What is a principled curriculum?
1. What is a principled curriculum?
The principle of curriculum development. Curriculum development is a term comprehensive, in it includes: planning, implementation and evaluation. ... the principles to be used in the development activities curriculum is basically the rules or law will animating a curriculum.
Kira kira kyk gitu deh maaf kalau ada yang salah ^^
2. what is the most important reason to implement in the 2013 curriculum
jawabnya pake bahasa Inggris ya
the most important to imploment in the 2013 curriculum : three ia a good cooperation between teachers, parents and students
3. what is communicative language teaching? what do you think english language teaching in the new curriculum ? what do you think communicative language teaching in the new curriculum?
yes, of course English. I think the communicative language in the curriculum is less effective, adding many new types of words
4. what is the difference of KTSp curriculum and K13
The Differences Between Curiculum 2013 and KTSP. Curriculum 2013 was implemented in the 2013/2014 academic year on specific schools. ... Firstly, in curriculum 2013 aspects of the competence of graduates there is a balance of soft skills and hard skills and knowledge. Different with KTSP, is more emphasis on the knowledge
hehe ^^
5. ur language is same as hindiplz bhs indo in dong
Jawaban:'' bahasa mu sama seperti hindi''
6. hindian ocean-in the south of-is-in-of java-island-is tolong ya
Hindian ocean is in the south of java island. Semoga membantu. #maafkalosalah
7. What is lyrics of the song tum Jo mile from the movie Sansein in Hindi lipi?
Tum Jo Mile Lyrics
Saansein hai chal rahi
Kyun tehri hai meri zindagi
Kho rahi cheez jo thi
Jeene ke liye laazmi
Tum jo mile pal do pal ke vaaste
Rab ne kiye juda kyun dil ke raaste
Rabba karega tu pyaar ek din
Rahega tu yaar ke bin
Jaanega tu hai ye dard kya
Rabba dooriyon ke mausam saare
Denge jab aansu khare
Jaanega tu hai ye ishq kya
Tum jo mile pal do pal ke vaaste
Rab ne kiye juda kyun dil ke raaste
Kyun lakeerein tooti hai
Haathon se rooth ke (x2)
Tu ho humsafar, har ek mod par
Haan ye dil mera chaahe
Tum jo mile pal do pal ke vaaste
Rab ne kiye juda kyun dil ke raaste
Rabba karega tu pyaar ek din
Rahega tu yaar ke bin
Lyrics http://bit.ly/2eHCe8R
Jaanega tu hai ye dard kya
Rabba dooriyon ke mausam saare
Denge jab aansu khare
Jaanega tu hai ye ishq kya
Tum jo mile pal do pal ke vaaste
Rab ne kiye juda kyun dil ke raaste
Judaa kyu hogaye, fanaa kyu hogaye
Mitaa sab kuch mera ishq mein
Duaa hai be-asar, saza sa hai safar
Dil hai chal rahaan ishq mein
Read Lyrics: http://www.lyricsted.com/tum-jo-mile-armaan-malik-saansein/#ixzz4gSAGTEfH
8. 1) What is the definition of Aplication Letter? 2) What is Curriculum Vitae? 3) What is the purpose of Application Letter?
3.Fungsi pertama surat lamaran kerja adalah untuk pengajuan atau permohonan kerja ke perusahaan secara resmi. Melalui surat lamaran, anda secara resmi mengajukan diri untuk mengisi posisi kosong yang diminati dalam perusahaan tersebut
yang nomor 1 dan 2 gtw
9. what is social function of curriculum vitae???
arti:Apa fungsi sosial dari curriculum vitae ???
Fungsinya adalah untuk meyakinkan pemberi kerja bahwa Anda mempunyai keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan pekerjaan tersebut. CV ini cocok untuk para fresh graduate dan orang yang ingin berganti pekerjaan ke bidang yang berbeda dengan bidang kerjanya dulu.
