The Owl and the Nightingale The was once a nightingale in a cage by a window, that was his habit to sing only at nigh. An owl was puzzled by this and went to ask the nightingale what the reseon was." When I was captured," explained the nightingale, " it was day and i was singing. in this way i learnt to be more carefully and to sing only at night". "Are you afraid you might be captured a second time?" asked the owl." Oh, it would have been better if you had been more careful the firs time when your freedom was at risk. Now it doesn't really matter anymore, right?" Question: 1.Where did the nightingale ? 2.What did his habit ? 3.What was the question of owl? 4.What was the answer of the nightingale ? 5.What did the owl reply? Terjemah kan Teks, Jawab soalnya...!!
1. The Owl and the Nightingale The was once a nightingale in a cage by a window, that was his habit to sing only at nigh. An owl was puzzled by this and went to ask the nightingale what the reseon was." When I was captured," explained the nightingale, " it was day and i was singing. in this way i learnt to be more carefully and to sing only at night". "Are you afraid you might be captured a second time?" asked the owl." Oh, it would have been better if you had been more careful the firs time when your freedom was at risk. Now it doesn't really matter anymore, right?" Question: 1.Where did the nightingale ? 2.What did his habit ? 3.What was the question of owl? 4.What was the answer of the nightingale ? 5.What did the owl reply? Terjemah kan Teks, Jawab soalnya...!!
no 1 the nightingale is in a cage by a window.
no 2 his habit is a cage by a window
no 3 "are you afraid you might be captured a second time?"
yang lain susah
2. antagonis dan protagonis the owl and nightingale
Burung hantu dan sang burung Bulbul ada setelah sebuah bulbul di kandang dengan jendela, yang adalah kesukaannya untuk menyanyi hanya pada malam. Burung hantu yang bingung dengan ini dan pergi untuk meminta sang burung Bulbul apa alasan adalah. "ketika saya ditangkap" menjelaskan sang burung Bulbul, "hari dan saya bernyanyi. Dengan cara ini saya belajar untuk menjadi lebih hati-hati dan bernyanyi hanya pada malam."" Apakah Anda takut Anda mungkin menangkap kedua kalinya?"tanya si burung hantu. "oh, itu pasti bettr jika Anda telah lebih berhati-hati pertama kalinya ketika kebebasan Anda berada pada risiko
3. the owl and the nightingale artinya
the owl and the nightingale :
burung hantu dan burung bulbul.owl artinya burung hantu
tapi kalo nightingale itu burung bulbul, burung berwarna coklat keabu-abuan yang bernyanyi pada malam hari. Semoga membantu :)
4. Artikan ke dalam bahasa INDONESIA !! THE OWL AND THE NIGHTINGALE There was once a nightingale in a cage by a window, that was his habit to sing only at night.An owl was puzzeld by this and went to ask the nightingale what the reason was. "when i wash captured," explained the nightingale ,"it was day and i was singing .In this way i learnt to be more carefully and to sing only at night." "Are you afraid you might be captured a second time?" asked the owl. "Oh,it would have been ore careful the frist time when your freedom was at risk. Now it doesn't really matter any more,right?"
Si Burung Hantu dan Bulbul
Pernah ada burung bulbul di sangkar di dekat jendela, itu kebiasaannya untuk bernyanyi hanya di malam hari. Seekor burung hantu bingung dengan ini dan langsung bertanya pada burung bulbul apa alasannya. "Saat saya mencuci," terang burung bulbul, "ini hari dan saya bernyanyi. Dengan cara ini saya belajar untuk lebih hati-hati dan bernyanyi hanya di malam hari.""Apakah Anda takut Anda bisa ditangkap untuk kedua kalinya?" tanya si burung hantu "Oh, sudah cukup hati-hati saat frist saat kebebasanmu beresiko. Sekarang tidak masalah lagi, bukan?"
5. The owl and the nightingale there was once a nightingale in a cage by a window, that was his habit to sing only at night. An owl was puzzled by this reason was. " when I was captured," explained the nightingale," it was day and I was singing. in this way I learnt to be more carefully and to sing only at night". " are you afraid you might ce captured a second time ?" asked the owl. " oh, it would have been better if you had been more careful the first time when your freedom was at risk. Now it doesn't relly matter any more , right ?" apa artiya? pertanyaan 1. where did the nightingale ? 2. what did his habit ? 3. what was the question of the owl ? 4. what was the answer of the nightingale ? 5. what did the owl's reply ?
