Get a bottle of water
1. Get a bottle of water
Get a bottle of water = Ambilah sebotol air
2. Get a bottle of water
translate nya: ambilkan sebotol air
3. apa arti a bottle of lemonade
A bottle of lemonade =
Sebuah botol limun a bottle of lemonade : satu botol lemon (lemonade biasanya adalah minuman dengan rasa jeruk nipis)
4. nyu wont10they (ask) a bottle of Ketchupthey don't ask a bottle of ketchupdo they ask a bottle OF KEECHUPWe (need ) two bunchesOFSpinachoSHOPINGYesterday
They asked a bottle of ketchup.
They didn't ask a bottle of ketchup.
Did they ask a bottle of ketchup?
We need two bunches of spinach.
We didn't need two bunches of spinach.
Did we need two bunches of spinach
5. A bottle of height 8 cm has a volume of 120 cm . Find the volume of a similar bottle of height 24 cm
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
120 + 8 = 128
6. the baby drinks a bottle of
Maaf kalau salah. Semoga membantu^^----Jawaban----
jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^
7. Andre (bring) a bottle of ketchup (+) (-) (?)
=> Answer :
(+) Andre brings a bottle of ketchup.
(-) Andre doesn't bring a bottle of ketchup.
(?) Does Andre bring a bottle of ketchup ?
Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu ^_^+ Andre brings a bottle of ketchup
- Andre does not bring a bottle of ketchup
? Does Andre bring a bottle of ketchup?
8. It is strange but often a bottle of soft drink is (expensive)______ than a bottle of milk
more expensive
semoga membantu
9. we buy a bottle of water to....
Drink water
Semoga membantu
10. apa arti get/a bottle of water.
ambil sebotol air
semoga membantusebuah botol air minum
11. apa artinya a bottle of cooking oil
sebotol minyak gorengSebotol Minyak Goreng
12. Milk-drink-a bottle of
drink a bottle of milk..
drink a bottle of milk
semoga bermanfaat
13. a bottle of oil artinya
sebotol minyak
maaf saya tidak tahu mau jelasin apa soalnya saya lagi sakit
sebotol minyak
smoga membantu
14. A baby will a bottle of milk
bayi itu akan minum sebotol susu
15. My mother buys a bottleof ....
Soy Sauce
soalnya mirip kyk botol kecap asin
My mother buys a bottle of soy sauce.
Maaf kalo salah ya, semoga membantu!
16. there is a bottle of cooking oil
disana ada botol minyak gorengAda sebotol minyak goreng.
17. apa arti dari get a bottle of water
dapat sebuah botol airmendapatkan sebotol air
18. a baby is drink a bottle of ..
a baby is drink a bottle of milk
19. a bottle of medicine holds 0.25 litres. the instructions on the bottle of medicine say: 'take two 5ml spoonfuls three times a day'. how many days will a bottle full of medicine last?
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
20. We buy a bottle of water to
Kami membeli sebotol air
kami membeli sebotol air untuk
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