What comes down but never goes up
1. What comes down but never goes up
ingus ༼⊙ʖ̯⊙༽
/'-'/ maaf ga ada b Inggris
2. 1.This adverb of frequency means that you don't do something. 2.In this sport you jump up and down.Tolong di bantu kk
1.) Kata keterangan frekuensi ini berarti Anda tidak melakukan sesuatu.
2.)Dalam olahraga ini Anda melompat-lompat.
Ada penjelasan pertanyaan ini nya gak?
1. Kata keterangan frekuensi ini berarti Anda tidak melakukan sesuatu.
2. Dalam olahraga ini Anda melompat-lompat.
3. B. Inggris what always goes down but never up?
Apa yang selalu turun tapi tidak pernah habis.
4. Skema transformator step up and step down
1. Trap Step Up
a. Tegangan swkunder lebih besar dari tegangan primer
b. Jumlah lilitan Sekunder lbh bnyk dari lilitan Primar
c. Arus Primer lbh bsr dari arus Sekunder
2. Trap Step Down
a. Tegangan Sekunder lbh kecil dari tegangan Primer
b. Jumlah lilitan Sekunder lbh sedikit dari lilitan Primer
c. Arus Primer lbh kecil dari Arus SekunderSkema tansformator step up, step down, dan isolation
5. These sentences are correct to describe the factor that can influence the exchange rates, except? *a. If the Politic and Economic is unstable then currency goes downb. If there is surplus or positive balance of trade then then currency goes upc. If the Import prices are higher than Export prices then currency goes downd. If there is high interest rates then Then currency goes up
Kalimat ini tepat untuk menggambarkan faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi nilai tukar, kecuali? *
Sebuah. Jika Politik dan Ekonomi tidak stabil maka mata uang turun
b. Jika ada surplus atau neraca perdagangan positif maka mata uang naik
c. Jika harga Impor lebih tinggi dari harga Ekspor maka mata uang turun
d. Jika ada suku bunga tinggi maka mata uang naik
itu ya bahasa Indonesia nya jawab tu sendiri
6. they fall down and get up
Mereka jatuh dan bangunMereka jatuh dan bangkit.-.
7. Write down all the name of the months that you have learn in the video and articel!
september ✅
semoga menbantu
8. apa arti dari walking up and down
berjalan naik dan turunJalan ke atas dan bawah. Semoga membantu anda.
9. Write down two expressions of advising someone to do something and write down its negative response
1. A wise man once said...
2. You should / shouldn't / must...
Negative Response:
1. I don't want to...!!
2. I don't trust you!!
3. I will not trust you!
4. I hate you!
5. You're lying...!
Maaf kalau salah
Jadikan terbaik ya, makasihExpressions of advising: You should go to the cinema tonight.
Negative Response: No,i don't want to go to the cinema.
jadikan jawaban terbaik jika membantu
Berikan terima kasih
10. 2. Write down 5 expressing prohotibion!3. Write down a conversation about askingand giving something!
2. 1. bring your bag · 2. look at the basket! · 3. stand up · 4. run faster · 5. take this plate away
3. Tom: hey jack, are u have colour pencil for drawing?
Jack: drawing? Ah yeah i have
Tom: what are u want to draw?
Jack: nah, im not have any idea what i want to draw. Have u any idea for me?
Tom: sure, cause u is better drawing than me, i suggest you to drawing bob, your cat.
Jack: wow good idea, thanks man. Ah if u need colour pencil i can borrow all of them
Tom: thank u jack, ure my best friend.
1- please Don't smoke
2-Don't cry
3- don't drink alcohol please,its Dangerous
4- don't drive a car with no driving licence
5- Don't bully people
amy: hi emma!
emma: hi amy!
amy: how is ur day emma?
emma: its great how about you?
amy:its great, hey emma..
emma: yes amy?
amy: can i borow ur pen?
emma: Sure! here
amy: thank you emma!
emma: ur Welcome
maaf jika salah semoga membantu!!
11. write down your full name and nickname
suruh tulis nama panjang dan nama panggilan
saya kurang paham
semoga membantu
12. name the tissues that make up the eye organs .....
tisu wajah mungkin????
13. apa arti kata " pull up and pull down "
tarik ke atas dan tarik ke bawah
14. apa makna dari kata ini Life has its up and down
ini Hidup ada naik turunnya
15. Contoh To state that we can do something,and to state that we will do something
To state that we can do something is an important way to tell people about our skill or ability. We can make a sentence showing an ability using the following pattern.
(+) Subject + modal verb (can) + base verb (-) Subject + can’t + base verb (?) Can + subject + base verb?To state that we will do something, we usually use a sentence to show our plan or future activity. We can make a sentence showing what we will do by using the following pattern.
(+) Subject + will + base verb(-) Subject + will not/won’t + base verb(?) Will + subject + base verb?Answers
Contoh to state that we can do something.
I can play drum.We can go to English club every Saturday.I can buy a new coat.She can meet my favorite singer.They can swim.He can speak English.My mother can cook rendang.I can ride a bicycle.My sister can sing Japanese songs.My brother can teach Math to elementary school students.Contoh to state that we will do something.
I will go to Japan next month.I will talk to our teacher about my family financial problem.She will go to England if she gets the scholarship.We will clean the room after the seminar.They will come here tomorrow at noon.He will move to Jakarta after he graduates from high school.I will meet my grandparents this weekend.Tina will take IELTS test next year.Doni will buy a present for her mother’s birthday.I will skip lunch because I’m full now.Detail tambahan
Kelas: SMP
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Kategori: miscellaneous
16. write down two the expressions of something and offering
bahasa Indonesianya ⬇️⬇️
tulislah dua ekspresi dari sesuatu dan persembahan
semoga bermanfaat
happy if the performance is very exciting
if sad when the performance was stopped because of something
semoga bermanfaat
17. Apa fungsi dari home, insert,and,page up, page down
fungsinya adalah untuk foto sintesis
18. Write down the brand and name of the drug!
iam not father(aku ndak papah)
Bodrex, Paracetamol
Meringankan sakit kepala, sakit gigi, dan menurunkan demam,
!Dijual Bebas Tampa resep doketer!
20 tablet lapis
19. can you write down about something you like and dislike?
I like playing games indoor but i dislike playing games outdoor
20. Orientasi Kelompok kepentingan lebih bersifat dari atas ke bawah disebut.....a. Bottom Upb. Top Downc. Up and Topd. Bottom Downe. Up and Down
dari atas ke bawah
Orientasi kelompok kepentingan lebih bersifat dari atas ke bawah
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