contoh speech lebaran day
1. contoh speech lebaran day
Halo Alika kakak bantu jawab ya!
My brothers are happy.
On this day that is the day of Eid al-Fitr a day including dimulyakan by God Almighty, where all Muslims alike were delighted because they have obtained a victory for war against the lust for one full month to perform fasting in the holy month of Ramadan.
And today is also the day of victory for all Muslims all over the world who have managed to carry out month-long fasting as a sign, that they have succeeded in their lust for bowed obedience to God Almighty, even though the taste is heavy because it left the previous thing is possible with the understanding that halal is not allowed much less unlawful.
Dear my brethren.
Today, we are forbidden to fast and be exempt from fire as well as given a reward doubled. Besides the angels pray for forgiveness to God and be shaken up with people who do the Eid prayer as we all are. Hopefully we all including those who appealed for forgiveness by the angels and also be shaken by them. Subhanallah.
Blessed are the Muslims who had fulfilled the obligations that have been assigned to us as Muslims to issue the zakat fitrah for cleaning was born and our inner as well as being the cause of acceptance of our fast in Ramadan.
Closing Speech By Eid Ul-Fitri
Dear ladies and happy.
Thus the speech that I can deliver, hopefully my speech deliver is beneficial for all of us, we apologize if there is wrong-wrong word and Minal Aidin Wal Faizin apologize was born.
Ini Terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia nya
Saudara-saudaraku yang berbahagia.
Pada hari ini yaitu hari Idul Fitri termasuk hari yang dimulyakan oleh Allah SWT dimana semua orang Islam sama bergembira karena mereka telah memperoleh kemenangan untuk berperang melawan hawa nafsu selama satu bulan penuh untuk menunaikan ibadah puasa di bulan suci Ramadhan.
Dan hari ini juga merupakan hari kemenangan bagi seluruh umat Islam di penjuru dunia yang telah berhasil melaksanakan ibadah puasa sebulan penuh sebagai tanda, bahwa mereka telah berhasil menundukan hawa nafsu mereka untuk taat kepada Allah SWT sekalipun berat rasanya karena menginggalkan perkara yang sebelumnya diperbolehkan dengan pengertian yang halal saja tidak diperbolehkan apalagi yang haram.
Saudara-saudaraku yang terhormat.
Hari ini, kita diharamkan untuk berpuasa dan dibebaskan dari api neraka serta diberikan pahala yang berlipat ganda. Disamping itu para malaikat memohonkan ampun kepada Allah dan bersalaman dengan orang-orang yang melakukan shalat Ied seperti kita semua ini. Mudah-mudahan kita semua termasuk orang-orang yang dimohonkan ampun oleh para Malaikat dan juga bersalaman dengan mereka. Amiin.
Berbahagialah para kaum muslimin yang telah menunaikan kewajiban yang telah ditetapkan kepada kita sebagai umat Islam untuk mengeluarkan zakat fitrah untuk membersihkan lahir dan batin kita serta menjadi sebab diterimanya puasa kita di bulan Ramadhan.
Penutup Pidato Idul Fitri
Hadirin yang terhormat dan berbahagia.
Demikianlah pidato yang dapat saya samapaikan, mudah-mudahan pidato yang sudah saya samapikan bermanfaat untuk kita semua, mohon maaf jika ada salah-salah kata dan Minal Aidin Wal Faizin mohon maaf lahir batin.
2. speech lebaran day b ing
On this day that is the day of Eid al-Fitr a day including dimulyakan by God Almighty, where all Muslims alike were delighted because they have obtained a victory for war against the lust for one full month to perform fasting in the holy month of Ramadan.
And today is also the day of victory for all Muslims all over the world who have managed to carry out month-long fasting as a sign, that they have succeeded in their lust for bowed obedience to God Almighty, even though the taste is heavy because it left the previous thing is possible with the understanding that halal is not allowed much less unlawful.
Dear my brethren.
Today, we are forbidden to fast and be exempt from fire as well as given a reward doubled. Besides the angels pray for forgiveness to God and be shaken up with people who do the Eid prayer as we all are. Hopefully we all including those who appealed for forgiveness by the angels and also be shaken by them. Subhanallah.
Blessed are the Muslims who had fulfilled the obligations that have been assigned to us as Muslims to issue the zakat fitrah for cleaning was born and our inner as well as being the cause of acceptance of our fast in Ramadan.
Closing Speech By Eid Ul-Fitr
Dear ladies and happy.
Thus the speech that I can deliver, hopefully my speech deliver is beneficial for all of us, we apologize if there is wrong-wrong word and Minal Aidin Wal Faizin apologize was born.
3. Contoh speech tentang full day school dan artinya
arti dari full day school adalah sekolah seharian penuhfull day school adalah sekolah dari pagi sampai petang(06.00-18.00)
4. write your sentence direct speech reporting verb past tense sub clause in negative change in to indirect speech
Kalimat langsung maupun kalimat tidak langsung mungkin adalah salah satu pelajaran yang sering Anda temui ketika sedang bersekolah, baik di SD, SMP, maupun pada saat SMA. Anda juga sudah paham dengan kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung pada Bahasa Indonesia. Pada Bahasa Inggris lebih sering disebut sebagai direct and indirect speech.
