It Is A Beautiful Place Light And Dark Can Cohabit

It Is A Beautiful Place Light And Dark Can Cohabit

This Line if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can see mean?A. You are confused and cannot think clearly B. The Day turns dark and there is no lightC. You can not because it is darkD. You Can Close In The Dark place ​

Daftar Isi

1. This Line if you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can see mean?A. You are confused and cannot think clearly B. The Day turns dark and there is no lightC. You can not because it is darkD. You Can Close In The Dark place ​




bacause i was feels that




Kenapa A , karena pertanyaan diatas menanyakan tentang bagaimana kasusnya jika kau menemukan dirimu hilang di kegelapan dan apa yang kamu rasakan?

2. What does this line: "If you ever findyourself lost in the dark and you can'tsee" mean?A. You are confused and cannot thinkclearly.B. The day turns dark and there is nolight.C. You cannot see because it is dark.D. You are lost in a dark place."I'll be the light to guide you.line mean?​


A. you are confused and cannot think clearly

3. The place to sell and buying something.We can bargain it. It is a​


Traditional market


For generations, Indonesians have bought their food at traditional markets, pasar. The term pasar can refer to a gathering of tukang sayur (vendors who sell off carts which go through residential areas), to a rough, temporary structure where sellers gather in the morning, to the large, multistory buildings run by PD Pasar Jaya, Jakarta's market authority.

Throughout Jakarta, the items sold in pasar are basically the same - fruit, vegetables, meat and fish, spices, dry goods and household items. Selection may vary slightly to better serve the needs of the ethnic groups which live in the area. For example, if the pasar is located near an area where there are many ethnic Indians, they may have more Indian spices or, if there are a lot of Minangkabau people living nearby, more Padang spices will be available.

4. it is a nice and quiet place​


Ini adalah tempat yang baik dan tenang.


#Semoga membantu

5. NOT to the se 10. What is the park like? A. It is hot and crowded. B. It is quiet and pleasant. C. It is shady and attractive. D. It has a beautiful landscape. m 11. What is the writer's favorite place when​

jawaban :

c. it ia Shady and attaractive

6. 3.It is a place where we can watch film. It is a ........​



Semoga membantu :3


the place where we can watch the film is a cinemas / theater


semoga membantu

7. EXERCISE Guess! What is it? 1. It is a place where we can save and withdraw our money 2. It is a place where doctors and nurse work 3. It is a place to watch movies 4. It is a place to buy fruits and vegetables 5. We can borrow some books in this place 6. Write down five (5) names of public places!​

1. the bank

2. hospital

3. cinema

4. super market

5. library

8. 1. it is a place where we can save and with drow our woney ?2. it is a place where do ctors and nur se work ?3. it is a place watch movios ?4. it is a place to buy foruits and Vegetables ?5. wecan borrw somo books on this place ?6. write down five (5) names of public places ?​


1. bank

2. hospital

3. cinema

4. supermarket

5. library

maaf yang ke 6 gatau jawabannya

Answer:1) bank2) hospital3) cinema4) super market5) library6)  (5) airport. amusement park. antique shop. appliance store bakery. bank. bar. barbershop. cafe. cafeteria. camera store. dance studio. deli. delicatessen. electronics store. emporium. fabric store. factory outlet. farmer's market. gallery. game store. gas station. haberdashery. hairdresser. hardware store.problem with this text:-answersi hope this help's :D

9. Arti Every dark light is followed by a light morning.

Artinya yaitu setiap cahaya gelap diikuti oleh cahaya pagi----Jika diterjemah----
Setiap cahaya gelap diikuti oleh sebuah cahaya terang/pagi.
Yang artinya = Setiap ada kejahatan, pasti ada kebaikan

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^

10. It has beautiful eye....(it) eye can glow in the dark. (Possesiv pronoun?

Possesive pronoun:merupakan kata ganti yv menyatakan milik. Dalam kalimat pemakaiannya dibagi menjadi possesive adjectives&possesive pronouns. Disebut sebagai possesive adjectives karena kata tersebut berfungsi sebagai kata sifat/adjective.
This eye can glow in the dark its
maaf jika ada kesalahan,semoga membantuIt has beautiful eyes
Its eyes can glow in the dark.

It menjadi its
He jadi his
She jadi her
They jadi their
We jadi our
I jadi my

Possesive pronoun arti gampangnya
Yaitu kata ganti kepunyaan atau kepemilikan.

Terima kasih

11. it is a recreation has beautiful scenery.we can swim and make a sand castle is....​




dari arti kata tersebut menjelaskan tempat rekreasi dan bisa berenang dan membuat kastil pasir hanya ada di pantai (beach)

12. how is Yasinta's mother physical appearance ? *She is beautiful and has a pointed nose, beautiful eyes and dark skinshe is charming and has a flat nose, slant eyed and dark skinShe is beautiful and has a pointed nose, beautiful eyes and light skinShe is short an ad has a flat nose, beautiful eyes and light skinHow is Yasinta's mother personality ? *selfish and cruelwise and lazywise and cheerfulcruel and cheerful"she always fives me great ADVICE if I have difficulty in my life. the synonym of Advice is . . . . . . *prayerhopedirectionsuggestion"she is WISE. What is the antonym of Wise is . . . . . . *cruelGenerousArrogantselfish​

Synonym of advice is


13. they ...........(walk) till it was dark,and looked for a place to sleep.​




menurut saya ya begitu

They are walking till it was dark,and looked for a place to sleep.

14. Freya People say that Bali is a beautiful place. Is it true?Sissy : Yes, it is. It has beautiful ....A mountainsB. beachesC. riversD. parks​


#jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya kak


terjemahan inggris diatas.

Orang Freya mengatakan bahwa Bali adalah tempat yang indah. Benarkah?

Sissy: Ya, benar. Itu indah ....

A.Sebuah gunung

B. pantai

C. sungai

D. taman



Bali adalah pantai yang indah. maaf klo salah

15. can you describe noumi? she's high dark and beautiful

She is very kind
She is friendly
She is easy going person

16. it is a place where people can borrow boots it is a ???


mff klo salah, goodluck

Rent Boots ?

Maaf klo slh

17. What does it look like ? *  It is beautiful and dirty It is beautiful and crowded It is dirty and crowded It is high and beautiful It is crowded and high m​


D. Big Messy


maaf kalau salah dan semoga membantu :D


narrow, messy


dilihat dari gambar dapat disimpulkan bahwa ruangan dia sempit (narrow) dan berantakan (messy)

18. The following text is for aMy favorite place in towibeautiful. It is very shadypark even more beautiful aa big trash can near everySunday.​


The following text likely is written for a friend.


Kalimat tersebut menceritakan tempat favorit di kotanya. Suatu taman yang sangat teduh dan indah. Kalimat ini kerap kali kita temukan ketika seseorang menuliskan sebuah pesan kepada teman, untuk menceritakan kotanya.

19. 24. How is Kebun Raya Bogor Park?A. It is beautiful and hot.B. It is natural and fresh.C. It is clean and beautifulD. It is cool and beautiful.​

I'll help answer :

How is Kebun Raya Bogor Park?B. It's Natural and Fresh


Sorry if wrong-!!

20. it is a place where we can save and withdraw or money ​




karena bank adalah tempat utk menyimpan dan bengambil uang




semoga membantu

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