on of the... place in britain is the lake district
1. on of the... place in britain is the lake district
one of the best place in britain is the lake district
semoga membantu
ㅡ :)
2. Some of the district of columbia are on low-lying marshy ground.
beberapa distrik Colombia berada di dataran rendah berkawa
3. what kind of occasion will be held based on the text above??
Acara seperti apa yang akan diadakan berdasarkan teks di atas?
4. What kind of occasion that becomes the topic of the letter above?
Peristiwa apakah yang menjadi topik surat di atas?
5. please observe the examples of greeting cards below. write the occasion on which you usually give them away. Choose occasions from the box !
Card 1:
Occasion: when someone is sick, you send them a "get well soon" card to wish them speedy recovery.
Card 2:
Occasion: Birthday. Sent to give someone your best wishes on their birthday.
Card 3:
Occasion: Teacher's Day. Sent to show your teacher appreciation and gratitude.
Card 4:
Occasion: To Congratulate someone. In this case, a congratulations card is sent to someone who has won an English Speech contest.
Kartu 1:
Diberikan pada saat seorang sedang sakit, fungsinya utk menunjukkan perhatian dan berisi ucapan semoga lekas sembuh.
Kartu 2:
Diberikan pada saat seorang sedang ulang tahun.
Kartu 3:
Diberikan pada perayaan "Hari Guru" untuk menunjukkan perhatian dan berisi ucapan berterimakasih dan menghargai jasa guru.
Kartu 4:
Diberikan utk mengucapkan Selamat atas prestasi, dalam hal ini prestasi pemenangan lomba/kontes pidato dalam bahasa Inggris.
6. what is the leader of district?a. kingb. regentc. head of districtd. emperor
jawabannya itu yang. C.head of districtLeader of district is C. head of district.
7. Dear Jonathan We wish to express our deepest condolences on the passing of your k grandfather On Friday, 26 February 2021 May God almighty bless and keep him always the occasion , The occasion
Dear Jonathan Kami mengucapkan turut berbela sungkawa yang sedalam-dalamnya atas meninggalnya k kakek anda Pada hari Jum'at, 26 Februari 2021 Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa memberkati dan menjaga beliau selalu pada kesempatan tersebut, Pada kesempatan tersebut
8. Some of the District of Columbia are on low-lying, marshy ground. Which is inccorect?
ga ada yg salah kok dalam gramatika. mungkin ada narasi atau teks sebelumnya yg tidak cocok dengan pernyataan diatas.
9. what is the purpose of district
Distrik adalah pembagian wilayah administratif di provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat, Indonesia, di bawah kabupaten atau kota. Istilah "distrik" menggantikan "kecamatan" yang sebelumnya digunakan seperti halnya di provinsi-provinsi lain di Indonesia. Penetapan ini menyusul diterapkannya Undang-undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2001 tentang Otonomi Khusus bagi Provinsi Papua. Distrik merupakan perangkat Daerah Kabupaten atau Kota di Papua yang mempunyai wilayah kerja tertentu yang dipimpin oleh seorang Kepala Distrik.
Distrik dibagi lagi menjadi sejumlah kampung, atau dengan nama lain sesuai dengan adat istiadat setempat. Pembentukan, pemekaran, penghapusan, atau penggabungan distrik ditetapkan dengan Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten atau Kota
10. Write the expressions from the greeting cards based on the occasionmau dikumpulin -_-
happy : congration apa lah itu males baca gue
prayer or wish : happy new year
special : yang selamat hri guru sm mothers day
udhlah gt ae ajg sorry gue lagi badmood asw
11. congratulations on becoming the is winnerof the district poety contest artinya
selamat menjadi pemenang lomba puisi tingkat kabupatenPenjelasan:
maaf kalau salah
selamat telah menjadi pemenang lomba puisi tingkat kabupaten
12. what is the occasion happened on the picture
A girl is having her 10th birthday.
Translation: Seorang perempuan sedang merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-10.
Semoga dapat membantuu
13. What kind of occasion mentioned in the text above
peristiwa apa yang disebutkan dalam teks di atas?
(Jawaban sesuai cerita)
14. The director of the Indonesian import company Requests the company of Mr.John Taylor Managing director of woolcat Ltd Hampshire On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary Of their company at the international club in Jakarta On 10 September at 8.15 p.M (Dinner at 9.00 p.M) (Dress formal) R.S.V.P Zu Bakir, Indonesia import company 250 serang road Jakarta, Indonesia Question 1.What is the purpose of the text? 2.Who is the reques the company of? 3.When will the occasion of fiftieth anniversary be held? 4.Who is you can contected of the R.S V.P.? 5.Where is the occasion anniversary address?
1. What is the purpose of the text?
The purpose of the text is to invite Mr. John Taylor on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of The Indonesian Import Company.
2. Who is the request the company of?
The director of the Indonesian Import Company is the request the company of.
3. When will the occasion of fiftieth anniversary be held?
The occasion of the fiftieth anniversary will be held on 10 September at 8.15 p.m.
4. Who is you can contacted of the R.S V.P.?
I can contact Zu Bakir.
5. Where is the occasion anniversary address
The occasion anniversary address is at the International Club in Jakarta.
Tujuan dari teks di atas adalah untuk mengundang Mr. John Taylor pada perayaan ke-15 The Indonesian Import Company. Jadi, untuk menjawab nomor 2, siapa yang memohon adalah The director of the Indonesian Import Company
Jawaban pada soal di atas merupakan jawaban panjang. Untuk jawaban pendeknya adalah kalimat yang ditebalkan.
Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai pengertian RSVP pada invitation card pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/1027595
15. ”… On the occasion of their.” The bold word has the same meaning as…WentBackHappenEvent
kata yang di bold nya yang mana?
16. write the occasion of the following greeting cards! please help me_-
Greeting card for a sick friend wishing her well soon.Thank you note for someone that had been kind to help us.Congratulate someone on very special occasion (wedding)Congratulate someone for his/her good achievement (badminton winner)
like&follow me yaaa
17. what is the occasion of the invitation above?
where is the above?
and where's the invitation please write the question better
18. please observe the examples of greeting cards below. write the occasion on which you usually give them away. Choose occasions from the box !
card 5: a marriage card
card 6: a mother's day card
card 7: a best friend separation card
card 8: a graduation card
i'm sorry if my answer is wrong
19. Write the expressions from the greeting cards based on the occasion
Tuliskan ungkapan dari kartu ucapan berdasarkan kesempatan.dahituaja☺️
20. 1What is the district government on first level?Answer2. Who is form the districtAnswer3. What is the purpose of district?Answer4. What is consists of some subdistricts?Answer5. Who leads a village?Answer:
The district government on first level is province.District is formed by the government of regency or city.The purpose of district is to improve the coordination of governance, public services, and empowerment of urban/rural villages.Regency consist of some subdistricts.A village chief.cmiiw, good luck!
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