An Old Lady Becomes Blind Story

An Old Lady Becomes Blind Story

A. The dog bit the old lady. The passive voice isThe old lady is bitten by the dog. B. The old lady was being bitten by the dogThe old lady is being bitten by the dogd. The old lady was bitten by the dogC. ​.

Daftar Isi

1. A. The dog bit the old lady. The passive voice isThe old lady is bitten by the dog. B. The old lady was being bitten by the dogThe old lady is being bitten by the dogd. The old lady was bitten by the dogC. ​.

The passive voice is The old lady was bitten by the dog


Aktif = The dog bit the old lady → (V2 Past tense)

Passive = S2 + was/were + V3 + by + S1

S2 = Subject ke-2

S1 = Subject ke-1

was/were = to be

V3 = Verb 3

Karena, passive voice menggunakan V3 sebagai kata kerjanya dan to be tergantung pada tense masing-masing kalimat.

2. apa arti old dan lady plis jawab​


wanita tua


wanita tua sering disebut nenek.

semoga membantu


Old (tua/ lama)

Lady (Wanita dewasa/ wanita berumur)

Old Lady =Granny=Grand Mother (Nenek tua renta)

3. apa bahasa indonesia dari An old story,A far village,young ladies,fierce dogs,An old man

sebuah cerita lama,desa yg jauh,wanita wanita muda,an ganas, seorang pria yang tuaAn old story= Sebuah cerita lama
A far village= Desa yang jauh
Young ladies= Wanita muda
Fierce dog= Anjiing galak
An old man= Orang tua / seorang pria tua

Semoga membantu

4. once upon a time, there was an old lady lived in a hut near the forest ​



➜once upon a time, there was an old lady lived in a hut near the forest

➜pada suatu ketika, ada seorang wanita tua yang tinggal di sebuah gubuk di dekat hutan.

I Hope This Help ☁️

5. what did the old lady want?​


Artinya:Apakah yg wanita tua itu inginkan

6. you see an old man who is blind. he wants to cross the street.what will you do?

first I would like to offering my help. and if he said yes then I will help him to cross the street.I will help him to across the street.

sorry for mymistake

7. someone is walking and bumping into an old lady . A/An.....................person doesn't say anything

jawabannya A person doesnt say anything

8. 28. From the story we can say that. A. The young girl was a wise girl B. The old lady was a Cunning woman C. The old wise lady was the mother-in-law's neighbor D. The mother in law finally knew who stole food


Ceritanya mana kak? Kan harusnya ada

9. what did the old lady want?​


apa yg telah wanita tua inginkan?

coba jawab maaf kalau salah

10. The old man doesn't have home. He becomes...


he becomes a homeless people


homeless berarti nggak punya rumah

11. the old lady spoke soft/softly


the old lady spoke softly


the old lady spoke : wanita tua berbicara

soft /softly: lembut atau dengan lembut

soft + Ly termasuk dalam adverb

dengan lembut

soft : lembut termasuk dalam adjective

12. Arti dari once upon a time there lived an old lady crow that was mean and ugly

Pada suatu saat, hiduplah seorang wanita gagak tua yang jahat dan jelek (buruk rupa).
Maap kalo salah

13. Change the sentences into passive voice ! The dog bit the old lady and her sons. The old lady and her sons … (bite/by/the dog)


The old lady and her sons were bitten by the dog


Passive voice mengubah object menjadi subject dan subject menjadi object

Pola :

S + Tobe (was/were) + V3 + O/C

14. 4. Choose the correct word order.a. - A small Canadian thin lady.A Canadian small thin lady.A small thin Canadian lady.A thin small Canadian lady.b. - A beautiful blue sailin boat.A blue beautiful sailig boat.A sailing beautiful blue boat.A blue sailing beautiful boat.c.An old wooden square table.A square woodwn old table.An old square wooden table.A wooden old square table.​


A. a small thin canadian lady.

B. a beautiful blue sailin boat.

C. an old square wooden table

semoga membantu<3

15. the old lady told me to go away​


Passive Voice:

I was told by the old lady to go away.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Passive Voice dari Simple Past Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan di masa lampau dalam Bahasa Inggris.

I was told by the old lady to go away. (Aku diberitahu oleh wanita tua itu untuk pergi.)

Simple Past Tense:

Active Voice: (+) Subject + Verb-2 + Object

Passive Voice: (+) Subject + Tobe (Was/Were) + Verb-3 + Object

Semoga membantu ya.

16. Active voice: An old man told the storypassive voice: .........​


the story was told by an old man

17. Our maid is a sweet... lady. a) young b) old


A young


maaf klo salah dan semoga membantu dan jgn lupa follow ya




maaf kalau salah

18. 28. From the story we can say that A. The young girl was a wise girl B. The old lady was a Cunning woman C. The old wise lady was the mother-in-law's neighbor D. The mother in law finally knew who stole food


A. maaf kalau salah...........

19. faktor berlakunya peristiwa bersejarah di tha grand old lady

peristiwa the Grand of lady adalah salah satu peristiwa yang bersejarah di Sarawak belaga Miri nomor 1 ngeluarkan minyak pada tanggal 22 Desember 1910 dan the grand old ledy adalah Telaga minyak nomor satu di Miri Telaga minyak pertama yang menggunakan kabel di dalam negara dan faktor dari peristiwa bersejarah itu membantu mengubah mirip dari sebuah perkampungan kecil nelayan pada abad 20 menjadi sebuah Bandar modern dan maju pada abad 21

20. apa arti old lady plisss kak jawab ya​


wanita tua


atau yg dimaksud kata orang Indonesia adalah nenek




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