What Did Nehru Appeal To The People Of India

What Did Nehru Appeal To The People Of India

in india Hindu people celebrate the .... of dawali​

Daftar Isi

1. in india Hindu people celebrate the .... of dawali​




Semoga membantu :))

In India Hindu people celebrate the festivalof dawali

maaf klau salah


Ibukota India adalah New Delhi


India adalah salah satu negara Asia Selatan yang merupakan negara terbesar ke-7 di dunia. Luas wilayah negara India adalah 32.87,263 km². Letak astronomis India berada pada 8° LU – 37° LU dan 68° BT – 97° BT.

India terkenal dengan bangunan bersejarahnya yaitu Taj Mahal yang terletak di Agra, Uttar Pradesh. Mata Uang negeri barata ini adalah Rupee. Negara ini mayoritas adalah penduduk berkeyakinan Hindu.

Batas-batas negara India sebagai berikut :

Bagian utara, yaitu berbatasan dengan Nepal, Bhutan, dan Cina. Bagian timur, yaitu berbatasan dengan Bangladesh, Myanmar, dan Teluk Benggala. Bagian selatan, yaitu berbatasan dengan Sri Langka dan Samudera Hindia. Bagian barat, yaitu berbatasan dengan Pakistan dan Laut Arab.

Pelajari lebih lanjutjelaskan bentang alam atau kondisi geografi negara india : brainly.co.id/tugas/721706sebutkan negara yang berada di asia selatan : brainly.co.id/tugas/2285073Detail jawaban

Kelas : 9

Mapel : IPS

Materi : Bab 9 — Benua dan Samudra

Kode Mapel : 10

Kode Kategorisasi : 9.10.9

Kata Kunci : Ibukota India.

3. What is the tradition of india? ​


1. The Buddhist chanting of Ladakh

2. Nag Panchami

3. The Aghori sadhus of Varanasi

                              Thank You

4. ADon't touch the wire!It may causeelectric shock.6. What is the notice about?A. An order to keep cleanB. An invitation to clean one's handsC. An appeal to maintain hygieneD. An appeal to have a clean environment​


Forbidding people to touch the wire.


Pilihannya salah. Tapi inti dari tanda tersebut adalah melarangoranguntukmenyentuhkabeltersebut.

5. what is the capital of india??

What is the capital of india ?
Apa capital dari india ?

Jawaban Paling Tepat :
Capital city of india is New delhi

6. 3) What is the topic of this paragraph ?A. Village people in IndiaB. India's farmersC. Indian Agriculture4) What is the topic of this paragraph ?A. The Riyadh Metro B. Riyadh transportation C. Population of Riyadh​


3. (A) village people in India

4. (B) Riyadh transportation


maaf kalo salah

7. isi resolusi konferensi asia yang diadakan oleh pandit jawaharlal nehru di india

resolusi yg dihasilkan oleh konfrensi asia di new delhi untuk mengatasi masalah indonesia belanda - sikap india terhadap perjuangan indonesia bangsa india dan bangsa indonesia sama sama pernah dijajah oleh bangsa asing

8. What is the notice about?A. An order to keep cleanB.an appeal to maintain hygieneC.an invitation to clean environmentD.an appeal to have clean environment​


kalimatnya mana ya kak biar bisa jawab soal hehe

9. apa peran PM India ,jawaharlal Nehru dalam membantu indonesia

meprakarsai pelaksanaan KAA (konfernsi asia afrika)


racket, shuttlec-ock (maaf ad astrip karena ada warning kata2 kasar), nettwo people, or four people in pair17th centuryPoona or poonahbritish army officerinternational badminton federation / IBFthomas cup for male competition. while uber cup for female competitionpeople bonds over its international successessusi susanti, taufik hidayat, greysia polii, liliayana natsir, alam budi kusumo, etc.for fun and for healthy body


11. the closest meaning of interested is.... a. appeal b. enthusiastic

The closest meaning of interested is...
a. Appealhasil pengukuran massa benda adalah m ± ∧m

12. Change to Active Voice : The Taj Mahal was built by The Emperor of India. . The Emperor of India builds The Taj Mahal b. The Emperor of India build The Taj Mahal c. The Emperor of India has build The Taj Mahal d. The Emperor of India built The Taj Mahal


 d. The Emperor of India built The Taj Mahal


Sorry if there's a bit mistake, hope it helps!!

13. Rewrite these sentences using quantifiers. Then compare with a partner in the • u.S 69 of high school students go to college. • Seven percent of the people in Brazil are age 65 of older. • Un India, 0% of the people vote before the age of 18%. • forty percent of the people in sweden live alone. • in Canadá, 22% of the people speak french ay Home


what IM ready.......,.

14. We can't avoid traffic on jalan setia budi.it is due to the seasonal market. Many hawkers use the krebs of the road and sidewalks to paddle their goods. It really disturb either the traffic or the view. That's block G available at the town markets. Help us police the traffic. Thank you.1. What is the purpose of the appeal?2. Who is the appeal addressed to?3. What's the of traffic jams on jalan setia bud?4. Where should the hawkers seil their goods?5. "Many hawkers use the krebs of the road and sidewalks to paddle their goods". Whats is the synonym of "to paddie"?​


To ask citizens to help police the traffic.To all citizens.There are many hawkers use the krebs of the road and sidewalks to paddle their goods.At block G which available at the town markets.There are "row", "oar", and "scull"

15. what was the GDP of India in 2011​

GDP of India in 2011 is US$1.823Trillion

16. What is showing appeal? ​

apa yang menunjukkan daya tarik?

perubahan bahasa tubuh,tingkah laku dll.

Changes in body languange , behavior etc.

Semoga bermanfaat ya:)

17. change the sentences from active to passive 1. People grow rice in India. 2. People speak Spanish in Venezuela. 3. Do people speak Spanish in Peru? 4. Alexander Bell invented the telephone. 5. When did someone invent the wheel? 6. People sell hammers in a hardware store.

Answer :
1) Rice is grown (by people) in India
2) Spanish is spoken (by peole) in Venezuela
3) Is Spanish spoken (by people) in Peru?
4) The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell
5) When was the wheel invented by someone?
6) Hammers are sold (by people) in a hardware store

18. What does india people do after school? ​


GO to home and dance:D




there are some who work side jobs, some help their parents and some go straight home, just like students in general.


What does india people do after school?

Apa yang dilakukan orang India sepulang sekolah?

19. ADon't touch the wire!It may causeelectric shock,6. What is the notice about?A. An order to keep cleanB. An invitation to clean one's handsC. An appeal to maintain hygieneD. An appeal to have a clean environment​




coba ini pasti teks yg panjang itu cuman Kutipan saya kurang ngerti tp klu saya pikir meski disini GK ad teks ceritanya

tp kayaknya crtnya itu orang ini tangannya baasah dah mau nyentuh kawat trs tmnhta blg jgn nyentuh kawat itu nanti kesetrum

20. sebutkan 5 prinsip nehru perdana menteri india

• Saling menghormati integritas teritorial dan kedaulatan,
• Perjanjian non-Agresi,
• Tidak mengintervensi urusan dalam negeri dan negara lain,
• Kesetaraan dan saling menguntungkan,
• Menjaga perdamaian.

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