In This Lesson The Author Describes About His

In This Lesson The Author Describes About His

In this lesson, students study about the world we live in, it's environment, natural disaster

Daftar Isi

1. In this lesson, students study about the world we live in, it's environment, natural disaster


pada pelajaran ini, murid - murid belajar tentang dunia dimana kita hidup, lingkungannya, bencana alam.

di pelajaran ini, murid murid belajar tentang dimana kita hidup, lingkunganya, bencana alam

2. 33. Describes about this Animal in Three sentences!plis bantu​


1). it is a rabbit (itu adalah seekor kelinci)

2). rabbits love to eat carrots and other vegetables ( kelinci suka makan wortel dan sayuran lainnya)

3). rabbit have two long ears ( kelinci mempunyai dua telinga panjang)





3. Salma     : The author of this book had died before his book..........​


Penulis buku ini telah meninggal sebelum bukunya....

released = dirilis


semoga membantu :)

have a nice day

4. in this discussion, they were talking about 1.The national Exam lesson 2.Preparation course 3.The national Exam preparation lesson at school 4.The need of national exam


dalam diskusi ini, mereka berbicara tentang

1.Pelajaran Ujian Nasional

2. Kursus persiapan

3. Pelajaran persiapan Ujian Nasional di sekolah

4. Perlunya ujian nasional


maaf kalau salah

semoga bermanfaat

semangat belajar ya

jadikan jawaban terbaik:)

5. combine each pair of sentences using who/whom/whichThis is the lesson.The lesson talks about relative clauses

This is the lesson which talks about relative clauses.

6. why don't.... teacher about this lesson​


there is

maaf kalo salah hhe

7. My about this lesson yesterday.

My teacher TAUGHT me about this lesson yesterday.

Penjelasan: The sentences can be rewritten as "The teacher taught the lesson yesterday."

Karena kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh guru masa lalu 'sejak kemarin' telah disebutkan, maka tense "teaching" harus digunakan.

"The past tense" adalah fungsi tata bahasa yang menggambarkan beberapa tindakan yang telah selesai.



My teacher taught me about this lesson yesterday.

= Guru saya mengajari saya tentang pelajaran ini kemarin.


"yesterday" menunjukkan bahwa kalimat tersebut merupakan jenis simple past tense, sehingga pada kata kerjanya harus menggunakan verb 2.

Verb 1 - Verb 2 - Verb 3

Teach - Taught - Taught

8. what do you think about this lesson?​


this lesson is so fun and make me more confidence .


ssmoga membantu


I think this lesson good for child


Semoga membantu

9. The way in which an author tells his/her story is called




Im sorry if the answer is wrong

10. Change into Introgative. Mrs Thina taught me about this lesson yesterday. * Mrs Thina did not taught me about this lesson yesterday Mrs thina did not teach me about this lesson yesterday Did Mrs Thina teach me about this lesson yesterday ? Does Mrs Thina teach me about this lesson yesterday ?


Did Mrs.Thina taught me about this lesson yesterday?


Hope it's right :D

11. what does the teacher say to his her students to ask their understanding about the lesson​


what does the teacher say to his/her students to ask their understanding about the lesson?

the teacher can says:

do you understand?any question?is there anything hard?something still not understood?

12. the student didnt have...difficulties in this lesson

maaf kalau salah....

13. In the second paragraph, the writer describes


Di paragraf kedua, penulis menceritakan tentang?

Mana Text nya?!

14. What is the author s purpose in wraiting this text

Kelas : X
Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Report text
Kata kunci : purpose, teks "Tanjung Puting National Park"

Teks "Tanjung Puting National Park" termasuk dalam jenis REPORT TEXT yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara umum (to describe something generally).

What is the author's purpose in writing this text ?
(apakah tujuan penulis dalam menulis teks ini?)
The author's purpose is to describe about Tanjung Puting National Park generally.

Tolong jadikan saya jawaban terbaik/tercerdas ya :)

15. My teacher…me about this lesson yesterday. *​

Tanpa konteks, maka jawaban yang benar adalah taught.

Jawabannya adalah ...,

My teacher taught me about this lesson yesterday.

Kalimat di atas memiliki arti,

Guruku mengajarkanku tentang pelajaran ini kemarin.

16. Change these adjectives into Superlative Degree!1. Peter is the _________ student in this class. (smart)2. This lesson is the _________ lesson. (difficult)3. Summer is the _________ season of the year. (hot)4. Snail is the _________ animal. (slow)5. he is the _________ in his family. (tall)6. This information about the virus the _________ news. (interesting)7. Samantha is the _________ girl. (pretty)8. A lion is the _________ animal in the forest. (dangerous)​


1.Peter is the smart student in this class

2.This lesson is the difficult lesson

3.Summer is the hot season of the year

4.Snail is the slow animal

5.He is the tall in his family

6.This information about the virus the interesting news

7.Samantha is the pretty girl

8.A lion isthe dangerous animal in the forest


give me 5 STAR

sorry if wrong :D


superlative menyatakan "paling" biasanya diakhiri dengan "est" atau menggunakan most


1.Peter is the smartest student in this class

2.This lesson is the most difficult lesson

3.Summer is the hottest season of the year

4.Snail is the slowest animal

5.He is the tallest in his family

6.This information about the virus the most interesting news

7.Samantha is the most pretty girl  

8.A lion is the most dangerous animal in the forest

17. what's your opinion about leaving the lesson in your class

i think that is not good idea and it's bad thing to do, we will miss our chance to learn something new by leaving the classI believe that if we leave the lesson in our class, we would lose the knowledge that we have to obtain to pass thw grade, because if we fail one grade, then there is lower chance that we would be able to go to a good university. All depends now, and we have to pass our grades for our future.

18. the text describes about ?

text ini mendiskripsi apa?sebuah karangan yang gagasan utamanya menjelaskan secara jelas tentang suatu objek

19. the teacher....good morning to his studets befor the lesson in the class​




semoga membantu...

the teacher....good morning to his studets befor the lesson in the cclass


guru.... selamat pagi kepada siswanya sebelum pelajaran di kelas.


the teachersays good morning to his studets befor the lesson in the cclass.


guru mengucapkan selamat pagi kepada siswanya sebelum pelajaran di kelas.

#moga bantu

20. 2. Make a list of the words in italics in chapter 6. Why do you think the author does this?


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