Why Wave Motion Is Doubly Periodic

Why Wave Motion Is Doubly Periodic

Why you not agree with motion?

1. Why you not agree with motion?

i not agree because...... harus di isi sendiri ya maksudnya yang terakhir >:)

2. Who loves the beach? Why? What does Rafii think aboutbthe beach? How is the wave?

Siapakah yang menyukai pantai?(Who loves the beach?)


apa yang rafli fikirkan tentang pantai nya? (What does Rafii think about the beach?)

Bagaimanakah ombaknya? (How is the wave? )

Semoga Membantu.

3. if bone is the example of passive motion ... is the active motion​


if bone is the example of passive motion, muscle is the active motion​

4. ant motion equipment is...​

Jawaban:ant motion equipment is leg

5. What is the distance between a point in one wave and a similar point on the next wave


The wavelength is the distance from crest to crest, trough to trough, or from a point on one wave cycle to the corresponding point on the next adjacent wave cycle.

The wavelength (λ) of a wave is the distance between a point on one wave and the same point on the next wave. It is often easiest to measure this from the crest

The wavelength of a wave is the distance between a point on one wave and the same point on the next wave. It is often easiest to measure this from the trough of one wave to the crest of the next wave


semoga membantu!!!

maaf jika salah,mohon modrator jangan hapus jawaban

6. what is energy of motion?

Jawaban: Motion energy – also known as mechanical energy – is the energy stored in moving objects. As the object moves faster, more energy is stored. Motion energy is the sum of potential and kinetic energy in an object that helps does work.


7. 1. What is a mechanical wave?


A mechanical wave is a wave that is an oscillation of matter, and therefore transfers energy through a medium.[1] While waves can move over long distances, the movement of the medium of transmission—the material—is limited. Therefore, the oscillating material does not move far from its initial equilibrium position. Mechanical waves transport energy. This energy propagates in the same direction as the wave. Any kind of wave (mechanical or electromagnetic) has a certain energy. Mechanical waves can be produced only in media which possess elasticity and inertia.

8. what is the motion organs of a fish​


fins and tail


Name of locomotion organs: fins and tail generally to help fish swim. The fins on the fish serve to help the fish move forward, rotate, or maintain an upright and balanced position. Most fish secrete mucus which makes it easier for them to move through the water.

9. When there is a change in motion?​


Sesuai dengan namanya, energi gerak adalah energi yang terjadi ketika sebuah objek atau benda bergerak. Contohnya saat kita berjalan, mendorong meja, dan gerakan kipas angin.




10. buat sebuah motion lalu buat opinion kalian, apakah agree atau disagree and why?dikumpul skrng plss

motion: Sule is a famous comedian

Opinion: i agree with that, sule's influence in comedical society is very huge, that's why he is famous in indonesia

11. how is the motion of the king?

artinya ,bagaimana gerak sang rajabagaimana ekspresi sang raja?

12. motion in indonesian languaage is​





semoga membantu ^_^

13. What is the unit of wave speed?





meter per second (m/s)


berdasarkan terjemahannya,

Berapa satuan kecepatan gelombang?

jawaban: Frekuensi (Frequency) adalah sejumlah getaran yang dihasilkan 1 detik, satuan frekuensi (frequency) adalah Hertz dan biasanya dilambangkan dengan huruf “f”. Sedangkan Kecepatan Gelombang (Wave Speed) biasanya dilambangkan dengan huruf “v” dengan satuan meter per second atau m/s (meter per detik).

14. a sound wave is characterized

pertanyaan ini msk fisika yahh??

15. di artikan dlm bhs indonesia.rabbit motion equiment is​


peralatan gerak kelinci


maaf kalo salah

rabbit motion equiment is​=alat gerak kelinci adalah


16. Arti ke bahasa Indonesia + definisi (dalam fisika)a. Uniform circular motionb. Wave pulsec. Vector resolution *jangan google translatemakasih

a. uniform circular motion = gerak melingkar beraturan (GMB)

b. wave pulse = pulsa gelombang (gelombang transversal pd tali yg direnggangkan)

c. vector resolution = vektor resultan

17. what .... mona (do) ...... ? why ..... she (wave) .... towards us?​

what is mona doing? why is she waving towards us?


what is mona doing? why does she wave towards us?


apa yang sedang mona lakukan? kenapa dia melambai ke arah kita?

18. fish motion organ is​


organ gerak ikan adalah sirip

19. ..........is an extremely large wave which is usually caused by earthquake. ​



Usually, it takes an earthquake with a Richter magnitude exceeding 7.5 to produce a destructive tsunami. Most tsunamis are generated by shallow, great earthquakes at subductions zones. More than 80% of the world's tsunamis occur in the Pacific along its Ring of Fire subduction zones.

……is an extremely large wave which is usually caused by earthquake


Apakah gelombang yang sangat besar yang biasanya disebabkan oleh gempa bumi



20. the example of active motion is

Contoh gerak aktif adalah

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