7th Class Telugu Lesson Plans

7th Class Telugu Lesson Plans

3a class study english lesson is on

1. 3a class study english lesson is on

on the 3rd grade class

2. we...the lesson in the class room​




we studying the lesson in the classroom

3. In class,a teacher is explaining the lesson


Kalau yang kamu maksut artinya ini artinya di kelas, seorang guru sedang menjelaskan pelajaran


di dalam kelas , seorang guru sedang menjelaskan pelajaran

4. what's your opinion about leaving the lesson in your class

i think that is not good idea and it's bad thing to do, we will miss our chance to learn something new by leaving the classI believe that if we leave the lesson in our class, we would lose the knowledge that we have to obtain to pass thw grade, because if we fail one grade, then there is lower chance that we would be able to go to a good university. All depends now, and we have to pass our grades for our future.

5. in class - tom and I - the lesson -discussed - this morning susunlah menjadi kalimat

tom and I discussed the lesson in class this morning.This morning, Tom and I discussed the lesson in class

6. 1. Donna is talking in class. She (talk).............. since the lesson began.


has been talking




Donna is talking in class. She has been talking since the lesson began.

Atau juga bisa

Donna is talking in class. She talked since the lesson began.

Semoga membantu

7. What do you do, if you don't understand the lesson in the class?

the Answer:

I'll ask the teacher what I don't understand


8. before Mr .snipe entered the class all the students.....in the class to start the lesson​


Prepare in the class to start the lesson

9. Sus: and susan write english lesson in the Class room kata passive​


Active: Sus and Susan write English lesson in the classroom.

Passive: English lesson is written by Sus and Susan in the classroom.


Passive Voiced Sentence

Passive Voiced Sentence merupakan kalimat yang menunjukkan bahwa subject yang menerima aksi dari object sebaliknya dengan Active Voiced Sentence yang merupakan kalimat menunjukkan bahwa subject yang melakukan aksi terhadap object.


Active: Sus and Susan write English lesson in the classroom.

Subject: Sus and Susan

Verb: Write

Object: English lesson

Passive: English lesson is written by Sus and Susan in the classroom.

Subject: English lesson

Verb: is written

Object: By Sus and Susan


Active Present Tense: S + V1 + O

Passive Present Tense: S + am/are/is + V3 + O

10. if you follow the lesson in the class you.......maks​


kalau maks = max

if you follow the lesson in the class you will get score max

kalau maks = marks

if you follow the lesson in the class you will get marks


maaf sebelumnya, saya gatau ini disuruh lengkapi atau diapakan. karena kurang jelas, semoga membantu :)

11. i come late to class today.______. I miss the lesson

I come late class today so I miss the lesson

Maaf karena nggak tau mau.diapain...

bisa pakai yang “So” artinya jadi

bisa pakai yang “And” artinya dan

1) i come late to class today, and i Miss the lesson


2)icomelatetoclasstoday,soiMissthe lesson

=akudatangterlambatkekelashariini,JADIaku melewatkanpelajaran

semoga membantu hehe maaf kalo salah.

12. Mrs rini teacher my class about animals a life is ....lesson

Biology Lesson.

Semoga betul ya

13. Hery....very hard in class for every School Lesson​


Hery TRIEDvery hard in class for every school lesson


semoga bantu




karena simple present jadi menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama

14. opini tentang the students may skip from class if they feel bored to the lesson

In my opinion, students are not supposed to be allowed to skip class, even if they are bored. I feel this way because students must respect the teachers that work hard to teach us.

smoga helpful :)

15. Lena: I have no plans during the holiday Hera: How about having an English camp class? Lena: ...

Lena: Thats A Good Idea!
Lena: I dont think so. What about we go to swimming pool?

Semoga membantu ;)

16. Mrs rini teacher my class about animals a life is ....lesson

sains atau IPA maybe........

17. "Mr. Hasan is lesson the explaining in the class" tolong artikan kalimat ini..

mungkin yang benar "Mr. Hasan is explaining the lesson in the class" yang artinya Pak Hasan sedang menjelaskan pelajaran di kelas :)itu bukannya "Mr. Hasan is explaining the lesson in the class"?
Pak Hasan menjelaskan pelajaran di kelas.

18. Students (not/study) any lesson in the class on last sunday

did not study any lesson in the class on last sundayStudents  DID not STUDY any lesson in the class on last sunday

past tense karena ada adverb of time last Sunday

19. the teacher....good morning to his studets befor the lesson in the class​




semoga membantu...

the teacher....good morning to his studets befor the lesson in the cclass


guru.... selamat pagi kepada siswanya sebelum pelajaran di kelas.


the teachersays good morning to his studets befor the lesson in the cclass.


guru mengucapkan selamat pagi kepada siswanya sebelum pelajaran di kelas.

#moga bantu

20. CHANGE INTO INTEROGATIVE FORM " The teacher is explaining the lesson in the class" *​

is the teacher explaining the lesson in the class?

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