A Tank Is Filled In 5 Hours By Three Pipes

A Tank Is Filled In 5 Hours By Three Pipes

Eight identical pipes can empty a full tank in half an hour. Two of the pipes are choked and cannot be used. The tank is to be emptied in 40 minutes. Determine whether the remaining pipes can empty the tank in 40 minutes.​

Daftar Isi

1. Eight identical pipes can empty a full tank in half an hour. Two of the pipes are choked and cannot be used. The tank is to be emptied in 40 minutes. Determine whether the remaining pipes can empty the tank in 40 minutes.​

[tex] \frac{(8 )pipes}{(8 - 2) pipes} \times 30 \: minutes \\ \\ \frac{8}{6} \times 30 \: minutes = 40 \: minutes[/tex]

The remaining pipes can empty the tank in 40 minutes

2. A water tank measuring 16 m by 3 m by 2 m is completely filled with water. What is the volume of water in the tank?​


[tex]\sf\large{V=96\ m³} [/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The answer is:

The formula of volume is;

[tex]\sf\large{V = p×l×t} [/tex]

[tex]\sf\large{V = 16\ m × 3\ m × 2\ m} [/tex]

[tex]\sf\large{V = 96\ m³} [/tex]

So, the volume or water in the tank is [tex]\sf\large96\ cubic\ meter. [/tex]

3. Six big pipes can dry out a pool in 5 hours, whereas eight small pipes can dry out a pool in 10 hours. Time needed to dry out the pool with 3 big pipes and 5 small pipes?

The needed time is exactly 8 hours and 45minutes

4. A cuboid tank measuring 40 cm by 46 cm by 30 cm 1/6 is filled with water. 9 l of the water is removed. What is the volume of remaining water in the tank? Give your answer in litres. pakai cara! ​


Terjemahin dulu soalnya ke Bahasa Indonesia biar lebih ez ngerjainnya.

Pertanyaan :

Tank berbentuk kubus berukuran 40 × 46 × 30 berisi air sebanyak ⅙ dari tank tersebut. Diambil air dari tank tersebut sebanyak 9l. Berapakah sisa air dalam tank tersebut? Tuliskan jawabanmu di satuan liter!

Jawab :

[tex] \frac{40 \times 46 \times 30}{6}cm - 9l \\ = \frac{55200}{6} {cm}^{3} - 9l \\ = 9200 {cm}^{3} - 9l \\ = 9.2l - 9l \\ = 0.2l[/tex]

Jadi, air yang tersisa di tank tersebut adalah 0.2 l.

So, the water remaining in the tank is 0.2 litre.

Semoga membantu ya (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Tolong bikin jawaban terbaik ya makasih

5. A cuboid tank measuring 40 cm by 46 cm by 30 cm is filled with water. 9 l of the water is removed. What is the volume of remaining water in the tank? Give your answer in litres. Pakai cara!!​

Volume air dalam tangki

V = 4 dm x 4,6 dm x 3 dm

= 55,2 dm³

= 55,2 liter

Diambil 9 liter maka yang tersisa adalah

Sisa = 55,2 - 9

= 46,2 liter

6. a rectangular tank measures 12 cm by 6 cm by 9 cm. It is 1/3 filled with water. Find the volume of water in the tank in millilitres​

1 cm = 100 m,

so 12cm is 1200mm

The Volume of the tank

1200*600*900 = a mm^3

Please calculate the multiplication product by yourself, here i wrote as a

7. A water tank measuring 16 m by 3 m by 2 m is completely filled with water. What is the volume of water in the tank? please help and thank you ❤​


The total of the water volume in the tank is 96m³

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

V = P x L x T

= 16 x 3 x 2

= 96m³

8. a rectengular tank, 18 cm by 12 cm by 6 cm is filled up with water up to a height of 4 cm how much more water is needed to fill the tank completely​


40(Empat puluh)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


9. A rectangular tank 22 cm by 16 cm by 12 cm is filled with water completely. Then, 0.75 liter of water is poured out of the tank. How much water left in the tank? Give your answer in milliliters tuliskan dengan caranya juga


V tank = 22 x 16 x 12 = 4224 cm3

V tank = 4224 cm3 = 4.224 L

V TANK = 4.224 L - 0.75 L = 3.474 L = 3474 mL

10. The volume of a tank is 215 liters. It takes 5 hours to fill in the tank with water from a tap until it is full. What is the debit of water from the tap?​


