Look At The Pictures Given Below And Narrate The Story

Look At The Pictures Given Below And Narrate The Story

look at the pictures below and write the sentences

Daftar Isi

1. look at the pictures below and write the sentences

1. adi is brushing his teeth
2.jaki is sitting on a bench
3.farih is getting clothed
4.ricard is wearing a backpack and going to school
5.zani is sleeping
6.mike and aria are cooking together
7. aman,jason and rodrick are figthing
8.sivan and ivan are playing football
9.sasa is singing
10.mikael is running
11.very is bored in class
12.theo is bathing in the bathub
13.vonse is showering with his clothes
14.jovan is taking out the trash
15.joe is calling his friend
16yoga is walking with his dog
17.angel is washing her hair
18.nico is washing his hand

2. look at some pictures below. Can you guess the title of the story​


Werewolf And Hedgehog


The wolf and the porcupine

3. Look at some pictures below. Can you guess the title of the story? ​


The title of the story is Friendly hedgehog

4. look at the pictures below, write expressions according to the pictures​


the expression express something happy because they won something


maaf kalau salah

5. look at the pictures below! make positive,comparative,and superlative sentences based on the pictu​


Degrees Of Comparison :

Positive :price of apple is as same as price of orange.

2. Comparative :

price of pineapple is more expensive than price of apple and orange.

3. Superlative :

price of durian is themost expensive.


1. Positive degree digunakan untuk membandingkan kata sifat antara 2 benda yang berada pada level yang sama. sehingga kata yang digunakan adalah 'as'.

contoh :

my car is as fast as yours.my brother is as clever as me.

2. Comparative degree digunakan untuk membandingkan 2 benda yang memiliki perbedaan level. yang satu lebih daripada yang lain. kata yang biasa digunakan yaitu 'than'.

contoh :

the train is faster than a car.my brother is cleverer than his friend.

3. Superlative degree digunakan untuk sesuatu yang tidak ada pembandingnya atau paling diantara semuanya.

contoh :



Detail Jawaban :

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 8

Materi : Degrees of Comparison

Kode Mapel : 5

Kode Kategorisasi : 8.5

Kata Kunci : positive degree, comparative degree, superlative degree.

6. look at the pictures and the words below. write sentences about the people’s routines


then where is the person?


lalu dimana kah orangnya?

7. Exercise 2Look at the pictures and phrases. Write (+), (-) and (?) based on the picture below​.pliss butuh sekarang juga​

1. (Gambarnya tidak ada, jadi saya tidak tahu apakah subjeknya he/she/they, jadi saya asumsikan he saja, tapi kalau he/they tinggal diganti aja he nya, okay?)
(+) He threw the garbage two days ago.
(-) He didn't throw the garbage two days ago.
(?) Did he throw the garbage two days ago?

(+) They cleaned last week.
(-) They didn't clean last week.
(?) Did they clean last week?

(+) He mopped last Friday.
(-) She didn't mop last Friday.
(?) Did she mop last Friday?

(+) She washed the dishes yesterday morning.
(-) She didn't wash the dishes yesterday morning.
(?) Did she wash the dishes yesterday morning?

Demikian jawaban saya, semoga bisa dimengerti. Mohon maaf apabila ada salah kata. Jika anda puas dengan jawaban saya, bisa dijadikan jawaban tercerdas. Terimakasih :)

8. look at the pictures below! then identify the problems and give suggestions to the problems orally!​



solusi untuk mengatasinyasi anak diperkuat imannya


solusinya pendidikan di indonesia harus dirubah.para murid tidak dipatokkan nilainya


harus ada interaksi yang baik bagi kedua belah pihak

9. look at the pictures and complete the dialogues ​

he is putting books on the bookshelf


he is putting books on the book shelf

smeoga bermanfaat

jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik+follow



10. Bahasa indonesianya: Look at the pictures below,and then create sentences like the example



Perhatikan gambar di bawah, lalu buat kalimat seperti contoh.


lihat gambar dibawah,dan lalu buat kalimat seperti contoh


itulah bahasa indonesianya menurut saya semoga membantu

11. look at the pictures below and write the ringht words.you will them in the recording.please jawab.butuh bngt

look at picture below and write the right the right you will them in the record

artinya:lihat gambar di bawah dan tulis kanan di sebelah kanan Anda di dalam rekaman

12. look at the pictures and write the sentences.​


kalimatjikadijadikansatumenjadisatu paragraf:

➡️i wake up in the morning and immediately tidy up my bed ,then i rushed to take a shower. continue to breakfast,and cleaning my house, watching a movie to refreshing, dancing, playing guitar, and last do my homework at night.


