If APEX is coded as ZKVC then code for GIRL iskasih tau rumus dan caranya juga ya kak
1. If APEX is coded as ZKVC then code for GIRL iskasih tau rumus dan caranya juga ya kak
That was coded using reversed alphabet order. So, Z for A, K for P, V for E and C for X. Look at the attached pictures.
2. Jelaskan mengenai Binery Coded desimal dan contoh proses operasi aritmatika BCD
BCD merupakan penetapan langsung dari setara binernya. Kode tersebut juga
dikenal sebagaikode BCD 8421 yang menunjukkan bobot untuk masing-masing
kedudukan bitnya.
Sebagai contoh, bilangan desimal 1996 dapat dikodekan menurut BCD sebagai:
1996 = 0001 1001 1001 0110
1 9 9 6
Perlu diperhatikan bahwa pengubahan suatu bilangan desimal ke bilangan biner
berbeda dengan pengkodean suatu bilangan desimal meskipun hasilnya sama-sama
berupa suatu deretan bit. Untuk kode BCD ini, kode bilangan desimal 0 sampai dengan 9
sama dengan bilangan biner setaranya.
Namun untuk bilangan di atas 9, kode BCD berbeda dengan bilangan biner
setaranya. Misalnya biner untuk angka 11 adalah 1011, Letapi kode BCD untuk 11 adalah
0001 0001. Oleh karena itu, perlu diingat bahwa suatu deretan bit (angka) 0 dan 1 dalam
suatu sistem digital kadang-kadang mewakili suatu bilangan biner dan pada saat yang lain
merupakan informasi diskrit yang ditentukan oleh suatu kode biner tertentu. Keunggulan
utama kode BCD adalah mudahnya mengubah ke bilangan desimal. Kerugiannya adalah
sandi tidak akan berlaku untuk operasi matematika yang hasilnya melebihi 9.
3. Konversikan nilai 46AC (heksadesimal) menjadi bilangan Binary Coded Hexadecimal.
Bilangan Heksadesimal berikut 57F (16) jika dikonversikan menjadi bilangan biner mempunyai nilai 46AC (heksadesimal) menjadi bilangan Binary Coded Hexadecimal.
4. Sound recording and reproduction are two separate processes used to record, store, and play back sounds. Sound recording uses microphones to pick up sound waves in the air. The pressure changes associated with the waves are converted into electrical signals, which can be coded and stored for future access. Sound reproduction, or playback, uses additional devices to retrieve the stored information and convert it back into electrical signals. The signals are then sent to a loudspeaker, which converts them back into sound. To record sound, a microphone changes the acoustic energy of sound waves in the air into electrical signals. Inside a microphone is a thin, flat, metallic surface, called a diaphragm, that is suspended in a magnetic field. When a sound wave reaches the microphone, the air pressure changes around the diaphragm, causing the diaphragm to move. This movement within a magnetic field creates an electrical signal. The signal is then transferred to a storage medium, such as a cassette tape, a compact disc (CD), or a phonograph record. To reproduce sound, a playing device—such as a CD player, cassette deck, or phonograph—accesses the stored data. The playing device reads the data and converts the information back into electric energy. The electrical signal is sent to a loudspeaker, which has a diaphragm housed in a magnetic field in much the same way as a microphone's diaphragm is housed. The electrical signal creates a disturbance in the magnetic field. These resultant variations in the magnetic field cause the diaphragm to move. As the diaphragm moves, it pushes out and pulls in, creating changes in air pressure to recreate the sound that was originally recorded. Sound recording and reproduction form the foundation of many industries, including entertainment, communications, and multimedia businesses. Recording and reproduction of sound allow people to play their favorite music, whether it was recorded yesterday or many years ago. Radio networks rely on sound recording and reproduction for storing news and other types of programming. Television and motion pictures combine images with music, speech, and sound effects to provide the viewer with an enriched experience. Computer programs, multimedia software, and video games also use sound to make programs more engaging 1. what is a recording?2. the first stage of a sound recording is... 3. how many stages are there in a sound recording process? what are they?4. what is reproduction? 5. how many stages are there in a reproduction process? what are they?6. which of these is the purpose of the text? a. to describe the way thing are. b. to explain the processes involved in the formation or working of sociocultural phenomena 7. how many action verbs are there used in the text? what are they8. are there any abstract words used in the text? what are they? 9. how many sentences are written in passive form? write them here10. how many rechnical languages are there in the text? write them here11. are there any conjunctions used in the text?12. is there any complex sentence? write them here13. is the text written in the present tense? why?