Pengertian dari kalimat langsung adalah kalimat yang dikutip dari perkataan seseorang tanpa merubah kata-kata dan selalu dibubuhkan tanda kutip pada kalimatnya. Sedangkan kalimat tidak langsung adalah kalimat yang merupakan penyampaian apa yang diucapkan seseorang tetapi di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat perubahan kata-kata dan tidak mengubah maksud. Kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung terbagi menjadi tiga, yakni pernyataan (statement), perintah (command), dan pertanyaan (question).
KALIMAT PERINTAHPada kalimat perintah, kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung terbagi menjadi kalimat perintah positif dan kalimat perintah negatif. Pada kalimat perintah perlu ditambahkan to di depan kalimatnya.
Perhatikan contoh berikut ini :
Kalimat perintah positif :
• He asked me, “open the door”
He asked me to open the door.
Kalimat perintah negatif :
• She told me, “don’t eat that meal”
She told me not to eat that meal
KALIMAT PERNYATAANDalam kalimat pernyataan, sering digunakan kata that (bahwa) sebagai penghubung antar kalimat pengantar dan kalimat yang dilaporkan.
Perhatikanlah contoh kalimat berikut ini :
• Kalimat langsung : He told his friend, “I have a new car”
Kalimat tidak langsung : He told his friend that he had a new car
• Kalimat langsung : She said, “I work in a factory”
Kalimat tidak langsung : She said that she worked in a factory.
KALIMAT PERTANYAANPada kalimat tanya, kata-kata tanya seperti where, when, why, what, who, how, dan lain-lain digunakan sebagai kata hubung.
Contoh :
• That girl asked me, “where do you live?”
That girl asked me where i lived
• Jane asked me, “When did you get back from your trip?”
Jane asked me when I had got back from my trip.
Jika kalimat tanya membutuhkan jawaban yes or no, kata yang kita gunakan adalah if atau whether (jika, apakah).
Contoh :
• The teacher asked me, “have you finish your homework?”
The teacher asked me if i had finished my homework.
• John asked me, “did you see Jane at the party yesterday?”
John asked me whether I had seen Jane at the party yesterday
5. ubahkan kalimat berikut ini ke indirect speech!direct speech:mother said it was raining all day direct speechindirect speech:........?
Indirect speech :
Mother said that it had been raining all day
6. rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
7. I said that I couldn't sleep.
8. Charles said that she may be late.
9. Marcus said that his dad could teach us the game.
10. I told hear that we should arrived at eight o'clock exactly.
11. Shona said that she may never see you all again.
12. Raggie told us that we must apologize to Mr. Swan.
Reported speech is when we tell someone what another person said. To do this, we can use direct speech or indirect speech. Untuk menjawab soal seperti ini, maka kita perlu mengubahnya ke dalam bentuk direct speech (kalimat langsung) ataupun indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung). Namun, karena kalimat yang diberikan adalah direct speech, maka kita ubah menjadi indirect speech.
7. what are the changing from direct speech to indirech speech ?,,,,,perfect tense in direct speech will change to which tenses ?,,,,perfect tense in direct speech will change to which teases? , ,,,h
In indirect, we change from present to past and from future to past future. perfect tense will change to past perfect tense.... maaf kalo salah :)
8. She says, "leatan appleadayDirectReported speech
Dia berkata, "leat
sebuah apel
Pidato dilaporkan
9. contoh teks speech tentang women in politics
Woman In Politics
Ladies and gentlemen,I want to speak about the role of women in politics. I know that in general when a man speaks about the role of women, then it is a very delicate issue because many opinions about this question are very subjective, emotional and sometimes full of prejudices. But nevertheless I hope that even the feminine listeners of this speech will not close their ears, because a mantells his opinion about the role of women in politics.There is a phenomenon in our daily life: The talk about political issues or the opinionof different politicians changes into a discussion of gender issues. Some say, that it is better tohave no or only a small number of feminine politicians. Some say, there should be a certainrate of women in the government. There are also voices that want to have more female thanmale politicians. The question is: What should be done?Before we can find a solution of this problem, I think it is important to find the answer of another question: Who should be a politician?If someone is a really good speaker, his speeches are appealing and full of passion, buthe also changes circumstances and does not only talk without doing something than he should become a politician. If someone really stands for the interests of his electors, without beingselfish or even being ready to make sacrifices than he should become a politician. If someoneis really honest and wants to change something in a way that is respectful and tolerant to other opinions, than he should become a politician – doesn’t matter if this person is male or female.I know that this sounds very ideal, but this is what real politicians should aspire to. There aredifferent examples of those politicians – the best one is probably Martin Luther King whofought for the rights of black men while respecting the rights of white men. Imagine if hewould have been a woman! Would there have been a big difference or would it have been thesame? It’s difficult to say and it’s interesting to think about, but the point is, that it wouldsurely be wrong, to exclude somebody from politics, only because of his sex, as it would bewrong to include somebody, who only takes advantage of his political status. It would surely be wrong, to exclude women from politics, but it would be also wrong, to include themcompulsively.It’s no secret, that men and women are different to each other. Probably that is thereason for this gender issue. They think differently, speak differently and because of that theyact differently. But isn’t it a chance for a variety in politics? Margaret Thatcher, an English politician once said: “If you want something to be said in politics, than refer to a man and if you want something to be done in politics, than refer to a women.” This statement is a moot point, but it illustrates, that men and women complement one another, when they join forceswith each other.So when we come back to our first question: what should be done, we come to asimple solution: We should stop thinking about gender issues if it’s a question of politics andwe should start looking at the person’s character or behaviour. This should be the basis of good evaluations.Thank you for your attention
10. best speech in importance on education
Good morning to the honorable teacher, my respected teacher and my dear friends I want to give a speech on the importance of education to all of you on this great occasion. Education is very important for all of us. Our parents teach us many things at home and then send to school after 3 years of age.
