The Snail Poem Bengali Meaning

The Snail Poem Bengali Meaning

Identify the words in the poem that have the following meaning

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1. Identify the words in the poem that have the following meaning

Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang berlaku universal yang digunakan di seluruh negara yang ada di dunia ini dan bersifat internasional. Based on the questions, the words in the poem that have the following meaning are:

a. Soil surface with grass-roots growing in it It. It means that grass growing in soil.

b. Decorated. It means that something is decorated.

c. Soft, sweet, and pure. It means softed, sweeted, and pure.

d. Sleeps peacefully and comfortably​. It means please sleeps peacefully and comfortably.


Belajar Bahas Inggris sangat menyenangkan. Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang berlaku universal yang digunakan di seluruh negara yang ada di dunia ini dan bersifat internasional. Based on the questions, the words in the poem that have the following meaning are:

a. Soil surface with grass-roots growing in it It. It means that grass growing in soil.

b. Decorated. It means that something is decorated.

c. Soft, sweet, and pure. It means softed, sweeted, and pure.

d. Sleeps peacefully and comfortably​. It means please sleeps peacefully and comfortably.

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Materi tentang contoh puisi dalam Bahasa Inggris



2. How does the words in the poem that have the following meaning


Bagaimana kata-kata dalam puisi itu memiliki makna sebagai berikut

3. meaning poem pentaleo

artinya puisi pentaleo.
semoga membantu

4. there is a beautiful poem closet meaning the bold word is?bantu jwb kk!.​


blod word is

ada lemari puisi cantik arti kata darah adalah

5. Questions 1. What is the theme of the poem? 2. Who is the writer of the poem? 3. "sets the stage for crickets' tune" (last line, 3rd stanza) What is the meaning of the word 'cricket? 4. Autumn's vibrant majesty" (last line, 4th stanza) The underlined word is closest in meaning to 5. How many stanzas does the poem have? #Plasebantujawab​


the writer of poem is Patricia L.Cisco


why the writer of poem Patricia L.Cisco because there is letter by

6. The turtle and snail are .......... than the tiger. *​


Smaller (Lebih kecil)


Semoga membantu yaa! :D

7. Determine general, detailed and intention meaning of a poem


General Characteristics of Poetry

1. Poetry is written in a stanza which consists of lines, not paragraphs.

2. The diction used in poetry is usually figurative, dense, and beautiful.

3. The use of figure of speech is very dominant in the language of poetry.

4. The choice of diction to use takes into account the existence of rhyme and poetry.

5. In poetry, setting, plot, and character are not really emphasized in the expression.


Diction is a choice of words that fit and are in harmony in poetry. Choosing the right words, will bring to life the situation, feelings, and beauty of the poetry.


Figure of speech

Majas is a figurative style of language. Poetry writers usually use figurative language so that the written poetry looks beautiful and attractive.

Figurative language has the aim of conveying automatically the meaning mentioned by the poet.


Rhyme or Sound Element

Rhyme or sound elements can be called rhymes. Thus, rhyme is one intermittent repetition of sounds, either within a rhyme line or at the end of the line in a rhyme.

The repetition of these sounds is intended to add to the melodious value of the written poetry.


Image or Imagination

Images are used to provoke the imagination of the reader. Poetry writers will use words that are usually used to express their imagined experiences.

The words used give an impression to the five senses for the reader. The types of images in poetry include visual images, hearing images, taste images, and tasting images.


kalo salah gara" wibu :v

8. Where the snail lives? ​


There are in the trenches, the sea, land, and fresh water.


Where the snail lives? = Di mana siput tinggal?

