He Stay Here Until You Return

He Stay Here Until You Return

22. Stay here (until) he comes back O A. preposition B. noun O C. verb O D. adverb​

Daftar Isi

1. 22. Stay here (until) he comes back O A. preposition B. noun O C. verb O D. adverb​




Di kalimat ini kata "until" berfungsi sebagai preposition, bukan kat abenda (noun), bukan kat akerja (verb) dan juga bukan kata keterangan (adverb).

Sebenarnya di sini dia lebih tepat disebut conjucntion (kata sambung) tapi karena tidak ada di pilihan jawaban maka yang terdekat adalah preposition.

Semoga bermanfaat

2. … you come here, I will wait you but I will stay here only … 4 pm.The suitable words to complete the sentence are …A .If - until B .If - unless C .Unless - until D .Until - if​


A. if - until


If you come here, i will stay here only until 4 pm

3. you | until | stay | there | Sunday Susun lah kalimat ini dengan benar


you stay there until sunday


km tinggal disana sampai hr minggu


You stay there until Sunday


Maaf kalau benar

4. John did not return my books until he had done his Exam. the above sentence means​

Jawaban:John tidak mengembalikan buku saya sampai dia menyelesaikan Ujiannya.

Penjelasan:maaf kalo salah

5. 2. Mrs. Nora helps the doctor. She is a ...3. Arya must stay in the ... until he gets well​


2. Mrs. Nora helps the doctor. She is a nurse

3. Arya must stay in the hospital until he gets well

6. If I stay here, you ________________happy.

Will be

Maaf klo salah


if i stay here,you will be_happy

7. 25. He decided .... the loan as soon as he receives his salary. a. returns b. returning c. to return d. that he return 26. He is considering .... with us to the party. a. not go b. not goes c. not to go d. not going 27. My mother forbids.. out on school nights. a. me stay b. me staying C. me to stay d. my stay​


25. He decided C. to return the loan as soon as he receives his salary.

26. He is considering B. not going with us to the party.

27. My mother forbids C. me to stay out on school nights.

sorry kalau ada yang salahh


8. you | until | stay | there | Sunday Susun jadi kata yang benar


"You stay there until Sunday"


semoga membantu, cmiiw.


you stay there until Sunday


arti : kamu tinggal di sana sampai hari Minggu

mohon maaf kalo salah

9. I'd rather come with you. Here alone pilihan jawaban a to stay b than stay c staying d stay e rather than.

jawabannya a.to stay maaf ya klo salah

10. Did he stay to stay in the hospital? ​


Yes, he did. (Klo iya.)

No, he din't. (Klo g.)


Jawaban terbaik.



Yes,he did.He stayed in the hospital


No,he didn't. He not stayed in the hospital


Semoga membantu

11. Turn to indirect speech 1. he mother said "do you suppose you know better than your father?" 2. He said to mary "please wait here till i return

1. his mother said (ask) that does he suppose to know better than his father.
2. he said to mary that she needs to wait here until he return.

12. simple present 1.....you a merchant?.... you.... (sell) a bag of flour?2.Bebe ....(not; stay) near here. He... (to be 1) on Malioboro St.... you... (know) that?​

Are you a merchant? Do you sell a bag of flour?Bebe doesn't stay near here. She is on Malioboro St. Do you know that?

[tex] \\ [/tex]


Simple present tense yaitu kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan yang terjadi di masa sekarang, kebiasaan, atau suatu kebenaran umum. Pola kalimatnya yaitu:

(+) S + verb 1 + O/C(-) S + do/does + not + verb 1 + O/C(?) do/does + S + verb 1 + O/C + ?

Soal & jawabannya:

(1) ... you a merchant? ... you ... (sell) a bag of flour?

➝ Are you a merchant? Do you sell a bag of flour?

(2) Bebe ... (not; stay) near here. She ... (to be 1) on Malioboro St. ... you ... (know) that?

➝ Bebe doesn't stay near here. She is on Malioboro St. Do you know that?

[tex] \\ [/tex]


Jawabannya adalah:

are; do; selldoesn't stay; is; do; know

[tex] \\ [/tex]

semoga bermanfaat ᵕ̈

13. conditional sentence mother would be happy if you ... here (stay)​


Ibu akan senang jika kamu tinggal di sini

Mother would be happy if you stayed here

14. You will stay here wht me and never leave me

kamu akan tetap disini denganku dan tidak akan meninggalkan kuKamu akan tetap disini bersamaku dan tidak akan pernah meninggalkanku

15. i ___ stay here very long if you prmit me

i WILL stay here very long if you permit me.

16. fani … (be) back here for two months. he … (return) from jakarta two months ago.


Has been, returned


fani … has been back here for two months. he … returned  from jakarta two months ago.

Yang kalimat  pertama pakai Present Perfect Tense - Has + v3

Yang kalimat kedua karena ada "two monts ago" pakai verb 2 jadi returned

jelas yah kak

semoga bermanfaat

17. kalau ada yang bilang"yes i will stay here with you"​


Kalau ada yang bilang :

" yes i will stay here with you "

If someone says:

" ya aku akan tetap disini bersamamu "

[tex]Semoga Membantu[/tex]

Maaf kalau salah

18. Enc: either you will stay here. Or I will not help you anymere yolanda: All right I'll stay here from the dialogue we learn that

Enc will help if yolanda stay

Yolanda agreed to stay to get enc help

Enc will help Yolanda if she stays here.  Yolanda agree to stay here in order to receive help from Enc.

19. which of the following sentences is a polite requst ? a. don't leave alone !, b. won't you stay here please ?, c. won'tyou stay here ?, d. will you accompany me ?



20. The dwarf said, “If you wish, you may live here with us." What did the dwarf mean? O He agreed to stay with Snow White. He offered Snow White to stay with them. O He asked Snow White for a permission to stay with her. O He wishes to stay with Snow White. He showed his interest in Snow White.​


He offered Snow White to stay with them.


Kalimat “If you wish, you may live here with us."

Artinya "Jika kamu mau, kamu boleh tinggal dengan kami"

Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah: Dia menawarkan kepada Snow White untuk tinggal bersama mereka. (He offered Snow White to stay with them.)

Semoga bermanfaat

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