Look at the pictures and discuss the questions that followcing StartedKeep leftWhen seeing the above signs notices, what must you do? And what must you noWhich signs notices suggest that you must do something!Which signs/notices suggest that you must not do something?Whar signs/notices in your area tells you to do and not to do something?
1. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions that followcing StartedKeep leftWhen seeing the above signs notices, what must you do? And what must you noWhich signs notices suggest that you must do something!Which signs/notices suggest that you must not do something?Whar signs/notices in your area tells you to do and not to do something?
terjemahan :
Perhatikan gambar-gambar itu dan diskusikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini
cing Dimulai
Tetap di kiri
Ketika melihat tanda-tanda pemberitahuan di atas, apa yang harus Anda lakukan? Dan apa yang harus Anda tidak
Pemberitahuan tanda mana yang menyarankan bahwa Anda harus melakukan sesuatu!
Tanda / pemberitahuan mana yang menyarankan agar Anda tidak melakukan sesuatu?
Tanda / pemberitahuan apa di daerah Anda yang menyuruh Anda melakukan dan tidak melakukan sesuatu?
maaf saya hanya bisa kasih terjemahan karena pertanyaan di atas belum lengkap karna...
pasti ada gambarnya.
klo mau jawaban lengkap km bisa kasih gambarnya dengan menulis ulang pertanyaan nnti saya jawab
smoga lainkali lebih hati hati ya
2. look and write down the following prohibition based on the signs!
1. staff only
2. dilarang putar balik
3. dilarang membawa kamera / dilarang memotret
4. truk dilarang masuk
5. dilarang membuang sampah
1. staff only/ only staff can in
2. prohibited u turn
3. no camera allowed
4. no truck allowed
5. Do not litter
3. describe the categories of these road signs.1. warning signs have a function to warn people on the road.2.regulatory signs are divide into prohibitory signs and mandatory signs3.some drivers on the toll road see road signs to direct them in choosing the right direction
jelaskan kategori rambu jalan ini.
1. Rambu peringatan berfungsi untuk memperingatkan orang di jalan
2. Rambu regulasi dibagi menjadi rambu larangan dan rambu wajib
3. Beberapa pengemudi di jalan memutar melihat rambu-rambu jalan untuk mengarahkan mereka dalam memilih arah yang benar
4. look at the signs and situations below and write rules for the signs
2.don't litter in the park
3.don't eat and drink in the Classroom
4.don't bring pet in the building
6.don't fishing at the lake
7.don't take picture at the museum
9.don't smoking on the bus
10. don't ride bicycle in the park
maaf kalo salah y
5. look at the signs and situations below and write rules for the signs
1. don't run in the coridor
3. don't eat in the classroom
5. don't climb over in the stadium
7. don't take pictures at the museum
9. don't smoke on the bus
6. look at the signs and situations below and write rules for the signs
4. Situations : In the building
Rules : In the Building or other Public building like hospital,Or something else..
In this Place There should be no noise, especially from the howling of dogs, because it can interfere with the activity there
2. Situations : In the park
Rules : You Are not Allowed to throw or out rubbish anywhere on the park... Because It Can cause Environtment get dirty
6. Situations : At the lake
Rules : You Can't fishing in this place, Because it Can Damaging the lake Ecosystem
8. Situations : In the hospital
Rules : You Can't Hear a Music or something similar like this, Because Can Make a Noisy Sound , and Can interfere Patient Or Doctors Activity In Here
10. Situations : In the park
Rules : You Can't bike on this park area, because it Can interfere some people Activity here...
Semoga membantu!
Cheers! !
7. Make ten signs and symbols at the OFFICE and explain each of those signs and symbols in English
Buat sepuluh tanda dan simbol di KANTOR dan jelaskan masing-masing tanda dan simbol dalam bahasa Inggris
8. Something that can be measured and has unit
Something that can be measured and has unit is QUANTITY
Diterjemahkan menjadi : Sesuatu yang dapat diukur dan memiliki satuan adala BESARAN
9. 4. guide sign in the guide signs category , you will find route markers , distance and destination signs , and informational signs. green signs give highway directions and guide you through highway interchanges. blue signs list motorist services, like gas,food , and lodging. brown signs direct you to public recreational areas, state and national parks, historical points of interest, and scenic sites. TERJEMAHKAN KE DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA.!!
4. panduan rambu
dalam kategori rambu-rambu petunjuk, kamu akan menemukan penanda rute, tanda-tanda jarak dan tujuan, dan tanda-tanda informasi.warna hijau menandakan jalan raya/tol dan membimbing mu melewati simpang susun jalan.tanda-tanda biru mewakili layanan pengendara, seperti stasiun pengisian bahan bakar, makanan, dan penginapan. tanda-tanda coklat mengarahkan mu ke tempat rekreasi umum, taman nasional dan taman negara, tempat-tempat bersejarah yang menarik, dan situs-situs indah.
