) 10- 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 dst


semoga membantu

maaf kalau salah

jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa


jawab : 4 8 12 16

1 3 7 9 11 13

5 10 15 20 25

10 15 20 25 30

10 20 30 40 50 60


Ini dia jawaban ku maaf kolo salah ya dan aku juga pake angka oh ya yang berbaik hati tolong di lope ya hehhe

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