A Toy Cube Has Pictures Of Different Flowers

A Toy Cube Has Pictures Of Different Flowers

Cube A has a volume of 4913 cm^3 and cube B has a volume of 2744 cm^3. How much wider is cube A than cube B

Daftar Isi

1. Cube A has a volume of 4913 cm^3 and cube B has a volume of 2744 cm^3. How much wider is cube A than cube B


cube A



cube B



✨cube A is 3cm more than cube B

2. a cube has side length 12 cm. determine the volume of cube​


1728 cm ^3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

volume = sisi pangkat 3

12^3 = 1728

3. WuizzIf the cube has sides of 54 cm Maka : → Cube Volume ? → Perimeter of the Cube? ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

>> If the cube has sides of 54 cm >> Jika kubus memiliki sisi 54 cm

dit :

→ Cube Volume ?

→ Perimeter of the Cube?

V = s × s × s

= 54 × 54 × 54

= 2.916 × 54

= 157.464 cm³

K = 12 × s

= 12 × 54

= 648 cm

Math bangun ruang~________________________


Volume = s³

V = 54×54×54

V = 157.464 cm³

Keliling = 12×s

K = 12×54

K = 648 cm


Kubus adalah salah satu bangun datar yang sisinya terbentuk dari persegi yang sama panjang.

Ciri-ciri kubus

Semua sudut nya siku²

Memiliki 6 sisi berbentuk persegi

Memiliki 8 titik sudut

Memiliki 12 rusuk sama panjang

Rumus volume kubus

V = s³


K = 12×s

Luas permukaan Kubus

Lp = 6 × s²

Detail jawaban~

Mapel = matematika

Tingkat = sd

Kata kunci ="bangun ruang" "volume kubus" "kubus" "Keliling Kubus"

4. Tomy has a toy with triangle shape. The base of the toy is 6 cm and the height of the toy is 8cm. What is the area of the toy? Tolong Dijawab Secepatnya

Tomi punya segitiga seperti mainan. Bagian bawah mainan adalah 6 cm. Dan tinggi dari sebuah mainan adalah 8cm. Dimana kotak mainan?

maaf klo salah

5. 40. Toy – Anton – sword – has – a.The correct arrangement is….a. Anton has a toy sword b. Anton a toy sword has c. Anton has a sword toy d. Anton has sword a toy ​


A. Anton has a toy sword


6. Each jelly cube has a volume of 17.576MM3.How many MM is the side of one jelly cube

Short answer:

26 MM


Volume of jelly cube = volume of cube

17.576 mm³ = side³

side = [tex]\sqrt[3]{17.576}[/tex] mm

side = 26 mm

Conclusion : the side of one jelly cube is 26 MM

7. Minta tolong dong ini jawabannya apa dan ini udah bener atau belumm 2. Lani has teddy bears and a doll She has two teddy bears and one doll They are small Her teddy bears and doll are pink and brown 3. Made has a boat toy He has one boat toy It is small His boat toy is blue 4. Titus, Made and Fatimah have pictures They have two pictures They are .... They pictures are colorfull


2.Lani has teddy bears and a doll

She has two teddy bears and one doll

they are small

Her teddy bears and doll are pink and brown

3.Made has a boat toy

He has one boat toy

It is small

His boat toy is blue

4.Titus, Made and Fatimah have pictures

They have two pictures

They are small

They pictures are colorfull

8. A doll,toy car, toy robbot, rubric cube, see saw, swing, slide, hide and seek are kind off​


A doll,toy car, toy robbot, rubric cube, see saw, swing, slide, hide and seek are kind off

​little boy games


9. a cube has side length 11 cm determine the surface area of cube​


The surface area of the cube is 726cm².

Luas permukaan kubus adalah 726cm²


The formula for the surface area of the cube are:

Rumus untuk luas permukaan kubus adalah:

Surface area of a cube =6a²

Luas permukaan kubus =6s²(6x sisi x sisi)

= 6a²

= 6.(11)²


= 726cm²

Thus are the answer for your question,hope it helps ^^- NatKG

10. A metal cube of side 1 cm has a mass of 100 g. Calculate the density of the metal cube in gm/cm3 and in kg/cm3


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

11. quiz ✨Mapel : MatematikaA cube has a surface area of ​​96 cm find the length of the side and volume of the cubeGoodluck!! ​


Length = 4Cm

Volume = 64Cm³

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

langkah cara ada di gambar ini

6 × sisi² = Luas permukaan kubus

6 × sisi² = 96cm

sisi = √96 ÷ 6

sisi = √16

sisi = 4cm

Volume kubus

= sisi³

= 4³

= 64cm³


Volume =64cm³

12. fredy has 6 toy cars and 3 toy busses all different. he chooses 4 toys to take a holiday with him. in how many different ways can choose Fredy choose 4 toys? ​


a) Freddie has 6 toys cars and 3 toy buses, all different.

i)He chooses 4 toys to take on holiday with him. In how many different ways can Freddie choose 4 toys?

ii)Freddie arranges these 9 toys in a line. Find the number of possible arrangements

•if the buses are all next to each other.

