A 250 cm^3 of gaseous mixture of ethane and ethene was reacted with bromine at S.T.P . If 1.34g of bromine was used , determine the percentage of ethene in the mixture .
1. A 250 cm^3 of gaseous mixture of ethane and ethene was reacted with bromine at S.T.P . If 1.34g of bromine was used , determine the percentage of ethene in the mixture .
2. Which of following electron-dot structures is wrong?
F dengan F ikatan tunggal
Jadikan jawabn terbaik, jngan lupa follow untuk diskusi lebih lanjut
3. Electron storage rings ....in investigation of the structure of materiasl
Are used
Karena Kalimat ini sudah ada subjek yang berbentuk jamak (electron storage rings), karena itu yang dibutuhkan adalah predikat untuk subjek jamak (are used).
4. definition and social function of invitation and generic structure
Invitation Letter
The definition of invitation letter
An invitation is a document written or printed or spoken words, conveying the message by which one is invited .
The social function of invitation letter
It is used to invite someone to come, to invite people to join, to ask someone to attend, and to ask people to take part in an occasion.
The generic structure of invitation letter
The first line is the name(s) of the person who invite(s) The second line is the request for participation The third line is the name of the person(s) invited The fourth line is the occasion for invitation The fifth line is the time and date of occasion The sixth line is the place of occasion The last line is the request for replyPEMBAHASAN:
Perhatikan terjemahan berikut ini!
Definisi surat undangan
Undangan adalah dokumen yang ditulis atau dicetak atau kata-kata yang diucapkan , menyampaikan pesan yang dengannya orang diundang.
Fungsi sosial dari surat undangan
Ini digunakan untuk mengundang seseorang untuk datang, untuk mengundang orang untuk bergabung, untuk meminta seseorang untuk hadir, dan untuk meminta orang untuk mengambil bagian dalam suatu acara.
Struktur surat undangan
Baris pertama adalah nama orang yang mengundang Baris kedua adalah permintaan untuk berpartisipasi Baris ketiga adalah nama orang yang diundang Baris keempat adalah acara undangan Baris kelima adalah waktu dan tanggal acara Baris keenam adalah tempat acara Baris terakhir adalah permintaan balasanPELAJARI LEBIH LANJUT:
Kelas : 11
Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris
Bab : 4
Kode : 11.5.4
5. sebutkan text structure of congratulating and complementing others
1) Salutation ( Contoh : Dear, Hi, dan lain lain )
2) Congratulate Expressions ( Ucapan selamat )
3.) Wishes (Harapan)
4.) Receiver Addresses ( Alamat Penerima )
6. Compare and contrast the structure and function of a compound light microscope and a scanning electron microscope be sure to express the structure and function of each as well as the function and usefulness of each when examining a specimen. answer it correctly, no copy paste, and no spam! answer it in bahasa, not in english
Mikroskop Elektron menggunakan sinar elektron, sedangkan mikroskop optik menggunakan sinar cahaya.Pembesaran maksimum mikroskop optik adalah sekitar 2000x, dimana pembesaran maksimum mikroskop elektron adalah sekitar 10,000,000x<br /><br />cara pengujian<br />mikroskop elekton menyebabkab spesimen mati. proses ketjanya : Ketiks sinar elektron mencapai materi tertentu balok tersebar oleh materi. Pola hamburan ini adalah dasar dari gambar akhir yang terbentuk. Berkas elektron difokiskan menggunakan gulungan elektromagnetik, yang analog dengan lensa optik pada mikroskop optik. Berkas elektron terfokus ditargetkan setiap titik sampel untuk mendapatkan pola difraksi seluruh sample. struktyr mikroskop elekton terdiri dari piston laser yang berfungsi menembakan laser pd spesimen, fungsi untuk menganati benda renik atau pun komponen-komponen sel yg gak bisa diamatin melalui mikroskop cahaya mikroskop cahaya terdiri dari revolver,diafragma,meja prepaeat dll fungsi untuk mengamati objek sja.
7. structure of advertisement and its function?
advertising has several functions, namely as follows:
1. As a persuasion / approach effort (directing consumers to buy)
2. For information (delivering new products) 2.
3. As a reminder or reminder (advertisements remind consumers about certain products to always use these products)
8. structure and language feature of booklet
1. Introduction
2. Foreword
3. Closing
A booklet is a small book that functions as a leaflet. The benefit of the booklet is that people understand the message and convey the message y
9. The heat of combustion of ethane gas is 373 kcal/mole. Assuming that б0.0 percent of the heat is useful, how many liters of ethane, measured at standard temperature and pressure, must be burned to convert 50.0 kg of water at 10.0 ° C to steam at 100.0 °C? One mole of a gas occupies 22.4 liters at precisely 0 °C and 1 atm.
3143.28 liters of ethane gas must be burned .
m = 50 kg
η = 60%
c = 4200 J/kg°C
L = 2.260.000 J/kg
Kalor Untuk memanaskan air dari 10 °C menjadi 100 °C
Q₁ = m.c.ΔT
Kalor Untuk menguapkan air dari 100 °C menjadi uap 100 °C
Q₂ = m. L
Kalor Untuk memanaskan air dari 10 °C menjadi uap 100 °C
Q = Q₁ + Q₂
Q = m.c.ΔT + m. L
Q = 50. 4200. (100 - 10) + 50. 2.260.000
Q = 131900000 J
Q ini merupakan 60% dari kalor pembakaran gas etana awal.
