two metal wires in a bulb are connected to
1. two metal wires in a bulb are connected to
dua kabel logam di bohlam terhubung ke
mohon jawaban tercerdas
2. 26. Which one is not attached at the base of alight bulbA simple structureTwo metal contactsC Two stiff wiresD. A metal filament
Jawaban nya adalah Huruf C
3. apa arti hang onto burn wires
maaf kurang tau coba tnya yg lain
menggantung di kabel terbakar
4. Felix uses two different wires, A and B, to form a rhombus and a rectangle. He bent wire A into a rhombus with perimeter (4x + 28)cm and wire B into a rectangle. The longer side of the rectangle is six times the side of the rhombus whilst the shorter side of the rectangle is only two times the side of the rhombus. Felix used the whole length of the two wires without cutting off any edges to make the shapes. Express the perimeter of wire B in terms of x.
(16x+112) cm
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
the length of rhombus side =
(4x+28)/4 = (x+7) cm
the length of rectangle = 6(x+7) = (6x+42)cm
the width of rectangle = 2(x+7) = (2x+14)cm
so, the perimeter of wire B = the perimeter of rectangle =
2× ( 6x+42+2x+14)
= 2×(8x +56)
= (16x+112)cm
5. Why are all wires covered by rubber and plastic? Give your reason
The purpose of insulation covering the metal part of an electrical wire is to prevent accidental contact with other conductors of electricity, which might result in an unintentional electric current through those other conductors.
Because Rubber Or Plastic Is An Insulator Material, Which Is a Material That Inhibits Heat, TheRefore Made Electrical Cables Coated With Rubber Or Plastic So that heat from electricity is not Exposed to Our Bodies When Holding It
Karena Karet Atau Plastik Merupakan Bahan Isolator,Yaitu Bahan Yang Menghambat Panas,Maka Dari Itu dibuat Kabel Listrik Dilapisi Karet Atau Plastik Agar panas dari listrik tidak Terkena Ke Badan Kita Saat Memegangnya
6. Sebutkan peralatan apa saja yg dibutuhkan saat membangun jaringan wireslan dan apa fungsinya
Access Point, merupakan perangkat yang menjadi sentral koneksi dari klien ke ISP, atau dari kantor cabang ke kantor pusat jika jaringannya adalah milik sebuah perusahaan. Access-Point berfungsi mengkonversikan sinyal frekuensi radio (RF) menjadi sinyal digital yang akan disalurkan melalui kabel, atau disalurkan ke perangkat WLAN yang lain dengan dikonversikan ulang menjadi sinyal frekuensi radio.
-. Wireless LAN Interface, merupakan device yang dipasang di Access-Point atau di Mobile/Desktop PC, device yang dikembangkan secara massal adalah dalam bentuk PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association) card.
-. Wired LAN, merupakan jaringan kabel yang sudah ada, jika Wired LAN tidak ada maka hanya sesama WLAN saling terkoneksi.
-. Mobile/Desktop PC, merupakan perangkat akses untuk klien, mobile PC pada umumnya sudah terpasang port PCMCIA sedangkan desktop PC harus ditambahkan PC Card PCMCIA dalam bentuk ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) atau PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) card.
7. Bantu sya,apa kah pesan moral dari cerita two thin goat?
We must work together with another peoplewe must work togather with other people
8. What must you do with the wires ?
Apa yang harus Anda lakukan dengan kabelnya?
itu terjemahan nya, mungkin soalnya soal dialog atau teks prosedur, mohon lengkapi soalnya
9. Now its time to connect electrical wires to the light. You start by removing a little bit the plastic surrounding the connection wires up to 0.5cm from the black and blue wire. The lamp wire insertion h two to three openings, two of these are black and blue wire and sometimes in the middle you will find an opening for an earthed wire (yellow green wire). If your pendant lamp is earthed, ensure you also connect this wire to the insertion of the pendant lamp opening and screw them tightly with a screwdriver.
a’i wel my Cating
mafff ya kalok slh nant y
10. I wires SentencesSentences aboutCapabilty?
is this such a difficult puzzle?
11. ..............there Ani loose wires on the floor
..............there Ani loose wires on the floor
= The question above asks about the position of an object that Ani lost, namely the wires.
Then the possible answer is,
Over there Ani Lost wires on the floor========================================
Mapel = EnglishKelas = SMPDate = 21/01/202312. wires and cables (ate) ....... by the circuit voltage, temperature and environmental conditions is wich they (can use)
wires and cables were eaten by the circuit voltage, temperature and environmental conditions is which they can be used
Kalimat passive (passive voice)
Passive voice merupakan suatu bentuk kalimat dimana subjek kalimat menerima aksi, bukan melakukan aksi. Tidak seperti active voice yang fokus terhadap pihak yang melakukan aksi (doer of action), bentuk ini lebih berfokus kepada pihak atau objek yang menerima hasil dari suatu aksi tersebut (receiver of action).