Maybe ..
1. to use sound recordings for educational purposes without violatingthe Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)193
2. to enable archives to share copies of digitized sound recordingsamong themselves for the purpose of eliminating redundantefforts to preserve commercial recordings held in many institutionsor existing in multiple copies, and, in so doing, assure thatas many legacy recordings as possible can be saved and be madepublicly accessible in digital formats
3. to harmonize the term of protection for sound recordings withthat of other intellectual property formats, and to explore possiblebenefits of harmonizing U.S. and European terms of protection
4. to foster better methods of identifying rights holders for proposeduses of sound recordings that require prior authorizationfrom rights holders
5. to make out-of-print and/or orphan recordings available to thepublic over the Internet
6. to permit making copies of recordings before their sound qualityhas deteriorated
7. to clarify the legal definition of “obsolete” media to allow applicationof routine archival best-practice standards to preservationreformatting of legacy analog media; and8. to extend fair-use provisions to pre-1972 recordings as nationalpolicy.
5. telaahiah penggunaan bahasa aGeles avonkuarahku adalah panutantescodedchrona 2020700 ラウンド cos SOStesori
Apa coba ini?
ku merasa bingung
6. Tuliskan pernyataan umum dari Mikropon speker keypad layar tayang baterai coded digital signal procesor gsm sim radio frekuensi kenektor luar antena memori internal dan sd card
pernyataan umum
(bagian handphone)
7. 20. Look at the picture 01:20What time is it?a. One twentyb. Twenty to twoC. Twenty past tod. A quarter past one01. 20coded
a. one twenty
maaf kalo salah :)
A. One Twenty
Past artinya Lebih
To artinya Kurang
Jadi, 01.20 adalah Twenty Past One atau One Twenty
Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
8. Konversikan nilai 457 (desimal) menjadi nilai Binary Coded Decimal dan nilai 1001 0101 0000 0111 (BCD) menjadi nilai Desimal :
457 (Decimal) = 111 001 001 (Binary)
1001 0101 0000 0111 (Binary) = 38151 (Decimal)
Cara menghitung :
- Konversi bilangan biner ke desimal.
Cara mengkonversi bilangan biner ke desimal adalah dengan mengalikan satu-satu bilangan dengan 2 (basis biner) pangkat 0 atau 1 atau 2 dst dimulai dari bilangan paling kanan. Kemudian hasilnya dijumlahkan.
Contoh :
(11001 )₂ = (1 × 2⁵) + (1 × 2⁴) + (0 × 2³) + (0 × 2²) + (1 × 2¹) + (-16 × 2⁰) = (25)₁₀
- Konversi bilangan desimal ke biner.
Cara konversi bilangan desimal ke biner adalah dengan membagi bilangan desimal dengan 2 dan menyimpan sisa bagi per seitap pembagian terus hingga hasil baginya < 2. Hasil konversi adalah urutan sisa bagi dari yang paling akhir hingga paling awal.
Contoh :
125 ( Decimal ) =
125/2 = 62 sisa bagi 1
62/2= 31 sisa bagi 0
31/2=15 sisa bagi 1
15/2=7 sisa bagi 1
7/2=3 sisa bagi 1
3/2=1 sisa bagi 1
Urutkan dari bawah ke atas menjadi 111101 (Binary)
9. Burhan mengalami perbedaan pertumbuhan dari beberapa saudara kandungnya. Hal ini tidak biasa terjadi. Setelah melakukan cek ke dr Teguh Haryo Sasongko yang merupakan salah satu ahli genetika, ternyata burhan positif didiagnosis mengalami mutasi pertumbuhan berupa gigantisme. Hal ini biasa terjadi karena perubahan urutan gen pada saat translasi protein terjadi. Salah satu sekuen basa nitrogen ditunjukan sebagai berikut, bantu dokter untuk menemukan urutan mRNA yang seharusnya terbentuk jika salah satu sekuen DNA sebagai berikut:3’ACAGTGC5’How would the base sequence be coded on mRNA….a. TGTCACGb. GUGACAUc. UGUCACGd. CACUGUA
maaf ya klo salah baru pemula
10. This text is for questions 3 and 4.Headphones are a hardware device that can be plugged into a computer, laptop, smartphone, poor other device to privately listen to audio. Headphones originally consisted onsten to audio. Headphones originally consisted of one speaker for each ear,connected by a band over the head. Good headphones come withthe head. Good headphones come with a volume control and maybe even amute button on the same wire that connects the headphones to thevire that connects the headphones to the PC or other device. Headphone is oftenreferred to as a headset. Headphones plug into the console s ne• Headphones plug into the console's headphone jack. Headsets have two audiojacks: one goes into the speaker jack, the other, into the microphonespeaker jack, the other, into the microphone jack. They're color-coded to help theusers plug them into the proper hole.3. How are the good headphones?4.