11. re write to chabge to simple past (+),(-),(?)1. Dion (wins) the speech contest in his school two day ago
Dion won the speech contest in his school two days ago (+)
Dion didn't win the speech contest in his school two days ago (-)
Did Dion win the speech contest in his school two days ago (?)
12. Re-write to simple past(+),(-),(?)Dion(wins)the speech contest in his school two day ago
(+) Dion won the speech contest in his school two day ago.
(-) Dion didn't win the speech contest in his school two day ago.
(?) Did Dion win the speech contest in his school two day ago?(+) Dion won the speech contest in his school two days ago
(-) Dion did not win the speech contest in his school two days ago
(?) Did Dion win the speech contesr in his school two days ago?
13. speech to express gratitude during the graduation day
ini translate tan nya ya
pidato untuk mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih selama hari kelulusan
Terima kasih khusus dari hati saya, kepada seseorang yang begitu istimewa dalam hidup saya. Untuk seseorang yang sangat berarti. Terima kasih khusus dari saya untukmu, karena membuat hidup terasa seperti baru. Terima kasih banyak."
menurut aku itu paling bagus maaf kalo salah
14. Make in correct indirect speech Form!a.Direct SpeechTantri said. "Gilang is at the library now".Indirect Speechb.Direct SpeechThey asked Rudi. "Are you a new student in our class?"Indirect Speechc. Direct SpeechLaura said to Desy, "keep your money in your bag!"Indirect Speech d.Direct SpeechIndirect Speech: Teacher said to his studenst. Don't make noise in this class!e. Direct SpeechInderct SpeechWhen do you come back?
15. "speech" in verb 3 is ...
spoken kalo engga salah, coba liat kamus dah
speech bukan kata kerja (verb) yaa melainkan noun. jadi gaada bentukan verb 3 nya.
mungkin yang berkaitan ada speak
verb 2 dari speak: spoke
verb 3 dari speak: spoken
16. Make in the paragraph your activity every day (minMake to the speech with the title “ My TEACHER
Jadikan paragraf tersebut sebagai aktivitas Anda setiap hari (min
Buatlah pidato dengan judul “Guruku
17. a.Sebanyak 16 orang warga.b.Warga di 5 distrik di negara bagian Maharashtrac.Chanel New Asiad.Seluruh warga di Negara MaharashtraKAK TOLONG DIJAWAB MAU DIKUMPULIN
d. seluruh warga di negara Maharashtra
sari paragraf 1 sampai 3 menjelaskan mengenai rakyat yang terkena dan warga yang diungsikan secara garis besar teks tersebut membahas mengenai warga Maharashtra
18. speech contest about kartini's day minimum 8 paragraph
aku akan membantumu salam dari indonesia
on this morning ,First off all, let' s pray and thanks unto our god allah who has been.
giving us some mercies and blassings
fathers and mothers
and i itell you war lobada when a see you again
who know all the planes me tooo
thing we dat hous and that faour mercing to you
bart animen woul you like dont like
dont some times whena see you
anyting maggical true and go
true indonesia
19. Affan is going to participate in English Speech Contest to Celebrate the Independence Day. Mahkitashows her hope that Affan will get the first winner.Anggi : Mahkita, wish me luck. I will follow a English Speech contest to celebrate the IndependenceDay the Independence Day.Mahkita:
Mahkita: oh that's great! i hope you do your best and win the first prize! good luck!
20. do not in reported speech
inorder to change the direct speech into indirect speech, we must change the tense of the sentence. ... The sentence begins with the negative helping verb 'don't'. So, indirect speech will be joined using the word 'whether'. So, the sentence will be constructed as 'I asked her whether she did not know the way home.
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