A Body Cools In 7 Minutes From 60c To 40c

A Body Cools In 7 Minutes From 60c To 40c

Urutan suhu -40C,3oC,-60C,20C dari yang tertinggi sampai yang terendah adalah . . .​

Daftar Isi

1. Urutan suhu -40C,3oC,-60C,20C dari yang tertinggi sampai yang terendah adalah . . .​


30°C, 20°C, -40°C, -60°C

maaf kalo slaah

Berikut adalah Urutan Suhu Tertinggi Sampai Terendah...

20c ⇒ 3oc ⇒ -40c ⇒ -60c

2. Urutan suhu -40C,3oC,-60C,20C dari yang tertinggi sampai yang terendah adalah . . .​



3. 60C=...F 60C=...K 30R=...C 40R=...C 40R=...K 40C=...F 50F=...C

60C = ... F
F = {(9/5) x C} + 32
F = {(9/5) x 60} + 32
F = 108 + 32 = 140
60C = 140 F

60C = ... K
K = C + 273
K = 60 + 273 = 333
60C = 333 K

30R = ... C
C = 5/4 R
C = 5/4 x 30
C = 37,5
30R = 37,5 C

40R = ... C
C = 5/4 R
C = 5/4 x 40
C = 50
40R = 50 C

40R = ... K
K = (5/4 x R) + 273
K = (5/4 x 40) + 273
K = 50 + 273
K = 323
40R = 323 K

40C = ... F
F = (9/5 x C) + 32
F = (9/5 x 40) + 32
F = 72 + 32
F = 104
40C = 104 F

50F = ... C
C = 5/9 x (F - 32)
C = 5/9 x (50 - 32)
C = 5/9 x 18
C = 10
50F = 10 C
1.) °C - °F= (9/5) °C= ....°F
9/5 × 60= 108°F

2.) °C - °K= °C + 273= ....°K
60+ 273= 333°K

3.) °R - °C= (5/4) °R= ....°C
5/4 × 30= 37,5°C

4.) °R - °C= (5/4) °R= ....°C
5/4 × 40= 50°C

5.) °R - °K=  C + 273 = (5/4) R + 273
=50 + 273= 323°K

6.) °C - °F= (9/5) C + 32= ....°F
=((9/5) × 40) + 32
=72 + 32= 104°F

7.) °F - °C= 5/9 (F-32)= ....°C
=5/9 × (50-32)
=5/9 × 18= 10°C

4. During the day the temperature in tom’s greenhouse increases from -40c to 50c. what is the rise in temperature


50 dikurang -40

50 - (-40)

min ketemu min jadi plus

50 +40

90 c

5. how to protect body from cold/heat?

how to wear thick clothes to protect from the cold and wear clothes that covered for protection from the heat or bring an umbrela

6. air sebanyak 200gr bersuhu 60C dicampur air 100gr yg bersuhu 40C,hitung suhu campuran

300 gram. 10 celcius jawabannya

7. john drive from his home to collage and takes 60 minutes to cover a distance 80km .calculate his speed in km h-1


80 km/hour


60 minutes = 1 hour

v = s/t = 80km/ 1 hour = 80 km/hour

8. Satu kilogram standar adalah massa satu liter air murni pada suhu… *A.60CB.100CC.40CD.00C​

1 kg =1 liter bersuhu 100 °c

Maaf jika salah:)

9. It takes a car 20 minutes to travel from Town A to Town B at 60 km/h. At what speed must the car travel to do the same journey in 15 minutes?


20 minutes at 60km/h

60km/h it means 60km/60minutes, convert it to the 20 minutes by divide it by 3 both side = 20km/20minutes

so the distance between A and B is equals to 20km

20km/15minutes convert it to hours by times 4 = 80km/h

10. 4. Writing the Numbers from (Fifteen to One-Four Minutes)5. Writing Numbers from (Eighteen to Fifty Minutes​


semoga membantu, maaf kalo salah

11. My mother Cools in the ​


Ibuku Mendinginkan di


My Mother Cools In The

= Ibuku Mendinginkan di

Kata My Mother Bisa diartikan jadi

= Ibuku

Kata Cools in the Bisa diartikan Jadi

= Mendinginkan di

              Saat diartikan / katanya disatukan                       Maka Menjadi

Ibuku Mendinginkan Di

    Terima kasih  Selamat Belajar!

12. Daging ketika dikeluarkan dari dalam kulkas bersuhu -60C. Setelah itu suhu daging naik 40C setiap 4 menit. Berapa suhu daging setelah 12 menit adalaha.7b.6c.5d.4​


(Dik : diketahui) (Dit : ditanya) (Dij: Dijawab)


-daging dikeluarindarikulkas :-60°C

-suhu daging naik :40°C(setiap 4menit)

Dit:suhu daging setelah 12menit?


=-60-(40°Cx 4menit :12menit)

=-60-(160menit :12menit)




(dibulatkan menjadi:73°C)

=jadi,suhu dagingyg dikeluarin dari kulkas setelah 12menit adalah suhu 73°C


-semoga membantu-:)

13. motther Cools in the.....​


in the kitchen


semoga membantu dan maksudmu cook ya ?

mother cooks in the kitchen

maap klo slh ya

14. jika dua buah benda bermuatan masing-masing 40c dan 60c dengan 4cm hitunglah besarnya gaya coulub​


kkkkkkkopppdi booth bp VIP gpp dong div fin cyin cih cin

15. 2. Calculate the acceleration for the following situations.(a) A car accelerates from 60 km/h to 110 km/h in 30 minutes.(b) The speed of a boat decreases from 70 km/h to 40 km/h in 5 minutes.184​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

16. Mr Ong's office is 11 km away from the mall. He drives from his office to the mall in 10 minutes. He then drives the same distance from the mall back to his office in 12 minutes. What is Mr Ong's average driving speed for the whole journey in km/h?​


= 11 Km + 11 Km / 10 m + 12 m

= 22 Km / 22 m

22 m = 22 Km

60 m = x

22x = 60 × 22

22x = 1.320

x = 1.320 ÷ 22x = 60

= 60 Km / 60 m

= 60 Km / h

17. 7 minutes.... 10 a. past b. to​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



a. to. karena menit nya yang di depan , kalau seamdainya menit nya di belakang itu memakai past.trims....semogamembantu......

18. Pasangan suhu di bawah ini yang merupakan urutan naik adalah .... A.-60C, -40C, -30C B.250C, 200C, 500C C.50C, 00C, -60C D.-750C, -1000C, -450Csiapa yg bisa jawab aku kasih 50 poin no ngasal ​

Soalnya -60 ke -40 ke -30 naik terus
Jadi suhu tambah panas.

19. Linda : Why do we have to drink much water Rino a. In order to avoid dehydration b. In order to keep our body weak In order to look beautiful d. In order to clean our body from bacteria​


a. in order to avoid dehydration


Translation/Terjemahan: Agar menghindar dehidrasi



A. In order to avoid dehydration.


Becaus water can make body fresh too and also we don't get dehydration.

20. How long the journey to New York, if you go from Dublin?a. 8 hours 45 minutesb. 10 hours 25 minutesc. 12 hours 50 minutesd. 7 hours 30 minutes​


D.7 hours 30 minutes



d, semoga membantu, maaf kalo salah

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