43 liters/hour

43 liter/jam

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

debit= volume/time

= 215 liters/5 hours

= 43 liter/hour

11. emi studies for three hours in the evening.yosi studies three hours in the evening

emi studies for three hours in the evening and yosi does too.
emi studies for three hours in the evening and so does yosi.

ini bukan yg dimaksud kak? lain kali nulis soal dengan perintah yg lengkap y kak..;)

12. A rectangular tank measuring 30 cm by 40 cm by 50 cm is filled completely with water. Water drains from the tank at a rate of 6 ℓ per minute. How long will it take to drain all the water in the tank? *

Jadi, waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengkosongkan isi tangki adalah 10 menit.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Balok merupakan bangun ruang yang memiliki 6 sisi dan 12 rusuk. Balok memiliki ukuran panjang, lebar, dan tinggi. Rumus yang digunakan untuk menghitung volume balok, yaitu:

V = p. l. t


p = panjang balok

l = lebar balok

t = tinggi balok


p = 50 cml = 40 cmt = 30 cmdebit = 6 liter/menit


Waktu yang dibutuhkan untung mengkosongkan tangki?


V = p.l.t

V = 50 cm. 40 cm. 30 cm

V = [tex]60000cm^{3} = 60dm^{3} = 60 liter[/tex]

Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengkosongkan tangki:

Waktu = volume/debit

Waktu = [tex]\frac{60liter}{6 \frac{liter}{menit} } = 10 menit[/tex]

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang debit pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12112869


13. a rectengular tank, 18 cm by 12 cm by 6 cm is filled up with water up to a height of 4 cm how much more water is needed to fill the tank completely​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

imana sa i maiai dapot au jawab na

14. A rectangular tank measures 30 cm by 16 cm by 20 cm. It is filled with water up to a height of 12 cm. How much more water is needed to fill the tank completely? Give your answer in litres.


3,84 L


v1 = p×l×t

   = 30×16×20

   = 9.600 cm³

   = 9,6 L

v2 = p×l×t

    = 30×16×12

    = 5.760 cm³

    = 5,76 L

v1-v2 = 9,6-5,76

         = 3,84 L

Tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik ya :)

15. A rectangular tank measuring 27 m by 25 m by 22 m is partially filled with water. find the volume of water in the tank.

27×25×22 = 14850 cm³


16. A cubical tank of edge 12 cm is half-filled with water. the water is poured into an empty rectangular tank measuring 10 cm by 8 cm by 7 cm until it is full. How much water is left in the cubical tank? Give your answer in milliliters.


Volume of Cube tank water= (12 x 12 x12) x 1/2= 864

Volume rectangular = 10 x 8 x 7 = 560

Water left on cubical tank= 864-560 = 304cm³ =304ml

17. A rectangular tank measuring 35 cm by 28 cm by 16 cm iswater. The water is poured into an empty cubical tank of edge 18 cm untilfilled withit is full. How much water is left in the rectangular tank? Give your answerin millilitres16 cm28 cm35 cm18 cm​


28 cm/ twenty eight




18. A cuboid tank measuring 40 cm by 46 cm by 30 cm is filled with water. 9 l of the water is removed. What is the volume of remaining water in the tank? Give your answer in litres. Pakai cara ya!!!​


Sebuah tangki berbentuk kubus berukuran 40 cm kali 46 cm kali 30 cm diisi air. 9 l air dihilangkan. Berapa volume air yang tersisa di tangki? Berikan jawaban Anda dalam liter.

Volume Balok adalah =P x L x T

p= 40 cm

l= 46 cm

t= 30 cm

V. Balok = 40x46x30=55,200  cm3

55,200  cm3=0,0552L

kalo dikurangi jadi 0,0552L - 9 = -8.9448 L

19. A water tank measuring 16 m by 3 m by 2 m is completely filled with water. What is the volume of water in the tank? pls help me thank you​


[tex]\sf\large{V=96\ m³} [/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The answer is:

The formula of volume is;

[tex]\sf\large{V = p×l×t} [/tex]

[tex]\sf\large{V = 16\ m × 3\ m × 2\ m} [/tex]

[tex]\sf\large{V = 96\ m³} [/tex]

So, the volume or water in the tank is [tex]\sf\large96\ cubic\ meter. [/tex]

20. The rectangular tank shown is partially filled with water. The volume of vater inside the tank is ... cm3 ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

P= 26 cm

L= 15 cm

t= 3 cm

Volume = P×L×t

= 26×15×3

= 1.170 cm³

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