Application For An Urgent Work

Application For An Urgent Work

Whats must People do when applaying for a job? What is an application letter for? What are the featurer pf an application letter?

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1. Whats must People do when applaying for a job? What is an application letter for? What are the featurer pf an application letter?

What must people do when applying for a job? Jawab : Make an application letter

2. what is the importance of an application letter for the receiver?

For documentation and knowing identity

3. 5. Give at least 3 tips for people who want to fill an application form! Answer:Give at least 3 tips for people who want to fill an application form​


Top tips for completing an application form

Research the company and the job.

Make sure all your employment dates are correct.

Proofread thoroughly for spelling and grammar errors.

Re-read it to ensure you are clear at all times.

Always be truthful.


Jadikan jawaban tercedas

Thank You

4. 1. write down what the meaning of application letter?2. how to apply for a job?3. how to write an application letter4. write a dialog when you interview for a job?5. write a simple application letter!​








maaf kalau salah

5. How long did she work for an insurance company?​


berapa lama dia ( perempuan ) bekerja di perusahaan asuransi?


semoga membantu !

6. Nikita is writing an application letter for the position as secretary ubah dalam bentuk passive voice

cover letter is being written by nikita for his position as secretaryAn application letter for the position as secretary is being written by Nikita.

maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu yaaa

7. Can anyone recommend me an application for learning English? besides Grammarly, and duo lingo. Thanks​


1. LingoDeer (Available for Android and iOS)

2. Speak English Conversation (Available on Android and iPad)

3. LingQ (Available on Android)

4. Busuu (Available on Android and iOS)

5. Hello English (Available on Android and iOS)

That's all, hope it helps

8. How long did she work for an insurance company​


berapa lama dia bekerja di perusahaan asuransi?


Maaf kalau salah

9. Write an application letter in based on this job vacancy and then upload your work here.

JI. Cakalang

Polowijen 1, Malang

5th November 2020

Head Office

PT.EIKON Technology

Jl. Simpang Darmo Permai Utara No.33a,

Pradah kali kendal, Kec. Dukuhpakis,  

Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60226

Dear Madam or Sir.

I have read your advertisement in weekly LokerHub on 2Nd November 2020 that your company need a Google Sales Consultant. I would like to apply for the position. I'am a twenty two years old Man. I graduated of the SI degree Computer Engineering , Brawijaya University and my cumulative achievement index is 2.65.

I able to be honest, team work, hard-working. never give up. healthy physical and spiritual and i am capable of administration. Fluently I enclose my recently photographs

and important documents as your consideration.

I would like to look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your kind attention

Yours faithfully.

(Your Name)

10. what is job application for​


It is to looking for some job

11. The application for a job was faxed by her (passive) a. She faxed her application for a new job. b. She faxes her application for a job c. She has is faxing her application for a job

Jawabannya adalah
a. She faxed her application for a new job.

Apabila kalimat passive ditulis menggunakan past perfect, kalimat activenya ditulis dalam bentuk past simple

Semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah

12. Write an application to the principal of Galaxy Public School forteacher's job.​

Hello, good afternoon.

I am Mrs Huang.

I am here to submit a job application proposal at this school.

The following is the attachment for my application submission.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.


Madam Huang

(Semoga membantu )

13. apa yang dimaksud dengan Visual Basic for Application ?

yaitu sebuah turunan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic , atau kombinasi yg terintegrasi antara lingkungan pemrograman (Visual Basic Editor) dgn bahasa pemrograman (Visual Basic) yg memudahkan user untuk mendesain & membangun program Visual Basic dlam aplikasi utama Microsoft Office, yg ditujukan untuk aplikasi'' tertentu.,.,.,, :) ;)Visual Basic for Application adalah sebuah bahasa pemograman yang dikhususkan untuk menulis sebuah instruksi untuk program yang nantinya akan di proses. Visual Basic for Application merupakan kombinasi antara Visual Basic Editor dan Visual Basic. Visual Basic for Application ini turunan dari Visual Basic.

Semoga terbantu!

14. 1. What is the importance of an application letter for the receiver ?


to invite them to the application program

15. A: “I work for....” B: Who do ____ ? A. they work C. you work for B. I work D. he work for


B : Who do work for?

A : I work for you

terjemahan :

B : Bekerja untuk siapa?

A : Aku bekerja untuk kamu

Jadi jawaban nya adalah C ( You work for )

16. an Vakant MaharaniSAVINGS ACCOUNT APPLICATION streetpadeSs14112 2724​


aku gatau :)


17. sebudkan pengertian visual basic for application?

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) adalah sebuah turunan bahasa pemrograman
Visual Basic yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft dan dirilis pada tahun 1993 , atau kombinasi yang terintegrasi antara lingkungan pemrograman(Visual Basic Editor)dengan bahasa pemrograman(Visual Basic)yang memudahkan user untuk mendesain dan membangun program Visual Basic dalam aplikasi utama Microsoft Office, yang ditujukan untuk aplikasi-aplikasi tertentu.

18. tolong buat passive voice dari linda is writing an application letter for the position as a secretary

Passive :
An application letter for the position as a secretary is writed by linda.

linda is writing an application letter for the position as a secretary

passive: an application letter for the position as a secretary IS BEING WRITTEN by Linda

19. Cange into passive from beny is writing an application letter for the pasition as a manager

Active : Beny is writing an application letter for the pasition as a manager.

Passive : An application letter for the pasition as a manager is being written by Beny

20. plissss urgent for mathh

rata rata awal 60 dr 25 siswa berarti


ada perubahan 54-64


berarti ada perubahan 20 kg dr kesalahan menulis... berarti

(total berat awal + perubahan) : banyak siswa


sorry if de answer is wrong

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