In a model of an atom, electrons move in circular orbits around a nucleus. Which statement about the electrons is correct? A The electrostatic force on the electrons is away from the nucleus. B The acceleration of the electrons is towards the central nucleus. C The speed of the electrons varies continuously. D The velocity of the electrons remains constant.
1. In a model of an atom, electrons move in circular orbits around a nucleus. Which statement about the electrons is correct? A The electrostatic force on the electrons is away from the nucleus. B The acceleration of the electrons is towards the central nucleus. C The speed of the electrons varies continuously. D The velocity of the electrons remains constant.
B. The acceleration of the electrons is towards the central nucleus.
B. Percepatan elektron menuju inti sentral. Elektron bergerak dalam orbit melingkar di sekitar inti dan ditarik oleh gaya elektrostatik dari inti. Gaya ini menyebabkan elektron bergerak menuju inti, sehingga memiliki percepatan arah inti. Kecepatan elektron dapat bervariasi tergantung pada energi orbitnya, tetapi kecepatannya tidak selalu konstan karena dipengaruhi oleh gaya yang bekerja pada elektron.
jika sesuai tolong bantu jadikan jawaban terbaik ya terimakasih sehat selalu
2. What affect the colours of the aurora?A. Gas.B. Electrons and gas.C. Nitrogen and oxygen.D. Oxygen and electrons.E. Electrons, nitrogen, and oxygen.
E. Electrons, nitrogen, and oxygen
or elektron, nitrogen dan oksigen
The reaction between solar wind particles and the Earth's atmosphere, produces a variety of colors in the aurora. At altitudes above 300 km, solar wind particles will collide with hydrogen atoms to form a reddish aurora color. Increasingly, at an altitude of 140 km, solar wind particles react with oxygen atoms that form blue or purple auroras. Meanwhile, at an altitude of 100 km protons and electrons contact with oxygen and nitrogen atoms so that the aurora is visualized in green and pink
Reaksi antara partikel angin matahari dengan atmosfer bumi, menghasilkan berbagai macam warna pada aurora. Pada ketinggian di atas 300 km, partikel angin matahari akan bertumbukan dengan atom-atom hidrogen sehingga terbentuk warna aurora kemerah-merahan. Semakin turun, yakni pada ketinggian 140 km, partikel angin matahari bereaksi dengan atom oksigen yang membentuk cahaya aurora berwarna biru atau ungu. Sementara itu, pada ketinggian 100 km proton dan elektron bersinggungan dengan atom oksigen dan nitrogen sehingga aurora tervisualisasikan dengan warna hijau dan merah muda.
3. The follow of current in solid is due to A. Electrons B. Electrons and irons C. Atoms D. Nucleus
A. Electrons
In a solid the electrons are passed from one positively charged metallic atom to next but in solution the electron is carried by the ions present in the solution
4. 17. What is a geyser?a. The changing of temperature be-neath the surface of the earthb. From a huge tension of heated wa- ter that coming out from the earth crackc. From the heated temperature in earth crack that absorbing waterd. From the temperature andabsorbed water that occurs onearth surfacee. The result of underground waterunder the combined conditions of high temperatures and increased pressure beneath the surface ofthe earth
Geyser adalah hasil dari air bawah tanah dibawah kondisi suhu tinggi dan tekanan yang meningkat di bawah permukaan bumi.
5. 25. If a positively charged object is touched by a person, why is the object neutral? (A). Proton flows to object (b). Electrons flow into the object. (c). Protons flow from objects. (d). Electrons flow from things.
B. electrons flow into the object
6. What it a greenhause? it is along low building made of.... end artificilly heated
Apa itu rumah kaca? itu adalah bangunan rendah panjang yang terbuat dari .... ujungnya dipanaskan secara artifisial
#Semogamembantu#Semangatt....What is a Greenhouse? it is along low building made of ... end artificially heated
Answer : Glass (Kaca)
7. 4. A steel heated from temperature 30 °C until 40 °C. After heatedthe length of steel becomes 100,011 m. Count the initial steellength! ( steel = 1,1 x 10-5/°C)
40°C - 30°C = 10°C
8. 17. What is a geyser?a.The changing of temperature be-neath the surface of the earthb. From a huge tension of heated wa-ter that coming out from the earthcrackc.From the heated temperature inearth crack that absorbing waterd.From the temperature andabsorbed water that occurs onearth surfacee.The result of underground waterunder the combined conditions of high temperatures and increased pressure beneath the surface of the earth
B.From a huge tension of heated wa-ter that coming out from the earth crack
A geyser is a kind of hot spring that gushes periodically, emitting hot water and steam into the air.
