Sugar and chalk are compounds. What element(s) are common in both of thesecompounds?(A) Carbon only(B) Carbon and calcium(C) Calcium and hydrogen(D) Carbon and oxygen
1. Sugar and chalk are compounds. What element(s) are common in both of thesecompounds?(A) Carbon only(B) Carbon and calcium(C) Calcium and hydrogen(D) Carbon and oxygen
a carbon only paham... q
2. shape-are-compounds- of single-elements-and-substances
Single substance is consisting of similar a shape material
3. Antibiotic is kind of compounds both natural and synthetic
Antibiotic is kind of compounds both natural and synthetic.....
which has the effect of suppressing or stopping a biochemical process in the organism, especially in the process of infection by bacteria.
Antibiotic is kind of compounds both natural and synthetic
artinya=Antibiotik ialah jenis senyawa baik alami dan sintetis✍️by Alena
4. examples of samples that evaporate to dryness and form various compounds after?
translate kak
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5. What does a plant use to do Photosynthesis?A.Water,Carbon Dioxide,And CarbohydratesB.Carbon Dioxide,Carbohydrates,And OrganismsC.Water,Carbon Dioxide,And SunlightD.Carbohydrates,Organisme,And Choroplasts
C.Water,Carbon Dioxide,And Sunlight
C. Water, Carbon Dioxide, and Sunlight
Plants need sunlight to carry out photosynthesis so that their nutritional needs are met.
semoga membantu
6. english worksheet connectors and, or, but
no, really,sorry if wrongjawabnnya adalah no,really,sorry if wrong
7. naming hydrocarbon compounds
Hidrokarbon merupakan senyawa karbon yang tersusun dari atom karbon dan atom hidrogen. Kelompok - kelompok hidrokarbon dikelompokkan menjadi dua macam yaitu hidrokarbon jenuh atau alkena dan hidrokarbon tak jenuh (alkena dan alkuna)
Tata Nama Senyawa Alkana :
1. Untuk rantai karbon tidak bercabang penanaman sesuai dengan jumlah atom C dimiliki dan diberi awalan n
2. rantai induk diberi nama alkana sesuai dengan jumlah atom C yang dimiliki oleh rantai induk.
3. Cabang merupakan gugus alkil dan diberi nama sesuai dengan Atom C dalam cabang tersebut.
4.Jika terdapat lebih dari satu alkil, nama nana alkil disusun menurut abjad
5. jika terdapat sua gugus alkil atau lebih dengan nomor atom yang sama maka nomor tersebut harus diulang. Beri awalan di, tri, tetra, dan seterusnya pada nama gugus alkil sesuai dengan jumlahnya.
6. untuk penomoran rantai karbon yang mengandung banyak cabang :
- jika penomoran ekivalen dari kedua ujung rantai, maka pilih rantai yang mengandung banyak cabang
- gugus alkil dengan jumlah C lebih banyak diberi nomor yang lebih kecil
2. Tata Nama Senyawa Alkena
1. Rantai induk adalah rantai karbon terpanjang yang mengandung ikatan rangkap 2. Penamaan rantai induk sesuai dengan tata nama alkena, hanya saja kata ana diganti ena.
2. Rantai induk diberi nomor dengan urutan atom C ikatan rangkap diberi nomor terkecil.
3. Ketentuan lainnya sama dengan alkana
3. Tata Nama Senyawa Alkuna
1. Rantai induk terpanjang adalah rantai karbon terpanjang yang memiliki ikatan rangkap 3. Nama rantai induk sesuai dengan tata nama alkana hanya saja ana diganti dengan una
2. Rantai induk diberi nomor dengan ketentuan atom C yang memiliki ikatan rangkap tiga diberi nomor yang terkecil.
3. Ketentuan lain sama seperti tata nama alkana
8. when we breathe, our respiratory system is exposed to ... in the air. Select one: a. microorganisms and carbon dioxide b. carbon dioxide and pollutants c. oxygen and carbon dioxide d. microorganisms and pollutants
9. Inhale is taking in ... and exhale is giving out ....A. Nitrogen, Carbon dioxideB. Oxygen, Carbon dioxideC. Carbon dioxide, OxygenD. Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen
B. Oxygen, Carbon dioxide
Menarik nafas adalah mengambil Oksigen dan menghembuskan nafas adalah mengeluarkan karbondioksida.
10. Compound x is made from two elements. one element has the second highest value of first ionisation energy in its group and the other element has the third highest value of first ionisation energy in its group. which compounds could be compound x
Senyawa X terbentuk dari dua unsur. Unsur pertama memiliki energi ionisasi pertama tertinggi kedua dari golongannya dan unsur kedua memiliki memiliki energi ionisasi pertama tertinggi ketiga dari golongannya. Senyawa apa yang merupakan senyawa X itu?