9. 1. What is the title of poem? 2. Who wrote it? 3. What is the message given by the writer in his poem? 4. What is your opinion about the poem above? 5. In your opinion, what is the meaning of education in your life?​


teksnya :

he finally completed his degree

he was happy as he could be

he soon discovered

that in another program he should be

he thought that his choice has been wise

he therein did wrongly surmise

he now was learning

that for which he was yearning

had all along been in disguise

so a new course he'd now pursue

not exactly what he wished to do

he entered the fray

with little delay,

and emborked on a path totally new

he determined to give it his best

he aced every test

a scholar he'd be,

from learning he'd not flee

and discovered how richly he was blessed

pertanyaannya :

1.) What is the title of poem?

⇒ An Education

2.) Who wrote it?

⇒ Jim Martin

3.) What is the message given by the writer in his poem?

⇒ study hard then you will get what you want

4.) What is your opinion about the poem above?

⇒ in my opinion, good the poem in that poem we are taught not to never give up in learning

5.) In your opinion, what is the meaning of education in your life?​

⇒ the meaning of education, in my opinion is education is a struggle in life that must be fought for because it is included in our precious lives (where we get valuable and memorable experiences)

maaf kalo salah :l

10. moral value narrative the golden snail

we must to help other people

11. Tanka poem example and meaning



B.Indo :

Menanam padi

Dengan membendung air

Sungai menyusut

Beras panen pertama

Dinikmati sendiri?

B.Inggris :

Planting rice

By damming the water

The river is shrinking

First harvest rice

Enjoyed alone?


Makna Dari Puisi Ini Adalah Harus Bersyukur Adanya Padi


Maaf Kalo Salah >_<

12. 1. Who wrote the poem? 2. What is the poem about? 3. Who does the pronoun 'you' in the poem refer to? 4. "Go ficht and win this battle you didn't start" What is the meaning of the underlined words? 5. What do you think the purpose of writing the poem is? #TolongBantuannya​


1 by mithele

2 a wing and prayer

3 angel and prayers

5 untuk memberikan informasi kepada orang lain

13. What is the closest meaning with the word ""reassures"" in the poem above?


Bisa convince or persuade


This answer based on dictionary :)

14. Tolong di jawab ya kak 1. What is the title of poem 2. Who wrote it 3. What is the messege given by the writer in his poem 4. What is your opinion about the poem above 5. In your opinion, what is the meaning of education in your life

dear haifa, what is the poem you mean to? i didn't see it. thanKs

15. Half of. Her students . . . Understand the meaning of the poem A. Doesn't B. Don't


B. Don't


16. C. Answer the following questions based on the poem! 1. What is the social function of the poem? 2. What is the poem about the poem?3. What can you understand about the poem? 4. What is the message of the poem?5. How many lines are there in the poem? 6. How is the mood of the poem?7. Can you find imagery in the poem? If yes, write! 8. Does the poem use simile? Explain! 9. Can you find onomatopoeia in the poem? What is it? 10. Explain the rhymes of the poem! ​tolong segera ya

1. The role of mother in the family is very important. How a mother could take care of the whole family member with affection and love. The poem is written to appreciate mother.

2. An Appreciation to mother.

3. The poem tries to tell how a mother is full of love and affection when she takes care of family including her child and husband.

4. The poem tries to deliver a message about how lovely, caring, and affectionate a mother is.

5. Eleven lines

6. Heart-melting

7. Yes. I imagine a mother figure who is full of love

8. Yes. Like for the example the tenth line, 'Mysterious like the God above', the writer compares a mother to a God which completely different things.

9. Yes. In the line 5, a choo-choo train.

10. The rhymes of the poem are identical.


A poem is a group of spoken or written words that contains expressions of ideas or emotions in a powerfully structural and imaginative style. A poem is made of a particular rhythmic and metrical pattern. Technically, it is different from prose or ordinary speech, as it is either in a metrical pattern or in free verse.

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Materi tentang poem dapat juga disimak pada link berikut


17. moral value the golden snail

We should not underestimate anything.