1. In a cage
2. To sing only at night
3. Are you afraid you might be captured a second time?
4. Oh, it would've been better if you had been more careful the first time when your freedom was at risk. Now it doesn't really matter anymore, right?
Semoga dapat membantu.
6. apa nilai moral dari lagu ode to my family
Nilai moral dari lagu ode to my family adalah kita harus selalu bersyukur dalam setiap keadaan.
Walau hidup susah dimasa kecilnya si pencipta lagu tetap merasa bahagia dan tidak lupa berterimakasih atas kehidupan masa kecilnya itu.
Lagu berjudul 'ode to my family' adalah lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh group band The Cranberries yang dirilis pada bulan November 1994 yang merupakan singel kedua dari group band tersebut.
Lagu tersebut menceritakan kisah hidup pencipta lagunya yaitu si vocalis group band itu sendiri. yang mana walau saat ini mereka telah sukses dan hidup berkecukupan mereka tidak lupa akan kisah hidup mereka saat masih kecil yang hidup begitu miskin dan susah, namun ia tetap bersyukur akan hal tersebut.
Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang moral dari suatu lagu pada link berikut:
7. Once upon a time there live a nightingale and a blindworm, each with one eye. For a long time they lived together peacefully and harmoniously in a house. However, one day a nightingale was invited to a wedding, and she said to the blindworm, “I’ve been invited to a wedding and don’t particularly want to go with one eye. Would you be so kind as to lend me yours? I’ll bring it back to you tomorrow.”The blindworm gave her the eye out of the kindness of her hearth. But when the nightingale returned home the following day, she liked having two eyes in her head and being able to see in both side. So she refused to return the borrowed eye to the blindworm. Then the blindworm swore that she would avenge herself on the nightingale’s children and the children of her children.“Well,” replied the nightingale, “see if you can find me. I’ll build my nest in the linden, so high, so high, so high. You’ll never be able to find it, no matter how hard you try.”Ever since that time all the nightingales have had two eyes, and all the blindworms, none. But wherever the nightingales build their nest, blindworms live beneath in it in the bushes and constantly tries to crawl up the tree, pierce the eggs of their enemy, and drink them up. Adopted from: Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, The original folk and fairytales of the Brothers Grimm, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 2014.24.From the text we know that . . . . *a. a nightingale and a blindworm used to be a good friendsb.a nightingale always envied a blindwormc.a blindworm never threatened her neighboursd.a blind worm left a nightingale because of her wickedness25.Why did the blind worm swear that she would avenge herself on the nightingale’s children? *a.Because nightingale borrowed blindworm’s eyeb.Because nightingale never return blindworm’s eyec.Because nightingale lived harmoniously with blindwormd.Because nightingale never envied a blindworm26. “But whenever the nightingale builds her nest, the blind worm lives beneath it in the bushes and constantly tries to crawl up the tree . . . .”. The word “beneath” can be replace by . . . . *a.acrossb.underc.overd.besides
24. A. a nightingale and a blindworm used to be a good friends
25. B. because nightingale never return blindworm's eye
26. B. under
8. Arti dari text the owl and the nightingale
teks dari Burung hantu dan badai/angin malamBurung Hantu dan Burung Bulbul.
Burung bulbul itu adalah nama seekor burung.
9. Tolong terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia The Owl and the Nightingale There was once a nightingale in a cage by window , that was his habit to sing only at night. An owl was puzzled by this and went to ask the nightingale what the reason was. "When I was captured, " explained the nightingale, "it was day and I was singing. In this way I learnt to be more carefully and to sing only at night." "Are you afraid you might be captured a second time?" asked the owl. "Oh, it would have been better if you had been more careful the first time when your freedom was at risk. Now it doesn't really matter any more, right?"
Pernah ada burung bulbul di kandang oleh jendela , yang kebiasaannya menyanyi hanya pada malam hari . Burung hantu bingung dengan ini dan pergi untuk meminta burung bulbul apa alasannya . " Ketika saya ditangkap , " jelas burung bulbul , " itu adalah hari dan aku bernyanyi . Dengan cara ini saya belajar untuk lebih hati-hati dan menyanyi hanya pada malam hari . "
Burung Hantu dan Burung Bulbul.
Pernah ada seekor burung Bulbul di dalam sebuah sangkar di dekat jendela, kebiasannya bernyanyi di malam hari. Seekor burung hantu bingung dengan hal ini dan pergi untuk menanyai sang burung Bulbul apakah alasannya.
