write a sentence following the Subject-Verb Agreement rules!
1. write a sentence following the Subject-Verb Agreement rules!
The teacher has been grading the tests all morning.We have been working hard all week.The teacher has read all of the essays.She never forgets to bring her umbrella.2. 1. What is the subject pronoun for caroline in the sentence ?
What is the subject pronoun for caroline in the sentence ?
Anwer: In this case the personal pronoun is she and refers to Caroline. The personal pronouns for people are: I. You.
Semoga Membantu ya ^_^
3. Make the following sentence into yes-no questions.Also,change the subject into subject pronouns!Bantuin ya kak!!besok dikumpulin
Buatlah kalimat dibawah ini ke dalam bentuk yes-no question. Kemudian ubah subject nya ke dalam kata ganti subject!
1). My father drinks coffee.
Answer :
2). Ivan studies hard.
Answer :
3). Sonia sings beautifully.
Answer :
4). The students like geography.
Answer :
5). My dog sleeps under my bed.
Answer :
Dalam yes-no question menggunakan auxiliary verb DO/DOES dikarenakan kalimat nya bentuk present tense. Dimana setelah subject menggunakan verb-1 dan ada yang menggunakan tambahan s/ies pada akhir kata kerjanya.
Pronoun subject
He => Digunakan jika subject yang dibahas adalah orang ketiga tunggal (lk) seperti "father", "Ivan".She => Digunakan jika subject yang dibahas adalah orang ketiga tunggal (pr) seperti "Sonia".They => Digunakan jika subject nya lebih dari satu orang (plural) seperti "The students".It => Digunakan jika subject nya kata ganti benda/hewan tunggal Seperti "dog".================================
4. 1. if there are any auxiliaries in the active sentence, place them immediately after the new subject agreeing in number with the subject. 2. insert the verb be after the auxiliary or auxiliaries in the same form as the main verb in the active sentence.artinya donk
1. jika ada pembantu dalam kalimat aktif, menempatkan mereka segera setelah subjek baru menyetujui jumlahnya dengan subjek.
2. masukkan kata kerja menjadi setelah tambahan atau pembantu dalam bentuk yang sama dengan kata kerja utama dalam kalimat aktif.
5. Find The Subject of the following sentence will rita and her Mother ride to the market tomorrow
Subject : Rita & Her Mother .Rita and her mother is the subject
6. in each of the following sentences underline and identify the subject and the predicate
a. flowers(s) withered(p)
b. barbara(s) was stung(p)
c. dog(s) leaped(p)
d. jonh and i(s) were (p)
e. iron fence(s) surrounded(p)
f. the door(s) the shed....(p)
g .i(s) had.(p)
h.the boy(s) shot(p)
i. the man and.....(s) were killed(p)
j.the tree(s) grew(p)
7. Questions :1. We use the Simple Present Tense to talk about:b.2. We use „am" if the subject of the sentence is3. We use are" if the subject of the sentence is Singular/Plural.*(* = line out the wrong answer)4. We use „are" if the subject pronoun of the sentence are5.We use .is" if the subject of the sentence is Singular/Plural."(" = line out the wrong answer)6. We use.is" if the subject pronoun of the sentence are7.We use .V +s" if the subject of the sentence are Singular/Plural."(* = line out the wrong answer)8.We use.V + s" if the subject pronoun of the sentence are9.We use .V1" if the subject of the sentence are Singular/Plural."(* = line out the wrong answer)10. We use .V1" if the subject pronoun of the sentence are11. Based on the questions no. 2-10, complete the table using the following words.SubjectBeVerbSingular, Plural, They, He, We, It, I, You, Sheis, am, areV1, Vs
1.explain something that happened at this time
4.They , We , You
6.He , she , it
8.He , She , It or name
10.We , They , You , I
11 itu disuruh melengkapi tabel....
8. why can the doer or subject in passive sentence be omitted?
because this is indirect so it is considered more polite. 8 Feb 2020
terjemahan bahasa Indonesia:karena ini tidak langsung sehingga dianggap lebih sopan.8 Feb 2020
why can the doer or subject in passive sentence be omitted?
terjemahan bahasa Indonesia:mengapa pelaku atau subjek dalam kalimat pasif dihilangkan?
semoga membantu maaf kalo salah (✿^‿^)
9. She opened a checking account at the bank last week.The subject & the verb in the sentence are ?
Subject: She
Verb: opened
10. Supply have/has been or have/has gone in the following sentences
2. has been
3. has gone
4. has gone
5. has been
6. has been
7. has gone
8. has been
9. have been
10. has been
11. has gone.