Kalimat aktif yang bisa dirubah menjadi kalimat pasif berbentuk kalimat aktif yang mengandung transitive verbs (kata kerja yang memerlukan objek langsung) seperti make, bring, buy, write dan sebagainya. Sebaliknya, kalimat pasif yang mengandung intransitive verbs (kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan objek langsung) seperti cry, swim, go, arrive, dan die tidak bisa diubah menjadi kalimat pasif. Tetapi, apabila intransitive verbs tersebut diikuti oleh preposition, ada kemungkinan kalimat tersebut bisa diubah menjadi kalimat pasif tetapi kalimat pasif yang terbentuk akan sangat kaku.
Rumus Kalimat Pasif ( Passive Voice)
Subject(object dari kalimat aktif) + to be ( disesuaikan dengan bentuk tensesnya + Verb 3 (past participle)
Simple present subject + is/am/are + Verb 3
Present continuous subject + is/am/are + being + Verb 3
Present perfect subject + have/has been + Verb 3
Simple past subject + was/were + Verb 3
Past continuous subject + was/were + being + Verb 3
Past perfect subject + had been + Verb 3
Simple future subject + will be + Verb 3
Be going to subject + is/am/are + going to + be + Verb 3
Future perfect subject + will have been + Verb 3
Cindy hasn't decided the next destination for her vacation. ( the next destination for her vacation has not been decided by Cindy) They don't pay Jim enough. ( Jim is not paid enough by them) They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview. (You will be asked a lot of questions at the interview by them). Nobody told me that he was here ( I was not told by anybody that he was here) We have discussed the topic for our next publication . ( the topic for our next publication has been discussed by us) Her colleagues gave her a present when she retired. ( She was given a present when she retired by her colleagues) We will inform you your result as soon as possible. ( You will be informed your result as soon as possible by us). They didn't ask me my address. (I was not asked my address by them) I think they should have asked him to do the work. ( I think he should have been asked by them to do the work) Kirana is writing a letter for a friend. ( A letter for a friend is being written by Kirana)Note : Penggunaan kalimat pasif dengan perfect continuous tenses biasanya jarang dilakukan karena akan menghasilkan struktur kalimat yang terlalu rumit dan sulit dipahami. Oleh karena itu, hal ini sebaiknya dihindari meskipun secara tata bahasa benar (grammatically correct).
Langkah-langkah (tips) membentuk kalimat pasif (Passive Voice) dari kalimat aktif:
1. Pilih objek penderita dari kalimat aktif itu
2. Buatlah objek tersebut menjadi subjek dari kalimat pasifnya
3. Perhatiakan bentuk tensesnya, subjeknya tunggal atau jamak karena tenses yang di gunakan harus sama
4. bentuklah predikatnya dengan to be + Verb 3
Kelas : 8
Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris
Bab : 3
Kode: 8 .5.3
Kata Kunci : passive voice
13. What do we use to hold the bouquet wires in place
a bouquet wire frame
14. What is the difference between thin and thick cylinder ?
Thick cylinder is cylinder whose wall thickness is greater than 1/20 times of its internal diameter. ... Thin cylinder is cylinder whose wall thickness is lesser than 1/20 times of its internal diameter.
15. pengetian dariwiredconennctionpengertian dari wired connectiondanwires connection
wired connection adalah jaringan komputer yang terhubung melalui kabel.
#semoga membantu
Follow snak vidio dan tik tok aku donk,
Naila naila tik tok.
@Atma/ Naila snak vidio.
16. install the electric wires........building the roof
install the electric wires on buliding the roofInstall the electric wires before/after building the roof
ps: aku gak tau mana yang bener, soalnya aku gak ngerti step mbangun bangunan. Itu artinya:
Pasang kabel listrik sebelum/sesudah membangun atap
Pilih deh mana yang kudu duluan, mbangun atap dulu baru pasang kabel atau pasang kabel dulu baru bangun atap. Sorry
17. two girls a thick pencil
two girls have a thick pencil
semoga membantu
18. has-two-erni-legs-thin
erni has two thin legserni has two thin legs
#semoga membantu
19. You ... very thin two years ago
20. Apa bahasa indonesia nya two thin books
menurutku dua buku tipis
maaf kalau salahdua buku tipis
semoga membantu........
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