"ketika Aku ditangkap," Jelas sang buurung Bulbul, "itu hari dimana aku sedang bernyanyi. Dengan cara ini aku belajar untuk lebih berhati - hati dan hanya bernyanyi di malam hari."
"Apakah kamu takut jika kamu ditangkap untuk kedua kalinya?" Tanya sang burung hantu."Oh akan lebih baik jika kau berhati-hati saat pertama kali ketika kebebasanmu terancam beresiko. Sekarang itu tidak terlalu penting lagi, kan?"
10. Artikan ke dalam bahasa INDONESIA !! THE OWL AND THE NIGHTINGALE There was once a nightingale in a cage by a window, that was his habit to sing only at night.An owl was puzzeld by this and went to ask the nightingale what the reason was. "when i wash captured," explained the nightingale ,"it was day and i was singing .In this way i learnt to be more carefully and to sing only at night." "Are you afraid you might be captured a second time?" asked the owl. "Oh,it would have been ore careful the frist time when your freedom was at risk. Now it doesn't really matter any more,right?"
Burung Hantu dan Burung Bulbul.
Pernah ada burung Bulbul di dalam sangkar dengan jendela, yang kebiasannya bernyanyi di malam hari.Burung hantu bingung dengan ini dan pergi meminta burung Bulbul "apa alasannya adalah ketika saya ditangkap," menjelaskan Burung Bulbul,"itu hari aku menyanyi dengan cara ini aku belajar untuk lebih berhati - hati dan menyanyi di malam hari."
"Apakah kamu takut jika kamu ditangkap untuk kedua kalinya?"Tanya burung hantu."Oh itu akan menjadi lebih berhati - hati pertama kali ketika kebebasan anda adalah beresiko. Sekarang itu tidak terlalu penting lagi, kan?"
11. Questions 17 to 19 refer the following text.Once upon a time there lived a nightingale anda blindworm, each with one eye. For a long time theylived together peacefully and harmoniously in a house.However, one day the nightingale was invited toa wedding, and she said to the bindworm, I've beeninvited to a wedding and don't particularly want to gowith one eye. Would you be so kind as to lend meyours il bring it back to you tomorrowThe blindworm gave her the eye out of thekindness of her heart. But when the nightingalereturned home the following day, she liked having twoeyes in her head and being able to see on both sides.So she refused to return the borrowed eye to theblindworm. Then the blindworm swore that she wouldavenge herself on the nightingale's children and thechildren of her children."Well" replied the nightingale, "see it you can findme. I'll build my nest in the linden, so high, so high, sohigh. You'll never be able to find it, no matter how hardyou try."Ever since that time all the nightingales have hadtwo eyes, and all the blindworms, none. But whereverthe nightingale builds her nest, a blindworm livesbeneath it in the bushes and constantly tries to crawlup the tree, pierce the eggs of her enemy, and drinkthem up.Adopted from: Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, The Original Folk AndFairy Tales of The Brothers Grimm, New Jersey, Princeton UniversityPress, 201417. From the text we know that ....A a nightingale and a blindworm used to begood friendsB. a nightingale always envied a blindwormC. a blindworm never threatened her neighboursD. a blindworm left a nightingale because of herwickedness
a. a nightingale and blindworm used to be good friends
12. the nightingale and the red roseplisss
13. tolong artikan ke dalam bahasa indonesia ya, please? . . the wol and the nightingale there was once nightingale in a cage by a window, that was his habit to sing only at night. an owl was puzzled by this and went to ask the nightingale what the reason was. "when I was captured," explained the nightingale ," it was day and I was singing. in this way I learnt to be more carefully and to sing only at night." "are you afraid you might be captured a second time?" asked the owl. "oh, it would have been Better if you had been more careful the first time when your freedom was at risk. now it doesn't really matter any more, right?"
Wol dan burung bulbul
pernah ada bulbul di kandang oleh jendela, itu kebiasaannya menyanyi hanya pada malam hari. burung hantu bingung dengan ini dan pergi untuk meminta bulbul apa alasannya. ketika saya ditangkap, jelas burung bulbul, itu adalah hari dan aku bernyanyi. dengan cara ini saya belajar untuk lebih hati hati dan menyanyi hanya pada malam hari. anda takut anda mungkin ditangkap untuk kedua kalinya ? tanya burung hantu. oh itu akan lebih baik jika anda sudah lebih berhati hati pertama kali ketika kebebasan anda beresiko sekarang tidak terlalu penting lagi kan ?yang wol dan burung bulbul
pernah ada bulbul di kandang oleh jendela, itu kebiasaannya menyanyi hanya pada malam hari. burung hantu bingung dengan ini dan pergi untuk meminta bulbul apa alasannya. "ketika saya ditangkap," jelas burung bulbul, "itu adalah hari dan aku bernyanyi. dengan cara ini saya belajar untuk lebih hati-hati dan menyanyi hanya pada malam hari."
