The Question Consists Of A Problem

The Question Consists Of A Problem

Analyse the generic structure of the procedural text below! 1. The goal of the rcipe is untuk mengelas .. 2. The ingredients consists of...... 4. The structure of an ingredient consists of 5. The structure of a step consists of The method consists of.. Cara MCM lou

Daftar Isi

1. Analyse the generic structure of the procedural text below! 1. The goal of the rcipe is untuk mengelas .. 2. The ingredients consists of...... 4. The structure of an ingredient consists of 5. The structure of a step consists of The method consists of.. Cara MCM lou

Maaf cuma bisa artiin aja...

Analisis struktur umum teks prosedural di bawah ini! 1. Tujuan dari rcipe adalah untuk mengelas .. 2. Bahan terdiri dari ...... 4. Susunan bahan terdiri dari 5. Struktur langkah terdiri dari Metode terdiri dari .. Cara MCM lou

2. A recipe consists of three parts:1) The GOAL (title) of the recipe2) The INGREDIENTS, stating the materialsneeded to make the food/drink3) The METHOD, stating the steps to makethe food/drinkThe GOAL of the recipe is ___The INGREDIENTS consist ofThe METHOD consists ofThe structure of an ingredient consists ofThe structure of a step consists of​


Resep terdiri dari tiga bagian:

1) TUJUAN (judul) resep

2) BAHAN, menyatakan materi

dibutuhkan untuk membuat makanan / minuman

3) METODE, menyatakan langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan

makanan / minuman

TUJUAN resep ini ___

BAHAN terdiri dari

METODE terdiri dari

Struktur suatu bahan terdiri dari

Struktur langkah terdiri dari

3. the structure of a step consists of...... mohon secepatnya

to be, vetbs and grammar

4. In black verse,.......of ten syllables, five of which are accented.A. line consists of eachB. consists of each lineC. each line consists of each line​

In black verse, C. each line consists of ten syllables, five of which are accented.


The structure of sentence: Adverb, Subject + verb

In black verse, each line + consists ........


Sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean sonmething.

Four kinds of sentence:

Simple sentence: sentence has one subjet - verb pair. The subject tells who or what did something. The verb tells the action (jump, work) or condition (is, was, seem).Diana has watched that movie many times. Academic English is a cumpolsory cpurse in Accounting Department. My mother and I cooked cake.

Compound sentence is two or more independent clauses, joined together.

They watched TV and I read a novel.I want to speak English fluently, so I have to practice every day.

Complex sentence contains one independent clause, and one or more dependent clause. The dependent clause is introduced by either a subordinate conjunction or a relative pronoun.

Although they love each other, they can not live together. He bought a new car when he was 25 years old.

Compound Complex sentence has at least three clauses. One compound sentence which consist of two independent clauses and one or more dependent clause.

Referencing is an essential feature of academic writing, so the students should uses the university sources that assist them to achieve the required skills.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang pengertian sentence tentang simple sentence tentang paragraph


Detail jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Sentence

Kode: -


5. the word car consists of.......letter

the word car consist of three letterthe word car consist of type letter

6. Make a conversation that consists of the expressions of hope, wish, and congratulation​


John: "Congratulations on your achievement, Mary!"

Mary: "Thank you so much, John! I really appreciate that"

John: "I have heard that you will join the national drawing competition, is that true?"

Mary: "Yes, that is true. The competition will start next month"

John: "That is great, I wish I could draw like you. Anyway, I hope you will be the winner!"

Mary: "Thanks a lot, I will do my best"


Expressions of hope digunakan untuk berharap sesuatu terjadi atau menjadi nyata.


I hope she is all right.I hope you will be the bestI hope he is having good time in Bali

Expressions of wish digunakan untuk berharap sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi atau hanya imajinasi saja.


I wish I were there with you (tapi aku tidak disana denganmu)I wish I could fly (tapi aku tidak bisa terbang) I wish I knew how to speak French (tapi aku tidak bisa berbahasa Perancis)

Expressions of congratulations digunakan untuk memberi selamat kepada orang lain.


Congratulations on your success.Fantastic! You are so awesome.Well done, You are the best.

7. Now I know that ...A recipe consists of three parts:1) The GOAL (title) of the recipe2) The INGREDIENTS, stating the materialsneeded to make the food/drink3) The METHOD, stating the steps to makethe food/drinkThe GOAL of the recipe isThe INGREDIENTS consist ofThe METHOD consists ofThe structure of an ingredient consists ofThe structure of a step consists of​


Sekarang saya tahu bahwa ...

