Look At The Picture And Circle The Correct Letter

Look At The Picture And Circle The Correct Letter

Look at the picture and circle the correct preposition​

1. Look at the picture and circle the correct preposition​


mana fotonya


kok gk muncul

2. look at the picture and Choose the correct answer​


D. There are three books on the table.


Are merupakan bentuk plural (jamak) dari is dan books merupakan bentuk plural (jamak) dari book

D. There are three books on the table


Perbedaan There is dan There are: There is digunakan untuk benda tunggal, sedangkan There are digunakan untuk benda jamak (lebih dari satu)

Perbedaan Book dan Books: Book dengan tambahan akhiran S (Books) untuk benda berakhiran jamak (lebih dari satu)

Semoga membantu. Jadikan sebagai jawaban tercerdas ya!

3. Look at the picture!The square is..... the circle​




nambahin biar 20 huruf

4. Look at the picture and answer the question!!

The poster is about the campaign on how to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. (Poster tersebut adalah tentang kampanye bagaimana cara membantu mencegah penyebaran koronavirus.)To stop the spread, we must wash our hands frequently with soap, avoid touching the face (especially the eyes, mouth and nose), cover our cough/sneeze with a tissue, disinfect touched surfaces/objects frequently, avoid close contact with sick people and stay home when we're sick. (Untuk menghentikan penyebaran, kita harus mencuci tangan kita sering-sering dengan sabun, mencegah menyentuh wajah (terutama mata, mulut dan hidung), menutup batuk/bersin kita dengan selembar tisu, sterilkan objek/permukaan tersentuh sering-sering, menghindari kontak dekat dengan orang sakit dan tetap di rumah saat kita sakit.)We must not touch the face and be in close contact with sick people. (Kita tidak boleh menyentuh wajah dan berada dekat dengan orang sakit.)We should just stay at home. (Kita hanya perlu tinggal di rumah.)No, we can't. It's not recommended. (Tidak, tidak bisa. Itu tidak disarankan.)


Poster adalah semacam iklan yang memberitahukan kepada kita tentang sesuatu. Poster dapat bersifat niaga dan bersifat kemasyarakatan. Poster kemasyarakatan berisi ajakan untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan suatu hal. Poster yang diberikan ke kita adalah contoh poster kemasyarakatan (layanan masyarakat).

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Apa iklan itu dalam bahasa Inggris: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12716237

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

5. 7. Look at the Picture!OThe square isthe circle​


iya memang lingkaran kan udh di jawab


Lihatlah Gambar!


Alun-alun adalah


6. look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the correct words​


1) uniform



red tie




2) are


a brown cap

and a red and white scout tie


1. is, skirt, shirt , cap , shocks, shoes

2. are, brown pants, white and red scout ties and black shoes

maaf kalu salah. semoga membantu

7. Look at the phrases in the box and the picture bilow. Match the picture to the correct phrases​



2. take a shower

3. sleep

4. gambar nya kurg jelas sih, jd antara have breakfast or have lunch

5. i cant see it well


7. brush (my) teeth

8. comb my hair




12. wake up

13. pray

14. watch tv



17. play with my friends



gambarnya kurang jelas. ak kasih penjelasan aja disini ya, nnti kamu yg menyesuaikan kalimat nya sama gambarnya.

Have lunch = makan siang

Have breakfast = sarapan

Do exercise = mengerjakan latihan (tugas)

Do (my) homework = mengerjakan pr (tugas rumah)

Make the bed: kayak ngerapihin kasur gitu

Get up: ini maksudnya kayak bangun/berdiri gitu, tp tujuan nya untuk melakukan aktivitas kayak nyapu dll

wake up: bangun tidur

go to bed: pergi ke kasur/pergi tidur

go to school: pergi ke sekolah

take a classes: mengambil kelas-kelas ini misalnya kayak kamu lagi ada kelas atau lagi belajar pelajaran di sekolah


1. go home

2. take a shower

3. sleep

4. have breakfast

5. have lunch

6. go to bed

7. brush my teeth

8. comb my hair

9. make a bed

10. take class

11. wake up

12. get up

13. pray

14. watch tv

15. have dinner

16. do my homework

17. play with my friend

18. get dressed

19. go to school

20. do exercise


semoga membantu^-^

gurunya pak sayuti yaa?

