Describe this picture with minimum 3 sentences 10 points 5. Describe this picture with minimum 3 sentences 10 points
1. Describe this picture with minimum 3 sentences 10 points 5. Describe this picture with minimum 3 sentences 10 points
mana gambarnya kak....?
2. activity 5 look at the picture and read the sentences match the picture with the sentences.Bantu kak
1. The Marshall family members are doing separate activities.
Gambar tengah
2. Mr and Mrs Marshall are on their bicycles.
Gambar atas kiri
3. Michael, the oldest son, is playing guitar in the back yard.
Gambar atas kanan
4. The older daughters, Elsie and Cassie, are reading a book together in the back yard.
Gambar bawah kanan
5. In the same place, the youngest daughter, Moira, is eating waffles and drinking cappuccino.
Gambar bawah kiri
1. Anggota keluarga Marshall melakukan kegiatan terpisah.
2. Tuan dan Nyonya Marshall sedang bersepeda.
3. Michael, putra tertua, sedang bermain gitar di halaman belakang.
4. Anak perempuan yang lebih tua, Elsie dan Cassie, sedang membaca buku bersama di halaman belakang.
5. Di tempat yang sama, putri bungsu, Moira, sedang makan wafel dan minum cappuccino.
3. 5. Describe the picture in 3 sentences!BA
4. Write at least 5 sentences about eachYour can use adjectives to describethe things shown in the pictures.picturePicture 1:Picture 2Picture 3
Maaf, gambarnya mana?
5. Activity 1Look at the picture carefully.Write ten names of the objects you see in the picture.Activity 2Make ten sentences using the words you have written in Activity 1.Share your sentences with the class.
Box of tissue
Two boxes milk
Water heaters
Semoga membantu
6. Have a look at the picture carefully! Write minimally in five (5) possible sentences thatdescribe the comparison among the people in the picture! Present your sentences to the class!
semoga membantu
maaf kalau salah
soal diatas meminta kita untuk membuat sebuah teks prosedur pembuatan simpul delapan sesuai dengan ilustrasi gambar. dalam membuat sebuah teks produser kita harus memperhatikan fungsisosial/tujuan,strukturteksataugenericstructure,unsurkebahasaanataulanguagefeatures.
procedure text pada umumnya memiliki strukture teks sebagai berikut :
• goals/ aim: berisi tujuan kegiatan atau hal yang akan dilakukan atau di buat nantinya.
• materials/ tools: berisi bahan bahan dan terkadang alat alat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat suatu barang/ melakukan suatu hal. dalam procedure text, materials bersifat opsional atau tidak selalu ada.
• steps: serangkalan langkah langkah atau tips yang harus dilakukan.
• conclusion/ result: berisi hasil akhir dari apa yang telah dikerjakan sesuai dengan langkah langkah yang di lakukan.
procedure text biasanya memiliki unsur kebahasaan sebagai berikut :
• imperative: kalimat kalimat perintah seperti cut the vegetables, pour the water, dan lain lain.
• simple present tense: menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama (present), seperti serve, pour, place, Dan lainnya.
• action verbs: kata kerja yang menunjukkan kegiatan fisik, misalnya mix, put, turn, Dan lain sebagainya.
• connective of sequence: kata penghubung yang menghubungkan langkah yang satu dengan yang lainnya, seperti then, while, next, after that, dan lain sebagainya.
sorry kalo salah,hargai jawaban orang, and semangat belajar!
7. Write 5 sentences that describe the person in the picture below
in the picture below artinya gambar di bawah
Mana gambarnya?
8. 2. Look at the picture and write 5 sentences in present continous tenseDescribe the picture
1. He is playing football
2. They are laying under the tree
3. He is falling down from his bicycle
4. They are fighting
5. He is jogging
9. 50. Describe this picture in five sentences!
Deskripsikan foto ini dalam 5 kata - kata!
A very cool classy man.
1 2 3 4 5
Seorang pria berkelas yang sangat keren.
He is handsome. His hair is probably black. He wears glasses. He wears a shirt. He also wears a suit.
hope these help u. good luck :)
10. Write in six sentences based on the picture!
1. He is washing a motorcycle.
2. He wash the motorcycle with water.
3. He cleaned the motorbike thoroughly.
4. He cleaned the motor part slowly.
5. He cleaned the motorcycle while squatting.
6. He was cleaning the middle of the motorcycle.
maaf kalau ada kesalahan, smoga membantu! :)
- The motorcycle was cleaned by the boy
- The motorcycle is cleaned with soap that is absorbed by the sponge
- The motorcycle is undergoing a cleaning process
- The motorcycle was cleaned so it could be used
- The motorcycle is cleaned at this time
- next to the motorcycle we can see there is a bucket of water
semoga membantu:)
11. Write sentences in the passive sentences for each picture
2.The borobudur was made by gunadharma
3.the ship was sinked by them
4.the car was robbed by thieves
5.The building was destroyed by fire
6.The book was written by william shakespeare
7.The radium was discovered by marie and pierre currie
8.The picture was painted by monalisa
9.the petition light bulb was invented by edison
12. Work in a group of four. look at the picture. then, list nine simple sentences (using present continuous tense) that are suitable with the picture. 2.
Bekerja dalam kelompok yang terdiri dari empat orang. lihat gambarnya. kemudian, buatlah sembilan kalimat sederhana (menggunakan present continuous tense) yang sesuai dengan gambar tersebut.
13. Write down sentences about the people in the picture
1.she is standing
2.he is sitting in the rock
3. they are drinking
4.she is laughing
5. they are sleeping
14. Write about the picture in three sentences!
ʜᴀᴠᴇᴀɴɪᴄᴇᴅᴀʏ!!ʙʀᴀɪɴʟɪᴇsᴛᴍᴇ^^15. 5. Describe the picture with your own word (min 5 sentences)
the picture above is a cat animal he is cute and adorable he can be obedient and tame he is easily spoiled and also sometimes fierce if he is more than 4 years old it won't be funny anymore because he has experienced very visible physical changes
semoga membantu Yo
merasa salah Monggo report asal ada bukti yo;)
16. write three sentences about each person in the picture
1. The boy is tall. He has a curly hair. He brings some books.
2. This boy wears a jacket. He has a straight hair. He has a globe in his hand.
3. This student wears a hat. His skin is fairly dark. He got books in his right hand.
4. She is a beautiful girl with a long straight hair. She wears a long sleeve stripe sweater. She holds her bag in her right hand.
5. The girl has a curly hair with a bandana on it. She wears a knee-length dress. She has a fair dark skin.
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Materi: Describing People
17. Look at the picture and match the sentences in the box with the correat pictures. Then addles artinya
lihatlah gambar dan cocokkan kalimat dalam kotak dengan gambar korektif.lalu tambahkan
maaf ya ka klo salah
18. Write sentences with in the positive form based on the picture.Maya and Kania will...
maya and kania will both go back to their own home after they both go to school
19. Describe the picture in 3 sentences
mana gambarnya
Mana gambarnya?? xD
20. make a sentences with the picture below (buatlah kalimat dengan gambar di bawah ini)
Contoh kalimat berdasarkan gambar tersebut =
("Kita sebaiknya mambuat api unggun, karena saya merasa sangat dingin")
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