(Geiser adalah sejenis mata air panas yang menyembur secara periodik, mengeluarkan air panas dan uap air ke udara.)
9. hen a piece of aluminium is heated from 20 °C to 60 °C, the amount of heat needed is 6 000 J. What is the heat capacity of the piece of aluminium?
∆T = 60 - 20 = 40°C
Q = 6000 J
Q = C ∆T
C = Q/∆T = 6000/40 = 150 J/°C
10. What is filament made of
filaments in incandescent light bulbs are made of tungsten.
11. Make the one sample problem of the electrons configuration
Using complete subshell notation (1s22s22p6, and so forth), predict the electron configurations of the following ions.
A. N3–
B. Ca2+
C. S–
D. Cs2+
E. Cr2+
F. Gd3+
Answer a
1s2 2s2 2p6 ✔️
Answer b
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6
Answer c
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5
Answer d
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p5
Answer e
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d2
Answer f
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 4f5
Jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik ✔️
For sampel
M element atom has electrons configuration of (He) 2s² 2p5, while Velement atom has electrons configuration of (Ar) 3d5 4s². Determine period and group of these element in periodic table.
M = [He]2s² 2p5
the number of electrons valance is 2 + 5 = 7
and the number of shell(n) = 2
so, this element is in second period and VIIA group
V = [Ar] 3d5 4s²
according to electrons configuration of V element atom, the number of shell(n) = 4. and number of valance electrons = 7, end to subshell d. So this element is in fourth period and VIIB group
12. Boron ions, B3+, can be formed by bombarding gaseous boron with high-energy electrons in a mass spectometer. Deduce the number of electrons in one B3+ ion.
kita buat dulu konfigurasi elektron dasar boron.
₅B = 1s² 2s² 2p¹
karena boron mengion +3, maka tiga elektron terluar boron kita keluarkan.
₅B³⁺ = 1s2 2s⁰2p⁰
maka sisa elektronnya adalah 2
13. 4 liters of water is heated from 20°C till 80°C. What is the heat energy required
Pertanyaan tersebut merupakan materi kalor di mata pelajaran fisika. Kalor adalah satuan untuk menghitung seberapa besar energi panas untuk menaikkan 1 gram air sebesar 1 Celcius. Satuan internasional kalor adalah Joule.
Volume (v) = 4 liter = 4 dm³ = 4/1000 m³ = 1/250 m³Suhu awal (T1) = 20°CSuhu akhir (T2) = 80°CDicari:
Energi panas/kalor yang dibutuhkan
Rumus untuk mencari kalor adalah
Q = m · c · ΔT
yang mana
Q = kalor (J)
m = massa air (kg)
c = kalor jenis zat (J/kg⁰C) (c air = 1000J/kg⁰C)
ΔT = selisih suhu awal dan akhir (°C)
Pertama, kita harus mencari massa air dengan cara
m = ρ · v
m = 1000 · 1/250
m = 4 kg
yang mana,
ρ = massa jenis air (1000 kg/m³)
v = volume
Setelah itu kita bisa cari selisih suhu dengan cara
ΔT = T2 - T1
ΔT = 80 - 20
ΔT = 60⁰C
Sekarang kita bisa mencari kalor yang dibutuhkan dengan cara
Q = m · c · ΔT
Q = 4 · 1000 · 60
Q = 240000 Joule = 240 kJ
Pelajari lebih lanjut
contoh soal kalor
14. Which of the following happens when a gas is heated
ini jawabannya
When a gas is heated?