Kalor pembakaran gas etana awal
Qa = 100/60 . 131900000
Qa = 219833333,3 J
Panas pembakaran gas etana 373 kcal/mole
= 373000 cal/mole
=373000 . 4,2 J/mole
= 1566600 J/mole
Jumlah mol gas etana yg dibakar n
n = 219833333,3/1566600 = 140,325 mol
Jumlah liter gas etana = n . 22,4 l
= 140,325 . 22,4
= 3143.28 liters
10. Structure social function of couse and effect?
Generic Structure
Paragraf cause and effect memiliki susunan atau generic structure sebagai berikut:
Memiliki gagasan utama pada topik sentence yang akan di bahas dalam keseluruhan paragraf.Memiliki supporting detail atau kalimat-kalimat pendukung yang berupa penyebab.Diakhiri dengan concluding sentence atau kesimpulan yang berupa akibat.11. social function and the structure of self introduction
ini nanya apanya nih?
12. Mention the grammatical structure of proverbs and riddles
Riddle have no form set. Riddles can be a question with a quick witty answer. They can be just a sentence that makes you have a sudden realization. We can also create riddles from words that rhytme with a word in a riddle’s answer, other word and phrases that use the funny part of an answer.
Proverbs often from clusters that share a common structure.
– Opposite parallel
– Similiar parallel
– Single statement
– Statement with an explanation
– Comparison
– Descriptive list
– Use of clause or instruction
13. write definition and structure of narrative text
o Narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people.
o Narrative text is a spoken or written account of connected events, a story.
o Narrative text is narrated part of a literary work, as distinct from dialogue.
o Narrative text is the practice or art or narration
Generic Structure of Narrative Text:
1 . Orientation: It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced. (person, time, and place)
2 . Complication: where the problems in the story developed.
3 . Resolution: where the problems in the story is solved.
Sometimes (generic structure) narrative text can be contained:
Orientation, Complication, Evaluation, Resolution, and Reorientation. Even though “Evaluation” and “Reorientation” it is optional; can be added or not.
Evaluation contains of controlling and evaluating a love adventure or conflict
Reorientation contains the conclusion of the end story
Language Features:
Ø Using part action verb: Climbed, Turned, Brought, etc.
Ø Using specific noun as pronoun of person, animal in the story. Example: The king, the queen, etc.
Ø Using adjectives which are for noun phrase. Example: Long black, hair, two red apples, etc.
Ø Using time connectives and Conjunctions to arrange the events. Examples: Then, before, after, soon, etc.
Ø Using adverbs and adverbial phrase to show the location of events. Examples: Here, in the mountain, ever after, etc.
Ø Using dialogue to elicit an emotional response from the reader.
Ø Using Past Tense
Ø Using of variety of simple, compound and complex sentences
14. social function and structure of song
Song is similar kind to a poem technically but with more adapted to the melody instead of pure verse. It has social function too, they are
- to inspire the listeners with the message beyond
- to motivate the listeners either from its tune and melody or the lyric itself.
- to express public opinion about the social phenomena, usually used for the chants in demonstration
- to entertain public
- to be used as a media for language learning.
Meanwhile, the structure of it consist of:
- the verse
- the pre-chorus
- the chorus
- the bridge
- the hook
Song can be considered as a new kind of poem which is accompanied by the melody or tune. It is one of the most popular work of art in the modern world beside movies or dance. Song has the personal function as the media to express how one feels about something or the opinion on certain issues. Meanwhile the social function has been mentioned above.
As for the structure of the song, it can be elaborated as follows:
- The verse: it's the introductory part of the song, usually before the pre-chorus. The songwriter expresses the issue or the feeling about it along with the certain description of the situation sometimes.
-The pre-chorus: it's usually the few lines before the chorus
- The chorus: it's the part which is sang repeatedly, one of the main attractions of the song.
- the bridge: it's the part which normally include the peak moment or the twist in the song.
- the hook: the important part of the song, normally the song title is taken from here. It can be put at the beginning or the end of the chorus.
Pelajari lebih lanjut:
the structure of the song
example of song lyric with the structure
Detail Jawaban:
Kelas: SMA
Mapel: English
Kategori: song
Kata kunci: social function, structure of song
15. structure of suggestion and offering
shall I make you some tea? - would you like me to give you a ride?
16. What is generic structure of hope and wish?
apa struktur genetik harapan dan keinginan
17. In an atom of electrons around the nucleus of the atom and it does not fall in, this is due.. The electron travels on course and distance from the nucleus of the atom. A barrier exists between the nucleus of an atom and an electron. The repel force between an electron and an atomic nucleus and an electron. Electron mass is relatively small compared to that of the atomic nucleus
Why an atom of electrons around the nucleus of the atom does not fall in?
That's because the electrons orbit the nucleus of the atom with a certain amount of energy and cannot move from this energy level without any energy differences.
So the best answer to that statement is:
A. The electron travels on course and distance from the nucleus of the atom
Hope it helps you :)
18. mention and explain structure of self introduction speech!
A self-introduction should include your name and occupation
19. Generic structure and language features of job vacancy?
Maksud nya nih diapain
20. what is the external structure and the internal structure of poem?
what is the external structure and the internal structure of poem?
apa struktur eksternal dan struktur internal puisi?
ini di translet kan?
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