"Anda takut Anda mungkin ditangkap untuk kedua kalinya?" tanya burung hantu. "oh, itu akan lebih baik jika Anda sudah lebih berhati-hati pertama kali ketika kebebasan Anda beresiko. sekarang tidak terlalu penting lagi, kan?"
14. arti dariHello, my name is Florence. I want to tellyou about my idol from which my name istaken from. Her name is Florence Nightingale.She was born in 1820 to a wealthy Englishfamily. She decided in her teens to become anurse, even though her parents disapproved.At that time, most nurses were from poorfamilies and had little and na training. ButNightingale was determined to have her wayIn 1850 and 1851, she received training, athospitals in Egypt and Germany.In 1853, Nightingale took charge ofa hospital in London, England. Here, sheshowed skills as a nurse and an organizer. Shehad bells put beside patients' beds. Whenpatients needed a nurse, they rang their bell.Nobody had thought of this idea before.Nightingale devoted the rest of her longlife to improving public health and educatingpeople about the importance of good hygiene.Britain's hospitals accepted her ideas, andthey became cleaner and healthier places.In 1860, Nightingale set up a trainingschool for nurses in London. The "Nightingalenurses," as its graduates were called, helpedspread Nightingale ideas around the world.Nightingale died in 1910 at the age of 90.
Halo, nama saya Florence. Saya ingin memberi tahu Anda tentang idola saya dari mana nama saya diambil. Namanya adalah Florence Nightingale. Ia dilahirkan pada tahun 1820 dari keluarga Inggris yang kaya. Dia memutuskan di usia remajanya untuk menjadi perawat, meskipun orang tuanya tidak setuju. Pada saat itu, sebagian besar perawat berasal dari keluarga miskin dan memiliki sedikit dan latihan. Tetapi Nightingale bertekad untuk mencapai tujuannya Pada tahun 1850 dan 1851, ia menerima pelatihan, di rumah sakit di Mesir dan Jerman. Pada 1853, Nightingale mengambil alih sebuah rumah sakit di London, Inggris. Di sini, ia menunjukkan keterampilan sebagai perawat dan organisator. Dia memasang lonceng di samping tempat tidur pasien. KapanKetika pasien membutuhkan seorang perawat, mereka membunyikan bel mereka. Tidak ada yang pernah memikirkan ide ini sebelumnya. Nightingale mengabdikan sisa hidupnya yang panjang untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat dan mendidik orang-orang tentang pentingnya kebersihan yang baik. Rumah sakit Inggris menerima ide-idenya, dan mereka menjadi tempat yang lebih bersih dan sehat. Pada tahun 1860, Nightingale mengatur mendirikan sekolah pelatihan untuk perawat di London. "Perawat Nightingale," demikian lulusannya dipanggil, membantu menyebarkan gagasan Nightingale ke seluruh dunia. Nightingale meninggal pada tahun 1910 pada usia 90 tahun.
