Gift Free A Dad Offered Firm By The Was

Gift Free A Dad Offered Firm By The Was

gift free a dad offered firm by the was

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1. gift free a dad offered firm by the was

Susunan katanya: the gift was offered free by a dad firm Artinya: hadiah itu ditawarkan gratis oleh perusahaan ayah

2. susunlah kalimat ini gift-free-a-dad-offered-firm-by-the-was

Dad was offered a free gift by firm

3. B. Rearrange the jumble words into a good sentence.21. class/in/You/strongest/the/student/are/our*Jawaban Anda22. school/friends/I/morning/every/to/go/with/my *Jawaban Anda23.bringing/map/present/is/at/Mr./Mulyono/a/not *Jawaban Anda24. and/is/are/the/guitar/The/boys/the/girl/playing/singing *Jawaban Anda25. gift/free/a/Dad/offered/firm/by/the/was *​


21. You are the strongest student in our class

22. I every morning go to school with mu friends

23. Mr.Mulyono is not bringing a map at present

24. The Boys are playing the guitar and The Girls is singing

25. Dad was offered a free gift by the firm

4. Answer the questions: 1. Who was at a gift shop? 2. Why was he there? 3. Who was the lady? 4. Did she know Ter's wife? 5. What did the lady offer? 6. Did Ted like what the lady offered? 7. How much was the discount? 8. How did Ted pay? 9. Howe was the set packed? 10. How was Ted when he left the shop?


Reading Comprehension:

1. Who was at a gift shop?

Ted was at a gift shop.

2. Why was he there?

Ted wanted to buy a present for his wife.

3. Who was the lady?

The lady was a shopkeeper.

4. Did she know Ted's wife?

No, she did not know Ted's wife.

5. What did the lady offer?

The lady offered a set of brooches and a necklace, with a beautiful peach pink flower in the middle.

6. Did Ted like what the lady offered?

Yes, Ted liked what the lady offered.

7. How much was the discount?

The discount was 25% off.

8. How did Ted pay?

Ted paid by using his credit card.

9. How was the set packed?

The set was packed in a gift wrap.

10. How was Ted when he left the shop?

Ted was Happy whan he left the shop because he had a wonderful gift for his wife.


Jawaban dicetak tebal berdasarkan bacaan sekaligus penjelasan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pemahaman membaca:

1. Siapa yang berada di toko suvenir?

Ted berada di toko suvenir.

2. Mengapa dia ada di sana?

Ted ingin membeli hadiah untuk istrinya.

3. Siapa wanita itu?

Wanita itu adalah seorang penjaga toko.

4. Apakah dia mengenal istri Ted?

Tidak, dia tidak mengenal istri Ted.

5. Apa yang ditawarkan wanita itu?

Wanita itu menawarkan satu set bros dan kalung, dengan bunga merah muda persik yang indah di tengahnya.

6. Apakah Ted menyukai apa yang ditawarkan wanita itu?

Ya, Ted menyukai apa yang ditawarkan wanita itu.

7. Berapa diskonnya?

Diskon adalah 25% potongan harga.

8. Bagaimana Ted membayar?

Ted membayar dengan menggunakan kartu kreditnya.

9. Bagaimana paket dikemas?

Paket itu dikemas dalam bungkus kado.

10. Bagaimana Ted ketika dia meninggalkan toko?

Ted senang ketika dia meninggalkan toko karena dia memiliki hadiah yang bagus untuk istrinya.

Semoga membantu ya.

5. III. Put the words in the correct order to make Passive Sentences.Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat bentuk Pasif.Example:Game - The- played- Jaka. - is - by>> The game is played by Jaka.16. My – was – wallet – stolen! A.My wallet was stolen!B.Wallet my was stolen!C.Was my wallet stolen!D.Wallet was my stolen!17. Made – The – bags – by hand. – are *A.Made are the bags by hand.B.Are the bags made by hand.C.The bags are made by hand.D.The made are bags by hand.18. Was – The – in – film – one week! – made *A.The film made was in one week!B.The film was made in one week!C.Was the film made in one week!D.Was made the film in one week!19. Yesterday. – The – fixed – were – notebooks A.Notebooks fixed were the yesterday.B.The notebooks fixed were yesterday.C.The notebooks were fixed yesterday.D.Were the notebooks fixed yesterday.20. Me. – The – gift – to – was – given A.Was the gift given to me.B.Given was the gift to me.C.The gift given was to me.D.The gift was given to me.tolong dong kak​