When you heat a gas, both its vapor pressure and the volume it occupies increase. The individual gas particles become more energetic and the temperature of the gas increases. At high temperatures, the gas turns into a plasma
15. When water is heated, it releases a gaseous form of water called water...Is heated = dipanaskan, release = melepaskanA.humidityB.vapourC.atmosphereD.wetlands
B. Vapour
semoga membantu
jawabanB. vapour
(:maaf kalau salah16. A copper wire of cross-sectional area 2.0 mm2 carries a current of 10a. how many electrons pass through a given cross-section of the wire in one second ?
A copper wire of cross-sectional area 2.0 mm2 carries a current of 10a. how many electrons pass through a given cross-section of the wire in one second?
Sebuah kawat tembaga memiliki area potongan melintang 2.0 mm2 membawa arus 10a. Berapa jumlah elektron yang lewat melalui potongan melintang kabel tersebut dalam satu detik?
Jumlah elektron yang lewat melalui cross-section kabel tersebut adalah 6.25 x 10¹⁹ elektron/detik
Pertanyaan ini sedikit menjebak karena menyebut area potongan melintang yang dapat diabaikan.
Apa itu ampere?
Satu Ampere sama dengan satu Coulomb per detik
(1 A = 1 C).
10A = 10 Coulumb/detik
Apa itu coulomb?
Satu Coulomb (C) sama dengan kira-kira 6.241 x 10¹⁸ muatan dasar,
Atau 1 C = 6.241 x 10¹⁸ x Muatan Dasar
(Dimana Muatan Dasar memiliki konstan = 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ C)
= 6.241 x 10¹⁸ x 1.60217662 x 10⁻¹⁹ C
1 C = 6.241 x 10¹⁸ elektron/detik
10 C = (10 C x 6.241 x 10¹⁸elektron/detik) / 1 C
= 6.241 x 10¹⁸ elektron/detik
Sekarang, muatan dasar selalu memiliki konstan 1.6 x 10⁻¹⁹ C, yang berarti anda akan mendapatkan 6.25 x 10¹⁸ elektron dalam satu Coulomb.
Jadi, jawabannya adalah:
10C x (6.25 x 10¹⁸ elektron/detik)/1 C = 6.25 x 10¹⁸elektron/detik.
Pelajari lebih lanjut:
Penjelasan tentang Arus Listrik
Penjelasan tentang Tegangan listrik, Arus listrik, Hambatan listrik
#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4
17. oxygen atom and hydrogen atoms are banded by a pair of electrons which called as
Chemical bonds
18. 1 kg of water was put in a container. It being heated so the temperature will increase from 20°C to 80°C. What can you tell about: (before and after heated)? a. Internal energy b. Temperature C. Average energy of a molecule (not multiple choice)
moga membantu
maap kalo slh
19. What is the total charge of all the electrons in a 12-kg bar of gold? What is the net charge of the bar? (Gold has 79 electrons per atom and an atomic mass of 197u.)
What is the total charge of all the electrons in a 12kg bar of gold? What is the net charge of the bar? (Gold has 79 electrons per atom and an atomic mass of 197u).
I have tried the following but my book gives a different answer.
I know...
1 atomic mass= 1.6605x10^-27kg
gold atomic mass=197u
79 electrons
e charge= 1.6x10^-19C
step 1: 1.6605x10^-27 * 197 = 3.27x10^-25kg weight of a gold atom
step 2: 3.27x10^-25kg / 12kg = 2.725X10^-26 atoms in the bar of gold
step 3: 79e * 2.725x10^26 = 2.15x10^-24 number of electrons in bar of gold
step 4: 2.15x10^-24 * 1.6X10^-19C = 5.978X10^-19
But the answer in the book says the answer should be -4.6X10^8C and the net charge is zero.
Also, I am not understanding why the net charge of the bar is zero.
Can you explain this as well
20. make a short description of this pictures by using words provided! -electric device-the use of a heated non-stick metal-to remove wrinkles from fabric -use adjustable temperature out from electric device
2.The use of a heated non stick metal is dangerous
3.use this to remove wrinkles from fabric
4.can you use adjustable temperature
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