3. Good headphones come with the head. Good headphones come with a volume control and maybe even a mute button on the same wire that connects the headphones to the vire that connects the headphones to the PC or other device.
11. correct the passive text bellow... 1).the collected data have coded and checked by the researches, 2) the ampified wave devide into parts by the copler
1. the collected data have BEEN coded and checked by the researches.
2. the ampified wave IS DIVIDED into parts by the copler.
#yg no 2 IS bisa bentuk be yg lain tergantung tensenya.
12. Sound recording and reproduction are two separate processes used to record, store, and play back sounds. Sound recording uses microphones to pick up sound waves in the air. The pressure changes associated with the waves are converted into electrical signals, which can be coded and stored for future access. Sound reproduction, or playback, uses additional devices to retrieve the stored information and convert it back into electrical signals. The signals are then sent to a loudspeaker, which converts them back into sound. To record sound, a microphone changes the acoustic energy of sound waves in the air into electrical signals. Inside a microphone is a thin, flat, metallic surface, called a diaphragm, that is suspended in a magnetic field. When a sound wave reaches the microphone, the air pressure changes around the diaphragm, causing the diaphragm to move. This movement within a magnetic field creates an electrical signal. The signal is then transferred to a storage medium, such as a cassette tape, a compact disc (CD), or a phonograph record. To reproduce sound, a playing device—such as a CD player, cassette deck, or phonograph—accesses the stored data. The playing device reads the data and converts the information back into electric energy. The electrical signal is sent to a loudspeaker, which has a diaphragm housed in a magnetic field in much the same way as a microphone's diaphragm is housed. The electrical signal creates a disturbance in the magnetic field. These resultant variations in the magnetic field cause the diaphragm to move. As the diaphragm moves, it pushes out and pulls in, creating changes in air pressure to recreate the sound that was originally recorded. Sound recording and reproduction form the foundation of many industries, including entertainment, communications, and multimedia businesses. Recording and reproduction of sound allow people to play their favorite music, whether it was recorded yesterday or many years ago. Radio networks rely on sound recording and reproduction for storing news and other types of programming. Television and motion pictures combine images with music, speech, and sound effects to provide the viewer with an enriched experience. Computer programs, multimedia software, and video games also use sound to make programs more engaging 8. are there any abstract words used in the text? what are they? 9. how many sentences are written in passive form? write them here10. how many rechnical languages are there in the text? write them here11. are there any conjunctions used in the text?12. is there any complex sentence? write them here13. is the text written in the present tense? why?
Rekaman dan reproduksi adalah dua proses terpisah yang digunakan untuk merekam, menyimpan,
Dan memutar ulang suara. Rekaman suara menggunakan mikrofon untuk mengambil gelombang suara
di udara. Perubahan tekanan yang terkait dengan gelombang diubah menjadi
sinyal listrik, yang bisa dikodekan dan disimpan untuk akses masa depan. Suara
Reproduksi, atau pemutaran, menggunakan perangkat tambahan untuk mengambil yang tersimpan
informasi dan mengubahnya kembali menjadi sinyal listrik. Sinyal itu kemudian
Dikirim ke loudspeaker, yang mengubahnya kembali menjadi suara.
Untuk merekam
Suara, mikrofon mengubah energi akustik dari gelombang suara di udara
Sinyal listrik
Di dalam a
Mikrofon adalah permukaan metalik yang tipis dan rata, yang disebut diafragma, yaitu
ditangguhkan di medan magnet. Saat gelombang suara mencapai mikrofon,
Perubahan tekanan udara di sekitar diafragma, menyebabkan diafragma bergerak. Ini
Gerakan di dalam medan magnet menciptakan sinyal listrik. Sinyal itu
Kemudian dipindahkan ke media penyimpanan, seperti kaset, compact disc
(CD), atau rekaman fonograf.