Halo nama saya Florence. Saya ingin memberitahu anda tentang idol saya, nama saya didapat dari idol ini. Nama idolku adalah Florence Nightingale. Dia lahir pada tahun 1820 dari keluarga Inggris yang kaya. Dia berencana untuk menjadi seorang perawat,walaupun keluarganya tidak menyetujuinya
selanjutnya saya tulis di komentar
15. Arti dari "The Emperor and the Nightingale
The Emperor and the Nightingale = Kaisar dan Burung Bulbul
Maaf kalau salah dan semoga membantu :Dartinya: kaisar dan burung bul bul
16. lorence Nightingale was a nurse who became famous for her work during the mean War 18-for the wounded soldiers in a British hospital insular and or change hospital management and thenprofession forever. She was bom May 12 1820 Florence, Ta w aNightingale, wealthy British heirs. Florence Nightingale was named after the dishe wasin 1821 the family moved back to England and Florence was raised in Hampshire and Des i hhomes. By the time she was 16 Florence had already determined that her calling was to bewent on to become the most famous nurse in historyFlorence Nightingale enrolled in nursing school at the Lutheran ospital or Pastoreaner in GermanIn 1853 when she was only 33 Florence Nightingale was hired to run smatropin London, bem1854, Florence Nightingale and a group of 38 other nurses arrived in Soutati istantul Tunel at the resther friend Sidney Herbert, a government official. At that time, the conditions of the hospital were w wwrats and fleas and a very dirty, unsanitary environment Florence organized the other nurses and changedconditions of the hospital. The hospital was properly sanitized and soldiers were properly cared withinbandages and sheets, and were properly fed. Soldiers began to refer to Florence Nightingale as the lawthe lamp because she was often seen at night walking around at night with her lamp to check on theFlorence Nightingale's efforts began to become known. When she returned to England at the endWar in 1856, Florence was a national heroine.the text is written to....A.introduce the new heroineB.make people appreciate the nurse jobC.tell about the life of florence nightingaleD.inform florence nightingale's effort as a nurse
soalnya ceritanya bisa dibilang sebagai biografi dari florence nightingale
Soalnya ceritanha saya ngerti kok
17. My IdolHello my name is Florence. I want to tell you aboutmy idol from which my name is taken from. Her name isFlorence Nightingale. She was born in 1820 to a wealthyEnglish family. She decided in her teens to become anurse, even though her parents disapproved. At the time,most nurses were from poor families and had little or notrainning. But Nightingale was determined to have herway. In 1850 and 1851, she received training at hospitalsin Egypt and Germany.In 1853, Nightingale took charge of a hospital inLondon, England. Here she showed skills as a nurseand an organizer. She had bells put beside patients'beds. When patients needed a nurse, they rang theirbells. Nobody had thought of this idea before.Nightingale devoted the rest of her long life toimproving public health and educating people aboutthe importance of good hygiene. Britain's hospitalsaccepted her ideas, and they became cleaner andhealthier places.In 1860, Nightingale set up a training school fornurses in London. The "Nightingale nurses," as itsgraduates were called, helped spread Nightingale'sideas around the world Nightingale died in 1910 atthe age of 90.43. Pengetahuan dan PemahamanWhat is the purpose of the text above?A. To portray Florence's life.B. To describe Florence's idols.C. To explain writer's role model.To tell about Florence's origin name.
What is the purpose of the text above?
The purpose of the text above is to describe Florence's idols (b).
Teks di atas menceritakan tentang idola Florence yang bernama Florence Nightingale.
Teks di atas merupakan teks biografi yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan kehidupan seseorang, yaitu idola Florence.
Pilihan A hampir menyerupai jawaban yang benar. Tetapi karena ada dua nama yang sama pada teks tersebut, "to portray Florence's life" yang dimaksud Florence yang mana. Apakah Florence yang bercerita atau Florence Nightingale.
Pelajari lebih lanjut materi biography text pada
18. apa tema lagu ode to my family
temanya tentang keluarga
semoga membantu
19. 1) where did the nightingale? 2) what did his habit? 3) what was the question of the owl? 4) what was the answer of the nightingale? 5) what did the owl's reply? tolong yaa di terjemahin & di isiin jawaban'a.. terima kasih
1.Dimana nightingale? 2.Apa kebiasaanya ? 3.Apa pertanyaan dari burung hantu? 4.Apa jawaban dari nightingale? 5.Apa balasan/komentar dari burung hantu?
20. Task 6 Answer the questions based on the text on task 5 (clik drawing here) 1.) Where was the nightingale? 2.) What was his habit? 3.) What was the question of the owl? 4.) What was the answer of the nightingale? 5.) What was the owl's reply? "Help me".
1.) Where was the nightingale?
The nightingale was capture and put into a cage by a window
2.) What was his habit?
His habit is sing only at night
3.) What was the question of the owl?
The question of the owl is "Are you afraid you must be captured a second time?"
4.) What was the answer of the nightingale?
The answer of the nightingale is " No. I'm not afraid. In this way I learnt to be more prudent to sing only at night."
5.) What was the owl's reply?
the owl's reply is : "Oh it would have been better if you
had been more careful the first time when your freedom was at risk".
1. In a cage by window.
2. Sing only at night.
3. "Are you afraid you might be captured a second time?"
4. "No, im not. When i was captured, it was day and i was singing. In this way I learnt to be more carefully and to sing only at night. So, im just trying to be careful."
5. "Oh, it would have been better if you had been more careful the first time when your freedom was at risk. Now it doesn't really matter anymore, right?"
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