•if there is a car at each end of the line and no buses are next to each other.

b) There are 2 purple cubes, 3 blue cubes, 2 red cubes, 4 orange cubes, 2 green cubes and 2 yellow cubes. Calculate the number of possible arrangements when all the cubes are arranged in a circle.

13. It is known that a cube has a volume of 4096 cm³. then find the edges of the cube and the surface area of ​​the cube! ____________gunakan cara jangan ngasal​

•›› v = s × s × s

4.096 = s × s × s

s = ³√4.096

s = 16 cm

➠ The side of the cube is 16 cm

•›› Lp = 6 × s²

= 6 × 16²

= 6 × ( 16 × 16 )

= 6 × 256

= 1.536 cm²

➠ So, the surface area of the cube is 1.536 cm²

Diketahui sebuah kubus memiliki Volume 4.096 cm³. Lalu carilah rusuk kubus dan carilah Luas Permukaan kubus tersebut!

V = R³

R = ³√4.096

R = 16 cm

LP = 6 × 16 × 16

LP = 6 × 256

LP = 1.536cm²

14. A cube has a volume of 343 cm3(kubik) find the lenght of the cube Tolong di jawab memakai cara dan cepat yahh

volume = a³ = 343cm³
a = akar pangkat tiga dari 343cm³
a = 7cmV = s3  ..................................................................................................................
343 = s3  ..............................................................................................................
7 = s  ....................................................................................................................

15. An iron cube that has a side length of 10 cm is placed on a table with a wide surface of 4 m2. If the weight of the cube is 60 N, then the pressure that produced Iron cube is...An iron cube that has a side length of 10 cm is placed on a table with a wide surface of 4 m2. If the weight of the cube is 60 N, then the pressure that produced Iron cube is...​


1 bangsa kita adalah bangsa indonesia

16. Draw bar model and write a statement for word problems questions 6 Sebastian has some toy cars of his toy cars are red and the rest are blue. If he has 5 blue toy cars, then how many red toy cars does Sebastian have altogether? [41 Answer William had $96. He spent of his money on a toy. How much did he have teft? 141 7 Answer 8. Calluella had 12 yellow flowers and 16 red flowers. If she put of yellow flowers and of red flowers into a bouquet, then how many yellow and red flowers each were there in that bouquet? 14]


Maksudnya gimana aku gak tau

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

buat pertanyaan yg jelas ya

17. a metal cube of side 1 cm has a mass of 100g. Calculate the density of the metal cube in:a. g/cm³b. kg/cm³​


kubus logam dengan sisi 1 cm memiliki massa 100g. Hitung massa jenis kubus logam di:

a. g / cm³

b. kg / cm³


r kubus= 1cm


cari volume kubus

v kubus = s x s x s

= 1 x 1 x 1

= 1 cm³


a.dalam g/cm³


=100 g/cm³

b. dalam kg/cm³

ubah satuan masa dari g ke kg

100g =0,1kg



=0,1 kg/cm³

18. Kuis #9Subject: MathKangmin has a cube with the entire length of his ribs is 60 cm. Find the Surface Area of ​​the Cube.​

150 cm²


Kangmin memiliki kubus dengan panjang seluruhrusuknya 60 cm. Temukan Luas Permukaan Kubus!

sisi = 60 : 12

Luas permukaan

Lp = 6 x s²

= 6 x 5²

= 6 x 25

= 150cm²






Length of all the ribs: 60 cm

Then the length of the side: 60 ÷ 12 = 5 cm


Surface area!


Surface area of the cube:

= 6s²

= 6 × 5²

= 6 × 25

= 150 cm²

So, the surface area of Kangmin's cube is 150 cm²


Answer Details:

Subjects: Math

Material: The surface area of the cube

19. Dharma has a box shaped like a cube which has edge of 20 cm. Dharma's cube volume is…cm3

V= 20x20x20
= 8000 cm^3

20. A cube of copper has a mass of 600kg. copper has a density of 9.3g/cm³. Calculate the length of each side of the cube to the nearest mm.​

This is how you solve it

volume = 600.000 / 9,3 (we make 600 kg to 600.000 g because the density use gram to)

Volume = 64.516 cm³ (approximately)

Lenght = 254 cm

Lenght = 254,0 mm

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