Untuk mereproduksi
Suara, perangkat bermain - seperti pemutar CD, dek kaset, atau
Fonograf-mengakses data yang tersimpan. Perangkat bermain membaca data dan
Mengubah informasi kembali menjadi energi listrik. Sinyal listriknya
Dikirim ke loudspeaker, yang memiliki diafragma yang ditempatkan di medan magnet
Cara yang sama seperti diafragma di mikrofon. Sinyal listrik
Menciptakan gangguan di medan magnet. Variasi resultan ini dalam
Medan magnet menyebabkan diafragma bergerak. Saat diafragma bergerak, gerakan itu mendorong
Keluar dan masuk, menciptakan perubahan tekanan udara untuk menciptakan kembali suara itu
Awalnya direkam
Rekaman dan reproduksi merupakan dasar dari banyak industri, termasuk
Hiburan, komunikasi, dan bisnis multimedia. Rekaman dan
reproduksi suara memungkinkan orang memainkan musik favorit mereka, entah itu
direkam kemarin atau bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Jaringan radio mengandalkan rekaman suara
dan reproduksi untuk menyimpan berita dan jenis pemrograman lainnya. Televisi
Dan gambar gerak menggabungkan gambar dengan musik, ucapan, dan efek suara
Berikan pengalaman yang diperkaya kepada penampil. Program komputer, multimedia
Perangkat lunak, dan permainan video juga menggunakan suara untuk membuat program lebih menarik
8. ada disana
kata-kata abstrak yang digunakan dalam teks? Apakah mereka?
9. berapa banyak
Kalimat tertulis dalam bentuk pasif? tulis di sini10 berapa banyak
bahasa yang ada dalam teks itu? tulis di sini11. ada
ada konjungsi yang digunakan dalam teks? disana
kalimat yang rumit tulis di sini13. adalah
teks tertulis dalam present tense? Mengapa?
13. What You Need1) water2) Large pot3) pasta4) Kali5) tongs6) colandaFollow These Steps1) Boil water in a large pot. To make sure pasta doen't stick together, use at least 4 quarts ofwater for every pound of noodles.2) Salt the water with at least a tablespoon--more is fine. The saly water adds favor to thepasta3) Add pasta. Pour pasta into boiling water. Don't break the pasta, it will soften up withan 30seconds and fit into the pot.4) Str the pasta. As the pasta starts to cook, stir it well with the tong to the noodles don't stickto each other(or the pot)3) Test the pasta by tasting it. Follow the cooking time on the padlag, but always taste pastabefore draining to make sure the lecture is right. Pasta coded properly should be al dois (a little chewy)6) Drain the pasta. Drain cooked pasa well in a colander. If serving hot, add suce night away, ifyou're making a pasta salad.run noodles under coldwata to stop the cooking"Sur the pasta. As the pasta starts to cook at it well with the tonga." (Step 4)The underlined word refers tothe pastathe potwatersalt
ini pkn? atau b inggris14. PUTUS RANTAICODED#DirumahsajaPerhatikan gambar di atas, gambar buatanmanusia terbentuk dari alam, denganmemperhatikan strategi menggambardisebut gambar dengan tema ...A.hubungan manusia dengan alam sekitarB.hubungan manusia dengan maanusia lainC.hubungan manusia dengan aktifitasnyaD.hubungan manusia dengan alam benda
A.hubungan manusia dengan alam sekitar
A. hubungan manusia dengan alam sekitar
maaf klo salah semoga bermanfaat
15. Sound recording and reproduction are two separate processes used to record, store, and play back sounds. Sound recording uses microphones to pick up sound waves in the air. The pressure changes associated with the waves are converted into electrical signals, which can be coded and stored for future access. Sound reproduction, or playback, uses additional devices to retrieve the stored information and convert it back into electrical signals. The signals are then sent to a loudspeaker, which converts them back into sound. To record sound, a microphone changes the acoustic energy of sound waves in the air into electrical signals. Inside a microphone is a thin, flat, metallic surface, called a diaphragm, that is suspended in a magnetic field. When a sound wave reaches the microphone, the air pressure changes around the diaphragm, causing the diaphragm to move. This movement within a magnetic field creates an electrical signal. The signal is then transferred to a storage medium, such as a cassette tape, a compact disc (CD), or a phonograph record. To reproduce sound, a playing device—such as a CD player, cassette deck, or phonograph—accesses the stored data. The playing device reads the data and converts the information back into electric energy. The electrical signal is sent to a loudspeaker, which has a diaphragm housed in a magnetic field in much the same way as a microphone's diaphragm is housed. The electrical signal creates a disturbance in the magnetic field. These resultant variations in the magnetic field cause the diaphragm to move. As the diaphragm moves, it pushes out and pulls in, creating changes in air pressure to recreate the sound that was originally recorded. Sound recording and reproduction form the foundation of many industries, including entertainment, communications, and multimedia businesses. Recording and reproduction of sound allow people to play their favorite music, whether it was recorded yesterday or many years ago. Radio networks rely on sound recording and reproduction for storing news and other types of programming. Television and motion pictures combine images with music, speech, and sound effects to provide the viewer with an enriched experience. Computer programs, multimedia software, and video games also use sound to make programs more engaging 1. what is a recording?2. the first stage of a sound recording is... 3. how many stages are there in a sound recording process? what are they?4. what is reproduction? 5. how many stages are there in a reproduction process? what are they?6. which of these is the purpose of the text? a. to describe the way thing are. b. to explain the processes involved in the formation or working of sociocultural phenomena 7. how many action verbs are there used in the text? what are they8. are there any abstract words used in the text? what are they? 9. how many sentences are written in passive form? write them here10. how many rechnical languages are there in the text? write them here11. are there any conjunctions used in the text?12. is there any complex sentence? write them here13. is the text written in the present tense? why?