8. look at the picture and answer the question​

1.) A : What have they got?

Answer : They have toothache.

2.) A : What has she got?

Answer : She has sore eye.

3.) A : What have Budi and Anto got?

Answer : They have stomachache.

4.) A : What has Andi got?

Answer : He has headache.

5.) A : What has Santi got?

Answer : She has cough.

9. Look at the picture and choose the best


Lihat Gambar dan pilih yang terbaik

Maaf Kalo Slh

10. look at the picture and complete the sentences!​


1. is

2. she

3. beautiful

4. is

5. pointed

6. long

7. face

8. beautiful


sorry if i'm wrong, i've done my best..

11. Look At The Picture !The Square Is .......... The Circleplease Answer My Question ​




The square is under the circle

12. look at the picture and practise the dialogues.​

Making Dialog Based on Given SituationPembahasan

2. Situation: Boy and girl wearing Korean traditional clothes

Alan: Bella, do you have any idea what we should wear in the festival next week?

Bella: What do you think about Korean traditional clothing? Since our father is a Korean, so let’s promote the culture as well!

Alan: Sounds like a good idea! I think we have some pairs in the wardrobe.

Bella: Yeah, let’s try them on!

3. Situation: Boy and girl waiting to go to birthday party

Budi: I’m so bored waiting here.

Alisa: Just be patient, soon our driver will come and pick us up.

Budi: I just want to be at the party as soon as possible. I want to meet my friends.

Alisa: Me too.

4. Situation: Boy and girl holding books

Boy: The books are so heavy.

Girl: Here, give me half of them. Let’s carry together.

Boy: Thanks a lot. Now it feels better.

Girl: No worries.

Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan tentang making dialog:



___________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMA kelas X

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Making dialog

Kata kunci : Given situation, Boy and girl,

Kode: 10.5.2

13. Look at the picture and answer the question!​


1.the poster is about corona virus

2.wash your hands often with soap and water, avoid touching your eyes noes and mouth, cover your cough or sneeze with tissue, disinfect frequently touched objecte and surfaces, avoid close contact with people who are sick, stay home if you are sick except to get medical care

3.not washing our hand with water and soap and face to face with people that is sick, doesn't stay at home when feeling sick

4.stay at home except to get medical care

5.no we can not / no we can't (boleh pilih bener semua itu)


maaf kalo salah

14. look at the picture and answer the question​


The poster encourage the reader to be healthierThis poster is usually posted in school, hospital, and many other placesThe problem that is raised by the poster are about obesityBecause environment is what keeping us aliveWe should stop using energy that harm our planet and using renewable energy

15. look at the picture and complete the sentence ​


2. behind

3. in front of

4. in between

5. behind

6. next to

7. in between

8. behind


maap kalo ada yang salah.

16. look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the correct words​


3. This is Juki. He wears a red t-shirt clothes and black jacket. He also wears blue pants

4. This is Mumun and Zaenab

They are wear pink and purple clothes

They are also wear scarf

5. This is Juki. He. wears a blue t-shirtand a red hat


Semoga membantu:)




maaf kalo salah,semoga membantu

17. Look at the picture below and write the correct answer.tolong bantu and dilarang ngasal ​


disperses the seeds


mohon maaf jikajawabnyasalah ya

18. Look at the picture and answer the question!​


1.corona virus:covid-19

2.A.avoid close contact with people who are sick

B. wash your hands often with soap and water

C. avoid touching your ayes, nose, and mouth

D. stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care.

E. cover your cough or sneez with a tissue

F. desinfect frequently touching objects and surfaces

3.avoid close contact with people who are sick

4.stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care.



semoga membantu. jangan lupa lovenya

19. Look at The picture and ansher The qu!


2.in the beach

3.yes,its can't

4.these incluid providing you with disease fighting antioxidants,promotiong blood sugar regulation,and reducing certain risk factor for heart disease

5.used as Timber to make houses and boats,in bridge building,furnitures,drums,and canoes

#wrong?i'm very sory:)

20. Look at the picture and the description re write the description to make it correct


where is the picture?


dont delete my answer

Video Update

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