A Project On Herpetological Diversity Of Maharashtra

A Project On Herpetological Diversity Of Maharashtra

benua yang memiliki nama lain a land of great diversity

Daftar Isi

1. benua yang memiliki nama lain a land of great diversity

Benua Afrika adalah Benua yang memiliki julukan A Land Of Great Diversity.

semoga membantu:)A land of great diversity adalah nama lain dari benua afrika

Semoga membantu

2. benua yang memiliki nama lain a land of great diversity adalah

nama lain dari benua AustraliaBenua yg memiliki nama lain a land of great diversity adalah Benua Afrika .
Karena memiliki keragaman dalam struktur tanah , alam , flora , fauna , dan manusia dengan kebudayaannya .

semoga bermanfaat .

3. benua yng memiliki nama lain a land of great diversity adalah

A land of great diversity adalah nama lain dari benua afrika

4. The student must submit the project of the begining of june.The project....

_passive voice_

The project must be submitted by the student of the beginning of June.

5. Write 5 sentences in English based on 2 activities on your project photos using little/a little/few/a few/ many/much/a lot of​

Jawabannya ada di komentar ya..tadi error :)

6. Diversity in diversity bagi bangsa indonesia sebagai


Makna dari Unity in Diversity adalah bersatu dalam perbedaan. Makna kata ini tentunya mirip dengan semboyan Indonesia, yaitu Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Kedua makna ini sangat penting dan perlu diterapkan di Indonesia karena Indonesia terdiri dari beragam ras, suku, budaya, dan agama yang berbeda. Perbedaan ini apabila kita tidak rawat dan jaga dengan baik, maka akan dengan mudah dimanfaatkan untuk mengadu domba kita. Oleh karena itu, kita harus saling menghormati dan menghargai perbedaan-perbedaan yang ada di Indonesia.

7. coloud you give some .... on your project ?

could you give some HELP on my project?

8. a.Sebanyak 16 orang warga.b.Warga di 5 distrik di negara bagian Maharashtrac.Chanel New Asiad.Seluruh warga di Negara MaharashtraKAK TOLONG DIJAWAB MAU DIKUMPULIN​

d. seluruh warga di negara Maharashtra


sari paragraf 1 sampai 3 menjelaskan mengenai rakyat yang terkena dan warga yang diungsikan secara garis besar teks tersebut membahas mengenai warga Maharashtra

9. How does the diversity of physical properties contribute to our daily lives?

How does the diversity of physical properties contribute to our daily lives?


Bagaimana keragaman sifat fisik berkontribusi pada kehidupan kita sehari-hari?


10. how to overcome the diversity of personal reflection found in qualitative studies?

Jawaban:Reflexivity is a qualitative research strategy that addresses our subjectivity as researchers related to people and events that we encounter in the field. Reflexivity also addresses the subjective nature of the research account as a narrative constructed by us as researchers. Reflexivity enhances the quality of research through its ability to extend our understanding of how our positions and interests as researchers affect all stages of the research process. The reflexive account presented here frames the analysis and interpretation of previously published findings on work and play in families by highlighting aspects of the researcher's reflexivity across the entire research process, including situating the study, gaining access, managing self, living in the field, and telling the story. Its purpose is to demonstrate use of reflexivity in qualitative research as a strategy to consider our subjectivity as researchers and serve as signposts for readers about what is happening throughout the research process.


11. Much money ………………………… been wasted on the project​


Much money has been wasted on the project.


Much money hasbeen wasted on the project


Much money has been wasted on the project

arti :

Banyak uang yang terbuang untuk proyek

has = yang

semoga membantu

12. Tolong buatkan compliment tentang friend submitted her project project on time

congratulations for sibmitting your project on time

13. A:... you on your new project​


A:... kau dalam proyek barumu



14. give an example of a positive attitude towards diversity in being the preservation of the Indonesian nation's heritage​


- Friendly

- Often smile

- Salute


memberikan contoh sikap positif terhadap keberagaman dalam menjadi pelestarian warisan bangsa Indonesia

- Friendly ( Ramah )

- Often smile ( Murah senyum )

- Salute ( Meemberi salam )

#Terimakasi sudah bertanya di brainly

#Semangat hyung

15. Apa yg dimaksud diversity of defense dan defense in depth?

difersity of defense : konsep keamanan dengan membuat layer yang berberbeda tipe.
defense in dept : berbagai perangkat keamanan untuk saling membackup

16. he.....a lot of money from that project(get)


he gets a lot of money from that project

17. compliments your team received a good score on a school project​


terjemahan:pujian tim Anda menerima nilai bagus pada proyek sekolah


maaf kalo salah

18. they are working on the project​


mereka sedang mengerjakan proyek



. maap keun klo salah :'v

19. congratulations on the completing your team's project ahead of schedule. what is the meaning of the underlined word? a. doingb. goodc. startingd. finishinge. on going

completing = finishing
so basically the answer is D

20. Apa pertanyaan dari kalimat ini?"..... you (work) on a special project at work? "​


" are you (work) on a special project at work? "


maaf kalau salah.

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