1. have you ever read a story about honest People2. What did the honest People got at the end of the story?
1. 1. have you ever read a story about honest People2. What did the honest People got at the end of the story?
1. Yes, I've read several stories about honest people.
2. At the end of the story, honest people usually receives overwhelming amount of respects from people around them for their honesty.
2. the woodcutter thanked god in the and of the story it means that he is
Thanks to god /Thank you for being safe and still next to God
Maaf kalo salah :) Rajin belajar dan smg ini bener yah :D Klo bs jdiin yg terbaik
--{ Ⓗⓔⓔⓧ }--3. short story the necklace
i went to the small market in my town
i saw a necklace hanging in one of the shop
the necklace was not fancy but it reminded me with someone
after looking at the necklace then i decided to buy it
i brought the necklace home and keep it in a nice fancy box wrapped with a ribbon
i am going to give the necklace to my grandma
said myself
4. the dollhouse short story character analysis
the dollhouse short story character analysis
Analisis karakter cerita pendek rumah boneka
5. The elements of the dreamer saki short story
no i'm not what do yo do
6. Short-short story disebut cerpen?
Kalau dalam kamus Bahasa Inggris itu Short artinya pendek, sedangkan Story artinya cerita. Jadi, Short Story adalah Cerita Pendek.
7. how is the short story of Toba lake
The Lake Toba/Danau toba..
A long time ago, there lived a young orphan farmer in the northern part of the island of Sumatra. The area is very dry. Syahdan, the young man lived from farming and fishing. One day he was fishing a fish so beautiful. The color is golden yellow. So holding, the fish turned into a lovely princess. The daughter of a woman who was condemned for violating a ban. He will turn into a kind of creature that first touch. Therefore, human touches it, it turns into a princess.
Fascinated by her beauty, the young farmer's daughter asked her to be his wife. The proposal is accepted on condition that the young man would not tell its origin from the farmer ikan.Pemuda the terms agreed. After a year, the couple blessed with a boy. He has a bad habit that is never satiated. He ate all the food.
One day the boy was eating all the food from their parents. The young man was very upset saying: "basic offspring of fish!" That statement by itself isterinya.Dengan thus unlock the secrets of their promise has been violated.
His wife and son disappeared mysteriously. The land of their former footing menyemburlah springs. The water that flows from the spring growing bigger and bigger. And being a vast lake. The lake is now called Lake Toba.Once upon a time, there was a young person live in a small village. His was called Toba. He had two magnificent capacities regarding fishing and cultivating. Toba was so good in. He didn’t take long time to catch a fish. Just tossed the hook into the river, and he got the big fish.One day, he went fishing to a river that was wide enough. It just took a little time after he tossed the hook into river, the fish stuck in the bait and he got a big fish for dinner.Then, he went home and along the way he proceeded satisfied in having enough fish for a dinner. He moved the fish to the tub loaded with water. He needed the fish stay fresh. So, the taste of fish could remain great. Then, he arranged seasoning and firewood which required in cooking. But, he didn’t have enough firewood and promptly searched for firewood in the timberland. A few hours later, he went home and carried some firewood for cooking. However, when he returned home, he was surprised that the fish was lost. He even discovered pieces of gold and a lovely young lady who was sitting in his room. Moreover, the beautiful young lady advised Toba that she was the fish which was captured by him. Amazed with her beauty, Toba then asked that pretty young lady to marry him. The young lady agreed with Toba’s request, However, Toba had to promise not to bring her past. Toba accepted it and they were married. His wife and he got a blessed kid named Samosir. His child was exceptionally intelligent and agile, but spoiled. When their kid was at his first age, there is a task which should be done every day. He had to deliver the food into Toba’s rice fields. One day, Samosir was very lazy to deliver food to the rice field. His mother scolded him. Advertisement Then, Samosir was forced to deliver the foods. Because he was so upset, he ate many of the food at the trip to rice fields. There was only a little food left. When he gave it to Toba. He was asked by Toba about it. Iklan oleh Google Toba was so angry when he noticed that Samosir had eaten the foods. He said that Samosir was a child fish. Samosir was so sad and he went home. He complained to his mother. His mother was angry with Toba. She was upset because Toba failed to keep his promise. Even though Toba had begged so much, but his wife would never forgive him. His wife and Samosir decided to go to the river. They turned into a fish again. Suddenly, the rain came very heavily. Heavy rains sank Toba. Then, it formed a lake known as Toba Lake.
