The Problem Below Consists Of A Problem

The Problem Below Consists Of A Problem

What kind of problem posed in the dialog above. What can we do as a students to face that problem? Give your opinion in the blanks below.​

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1. What kind of problem posed in the dialog above. What can we do as a students to face that problem? Give your opinion in the blanks below.​


In my opinion, The problem posed in the dialog is technical difficulties faced during online classes such as signal problems, teachers who can't hear the students, etc. To face these problems, it is important for students to be patient and understanding. However, it might also be a good idea for students to take initiative to improve the online learning experience by ensuring good internet connectivity and a quiet environment during the class. Additionally, it's recommended to communicate with the teacher regarding the technical difficulties faced to get them resolved.

Jangan lupa bintang 5,0.

2. The flow of the problem of the main character in a narrative text is .... Pilih jawabanmu. 1 The problem raises the tension until climax then turns into resolution 2 The problem has sad ending 3 The problem will be concluded at the end of the story 4 The problem has no ending

saya pilih no.3 maap kolak benarI choose number 1
The problem raises the tension until climax then turns into resolution.


3. identify the part of problem of the story​


sorry where s the story how come there isn t

4. what is the main problem of the story?


Where's the story?


Dimana soal ceritanya?




penjelsanya aku

5. __________ discussed by the board of directors when it was proposed again by the supervisors.A. The problem had alreadyB. The problem is alreadyC. The problem had already beenD. The problem has already

...... discussed by the board of directors when it was proposed again by the supervisors.


Pertama, ketahui tense dari kalimat tersebut. Kata kuncinya terletak pada kalimat "when it was proposed". Kalimat ini merupakan bentuk past simple, yang artinya kejadian terjadi di masa lampau (telah usai).

Maka untuk melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang, tense yang digunakan juga haruslah dalam bentuk past.

A. The problem had already discussed → past perfect tense

B. The problem is already discussed → simple present tense

C. The problem had already been discussed → past perfect tense

D. The problem has already discussed → present perfect tense

Dari opsi jawaban di atas, maka kemungkinan jawabannya yaitu opsi A atau C, karena sama-sama dalam bentuk past.

Lalu manakah yang benar? Perhatikan pola kalimat "the problem ..... discussed". Kalimat ini merupakan bentuk passive voice, karena objek yang mengawali kalimat dan menggunakan kata kerja past participle (kata kerja verb 3).

Rumus past perfect tense untuk : Passive voice → O + had + been + Verb 3 (by S) Active voice → S + had + Verb 3 + O

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah

[tex]\boxed{C.\:The \:problem \:had\: already \:been}[/tex]


Subject : English

Level : X SHS

Chapter : 5

Keyword : Passive Voice, Past perfect

Categorization Code : 10.5.3 [Kelas 10 Bahasa Inggris Bab 3 - Grammar]

6. Analyse the generic structure of the procedural text below! 1. The goal of the rcipe is untuk mengelas .. 2. The ingredients consists of...... 4. The structure of an ingredient consists of 5. The structure of a step consists of The method consists of.. Cara MCM lou

Maaf cuma bisa artiin aja...

Analisis struktur umum teks prosedural di bawah ini! 1. Tujuan dari rcipe adalah untuk mengelas .. 2. Bahan terdiri dari ...... 4. Susunan bahan terdiri dari 5. Struktur langkah terdiri dari Metode terdiri dari .. Cara MCM lou

7. Berikan contoh dari the problem of choice

the problem of choise artinya salah memilih... seperti ketika kita salah memilih pada pekerjaan di bidang yg kita bukan ahlinya, maka tingkat pengangguran semakin meningkat

8. Below, are some common problem Of cell phones, except ..

pilihan gandanya mana

9. what was the resolution of the problem?

Don't see people by his/her physics

10. What ia the main problem of story'

Jawaban:tergantung alur cerita nya dong.


11. what is the main problem of the story?

apakah masalah utama dari cerita

12. make a dialog containing expressions of asking and giving suggestion based on the following themes a. money problem b. healt problem c. friendship problem

 Clover: Hey, How do you earn so much money in 1 month?
    Jessica: Well, I work as an entrepreneur and create business every 1 week.
    Clover:Wow! I guess I'll start my own business..

 Alistor: How do you stop yourself  from smoking?
   Arthur: Easy! You  just find a new hobby to make you forget about smoking,                    like golf!  
 Alistor: I see, I'm gonna start hitting ball like a lad now!

Kiku: What's wrong?
Felicia: I accidentally spilled tomato sauce on ludwig's favorite shirt and I'm afraid if he is going to be mad at me..
Kiku: Well, you should say sorry to him, and maybe give him presents, It'll help.
Felicia; Thanks for the advice!

13. What wae the source of the writer's problem


Where is the text?

Than, we can to answer,,

Sorry i am not understand your question

14. Berikan contoh dari the problem of choice

the problem of choise artiny adalah salah memilih.. sehingga seperti kita memilih pekerjaan yg bukan ahli kita dalam bidang itu, maka tingkat pengangguran akan meningkat

15. Read the newspaper column below! Use “should / shouldn’t”, give some advices to the problem in Penny’s Problematic Problem Page!


Penny shouldn't share her bedroom with her brother.

penny should asking her parents permission again, to move to another room

16. please give the meaning of the problem .....๏_๏​


1.Kelas Berapa si penulisnya?

2.Seberapa Jauh Sekolah dari Sekolahnya?

3.T/F jika Benar (T) dan jika salah beri (F)

Si Penulis Belajar Bahasa Inggris di Kelas 7(VII)

4.T/F jika Benar (T) dan jika salah beri (F)

Dia (Perempuan) berusaha menaiki sepedanya

saat dia kelas 7(VII)

5.Saya bertemu anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan dari bagian yang berbeda. (Garis 8)

Arti Yang Sama Dari Kata-kata yang ditebalkan adalah...

6.Saya Sangat Senang... Arti Yang Sama Dari Kata Senang adalah... (Similarnya kayaknya harus kata-kata bahasa inggris. karena disitunya disuruhnya B.inggris sama kayak no.5)

7.Berapa Kali penulis menghabiskan waktu di kelas 7(VII)

8.Verb Ke-1 (Kata Kerja Pertama) dari Wore adalah...

Maaf Ya Kalau Salah Karena Text Nya kurang kelihatan... jadinya cuman bisa ngartiin bahasa inggrisnya saja

17. Berikan contoh dari the problem of choice

the problem of choise artinya adalah salah memilih... berarti ketika kita salah memilih, seperti memilih pekerjaan yg kita bkn ahliny di bidang itu maka tingkat pengangguran akan bertambah

18. ___ discussed by the board of directors when it was proposed again by the supervisors. * 20 poin (a) the problem had already (b) the problem is already (c) the problem had already been (d) the problem has already


c. the problem had already been

cmiiw. maaf kalo salah.


___ discussed by the board of directors when it was proposed again by the supervisors.

(b) the problem hadalready

19. Solve the problem of econokic issues

Artinya Memecahkan masalah, masalah ekonomimenyelesaikan masalah untuk masalah ekonomi

20. what was the main problem of the story?

Could you tell the story, well?

❤Mana ceritanya ??????

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