Two Silly Goats Story In English With Pictures

Two Silly Goats Story In English With Pictures

The tiger attacks two goats in the forest *a. The tiger is attacked by two goats in the forest.b. Two goats were attacked by the tiger in the forest.c. The tiger are attacked by two goats in the forest.d. Two goats are attacked by the tiger in the forest​

Daftar Isi

1. The tiger attacks two goats in the forest *a. The tiger is attacked by two goats in the forest.b. Two goats were attacked by the tiger in the forest.c. The tiger are attacked by two goats in the forest.d. Two goats are attacked by the tiger in the forest​

Jawaban :

B. Two goats were attackedby the tiger in the forest

Semoga membantu ndee (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

2. Goats are stout-bodied mammals with horns and cloven hooves. There are two types of goats: domestic goats(Capra hircus), which are raised and bred as farm animals; and mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus),which live in steep, rocky areas in the American Northwest. Goats are very social creatures and live in groupscalled herds, which may contain as many as 20 goats in the wild. Mountain goats are most social during thewinter and tend to go solo in the summer.1. Based on the text, what are two general truths of goats?2.Mention the habits of goats found in the text!​


1. Goats are stout-bodied mammals with horns and cloven hooves.

2. There are two types of goats: domestic goats

(Capra hircus), which are raised and bred as farm animals; and mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus),

which live in steep, rocky areas in the American Northwest.

3. There are pictures and hero's story in




ada gambar dan sejarah pahlawan di...


in the museum


people can find it in the museum.

4. jawaban dari who likes in the two - story' hous?​

siapa yang suka di rumah dua lantai? jawaban nya yes aja :/

5. look at these pictures! write a story with 4 sentences accordin to the pictures

a. i wake up early today

b. then i take a bath, the water is cold

c. after that i put on my clothes and pants

d. and tidy my bed up

6. Tell me your story in English ! ​


My name is Queen I like eat chiken I like play game Free Fire and roblox I like callor Blue.

7. Make story telling about covid 19 In english

Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2). It was first identified in 2019 in wuhan, the capital of hubei province in China, and has since spread globally, resulting ina global outbreak of koronavirus 2019-20. Common symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

#Good luck#

8. Tell me the story of Rumpeltiltskin in English!!

My Cat      

I have a cat. It is a female cat. She has a long tail. She like to lick her tail.

My cat’s fur is white and brown. So, I call her “si belang” because she has two collor.

Belang like to eat fish. But sometime I also fed her tempe. She also like tempe.

At the afternoon, when the sunset, she like to play outside the house. She will be running, rolling, and then climbing the tree. She is so funny.

Kucing Ku

Aku punya kucing . Dia adalah kucing betina . Dia memiliki ekor panjang . Dia suka menjilat ekornya .

Bulu kucingku putih dan coklat . Jadi, saya memanggilnya ” si belang ” karena dia memiliki dua warna .

Belang suka makan ikan. Tapi kadang-kadang saya juga makan tempe nya. Dia juga suka tempe .

Pada sore hari, saat matahari terbenam, dia suka bermain di luar rumah. Dia akan berlari ,berguling , dan kemudian memanjat pohon. Dia begitu lucu.


9. fill in the blanks with the correct words based on pictures! make one or two report sentences about these animals!​


1. a frog is a small animal

2.Elephant is an animal that has a trunk and a big body

3.Deer are animals that have unique antlers.

4.rhino animal that has horns

5.Camels have long necks

6.Striped tiger fur

7.The lion is the king of the jungle

8.Nemo fish live in groups


Halo, Semoga dapat membantu kamu yaa :)

10. What are the two people in the pictures doing

having a conversation via telephone

11. arti dari who likes in the two - story' hous?​

jawaban :

yang tinggal di rumah dua lantai ?


siapa yang tinggal pada lantai dua rumah

12. plis help me make story Maleficent in English

Ini  summaries , cmn point" aja

A beautiful, pure-hearted young woman, Maleficent has an idyllic life growing up in a peaceable forest kingdom, until one day when an invading army threatens the harmony of the land. Maleficent rises to be the land's fiercest protector, but she ultimately suffers a ruthless betrayal - an act that begins to turn her pure heart to stone. Bent on revenge, Maleficent faces a battle with the invading king's successor and, as a result, places a curse upon his newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Maleficent realizes that Aurora holds the key to peace in the kingdom - and perhaps to Maleficent's true happiness as well.

I hope this helps 

13. Make it a story about yourselves in english?​

Hi, my name is....(namamu)...... they call me.....(nama panggilanmu)... I was born in..(tempat tanggal lahir)..... Now I live in....(nama kota) I live with my parents. I have a (brother/sister) named..... He/she is..(masukin sifatnya).

My daily activity is so fun.... I go to school every Monday to Friday and I have many friends. My hobby is.... Because ......