8. make a short summary about the story
Summary: So every person has their secret story that could suprise anybody
Semoga membantu.
The Secret Surprise
In a lunchtime, Bonnie and Ruth sat together like they always did at school. But today Bonnie looked sad because her father lost his job, they may have to move. Ruth felt very sad to heard Bonnie's news. She decided to help Bonnie, she and her friends do all things for money. Fortunately, they made three hundred dollars. Ruth's mom used that money to buy all things that a person might need. Ruth, her mom, and some children held a surprise to make Bonnie happy. Ruth also felt happy because she had helped her friend.
9. Membuat Short Story About The Covid 19 Dalam bahasa inggris
This virus Was found At Wuhan : China The first Guy exposed to get this virus at 17 November 2019 They think People Who live in earth Don't take this seriously To the virus but the government has given them rules to beat this virus but they all felt this was a joke day after day slowly all countries affected by Corona (Covid-19) because of their carelessness many people affected by this virus
Just stay At Home Dont You Out Without anything matter
Are you think Home is an Jail
Lets Beat this virus together :D
10. apa arti modify the short story of aureliana to short of youself
memodifikasi cerita pendek aureliana menjadi singkat tentang dirimu
modifikasi cerita pendek aureliana menjadi pendek dari dirimu
11. to tell readers that the woodcutter was a poor man at the and of the story
untuk menjelaskan ke pembaca bahwa pemotong kayu itu adalah orang miskin pada akhir cerita
untuk memberi tahu para pembaca bahwa penebang kayu adalah orang miskin di bagian cerita
12. the story is called"short story" do you agree? why?
No, because long story will be awsome
13. Write a short story based on the picture given!
Red Clothes:Wow...Good Earth
Red Clothes:Powww... Yeah I can do it
yellow Clothes:Oh no... The ball's
red Clothes:Nooo.... My Clothes:((
yellow Clothes:Ummm...Sorry Dude
Purple Clothes:I'm So sorry
No Wearing Clothes:No my Clothes,But No problem
Fahri loves to play football. That day, right after school ended, he went to the field. He had a football match with his friends. Although the ground was slippery due to the rain last night and he slipped on one of the pools, he had so much fun. Once he came back home, he washed off the dirt on his shirt.
14. 26. Why did the woodcutter cut down the tree?27. What can we learn from the story above?Bantu Ya Kak :P
26.Logging is an activity that includes not only cutting trees, but also transportation and on-site processing (eg cutting to small pieces). [1] The tree that is cut is not always the main trunk, but also the large branches leaving the main trunk so that the tree remains alive. Meanwhile, full tree felling means using all woody parts of the tree
27. [do not know I'm sorry]Penjelasan:
kalo salah sorry
15. terjemahkanlah ke dalam b.indonesiato entertain reader about the story of the woodcutter and the King of mice
Untuk menghibur pembaca tentang cerita penebang kayu dan raja tikus.
untuk menghibur pembaca tentang cerita tentang kayu dan raja tikus.
16. A. ROROJONGGRANG1. It is story from? 2. Write the short story! 3. Moral value=B. PANJILARAS1. It is story from? 2. Write the short story! 3. Moral value=C. A GOLD SNAIL1. It is story from? 2. Write the short story! 3. Moral value=plis bantu jawab :))
1. Candi Sewu
2.Konon di Jawa Tengah terdapat dua kerajaan yang bertetangga, Kerajaan Pengging dan Kerajaan Baka. Pengging adalah kerajaan yang subur dan makmur, dipimpin oleh Prabu Damar Maya. Ia berputra Raden Bandung Bondowoso (Bandawasa) yang gagah perkasa dan sakti. Sedangkan kerajaan Baka dipimpin oleh raksasa pemakan manusia bernama Prabu Baka. Ia dibantu oleh seorang patih bernama Gupala. Meskipun berasal dari bangsa raksasa, Prabu Baka memiliki putri cantik bernama Rara Jonggrang.