11. Supply the correct tense of the verbs in the parentheses in the following sentences. 1. I (work) in my garden when you arrived home.
i worked in my garden when you arrivedhome
12. For each of the following, choose the sentence in which the subject and verb agree.A) Every one of the shirts has a green collar.B) Every one of the shirts have a green
A Every one of the shirts has a green collar
kalo salah maaf
13. supply the correct preposition in the black space in each sentence. Use the gerund ("ing") form of the verb in parentheses after the preposition
1) getting
2) doing
3) selling
4) getting
5) losing
6) using
7) studying
8) doing
14. 1. Some rules in implementing subject-verb agreement are as follows. Express them in sentences.a. The subject and verb must agree in number.Example sentence:…b. When the subject is separated from the verb by “with”, “as well as”, “together with”, “along with”, the verb agrees with the subjectExample sentence:…c. Two subjects joined by “and” are pluralExample sentence:…d. Two subjects joined by “or/not”, “either…or/neither…nor”, “not only…but also” take the verb that agrees with the subject closest to it.Example sentence:…e. In sentences beginning with “here” or “there“, the true subject follows the verb.Example sentence:…
sjggjhklsgl skl asl asl asl XL Nsll dk sll sp ap sp wk ssk dk gk dh dk
15. Zuzana Ruzickkovafinally stopped performing in public in 2006,the age of 79.what is the subject of the sentence
Zuzana Ruzickkova
semoga membantu
16. Supply the best recommendation for the following letter
Banyak cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan kritik dan saran dalam bahasa inggris. Beberapa diantaranya adalah:
Kamu dapat menggunakan format verb+ing setelah kata recommend/suggest. Contohnya “It’s raining outside, I recommend taking an umbrella” or “I suggest taking an umbrella.”
Atau kamu juga bisa menggunakan struktur ini: “I recommend that you take an umbrella” atau “I suggest that you take an umbrella.”
Kalian juga bisa memberikan saran menggunakan kata selain recommend atau suggest. Contoh sederhananya adalah menggunakan “you should” atau “you shouldn’t”. Contoh dalam kalimat: “You should/You shouldn’t.” Akan tetapi menggunakan kata should terdengar sedikit memberi kesan memerintah. Oleh karena itu jika kamu berbicara dengan seseorang yang tidak kamu kenal secara dekat, ada cara lain yang bisa digunakan yaitu “You might want to” or “You might not want to.”
Setelah mengetahui istilah-istilah untuk memberikan kritik dan saran, mari kita jawab pertanyaannya
1. I strongly recommend that University committee should hire or at least outsource cleaning service to keep the toilet clean and comfortable to use everyday. Menggunakan kata strongly artinya memberi penekanan bahwa hal ini sangat butuh untuk dilaksanakan.
2. The water supply should be regulated daily so that the toilet users (either students or lecturers) will not experience such situation as lacking of water.
3. I would also suggest that the committee should create a warning in paper form glued in every wall of the toilet about throwing rubbish in the provided dustbin in order that it will increase the awareness of toilet users.
Demikian beberapa penggunaan kata suggest, recommend, should dalam sebuah surat saran.
Silahkan cek tautan berikut untuk lebih lanjut mempelajari topik ini:
Kelas : SMA kelas X
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Expression
Kata kunci : Recommendation, Suggestion
17. B inggris kelas VI semester 1 rewrite the Sentence with the new subject in the bracket
4.They speak English well.
They speak English well.5. My Sister likes draw dolls.
B inggris kelas VI semester 1 menulis ulang Kalimat dengan subjek baru di dalam kurung.
18. The waitress serves you the wrong order." Which word is the subject in this sentence? * 4 poin
The waitress.
Subject adalah kata berupa orang/benda yang melakukan pekerjaan.
Di kalimat tersebut, the waitress serves you the wrong order, berarti the waitress melakukan pekerjaan yaitu "serve" (melayani).
19. In each sentence, underlined the subject and circle the correct verb. Please help
need, enters, is, is, gives
20. supply an appropriate expression (positive or negative command) in the following sentences
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