Resep terdiri dari tiga bagian:

1) TUJUAN (judul) resep

2) BAHAN, menyatakan materi

dibutuhkan untuk membuat makanan / minuman

3) METODE, menyatakan langkah-langkah yang harus dibuat

makanan / minuman

TUJUAN resepnya adalah

BAHAN terdiri dari

METODE terdiri dari

Struktur suatu bahan terdiri dari

Struktur langkah terdiri dari.

nih artinya


mau no wa aku yahh(082252024315)

w status jomblo heppy

8. the text above consists of sentences​


teks diatas terdiri dari kalimat-kalimat


maaf aku bisa nya terjemahin kalimat Inggris doang

9. The word "car" consists of .....letters


The word "car" consists of three (3) letters


Kata "car" terdiri dari ..... huruf

jawaban tiga (3) dalam bahasa inggris three (3)

10. Now I know that ...recipe consists of three parts:1) The GOAL (title) of the recipe2) The INGREDIENTS, stating the materialsneeded to make the food/drink3) The METHOD, stating the steps to makethe food/drink.)The GOAL of the recipe is.)The INGREDIENTS consist of.)The METHOD consists of.)The structure of an ingredient consists of.)The structure of a step consists of​


1. The GOAL of the recipe is the title. what thing to do or to make

.2)The INGREDIENTS consist of the materials or the things needed

.3. )The METHOD consists of the way or the step to do or to make it

.)The structure of an ingredient consists of things

.)The structure of a step consists of imperative sentence

11. • Now I know that... A recipe consists of three parts: 1) The GOAL (title) of the recipe 2) The INGREDIENTS, stating the materials needed to make the food/drink 3) The METHOD, stating the steps to make the food/drink The GOAL of the recipe is The INGREDIENTS consist of The METHOD consists of The structure of an ingredient consists of The structure of a step consists of​


1. the goal of the recipe is to guide people to make food/drink

2. the ingredients consist of materials needed to make food/drink

3. the method consist of steps to make the food/drink

4. the structure of ingredients consist of amount, things, kind, action applied

5. the structure of method consist of conjunction/connective, action verb, ingredients, adverb(time, manner, place, etc)

12. identify the part of problem of the story​


sorry where s the story how come there isn t

13. The flow of the problem of the main character in a narrative text is .... Pilih jawabanmu. 1 The problem raises the tension until climax then turns into resolution 2 The problem has sad ending 3 The problem will be concluded at the end of the story 4 The problem has no ending

saya pilih no.3 maap kolak benarI choose number 1
The problem raises the tension until climax then turns into resolution.


14. The word “height” consists of _______ segmental sounds?




Because Tall and Height have same meaning.

15. Now I know that ...A recipe consists of three parts:1) The GOAL (title) of the recipe2) The INGREDIENTS, stating the materialsneeded to make the food/drink3) The METHOD, stating the steps to makethe food/drinkThe GOAL of the recipe isThe INGREDIENTS consist ofThe METHOD consists ofThe structure of an ingredient consists ofThe structure of a step consists of​


1. The goal of the recipe is the Name of the recipe/dish/food.

2. The ingredients consist of the material needed to make the recipe.

3. The METHOD is the steps of how to make the recipe/food/drink

(dijawab berdasarkan text yg ada..

tdk tahu apakah ini sesungguhnya soal untuk aplikasi tentang RESEP makanan tertentu yg tidak dijelaskan di text)

16. The crown of trees usually ... the branches, the leaves, and the fruits. (A) consist of (B) consists of (C) is consisted of (D) are consisted of (E) consists

((B) Consists of
terdiri dari

17. Now I know that ...A recipe consists of three parts:1) The GOAL (title) of the recipe2) The INGREDIENTS, stating the materialsneeded to make the food/drink3) The METHOD, stating the steps to makethe food/drinkThe GOAL of the recipe isThe INGREDIENTS consist ofThe METHOD consists ofThe structure of an ingredient consists ofThe structure of a step consists of​

Good opinion, now give use Coca Cola Recipe

18. the structure of an INGREDIENTS consists of...

salt, sugar, pepper, chili, garlic, onion, ginger turmeric etc

19. Procedure text the structure of the text consists of three elements....... 2................. 3...........

goal, material, step

20. A professional application letter consists of the following, except...A. The address of the senderB. The address of the company C. LocationD.​


C. Location

maaf kalo salah

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