Its function is to convince the employer that you have the skills needed to do the job. CV This is suitable for fresh graduates and people who want to change jobs to a different field from their previous field of work.
semoga bermanfaat dan benar
jadiin jawaban tercerdas ya
10. What is the differents between traditional points of view curriculum and progressive points of view of curriculum ? Tlong di jawab yah :)
Apa perbedaan antara kurikulum sudut pandang tradisional dan sudut pandang kurikulum yang progresif?
Traditional indicated curriculum differences with modern indicated curriculum, in terms of:
a. The Role of Pebelajar
b. The Role of Learners
c. Material Status Lesson
1. Traditional curriculum is defined as all subjects given in an educational institution or narrowly in a subject or as a set of subjects that are needed for graduates or to obtain a diploma in one particular field of study.
According to Nengly and Evaras (1976): The traditional curriculum is a planned experience undertaken by the school To help students achieve learning outcomes to the best students' abilities.
Modern curriculum according to Alice Mil (Hendiyat Soetopo, 1982): covers the building, school atmosphere, wishes, beliefs, knowledge, skills and attitudes of people who serve and diladeni school students, society, and educators in it also including school guard, clerks, school nurses and other school-related staff.
The curriculum according to Teaching on Learning (1956). The modern curriculum of all school endeavors to influence children's learning, whether in the classroom, in the school yard, or outside school including teaching. The modern curriculum includes also what
11. why tamil is official language in singapore not hindi?
The reason Tamil is official language in Singapore not Hindi:
Tamil people is the third largest ethnicity in Singapore. People from Tamil was the first settlers in the island of Singapore under the Chola empire of Tamil Nadu in 1025 AD. It was the victory by a legendary king Rajendra Chola conquering the Hindu empire of Sri Vijaya (Indonesia/Malaysia).
The naming of Singapore is derived from Sanskrit or Tamil language, in which Singa means lion and pore means city. This is the origin of why Singapore is called the Lion City. There are other similar naming of Singapore by the Tamil emperors such as Singampunari near Madurai. Many places in South East Asia are named after from Sanskrit/Indian language words.
Singapore and India were colonized by the British in the 18th century. Singapore was utilized by the British as a main Asian port to strengthen its influence in India. It resulted a huge group of Indian traders and laborers flocking to Singapore, mainly from the south part of India. Tamil people was known to be sea travelers and they took this opportunity presented by the British. They quickly migrated to Singapore and made up one of the largest population in the Singapore culture, third only to the Chinese and Malay population.
While the Tamil is the most spoken Indian language by the large majority of the Indian population in Singapore, Hindi, on the other hand is the least spoken by the Indians in Singapore.
Therefore, the Tamil is declared as an official language of Singapore for Indians, instead of Hindi.
Cerita di atas tergolong Descriptive Text dimana penulis menjelaskan sesuatu cerita untuk menunjukkan suatu kesimpulan. Narasi dari Descriptive Text dapat berupa sebuah cerita tentang seseorang/sekumpulan orang, binatang, tumbuhan, benda, tempat/lokasi, kebudayaan, kondisi sosial, fenomena, dll. Tujuan dari Descriptive text adalah memberi penjelasan atas sesuatu yang ingin disampaikan ke pembaca secara detail sehingga pembaca dapat memahami fakta yang disampaikan oleh penulis.
Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense yang menjelaskan hal-hal dalam konteks umum.
2. Banyak menggunakan adjective (kata sifat) untuk mengklarifikasikan kata benda yang mengikutinya. Contoh dari text di atas: the third largest ethnicity, huge group.
3. Pemakaian relating verb (kata kerja penghubung). Contoh: is, was, as
Pelajari lebih lanjut:
Pengertian Descriptive Text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22538690
Penjelasan Descriptive Text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5035658
#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4
12. What are curriculum principles?
Curriculum principles are the values a school believes will give both their pupils and community the best chance of succeeding, and what they know to be right, given its context.
