Class 9 Half Yearly Question Paper 2018 Science

Class 9 Half Yearly Question Paper 2018 Science

______ you take the science class before business class? *DoesDidDoAre

Daftar Isi

1. ______ you take the science class before business class? *DoesDidDoAre




karna Do digunakan untuk subject I , You , We , They

2. Did you ..... Your paper for English class ?

Did you ..... Your paper for English class ?


Did you bring Your paper for English class ?



3. Fold your paper ... half.a. fromb. onc.​


C. in half


semoga mebantu

4. Miss Nadia has a science class on Saturday, but she is not…now​


miss nadia has a science class on saturday,but she is not come now

5. My brother ______ (do) an experiment in science class yesteday. Type your answer...​


Adikku sedang melakukan eksperimen dikelas kemarin


My brother Do an experiment in science class



6. apa arti May i use the paper to warp my gift? i Just need a half of it

Bolehkah saya menggunakan kertas untuk membungkus hadiah saya? saya hanya butuh setengahnya

Bolehkah saya Menggunakan kertasnya untuk membungkus hadiahku? Saya hanya butuh setengahnya.

7. Andrea lives next door so we...see hera. neverb. oftenc. rarelyd. seldomwe the annual general meeting a. neverb. every dayc. yearlyd. mothlymy doctor..a. yearly checks my health b. checks yearly my healthc. checks my healthy yearly d. my health checks yearly​


b . often

c yearly

c. checks my healthy yearly

smga membantuu , jadiin jwaban tercerdas klo bnr


ig : @rshahifah

Answer :

B. Often

C. Yearly

C. Checks my healthy yearly

Hope its helpss:)))

8. (+)the students of X science are studying English in the class(-). . . . . . . . . . (?)(Q¹) (in the class)(Q²) (English) (Q³)(studying English) (Q⁴) (The students of X science)​


(-) the students of X science are not studying english in the class

(?) are the students of X science studying english in the class?


(-) s+be not +v ing

(?) be + s+ v ing

9. the boy... in science class yesterdaya.isb.arec.was

c. was
maaf ya , klo salahthe boy WAS in science class yesterday

10. the science class right nowa.isb.wasc.are

#Semoga membantub. was
semoga membantu

11. Me must sigin a paper before we come to class artikan ke dalam bahasa indonesia


saya harus menandatangani kertas sebelum kami datang ke kelas

maaf klo salah

12. We have science class at nine. Don't be panic! There are still ..... to go.




semoga membantu dan maaf kalau salah

Jawaban: There are still other folders


13. we must sign a paper before we come to class bahasa Indonesia​


kita harus menandatangani kertas sebelum kita datang ke kelas


Kita harus menandatangani sebuah kertas sebelum masuk ke kelas.

14. The teacher had the class... a 2000-word research paper​

to write (kalau gak salah)

15. juna starts his class... half past seventolong di jawabb​


kalo setau aku si itu at half past seven


kalo salah maaf ya

16. Artinya we must sign a paper before we come to class


Kita harus menandatangani surat sebelum Kita masuk ke kelas

17. susunlah kalimat acak berikut.The-paper-into-an-envelope-in-half-and-fold-put-it.

fold the paper into half and put it in an envelope
maaf klo salahklau disusun :
Fold the paper into half and put it in envelope

moga membantu ya :)

18. rico' s paper plane is the. class

if fly : flying
if landed : landing

19. Complete the text with in, on and at. … Monday, Wednesday and Friday my first class … the morning is maths. My last class … Tuesday morning is P.E. I have computer studies …. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday … half past ten. … Tuesday and Friday I have Art … half past ten. My first class … Tuesday and Thursday is English. I have Science ... nine o’clock from Monday to Friday. Monday and Wednesday I have history class … half past eleven. My last class … Thursday and Friday morning is Geography.

(on) Monday, Wednesday and Friday my first class (in) the morning is maths. My last class (on) Tuesday morning is P.E. I have computer studies (on) Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (at) half past ten. (on) Tuesday and Friday I have Art (at) half past ten. My first class (on) Tuesday and Thursday is English. I have Science (at) nine o’clock from Monday to Friday. Monday and Wednesday I have history class (at) half past eleven. My last class (on) Thursday and Friday morning is Geography.

Hope it would help
Tolong dijadikan brainliest answer ya, thanks
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20. Question:answer:with my familyQuestion:answer:at round half past ten​


Question:With whom do you go?

answer:with my family

Question:what time do you go?

answer:at round half past ten

maaf klo salah:')

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