Untuk memperluas kerajaan, Prabu Baka menyerukan perang kepada kerajaan Pengging. Pertempuran meletus di kerajaan Pengging. Akibatnya, banyak rakyat Pengging tewas, menderita kelaparan, dan kehilangan harta benda. Demi mengakhiri perang, Prabu Damar Maya mengirimkan putranya untuk menghadapi Prabu Baka. Berkat kesaktiannya, Bandung Bondowoso berhasil mengalahkan dan membunuh Prabu Baka. Ketika Patih Gupala mendengar kabar kematian junjungannya, ia segera melarikan diri, kembali ke kerajaan Baka. Ketika sang patih tiba di Keraton Baka, ia segera melaporkan kabar kematian Prabu Baka kepada Putri Rara Jongrang. Sang putri pun meratapi kematian ayahnya.
Setelah kerajaan Baka jatuh ke dalam kekuasaan Pengging, Pangeran Bandung Bondowoso menyerbu masuk ke dalam Keraton Baka. Pada pertemuan pertamanya dengan Putri Rara Jonggrang, Bandung Bondowoso langsung terpikat oleh kecantikan sang putri. Ia pun jatuh cinta dan melamar sang putri, tetapi lamarannya ditolak, karena sang putri tidak mau menikahi pembunuh ayahnya dan penjajah negaranya. Karena Bandung Bondowoso terus membujuk dan memaksa, akhirnya sang putri bersedia dipersunting, namun dengan dua syarat yang mustahil untuk dikabulkan. Syarat pertama adalah pembuatan sumur yang dinamakan sumur Jalatunda. Syarat kedua adalah pembangunan seribu candi hanya dalam waktu satu malam. Bandung Bondowoso menyanggupi kedua syarat tersebut.
Sang pangeran berhasil menyelesaikan sumur Jalatunda berkat kesaktiannya. Setelah sumur selesai, Rara Jonggrang berusaha memperdaya sang pangeran agar bersedia turun ke dalam sumur dan memeriksanya. Setelah Bandung Bondowoso turun, sang putri memerintahkan Gupala untuk menutup dan menimbun sumur dengan batu. Akan tetapi, Bandung Bondowoso berhasil keluar dengan cara mendobrak timbunan batu berkat kesaktiannya. Bondowoso sempat marah, namun segera tenang karena kecantikan dan bujuk rayu sang putri.
1. kepatuhan,
2. pemberani,
3. rela berkorban,
4. jujur,
5. adil dan bijaksana,
6. menghormati dan menghargai,
7. bekerja keras,
8. menepati janji,
9. tahu Balas Budi,
10. baik budi pekerti,
11. rendah hati, dan
12. hati-hati dalam bertindak.
17. what is the short story text? give me example?
This Short Story The Greedy Dog is quite interesting to all the people. Enjoy reading this story.
Once there lived a dog. He was very greedy. There were many times that he had to pay for his greed. Each time the dog promised himself, “I have learnt my lesson. Now I will never be greedy again.” But he soon forgot his promises and was as greedy as ever.
One afternoon, the dog was terribly hungry. He decided to go look for something to eat. Just outside his house, there was a bridge. “I will go and look for food on the other side of the bridge. The food there is definitely better,” he thought to himself.
He walked across the wooden bridge and started sniffing around for food. Suddenly, he spotted a bone lying at a distance. “Ah, I am in luck. This looks a delicious bone,” he said.
Without wasting any time, the hungry dog picked up the bone and was just about to eat it, when he thought, “Somebody might see here with this bone and then I will have to share it with them. So, I had better go home and eat it.” Holding the bone in his mouth, he ran towards his house.
While crossing the wooden bridge, the dog looked down into the river. There he saw his own reflection. The foolish dog mistook it for another dog. “There is another dog in the water with bone in its mouth,” he thought. Greedy, as he was, he thought, “How nice it would be to snatch that piece of bone as well. Then, I will have two bones.”
So, the greedy dog looked at his reflection and growled. The reflection growled back, too. This made the dog angry. He looked down at his reflection and barked, “Woof! Woof!” As he opened his mouth, the bone in his mouth fell into the river. It was only when the water splashed that the greedy dog realized that what he had seen was nothing but his own reflections and not another dog. But it was too late. He had lost the piece of bone because of his greed. Now he had to go hungry.
18. make a conversation based on the short story bellow
Sorry, but where's the short story??
19. 26.What is the porpuse of the text?27.Why did the woodcutter cut down the tree?28.What can we learn from the story above?
jika ada yg salah silahkan diralat
semoga bermanfaat
20. 2. The moral lesson from the story of the goldenstar fruit tree is....a. Be greedy c. Be honestb.Dont be greedy d. Dont be honest15
b. don't be Freedy
have a nice day:)
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