10. jawablah pertanyaan di atas ini 2 write where you would expect to see these warning signs 3 look at the signs and write the correct prohibiting expressions based on the signs
2. a. on the highway
b. near the river
c. at the gasoline station
3. a. forbid to park nearby signs area
b. forbid to thorw garbage carelessly
c. Forbid to take pictures near the sign area
11. somewhere that you grow flowers ... something to put on the floor ... something to put on the fire ... a small tape ...
somewhere that you grow flowers: garden
something to put on the floor: slipper
something to put on the fire: firewood
a small tape: cassete
semoga membantu :D
12. hare are the sticker signs that Sinta, galang,and ara make. can you help them match the signs and the picture? write the number under each picture. bantu jawab kak
Ada disebelah gambar yaa
13. Something you can use to type on and go online on
Handphone, computer, laptops, etc.
14. write obligations, prohibitions, and suggestions based on the signs.tolong bantuin plis, tolong dijwb dgn serius ☺️
1.No parking
2.wear helmet when riding a motorbike
3. nomor tiga saya ngak tau
4.stop Anything is prohibited
5.littering is prohibited
6.aku lupa nomor 6
7.please don't smoke in this place
8.nomor 8 juga lupa:(
9.no swimming here
1. dilarang ada parkir
2. memakai helm saat mengendarai sepeda motor
3. nomor tiga saya ngak tau
4. menghentikan Apa pun dilarang
5. dilarang membuang sampah sembarangan
6.aku lupa nomor 6
7. Tolong jangan merokok di tempat ini
8.nomor 8 juga lupa:(
9.tidak ada berenang di sini
°senag bisa membantu
°maaf bilah ada kesalahan:)
15. Contoh To state that we can do something,and to state that we will do something
To state that we can do something is an important way to tell people about our skill or ability. We can make a sentence showing an ability using the following pattern.
(+) Subject + modal verb (can) + base verb (-) Subject + can’t + base verb (?) Can + subject + base verb?To state that we will do something, we usually use a sentence to show our plan or future activity. We can make a sentence showing what we will do by using the following pattern.
(+) Subject + will + base verb(-) Subject + will not/won’t + base verb(?) Will + subject + base verb?Answers
Contoh to state that we can do something.
I can play drum.We can go to English club every Saturday.I can buy a new coat.She can meet my favorite singer.They can swim.He can speak English.My mother can cook rendang.I can ride a bicycle.My sister can sing Japanese songs.My brother can teach Math to elementary school students.Contoh to state that we will do something.
I will go to Japan next month.I will talk to our teacher about my family financial problem.She will go to England if she gets the scholarship.We will clean the room after the seminar.They will come here tomorrow at noon.He will move to Jakarta after he graduates from high school.I will meet my grandparents this weekend.Tina will take IELTS test next year.Doni will buy a present for her mother’s birthday.I will skip lunch because I’m full now.Detail tambahan
Kelas: SMP
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Kategori: miscellaneous
16. 30. DS : Suti said to Aminah : “You have given something to your husband last night.” a. Suti said to Aminah that You have given something to your husband the night before. b. Suti said to Aminah that You had given something to your husband the night before. c. Suti said to Aminah that She gave something to her husband the night before d. Suti said to Aminah that She had given something to her husband the night before e. Suti said to Aminah that she is giving something to her husband the night before
DS : Suti said to Aminah : “You have given something to your husband last night.”
IS : Suti said to Aminah that She had given something to her husband the night before
semoga membantu
17. TERJEMAHKAN DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA. 4. guide sign in tehe guide signs category , you will find route markers , distance and destination signs, and informational signs. green signs give highway directions and guide you through highway interchanges. blue signs list motorist services, like gas, food, and lodging. brown signs direct you to public recreational areas, state and national parks, historical points of interest, and scenic sites.
hands panduan
dalam kategori tanda-tanda panduan , Anda akan menemukan penanda rute, tanda-tanda jarak dan tujuan, dan tanda-tanda informasi .
tanda-tanda hijau memberikan arah jalan raya Panduan masuk tehe kategori tanda-tanda panduan , Anda akan menemukan penanda rute, tanda-tanda jarak dan tujuan, dan tanda-tanda informasi . tanda-tanda hijau , memberikan arah jalan raya dan membimbing Anda melalui simpang susun jalan raya . tanda-tanda biru daftar layanan pengendara , seperti gas , makanan , dan penginapan . tanda-tanda Brown mengarahkan Anda ke tempat-tempat umum rekreasi , negara dan taman nasional , poin sejarah yang menarik , dan situs indah
18. What do you think would have motivated the earlyman record and draw on walls using signs and symbols?
Because at one time,they were bored of not doing any thing,so they started to do something that's not as boring as doing nothing,so they started to draw on walls and later their descendants became famous artists such as the one who drew Mona Lisa.
19. make five sentences that state " con do something " and five sentences that state " can' t do something apa jawaban nya
buat lima kalimat yang menyatakan "con melakukan sesuatu" dan lima kalimat yang menyatakan "tidak bisa melakukan sesuatu
maaf ya aku cuma bisa memperjemahkan saja
saolnya aku juga ada tugas
20. hare are the sticker signs that Sinta, galang,and ara make. can you help them match the signs and the picture? write the number under each picture. bantu jawab kak
gambar yang:
pertama= 8
kedua= 4
ketiga= 5
keempat= 7
kelima= 1
keenam= 3
ketujuh= 6
kelapan= 2
fix benar ini mah
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