what shape has four sides and only has one pair of parallel lines?
1. what shape has four sides and only has one pair of parallel lines?
Parallelogram has one pair of parallel line and it has four side
Jajargenjang memiliki empat sisi dan sepasang sisi sejajar
2. Write a verse four lines about hopes
This task is quite interesting as it's about creative writing, making a verse or poem. In making such simple literary work, you need to choose the topic of your interest, relates them to your own view and experience if possible and carefully choose the best vocabulary which suits the context and situation. Consulting the thesaurus for picking up the possible choice of words is recommended.Here's the example, which is about the upcoming world cup, the greatest football tournament in the world. The messiah and his guards here are representative of Messi and his Argentina squad, going there to win this year, as most of all people in the world hope for them, because he deserves to win after the disappointing and unfortunate events four years ago in the previous World Cup final:
The war of nations is approching
The messiah and his guards are departing
with hopes of all men on their shoulder
for a glorious victory of football.
Kelas: SMP
Mapel: English
Kategori: creative writing
3. Write a verse (four lines) about hopes!
I know that live is tough
I know that these times are hard for us
But I know that soon, it will get better
No rain lasts forever, that's true.
4. The importance of english language
pentingnya bahasa inggris
5. pengertian order of importance
pengertian order of importance pаdа dаѕаrnуа saat ini реnggunааn ѕudаh jаrаng digunakan dаlаm hаl рribаdi, kаrеnа sudah аdа реѕаn ѕingkаt mеlаlui роnѕеl. Namun untuk kеgiаtаn уаng bеrѕifаt fоrmаl, ѕереrti sekolah, kеrjаѕаmа bisnis аntаr реruѕаhааn, OSIS, pastinya mеnggunаkаn ѕurаt rеѕmi kаrеnа jikа hаnуа mеnggunаkаn pesan ѕingkаt роnѕеl tidаk ѕораn dаn tidаk рrоfеѕѕiоnаl. Jаdi, реnggunааn surat rеѕmi lеbih diutаmаkаn dalam kеgiаtаn atau аktivitаѕ уаng bеrѕifаt fоrmаl. pengertian order of importance anda bisa dapatkan pada situs ini atau anda bisa melakukan pencarian kembali pada kolom pencarian diatas maupun melakukan pencarian artikel dibawa ini, semoga situs ini bisa membantu anda dalam mengurus aktivitas keseharian anda.
6. the importance of photosynthesis equation?
◇Producing Glucose
◇Produces O2 and Reduces CO2 ◇Producing Coal
7. pengartian order of importance
urutan kepentingan ..urutan kepentingan
maaf kalau salah:)
8. give your opinion about expression of giving and asking opinion at least four lines pliss dibantu ya manteman
Narrative text is a spoken or written account of connected events, a story. o Narrative text is narrated part of a literary work, as distinct from dialogue
example: Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Cinderella. She lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters. The stepmother and stepdaughters didn’t like Cinderella and treated her badly. Cinderella did the hardest works in the house such as cleaning the house and preparing the food for the family.
One day, a ball was being held by the royal family of the kingdom to find a spouse for the Prince. Cinderella wanted to go but her stepmother forbade her. Cinderella cried. But then a fairy godmother appeared beside her.
Why are you crying, Cinderella?” the fairy godmother asked.
“Because I want to go to the ball but my stepmother insists me that I stay at home,” said Cinderella. “Besides, I don’t have any beautiful dresses.”
The fairy then turned Cinderella’s ugly clothes became the most beautiful dress complete with glass slippers. The fairy had also turned a pumpkin into a coach and the mice into six white horses. Cinderella finally could go to the ball but had to come back before midnight before the spell broke.
Narrative text merupakan salah satu jenis teks Bahasa Inggris yang memiliki tujuan untuk menghibur pembaca tentang suatu cerita.
Pasti di antara kalian sering membaca tulisan fiksi dalam bentuk cerpen, novel, atau buku cerita bukan? Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, tulisan-tulisan ini disebut sebagai teks narasi yang bertujuan untuk menghibur para pembacanya. Sama halnya dengan Bahasa Inggris. Narrative text merupakan sebuah tulisan yang biasanya disampaikan secara kronologis. Target pembaca dari narrative text berbeda-beda. Jika ditargetkan untuk anak-anak balita sampai dengan sekolah dasar, biasanya cerita akan memiliki nilai-nilai positif yang dapat dipetik. Kalau target pembaca adalah remaja dan orang dewasa, maka cerita cenderung lebih panjang dan kompleks. Genre narrative text juga beragam, di antaranya adalah:
semoga paham dan kalau ada kata yang masih salah atau kurang tepat mohon maaf ya
9. best speech on importance on education
Good morning to the honorable teacher, my respected teacher and my dear friends I want to give a speech on the importance of education to all of you on this great occasion. Education is very important for all of us. Our parents teach us many things at home and then send to school after 3 years of age.
