-She will invite her friends to the brithday party(-) (?) -They are going to take a part in a summer camp in bromo(-)(?)bantu pleaseee
1. -She will invite her friends to the brithday party(-) (?) -They are going to take a part in a summer camp in bromo(-)(?)bantu pleaseee
(+) She will invite her friends to the brithday
(-) She won't invite her friends to the
brithday party
(?) Will she invite her friends to the brithday
(+) They are going to take a part in a
summer camp in bromo
(-)They aren't going to take a part in a
summer camp in bromo
(?) Are they going to take a part in a
summer camp in bromo?
Menggunakan SimpleFutureTense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di masa mendatang
(+) S + Wil + Verb 1 + O
(-) S + Will + Not + Verb 1 + O
(?) Will + S + Verb 1 + O ?
(+) S + Is/Am/Are + Going to + Verb 1 + O
(-) S + Is/Am/Are + Not + Going to + Verb 1 +
(?) Is/Am/Are + Going to + S + Verb 1 + O ?
▫Will not = Won't
▫Aren't = Are not
✨☁️Semoga Membantu☁️✨
2. They are going to take a part in a summer camp in Bromo mount(kata negatif)(kata tanya)
(kata negatif) They are not going to take a part in a summer camp in Bromo mount
(kata tanya) Are they going to take a part in a summer camp in Bromo mount?
3. What should the student do to take part in the event
[tex] \colorbox{black}{\color{aqua}{\boxed{\rm{Pertanyaan=}}}}[/tex]
What should the student do to take part in the event
[tex] \colorbox{black}{\color{aqua}{\boxed{\rm{Jawaban~Dan~ Terjemahan}}}}[/tex]
Enjoy the event and be polite with other peoples
Menikmati acara dan bersikap sopan dengan orang lain
-Sorry if my answer wrong
-No Google Translate
-I Hope My answer can help you
[tex] \colorbox{black}{\color{gold}{\boxed{\rm{answer~by~dinar}}}}[/tex]
[tex] \colorbox{aqua}{\color{red}{\boxed{\rm{jawaban:}}}}[/tex]
Dress nealty and be polite[tex] \colorbox{white}{\color{black}{\boxed{\rm{terjemahan:}}}}[/tex]
berpakaian rapi dan sopan santunDETAIL JAWABAN:PELAJARAN KELAS -MAPEL BAHASA INGGRISMATERI: -SEMOGA MEMBANTU@BRIANGAMAPUTRA [tex] \colorbox{black}{\color{gold}{\boxed{\rm{answer~by~BrianGamaputra}}}}[/tex]4. siti,wish me luck.l will take part in the bike race to celebrate the independece day
Siti, doakan aku. Aku akan mengambil bagian di lomba sepeda dalam rangka merayakan hari merdeka siti, semoga beruntung aku akan ambil bagian dalam perlombaan motor untuk merayakan hari kemerdekaan
5. I-take part in the meeting tonight
Aku-ambil bagian dalam pertemuan malam ini
6. How many students were chosen to take part in the contest?
please give the correct question, at least a photo of the question you want to ask
7. hinder what to take part in
menghalangi apa yang harus diikuti
terimakasih.maaf kalo salah cumanpinter bhs.indonesianya ajah8. What is the purpose of the text?A. Inviting syudents to take part in the competitionB. Giving information about the competitionC. Persuading people to take part the competitionD. Describing the competitio
B. Giving information about the competition
9. siti,wish me luck.i will take part in the bike race to celebrate the independence day
=> Translate :
Siti, doakan saya beruntung.Aku akan ambil bagian dalam perlombaan sepeda untuk merayakan hari kemerdekaan.
=> Answer :
Siti : I wish you can win the prize in there and get 1st winner
Sorry klo salah
Trans = siti, harap saya beruntung.saya akan mengambil tempat di dalam lkmba sepeda untuk merayakan hari mandiri...
Semoga membantu
10. Siti,wish me luck .I will take part in the bike race to celebrate the independance day
Siti, doakan aku akan beruntung, aku akan mengambil bagian dari balapan sepeda dalam rangka merayakan hari kemerdekaan
11. siti.wish me luck.i will take part in the bike race to celebrate the independence day
Siti doakan aku berhasil, aku akan ikut andil dalam lomba balap sepeda untuk merayakan hari kemerdekaan.
askmeenglish (tanya gue Inggris!)
12. When I camp, I take a medicine in the
Box of P3K
Saat camping, harus mempersiapkan kotak obat-obatan yang kita perlukan
13. How many students were chosen to take part in the contest? *
ini tu pasti ada bacaan nya
14. the conversation:siti, wishe luck, i wiil take part in the bike race to celebrate the independence day
Ada clue yang berikan yaitu "Dayu will get a prize"
maka respon dari sini sebagai berikut.
Opsi 1 : I hope you will win the bike race and get the prize.
Opsi 2 : Of course. You will win the bike race. You really good biker.
Opsi 3 : I wish you luck. Do you best in a bike race and get a prize
Simak lebih lanjut di Brainly.co.id - https://brainly.co.id/tugas/23296415#readmore
15. Every participant needs to include... as a proof that they are allowed to take part to take part in the activity. A. the student report B. the parent's consent C. the test result D. the teacher's explanation. mohon di jawab sekarang?
A. the student report means laporan murid.
B. parent's consent means ijin orang tua
C. test result means hasil ujian
D. teacher's explanation means penjelasan murid.
arti soalnya:
para murid butuh... sebagai bukti bahwa mereka diperbolehkan ikut di kegiatan.
16. Every participant needs to include... as a proof that they are allowed to take part to take part in the activity. A. the student report B. the parent's consent C. the test result D. the teacher's explanation. mohon di jawab sekarang?
B.the parents consent
17. 2.why were women,slaves,and children not allowed to take part in the democrasy in athens?
because they are going to be a 6th
because women, especially childrens should be protected. even they have their rights to tell their opinion on the problems.18. i hope you will take part in the preparations."" (paragraph 1) what does the phrase ""take part"" mean?
maaf kalau salah!
19. siti, wish me luck. i will take part in the bike race to celebrate the independence day
??????.................. wish u luck
20. "You are invited to CELEBRATE ..." the celebrate is closest in meaning to... A. Take place B. Take part C. Hold on D. Lead in
celebrate (merayakan) is closest in meaning to take part (ambil bagian/bergabung untuk)
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