➡️ aku bangun di pagi hari dan langsung membereskan tempat tidurku, lalu aku bergegas mandi. segera sarapan. dan membersihkan rumah ku, menonton film untuk hiburan, menari, bermain gitar, dan mengerjakan PR di malam hari.


1. i wake up in the morning➡️aku bangun di pagi hari.

2. i immediately tidy up my bed➡️aku langsung membereskan kasurku

3. i take a shower➡️aku mandi

4. i have breakfast➡️aku sarapan

5. cleaning my house➡️ membersihkan rumah ku

6. watching a movie to refreshing➡️ menonton film untuk hiburan

7. i am dancing➡️aku menari

8. i am playing a guitar➡️aku bermain gitar

9. do my homework at night.➡️ mengerjakan PR di malam hari.

[tex]maaf \: kl \: salah[/tex]

13. Exercise 2Look at the pictures and phrases. Write (+), (-) and (?) based on the picture below​.pliss butuh sekarang juga​


positive effect= brings up with an exciting, proud or happy effect.

negative effect= brings up with a sadness, disgust or lethargy effect.

question effect= brings up with a curious, questioning or wondering effect.


1. (+) i just finished cleaning up the village last week.

(-) i wasn't finished cleaning up the village last week.

(?) did i cleaned up the village last week?

2. (+) i was mopping the floor last Friday.

(-) i wasn't mopping the floor last Friday.

(?) Was i mopped the floor last Friday?

3. (+) i did the dishes yesterday at the morning.

(-) i didn't do the dishes yesterday at the morning.

(?) didn't i do the dishes yesterday at the morning?

My apologies if I'm wrong and good luck! :D

14. Look At the pictures and qoestion

1. Should we cut your hair of shave first?
2. Do you support me in the election?
3. Do you enjoy the movie?
4. Are you play for my team?
5. Are you write an email?

15. 3.look at the pictures and write sentences. use the prompts given. bantuin plisss


2. She wants to eat sandwich

3. They would be become volunteers on animal shelter

3. He promised her to be  a better student

4. She remember to buy some milk


semoga membantu


2. she wants to eat sandwich

3. they would like to become volunteers at animal shelter

4. he promised to be a better student

5. she remebered to buy the milk

16. mohon bantuannya Look at the pictures below and answer the questions that follow.


semekdown saja belum bisa apa lagi baku pukul

17. look at the pictures below dalam bahasa indonesia​


Lihatlah gambar di bawah ini


Lihatlah Gambar Di Bawah Ini

18. Observing Look at the pictures below. Observe the use of comparison degree and translate the words. ​


Happy-Happier-The happyest

Good-Better-The best

Useful-More Useful-The most Useful

Young-Younger-The Younger

Sweet-Sweeter-The Sweetest


the meaning is;

Bahagia-Lebih Bahagia-Yang paling bahagia

Baik-Lebih Baik-Yang terbaik

Berguna-Lebih Berguna-Yang Paling Berguna

Muda-Lebih Muda-Yang Lebih Muda

Manis-Manis-Yang Paling Manis

Panas-Lebih Panas-Daripada Lebih Panas

19. Exercise 2Look at the pictures and phrases. Write (+), (-) and (?) based on the picture below​.


(+) She watered orchids yesterday.
(-) She didn't water orchids yesterday.

(?) Did she water orchids yesterday?


(+) She threw garbage to the rubbish bin two days ago.

(-) She didn't throw garbage to the rubbish bin two days ago.

(?) Did she throw garbage to the rubbish bin two days ago?

Rumus Past TenseS + V2 + OS + Did + not + V1 + ODid + S + V1 + O


- Pada negatif dan interogatif tidak usah menggunakan V2 karena sudah ada kata "did"

20. look at the pictures and write

Preposition of Placement

Yang dimaksud dengan preposition adalah kata-kata seperti in, on, at, into, onto, off, from dan banyak lainnya. Beberapa dari kata-kata ini bisa digunakan untuk menunjukkan letak benda.


Berikut kalimat-kalimat yang bisa digunakan beserta artinya (gambar kurang jelas, mohon maklum jika nama barang tidak sesuai):

You can put the banana on the plate. (... di atas)You can put the tomatoes in the bowl. (... di dalam mangkuk)You can put the candy in the box. (... di dalam kotak)You can put the noodles in the bowl.You can put the water/milk in a cup. (... di dalam cangkir)You can put the noodles on a plate.You can put the fruit in the basket. (... di dalam keranjang)You can put the bread in the basket.-------------------------------------------------------------- Detil Tambahan Kelas: SD Mapel: Bahasa Inggris Materi: Preposition of Placement (Position) Kata Kunci: Preposition, Placement, Position

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