1. Recording is the process of documentation of an activity in the form of a file or data. Activities that can be documented as sound.
16. [The Missing Body] Burhan mengalami perbedaan pertumbuhan dari beberapa saudara kandungnyaHal ini tidak biasa terjadi. Setelah melakukan cek ke dr Teguh Haryo Sasongko yang merupakan salahsatu ahli genetika, ternyata burhan positif didiagnosis mengalami mutasi pertumbuhan berupagigantisme. Hal ini biasa terjadi karena perubahan urutan gen pada saat translasi protein terjadi. Salahsatu sekuen basa nitrogen ditunjukan sebagai berikut, bantu dokter untuk menemukan urutan mRNAyang seharusnya terbentuk jika salah satu sekuen DNA sebagai berikut:3'ACAGTGC5How would the base sequence be coded on mRNA....a TGTCACGb. GUGACAUc. UGUCACGd. CACUGUA
maaf kalau salah
17. Find the error & give the reasons : 1. The routes are clearly marked by color coded & signed 2. Mr. Leo was stopped by the police and because he brought an animal that the police will never allow 3. Rani could have gone to Harvard University but she decision to travel 4. My dad doesn't want to buy me a thing which I didn't need the most 5. I heard that she had moved to his son house
2. seharusnya jangan ada kata 'and' disana karena itu sebab-akibat
3. Kata 'but' diganti dengan because karena itu sebab-akibat
semoga membantu :)
18. Whatrom ontis coded by an applicantopply for the hotel work trainingAble to speak MandarinSecondary school andod mode of EnglishRepuble whity graduateThose who successfully complete the coursewillen19house the colonyachaw ishony's leadinghomosmamboo Kongopenyoung mendomme invitedopply for places on the one thing20What does the underlined word meanReading carefully with intent toThe way of administering a businessActivity leading to skilled behaviourThe position of an apprentice, the timesered by an apprentice
hippotamus kena Corona
mampus lu gak kena
19. Find the error & give the reasons : 1. The routes are clearly marked by color coded & signed 2. Mr. Leo was stopped by the police and because he brought an animal that the police will never allow 3. Rani could have gone to Harvard University but she decision to travel 4. My dad doesn't want to buy me a thing which I didn't need the most 5. I heard that she had moved to his son house
1. The routes are clearly marked by color codes & signs.
2. Mr. Leo was stopped by the police because he brought an animal that the police will never allow.
3. Rani could have gone to Harvard University but she decided to travel.
4. My dad doesn't want to buy me the thing which I don't need the most.
5. I heard that she had moved to his son's house.
20. How to make message on WhatsappFirstly, unlock your handphone right with your unlocking mode that you programmed on your handphone. After that, you will bebrought to the page of menus. There you see instaled-application programm. So you find the whatsapp and you choose it byclicking or touching, and wait a moment till whatsapp is open, so you are on the page of CHAT, it is posibble you see saved-cellular numbers and coded by name or photo.After that you choose whom you want to send a message to, so you touch it, in aflash it shows all of the communications have ever been, even you are ready for typing a new message there. After that youchoose the small box under the message that has ever been made. Finally you type the conten of message you want to make inthe small box, and you can apply an emoji for more interesting message.1. What is this procedure text about?2. What does the word "It" refer to ?3. Where do we possible see saved-cellular numbers ?
1. WhatsApp
2. Something
3. Contacts
1.how to make message on WhatsApp
2whatsaap application
3on the page of chat
semoga bwrmanfaat
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