How Did He Become Invisible

How Did He Become Invisible

How did the ugly duckling know thet he had become a whaite swan.?

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1. How did the ugly duckling know thet he had become a whaite swan.?

Bagaimana the ugly duckling tahu bahwa ia telah menjadi whaite swan.?
PS: Semoga bener yabecause he looks at his reflection in the water and sees a beautifull white swan

2. How did the ugly duckling know thet he had become a whaite swan.?

maksudnya kok
Bagaimana si bebek jelek tahu bahwa dia telah menjadi angsa putih?=> "Bagaimana si bebek jelek tau bahwa dia telah menjadi angsa putih?"
No text no answer ✖
Tidak ada teks/cerita tidak ada jawaban ✖
Smoga membantu^^

3. How did the man become rich

because he is work very hardwith hard work and always pray

semoga membantu^_^
ma'af jika kurang tepat

4. Arrange the words so they become a meaningful sentence! the glassblower-worked-before-than-faster-he did


faster-he did-the glass blower-worked-before-than


maaf kalo salah

5. How did frederich silaban and soekarno become good friends

pertanyaan dalam bahasa Indonesia:

bagaimana frederich silaban dan soekarno menjadi teman baik

Answer: Because they met and Pak Soekarno was proud of Frederich Silaban, they finally became good friends.

6. how did the princeds become a spoiled girls​


because she is arrogant



cerita awalnya gimana?

7. how did dayang Sumbi never become old​


God give her a gift because she was so diligent in praying.

Semoga membantu. Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

8. How did Galileo Galilei become good in Math?


He studied.

i hope this helps you

9. How long did Mohammad Hatta Become Vice President of Indonesia

berapa lana mohammad hatta menjadi wakil presiden di indonesia

answer/jawaban : pada tahun 1945-1956

//when 1945-1956 year

He became vice president since 1945 until 1956, so he has been president for 9 years.

10. 1.find out the main ideas of each paragraph? 2.what did the old man gave? 3.where does the story take place? 4.why did the old man become to the farmer? did he speak when he passed the farmer? tolong bantu jawab​

The text is about The goose and The golden egg

He sold the egg for a lot of money

He took it home.

The Farmer became a rich man because he sold the eggs

Don't be greedy


1. What is the story about? (Ceritanya tentang apa?)

➡️ The text is about The goose and The golden egg


Teks itu tentang Angsa dan Telur Emas

Karena teks menceritakan angsa yang menelurkan telur emas

2. What is the Main Idea of the second paragraph? (Apa Ide Utama dari paragraf kedua?)

➡️ He sold the egg for a lot of money


Ide utama biasanya ada di awal kalimat yang akan dijelaskan di kalimat selanjutnya

Dan dalam paragraf kedua, ide utamanya adalah si peternak itu menjual telur untuk mendapatkan banyak uang

3. What did the Farmer do after he found the egg in the nest? (Apa yang si Peternak lakukan setelah menemukan telur di sarangnya?)

➡️ he took it home.


setelah dia menemukan telur di sarangnya, awalnya dia akan membuangnya karena dia pikir seseorang sedang mempermainkannya. Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir, dia membawanya pulang.

Hal ini terdapat dalam paragraf pertama.

4. What Made The Farmer become a rich man? (Apa yang Membuat Peternak itu Menjadi Orang Kaya?)

➡️ The Farmer became a rich man because he sold the eggs.


Setiap pagi angsa bertelur lagi, dan petani itu segera menjadi kaya dengan menjual telurnya

Hal ini Berdasarkan paragraf kedua

5. What can we learn from the story about? (Apa yang bisa kita pelajari dari cerita itu?)

➡️ Don't be greedy


Yang dapat kita pelajari dari bacaan tersebut adalah untuk tidak jadi serakah.

Karena dalam teks di atas si peternak jadi serakah, akibat dari keserakahannya dia kehilangan angsanya sebab angsa mengetahui niat buruk si peternak.

11. how did Henry Dunant become famous and honored?tolong kerjakan ya​

During a business trip in 1859, Dunant was witness to the aftermath of the Battle of Solferino in modern-day Italy. He recorded his memories and experiences in the book A Memory of Solferino which inspired the creation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1863. The 1864 Geneva Convention was based on Dunant's idea for an independent organisation to care for wounded soldiers.

Dunant was the founder of the Swiss branch of the Young Men's Christian Association YMCA.

In 1849, at age 21, Dunant left the Collège de Genève due to poor grades, and he began an apprenticeship with the money-changing firm Lullin et Sautter. After its successful conclusion, he remained as an employee of the bank.

12. How did sigmund freud become an expert in neurology?


After studying medicine at the University of Vienna, Freud worked and gained respect as a physician. Through his work with respected French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, Freud became fascinated with the emotional disorder known as hysteria. 1 Later, Freud and his friend and mentor Dr


jadiin jawaban terbaik ya

13. how did the younger brother family become rich?​


Jin dojun is the youngest son in the soonyang corporate family, he is actually a hyeon woo who was reborn after being killed, and returns 30 years previously as a jin dojun, he knowing what would happen in the future so he easily earned a lot of money, founded an investment company and also became the successor of the soonyang company

14. Talk about your best friend: • Describe your best friend: name, age, where he/she lives, favourite colour, etc. • What are his/her personality traits? . When and where did you meet? How did you become friends? • Why is he/she your best friend?​


My bestfriend is a lovely beautiful girl. Her name is Kavila. She live right next to my house at Jakarta. Green is her favourite colour because it reminds her of nature. Kavila has a personality of a kind disney princess althought sometimes she could be a little bossy. We met around 4th of December, 5 days after i moved into her neighborhood. Kavila and i has alot in common like playing games and other stuffs.It's because whenever other kids in the neighborhood bullies me she always sticks for me and the other way around.

15. How did he first become interested or invoived in this area?tolong jawab, menurut pendapatmu​


in my opinition, he was interested in this field because he only tried it amd he liked, or only heard the words of others

16. When did he become a 8overnment adviser and chief of a new aerospace Company?


Kapan dia menjadi penasihat pemerintah dan kepala Perusahaan dirgantara baru?


no text then how i can figure it out

18. what did Malin Kundang want the become? a. He wanted to become tailor b. He wanted to become sailor c. He wanted to become soldier d. He wanted to become policeman​

Jawaban: He wanted to become a sailor


19. When did he become a government adviser and chief of a new aerospace Company?


tolong kasi kisi kisi-kisi nya di foto biar bisa aku jawab Kalau pertanyaan kamu udah aku terjemahan bahasa ke Indonesia


When did he become a government adviser and chief of a new aerospace Company?

artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia;

Kapan dia menjadi penasihat pemerintah dan kepala Perusahaan kedirgantaraan baru?

20. How lond did Gusdur become the president of Indonesia?(tolong bantu saya)​


Gusdur became the president of Indonesia at about 2-3 years

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