Ne merupakan unsur pertama dengan eV 21.5646
F merupakan unsur kedua dengan eV 17.42282
Senyawa FNe- Neon fluoride(?)
11. How to identify oxygen and carbon dioxide
Oksigen bisa diidentifikasi dengan pada saat kita bernapas, udara yang masuk ke dalam tubuh kita terasa nyaman.
Sementara karbon dioksida saat kita menghirupnya, rasanya tidak terlalu nyaman. Contoh: Pada saat kita berada di sekitar kendaraan, tentu kita tidak merasa nyaman karena terus menghirup asap kendaraan itu terus menerus.
12. past tense exercise worksheet and
1. I …………………… a strange dream last A. night.
B. have
C. had
2. The people …………………….. at the
A. bull thief.
B. yelled
C. have yelled
D. had yelled
3. The young man …………………. his own life to save the life of his friend.
A. was risking
B. risked
C. had risked
4. I myself …………………… this.
A. see
B. had seen
C. saw
5. He …………………. gently to the child.
A. spoke
B. had spoken
C. have spoken
6. The children …………………. their best.
A. tried
B. were trying
C. try
7. The two men ………………….. ready to
leave on their pilgrimage.
A. are
B. were
C. had been
8. He ………………… at the entrance hesitantly.
A. stand
B. stood
C. had stood
9. Their families ……………….. them to prepare for the journey.
A. were helping
B. helped
C. had helped
10. Kabir ………………… the value of devotion and humility.
A. teaching
B. taught
C. had caught
11. The children …………………. and ………………….
A. were singing, dancing
B. sang, danced
C. had sung, danced
12. She ………………………… a letter to her grandmother.
A. wrote
B. had written
C. have written
1. I had a strange dream last night.
2. The people yelled at the bull thief.
3. The young man risked his own life to save the life of his friend.
4. I myself saw this.
5. He spoke gently to the child.
6. The children tried their best.
7. The two men were ready to leave on their pilgrimage.
8. He stood at the entrance hesitantly.
9. Their families helped them to prepare for the journey.
10. Kabir taught the value of devotion and humility.
11. The children sang and danced.
12. She wrote a letter to her grandmother.
ga bisa bahasa Inggris;(
"Lembar Kerja Yang Meminta dan Memberi Pendapat".
14. pada saat membuat worksheet baru,worksheet baru tersebut akan muncul di...worksheet yang sudah ada lebih dahulu.
tab sheet
yang ada dibawah
15. makna organik compounds
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) didefinisikan sebagai semua kandungan komponen bahan kimia organik yang dapat menguap dan dapat mencemari udara, baik pada saat proses produksi, aplikasi sampai dengan barang jadi dan digunakan oleh end user.
16. Grammar worksheet too and enough with adjectives and their opposites..?Tolong bantu!?
2. slow
3. old
4. expensive
5. interesting
6. noisy
7. easy
8. dangerous
9. large
10. dark
11. long
12. dirty
13. healthy
14. heavy
15. near
17. which of these compounds is not an electrolyte? a. sulphuric acid b. copper(II) chloride c. ammonium chloride d. carbon tetrachloride e. potassium hydroxide
d karena carbon tetrachloride tidak dapat membentuk ionD. Karbon tetraklorida
Senyawa tersebut memiliki ikatan kovalen, bukan ion
18. translate Its brown and hairy Its yellow and source
terjemahkan itu Coklat dan berbulu
kuning dan sumbernya
19. carbon tetrachloride is a colorless and inflammable liquid that can be produced by combining carbon disulfide and chlorine. This compound is widely used in industry to day because of its effectiveness as a solvent as well as its use in the production of propellants. Despite its widespread use in industry, carbon tetrachloride has been banned for home use. in the past, carbon tetrachloride was a common ingredient in cleaning compround that were used throughout the home, but it was found to be dangerous: when heated, it changes into a poisonous gas that can cause severe illness and even death if it is inhaled. Because of this dangerous characteristic, the united states revoked permission for the home use of carbon tetrachloride in 1970. The united states has taken similiar action with various other chemical compounds 1 the main point of this passage ia thar
The main point of this passage is a Description about Carbon tetrachloride. Karena paragraf tersebut merupakan sebuah teks deskriptif dimana paragraf tersebut menjelaskan tentang Carbon tetrachloride dari karakteristik sampai bagaimana Carbon tetrachloride tersebut bekerja dan dinyatakan berbahaya.
Rumus = Verb + Ing
1. Waiting
2. Inviting
3. don't live
4. Did, like
5. don't visit
6. Did, dance
7. is stop
8. did not water
9. did not study
10. raining
Semoga Membantu!
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