Moral value the golden snail


The golden snail termasuk salah satu contoh teks ber-genre narrative yang membahas kisah imajinatif karya manusia. Teks narrative memiliki tujuan untuk menghibur para pembaca disamping menyimpan makna ( nilai moral ) yang ingin disampaikan oleh si penulis.

The golden snail ( Putri keong emas ) menyajikan cerita seorang putri yang dikutuk oleh penyihir kiriman  saudara perempuannya menjadi keong. Kutukan tersebut akan musnah ketika menemukan cinta sejatinya.


The messages ( Moral Values ) which are attached in The golden snail are

Never give up on the bad situation  ( Tidak pernah menyerah pada situasi seburuk apapun )Work hard is fruitful( Bekerja keras itu membuahkan hasil ) Help others who really need our hands( Membantu orang lain yang benar-benar memerlukan pertolongan )Being grateful is the peaceful mind( Bersyukur adalah hal yang menenangkan )




KODE     : 5


18. The snail runs...omong the others(slow)


The Snail Runs Slowly Among The Others



19. Half of her students ... Understand the meaning of the poem . A. Doesn't B. Don't


Separuh muridnya ... Memahami arti puisi itu. A. Tidak B. Tidak

dalam bahasa indonesia



maaf ya kalo salah

20. jwb?crita (the golden snail)

Golden Snail

Long time ago there lived a king of Daha Kingdom named Kertamarta. He had two daughters named Dewi Galuh and Candra Kirana. Candra Kirana was a very beautiful and kind girl but his sister was an evil. One day, Candra Kirana was engaged to a prince of Kahuripan Kingdom named Raden Inu Kertapati who was handsome and wise.

This engagement made Dewi Galuh envied to his sister. Then she went to a witch to harm Candra Kirana. The witch agreed to do what Dewi Galuh asked. When Candra Kirana was walking around the palace garden, the witch came and cursed her. She transformed her into a golden snail. After that, Dewi Galuh threw her which has become a snail in the river.

One day, an old woman was looking for fish in the river using nets. When she was about to lift the net, she saw a golden snail transported. Then she brought the golden snail went home and put it in a jar. The next day, she returned to the river to look for fishes but unfortunately she did not get any fish. She was disappointed and returned to her house. However when she arrived, she was very surprised to see a lot of delicious dishes had been presented at the top of the table.

This incident occurred over and over in the next days. The old woman was curious. She finally decided to find out who did it to her by pretending to go to the river. She hid behind her house and peeked at what’s going on inside. Then she saw the snails turned into a beautiful woman and cooked meals for her. Soon the old woman came into her house, “Who are you?” Asked the old woman “I was a princess of Daha were cursed by a witch into a golden snail” said her. After telling what had happened to her, she was invited Chandra Kirana to stay with her.

The news of Candra Kirana’s loss made prince Inu Kertapati confused and sad. He searched for her all over the kingdom by disguising as a villager. The witch knew what was done by him. She was disguised as a raven to disrupt the prince’s effort to meet Candra Kirana. On his own way Prince Inu Kertapati was helped by an old man who was great. He hit the bird with his stick until it died. Prince Inu thanked to him. He also told the intent and purpose of his journey. After knowing what had happened, the old man told Prince Inu to search her in Dadapan village. Afterwards the prince traveled to the Dadapan Village right away.

After walking for days, the prince arrived in the Dadapan Village. He was very thirsty at that time. Then he saw a small hut and approached it. Suddenly he was shocked because he saw his fiancée was cooking through the window. He immediately entered the hut to see her. Finally they were both very happy because they met and the magic was lost. Then the princess told what had happened to her and she also introduced the old woman who had helped her to the prince. The prince was very grateful to the old woman. Then he brought Candra Kirana and the old woman to the palace. After arriving at the palace, the king was happy because her daughter had returned. He also knew what had happened to his daughter. Knowing his sister had been found, Candra Galuh run away from the palace because she was afraid of being punished by his father. Finally Candra Kirana and Raden Inu Kertapati were married and they lived happily ever

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