16. A

17. C

18. B

19. C

20. D



16. A. My wallet was stolen!

17. C. The bags are made by hand.

18. A. The film made was in one week!

19. C. The notebooks were fixed yesterday

20. D. The gift was given to me.

6. free gift point :)))​



7. A few days after the interview, I received a letter .... me a job. A. offered B. has offered C. being offered vo D. offering E. it was offering


A few days after the interview, I received a letter offering me a job.

maaf bila salah thx

8. Roger decided not to accept the job ______ the salary he was offered was a good deal less than he had hoped for.




maaf klo salah

9. who was the girls dad​


yanto? doni? dialog atau ceritanya mana?

10. The following statements are the characteristics of a perfect competition market, EXCEPT .... (A) In the long run a firm neither obtains super normal profit nor experience loss (B) A firm faces horizontal demand curve (C) A firm obtains normal profit at a point of tangency between average cost curve and demand curve (D) There is always a free entry and free exit (E) A firm obtains maximum profit at a minimum average cost

The answer is B

Sorry if I make a mistake

11. My dad was looking at the map . . . he saw a T-junction​


my dad was looking at the map (and) he saw a t-junction


yang didalam kurung itulah jawabanya

maaf ya kalau ada yang salah

follow ya

And jawabanya,

Dj bon bon remix

12. You gave me a new gift * A. The new gift was given by you B. The new gift was given by your C.The new gift is given by you 1​


A. The new gift was given by you


Jawaban lain salah secara gramatikal karena terdapat kesalahan dalam penggunaan tenses dan verb phrase.


13. by-gift- my father-this-given -was-to- me. Arrange to be good passive voice form .... a. this gift was given to me by my father b. this gift given to me by was my father c. my father given to me was this gift d. my father was given the gift to me​




d. my father was given the gift to me


14. New infrared sauna ... in the advertisement. A. has offered B. is offered C. offered D. offers​


New infrared sauna... in the advertisement.

A. Has offered

15. 1. There are ... classes offered by thetrain company for the journey.​

Jawaban:There are bargain right classes offered by the

train company for the journey.​

Penjelasan:ada kelas yang ditawar kan dengan keretaperusahaan untuk perjalanan,

maaf klo salah

16. Suppose a firm in each of the two markets listed below were to increase its price by 25 percent. In which pair would the firm in the first market listed experience a dramatic decline in sales, but the firm in the second market listed would not ?


Misalkan sebuah perusahaan di masing-masing dari dua pasar yang tercantum di bawah ini akan menaikkan harganya sebesar 25 persen. Pada pasangan manakah perusahaan di pasar pertama yang terdaftar mengalami penurunan penjualan yang dramatis, tetapi perusahaan di pasar kedua yang terdaftar tidak?


maaf kalo salah :")

corn and satellite radio

i hope this helps! ♡

17. The gift ……….by my best friend yesterday What is the suitable answer to fill the blank above? Jawaban Was give Was gave Was given Giving


was given


artinya Hadiah yang telah diberi oleh teman baik saya.

rumus stucture nya Was/were + V4

semangat terus belajar

18. Active : She brought a gift last night. Passive : …. a. A gift is bring by her. b. A gift are brought by her. c. A gift was brought by her. d. A gift were bring by her. e. A gift was bring by her. ​


C. A gift was brought by her


PASSIVE=S + be V3 + by O

Subject Object Active dan Passive itu kebalikan

mjd A gift was brought by her.


C. A gift was brought by her.


past tense pasive voice formula is

S + was/were + v3 + o





smg membantu

19. weather,the match was cancelled. a.Due to b.Because c.As a consequence


Due to

Maaf bila salah:)

20. free gift point :)))))))))))))))​




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