My ambition is that I want to be ...(cita-citamu).. Because I was inspired to help other people. My parents support my ambition fully. They said that it's okay as long as I will be happy with my choice.


14. (+) Kiki can not read a story in English .. (-)_________________*


(+) Kiki can read a story in English.

Kiki bisa membaca cerita dalam bahasa Inggris


(-) Kiki can not read a story in English.

(+) Kiki can read a story in English.

(-) artinya kalimat negative

(+) artinya kalimat positive

Sepertinya soalnya kebalik ka:) semoga membantu yaa


kayaknya kebalik deh..

(-) kalimat negatif

(+) kalimat positif

(?) kalimat tanya


(-) kiki can't read a story in English

(+) kiki can read a story in English

(?) can kiki read a story in English?

15. Write a Short Story in English!​

One cold night, in the depths of the forest, there were 3 young men walking together. They were talking about how they wanted to be rich. But suddenly there was a sound, it sounded like a crack from the tree branches, so they continued their journey. *CRACK* again! But this time it was a lot louder than before. They started to get suspicious so they went to the bushes to hide but then what they saw traumatized them. A woman, crushed by a tree that fell right on top of her, and her body was a meal for the wolves. The end.

16. jawaban dari who likes in the two - story' hous?​

Jawaban : Siapa yang suka di rumah dua lantai?

Semoga membantu ya


siapa yang suka di rumah dua lantai?

17. My school...English story telling competition in 2010​




My school..won..English story telling competition in 2010

artinya Sekolahku memenangkan lomba cerita bahasa Inggris pada tahun 2010

18. Make a short story using English too! Make a short story using English !Please don't be silly, Just a quiz for entertainment!!Don't report this question please!!​

Berikut, cerita pendek dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

Karya : Lyra → Myself :)

Judul : One Hundred Percent

Hi, my name is Lyra. I want to tell you about my story.

Last month, i was going to the school at 6 AM. After arrived, i putted my bag and sat down. I was so happy when the teacher came to my class and teach every lesson. At that time, I was studied hard, because on the next week there are a exam.

At midday, i went to the house because my school time has finished. I took a Dzuhur time and shalat and prayed to Allah so that my exam score is better. After shalat, i read and studied again about the lesson that i have learned in the school.

One week later in the morning. I took a bath and a Subuh time and prayed again and then i studied again about the lesson. After that, i took a breakfast before went to the school. After that, i went to the school and arrived there at half past 6. I worked the exam carefully, and after that i went to the house and took a rest.

When i took a raport book with my mom, i was so happy because i got a great score. I was thanks to the God that has helped me when i studied hard and i was grateful because i got a great score. Its my one hundred percent from my studied hard


Short Story atau Cerita Pendek adalah sebuah cerita yang dibuat seringkas atau sependek mungkin yang memiliki pesan didalam ceritanya. Pada cerita pendek, terdapat unsur kebahasaan yang membangun cerita tersebut, yaitu :

Orientation, bagian dimana adanya pengenalan tokoh. Biasanya terletak pada paragraf pertama.Complication, bagian dimana munculnya konflik pada cerita.Resolution, bagian dimana semua konflik demi konflik terselesaikan.Koda, bagian dari akhir cerita.

19. write a story in English !​




Answer by : Leobila59 ( Nabila Putri Zahirana / Nabila )

20. dialog singkat cinderella story in english

Anastasia: Cinderella, where is my cloth? Have you wash it?
Frederica : Cinderella, I am hungry, where is my breakfast?
Drizella : Cinderella, my room is dusty. When will you clean it?
Reader: The three sisters were calling Cinderella one day.
Mother :that dirty girl. She never do her job well.
Three sister: yes. She is…
Cinderella : Here is the breakfast. I will prepare Anastasia cloth, and then clean frederica room.
Mother: Then do it now. And don’t forget to cut the grass at the yard.
Cinderella : Yes Mother..
Mother : Then Go now…
Three sisters : Hihihiihi… (laughing)

Reader: Then Cinderella went away to do her daily jobs while the mother and three sisters ate their breakfast.

Reader: The royal trumpet was blown. Then came the envoy of the kingdom with some soldier with and invitation. Everyone listen to the announcement.

The envoy of the Kingdom: announcement … announcement … In connection with the folk festival that will be held in the palace tonight, the palace party invite all people to come and participate this. Please present at the festival. The Prince also will choose a dancing mate for tonight. So, grooming as beautiful as possible, in case you were elected.

Reader: Everyone is happy to hear the announcement, including, Cinderella and her stepsister, Anastasia, Drizella, and Frederica.

Anastasia: This is fun … definitely Prince chose me to be his queen. Because, I’m the most beautiful here!

Drizella: Who says? Surely someone is blind! Obviously I was the one who would be the companion of the Prince.

Frederica: Are you two dreaming ?! I am the most suitable for the prince.

smoga brmnfaat.

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