13. enclose my curriculum vitae..” The word “enclose” is in the closest meaning to… *
melampirkan, menyertakan
14. There are four Core Competency in Curriculum 2013, what are they?
In the 2013 curriculum, competency in attitudes is a priority together with competency in skills and knowledge. The 2013 Curriculum grouped three domains, they are Affective, Cognitive, and Psychomotoric.
15. What is your opinion about curriculum 2013 ?(minimal 2 paragraphs and 150 words)
From my point of view, I think Curriculum 2013 is more complex and difficult if we see from the last curriculum or KTSP 2006. In this curriculum, we should can be more active and ask many question to the teacher. We should be more many finish the task about presentation and project than a homework whick ussually give in common task of school. We should can understand the lesson before we entered the class, cause the theacher won't explain the lesson but ask the student what we know about this and those then we answer it so competitive as fast the other student want to answer it too. I don't know much but i feel kinda college students, cause the teacher which bring a book is so rare to find, and my school is still don't get the book from the government untill now.
if you see the notes book of mine, you will so confuse as me, cause there isn't good handwriting in there. i just write the point of the lesson and the other was alredy arranged in my head. even is so hard at first, i think this system have the good point and bad aside. it just up to yourself how you take the lesson with the positive think or not. there isn't wrong with the both government and i, but how we see it by the good point and make the chance come to you. like i said "Dont blame anyone if you still blind".
With this Curriculum 2013, we can be more attractive to the techer and friends, also mastered the lesson quickly, even its hard at first, but the time will change it as easy as your common habbit.
thank for read my opinion :DMinistry of education and culture of indonesia already published new curriculum for indonesia's education, it called curriculum 2013. Curriculum 2013 use to change the last curriculum KTSP. According the fact, KTSP have a lot of material which is have difficulties beyond for developmental age of the child. This condition has big impact fo the students. Students will be more focus to cognitive assesment than a valuable character. In, curriculum 2013, education hoped to be more focus on building characters. I think curriculum 2013 is a good way to increase the output of our education. But the problem now is do we have a good readiness to use this curriculum? especially for the teachers, do they ready? because as good as curriculum will not useful if the teachers were not ready.
16. What is the relationship between syllabus and curriculum?
Syllabus development based on the basic framework of the curriculum. Thus, the syllabus is part of the curriculum.
cr: http://ambrosleonangungedu.blogspot.com/2011/12/hubungan-kurikulum-dengan-silabus.html
17. what does curriculum vitae ?
Curriculum Vitae is a document that consists of your identity, work experiences, and your education background. It is usually used to apply for a job.
18. who is in charge of curriculum syllabus and lesson plan
A daily lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class instruction.
a daily lesson plan ia developed by a teacher to guide class instruction
19. What you should write in curriculum vitae
personal data and biography
20. enclose my curriculum vitae..” The word “enclose” is in the closest meaning to… *
The word “enclose” is in the closest meaning to attach.
PembahasanUntuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas, kita harus mengetahui tentang sedikit tentang sinonim dan penggunaan Curriculum Vitae (CV).
Sinonim adalah kata atau frasa yang artinya sama atau hampir sama dengan kata atau frasa lain dalam satu bahasa. Biasanya sinonim digunakan untuk:
mengungkapkan arti yang sama/hampir sama dengan kata yang lain jenisnyauntuk menghindari pengulangan kata yang berlebihanCurriculum Vitae (CV)
Pada dasarnya, CV adalah dokumen yang berisi riwayat pendidikan dan pekerjaan yang biasa dikirim pada saat melamar kerja bersamaan dengan surat pengantar.
Pertanyaan di atas adalah bagian surat pengantar dan kata enclose my curriculum vitae (CV) berarti menyertakan CV dalam amplop sama yang merupakan tempat surat pengantar dimasukkan. Dengan makna ini, maka kata yang bersinonim atau paling dekat dengan enclose adalah attach, yang juga berarti melampirkan/menyertakan.
Materi lebih lanjut tentang present tense and its function dapat disimak pada link berikut ini
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