10. importance of obeying school regulations
importance of obeying school regulations:
1.Avoid punishment.
2. Life becomes more disciplined.
3.Life becomes more responsible.
jika diartikan ke dalam bhs Indonesia artinya
pentingnya mematuhi peraturan sekolah:
1. Menghindari hukuman dari guru.
2. Hidup menjadi lebih disiplin.
3. Hidup menjadi lebih bertanggung jawab.
11. If Lana was rich, _______________________ a) she would have spent all the money on clothes. b) she can probably spend a lot of money on clothes. c) she will probably spend all her money on clothes
b) she can probably spend a lot of money on clothes
12. best speech in importance on education
Good morning to the honorable teacher, my respected teacher and my dear friends I want to give a speech on the importance of education to all of you on this great occasion. Education is very important for all of us. Our parents teach us many things at home and then send to school after 3 years of age.
13. compose dialogues based on the situation given
You are talking to a long-distance friend on the telephone. The connection is bad.You can't hear what "she" says clearly. You want "Him" to repeat what "She" said in a louder noise
Penjelasan:-No translate/google Semoga membantu^^14. If Sinta was rich,................... A She would have spent all the money on clothes. B She can probably spend a lot of money on clothes. C She will probably spend all her money on clothes D She would spend all her money on clothes.
D she would spend all her money on clothes
15. pliskak jawap!. Compose dialogs based on the situations in the following picture. use expressions of complimenting.
A: The nighttime around this area is so calming
B: I know right? The sky is very clear at night as well. And, it doesn't feel that scary with all of these pretty flowers.
A: Yes, i heard people around here take care the flowers. They look very pretty.
B : The lamp streets around here is very elegant as well. I love the shape. They are also very bright
A: I agree, they really help you at night
note: ini malam kan? Semoga aja malam, soalnya kelihatan kayak gitu. Hope it helps:)
16. If lana wash rich,... A.she would have spent all the money on clothes B.she can probably spend a lot of money on clothes C.she will probably spend all her money on clothes
Mixed Conditional
If Lana was rich, she would have spent all the money on clothes.
ExplanationMixed conditional adalah kalimat pengandaian di mana waktu kejadian main clause nya (hasil) berbeda waktu dalam if clause nya (syarat).
Mixed conditional hanya digunakan untuk unreal condition (if type II dan III). jadi main clausenya selalu menggunakan modal dalam past.
If I was smart, I would have become a doctor.
meaning: I am not smart so I didn't become a doctor (present condition, past result)
If I had been smart, I would become a doctor now.
meaning: I wasn't smart then, but I am now, so I am not a doctor now (past condition, present result).
If I had bought the dress, I would wear it to the party tonight.
meaning: I didn't buy the dress so I can not wear it to the party (past condition, future result)
If I wasn't meeting Ed, I would have gone with you to the cinema.
meaning: I am going to meet Ed so I didn't go with you to the cinema. maybe because I have to get ready for the meeting.
(future condition, past result)
If I was in Paris, I would be relaxing in a cafe tomorrow.
(present condition, future result)
If I was having an exam tomorrow, I would be studying right now.
(future condition, present result).
Seperti dalam semua contoh di atas, main clause menggunakan would (atau could dan might).
Hanya opsi (A) yang menggunakan modal would.
Kalimat tersebut adalah mixed conditional dengan present condition dan a probable result in the past.
Learn more about mixed conditional
DetailsSubject: English
Category: Structure and Written Expressions
Sub-category: Conditional Sentences
Level: SHS XII
Code: 12.5.2
Keywords: mixed conditional
17. write a verse(four lines)about life!
Aing Kumandang Dei Kumaha Eta
More on reported speech:
Subject: English
Category: Structure and Written Expressions
Sub-category: Reported Speech
Level: SHS XII
Code: 12.5.6
Keywords: reported, says
18. compose a dialogue containing on expressions of admiration change the sentences below into present perfect tenses
is breast sister is big I like
19. importance of obeying school regulations
to stay conducive
Importance of obeying school regulations
pentingnya mematuhi peraturan sekolah
to stay conducive
agar keadaaan tetap kondusif
Semoga membantu
#Jadilah yang terbaik nyan°
20. 2. Look at the map. Write the names of the places on the lines.
mohon diserahkan foto kak
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