What are the restaurants' role in neighbordoods and communities
1. What are the restaurants' role in neighbordoods and communities
1. To provide foods and beverages for the people around
2. To open work fields, increase the employment rate in the area
2. They are public places. They are ....
> school = sekolah
> hospital = rumah sakit
> bakery = toko roti
> bank = bank
> post office = kantor pos
> market = pasar
> cinema = bioskop
> airport = bandara
>Harbour = pelabuhan
> zoo = kebun binatang
> Book store = toko buku
> Drugstore = apotek
> Libbrary = perpustakaan
> Restaurant = restoran
>Swimming pool = kolam renang
> Mosque = masjid
> cafe = cafe
They are public places.They are a place where people gather to carry out activities, this place is provided by the private government.
I'm sorry if something is wrong, and yes, that's the meaning of a public place, right...??? Next time it will be clear

3. the public.....are hospitalis
the public go are hospitalis
maaf jika salah
Bahasa Inggris apa bahasa arab
4. There are three public places around us. They are..... Bantu jawab
bank (bank)market (pasar)hospital (rumah sakit)cinema (bioskop)school (sekolah)town hall (balai kota)garden (taman)gas station (pom bensin)museum (musium)post office (kantor pos)
boleh dipilih aja...
5. public transport in my country is/are
Jawaban:is/are? IS quite good
Penjelasan: happy to help
6. the public...........are hospitalis..........
the public area are hospitalis gk tau lanjutannya:v
7. there are a lote of public places
(Disana) ada banyak tempat umum
Hope this answer is right and true^^ P.S Glad to help
ada banyak tempat2 umum
8. How many public places are there artinya
berapa banyak tempat umum yang ada
ada berapa tempat umum disana
9. are thr many public placs on merbabu street?
no there isn't
this is your meaningmaybe quite a lot or nothing at all ;)
10. 1. arepublic - There - Jakarta - many - places - in
There are many public places in Jakarta
semoga membantu ^^
11. 1. ....are Public buildingsA.ThisB.ThatC.ItD.Those
Those are Public buildings
those are public buildings
maaf kalo salah
12. dialog untuk you are in public library
stranger 1 : hello what are you doing
stranger 2 : i dont know where this is
stranger 1: you are in the public library
13. public transportations that familiar in jakarta are?
bus is the most common public transportation.
is angkot in jakarta(•ω•)
14. sodik ... in the public library last evening. are was were are
Simple Past Tense:
Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Nominal dari Simple Past Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan di masa lampau dalam Bahasa inggris.
Simple Past Tense:
Nomnal: (+) Subject + Tobe (was/were) + Adjective / Noun / Adverb
Semoga membantu ya.
15. there are several public places on.......
The Street
maaf kalau salah
16. there are many public places in jakarta , artinya
ada banyak tempat umum di jakarta
17. there are many public places alon
Jawabannya itu street
street atau jalan yang ada di tempat umum
18. How many public place are there?
in where? indonesia?
the answer is " just god that knows the answer "
Mohon buat ulang soal ini dan attach foto yang bersangkutan karena soal ini hanya berisi pertanyaan tidak beserta soalnya maka tidak bisa dijawab.19. Contoh dari Administrstion of public Administration for public Administration by public
lihat penjelasan berikut ini!
administrstion of public
Berikut ini beberapa contoh administrstion of public, diantaranya:
Pengaturan reshuffle kabinet oleh PresidenPengaturan mengenai pembentukan badan dan komisi-komisi pemerintahanTata cara pemberian layanan kepada masyarakat.administrstion for public
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh dari administrasi for publik :
Dukungan kelembagaan terhadap pelaksanaan program nasional pemberdayaan masyarakat mandiri (PNPM-MANDIRI). Diagnosis SDM teknologi informasi, SK pelaku teknologi informasi dipusat pengolahan data kepegawaian.administrstion by public
Presiden mengatur mengenai reshuffle cabinet atau mentri.Aturan mengenai tata cara pembentukan badan dan komisi di pemerintahan.Aturan terkait tata cara memberikan pelayanan terhadap masyarakat.smoga membantu
jadikan jawaban ini yang terbaik^•^™20. You and I are going to the cinema. __________ go there by public transportation. *
You and I are going to the cinema.Wemust go there by public transportation.
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