Maths Assignment For Class 7

Maths Assignment For Class 7

mrs.dewi(teach/teaches) maths in our class every friday​

Daftar Isi

1. mrs.dewi(teach/teaches) maths in our class every friday​

Mr.s dewi teaches maths in our class every friday

Maaf kalo salah

2. the handy machine that you often use in maths class is​


period, ruler, pencil, dll



(maybe, maaf klo kurang benar)

3. 10.studies maths in the class.a. Itb. Himc. Herd. She​




d. She


karena subjek he/she/it dalam simple present tense, verb ditambah s/es tolong dikoreksi klo salah

4. 7).............. your maths homework then be sure to find your calculator, ruler, protractor and compass before you start. Perhaps you're not preparing a homework assignment or project. but are trying to.

Do yourmaths homework...

Hope this helps

5. andi has just got one hundred for his maths test. he looks...​


happy bhs Indonesia nya (bahagia)

jadi jawabannya happy


ini terjemahnya

andi baru saja mendapat seratus untuk ujian matematikanya. dia terlihat ...



Bahasa inggris:

Andi has just got one hundred for his maths test. He looks .......................happy

Bahasa Indonesia:

Andi baru saja mendapat seratus untuk ujian matematikanya. Dia terlihat ... bahagia



Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

6. apa perbedaan 'she teaches maths' dan 'she teaching maths'​


she teaches maths (Dia biasanya mengajar matematika)

She is teaching maths (Dia sedang mengajar matematika)

Jangan lupa di follow ya kak :)


Kata tersebut memiliki perbedaan arti yaitu:

she teaches maths : Dia biasanya mengajar matematika

sementara → she teaching maths : Dia sedang belajar matematika.




Semoga Membantu~

7. Tomorrow is the due date for our assignment. Apa jawabanny??


ke bhs indo: besok adalah tanggal terakhir untuk mengumpulkan pr


Besok adalah tanggal terakhir untuk mengumpulkan tugas Anda.

8. ... is for economy class

kebutuhan ekonomi kelas

9. what do they need for their assignment?​


When you’re undertaking tertiary study there are often a lot of assignments and writing to do, which can be daunting at first. The most important thing to remember is to start - and start early.

If you give yourself enough time to plan, do your research, write and revise your assignment you won’t have to rush to meet your deadline. Once you've started, you’ll also have something down on paper or on screen that you can improve on.

Using the steps below will help your assignments to become do-able, interesting and even enjoyable.

Step 1: Plan

Step 2: Analyse the question

Step 3: Draft an outline

Step 4: Find information

Step 5: Write

Step 6: Edit and proofread

Step 1: Plan

Planning your assignment will help you get focused and keep you on track.

Check how much your assignment is worth and what percentage of the final mark it is. This will help you decide how much time to spend on it.

Check the marking schedule to see what your tutor will be looking for when they mark your work and how the marks will be assigned. This will help you know what to focus on. If there is no marking schedule check the assignment question to see if the information is there.

Think about what you need to do to complete your assignment (for example, what research, writing drafts, reference checking, reviewing and editing, etc). Break these up into a list of tasks to do.

Give each task a deadline, working backwards from your assignment due date.

Step 2: Analyse the question

Before you can answer a question, you need to know what it means. Read it slowly and carefully, and try to understand what's expected of you. Ask yourself:

What's the question about? What's the topic?

What does the question mean?

What do I have to do?

To help you understand the question, try rewriting it using your own words using the format below:

‘This assignment is about ______________________ I have to___________________ ’

When you are analysing the question:

Look for words that tell you what to do (instructional words). For example, analyse, compare, contrast, etc.

Check the meaning of the words used.

Look for topic words, which tell you what you have to write about.

Look for restricting words, which limit the topic and make it more specific.

You can also check for additional information about the assignment and what’s expected of you in the course materials or on your course page or forums.

Tip: When you find something about the assignment on a course page or in a forum save a copy of it. If you save all the information you gather about the assignment in one file you will have all the information in one place when you start writing.

Step 4: Find information

Before you start writing, you need to research your topic and find relevant and reliable information. You will find some in your course materials and recommended readings, but you can also try:

the Open Polytechnic Library.

your local public library.

talking to experts.

online sources.

Once you have found information, the next step will be to evaluate it to ensure it is right for your assignment. For more on how to researching and evaluating information go to:

How to research

Thinking critically and evaluating information

Step 5: Write

Once you've found the information you need it’s time to bring it altogether and write your assignment.

Write your first draft

Use your outline and fill in the gaps, writing your main points for each section.

Write freely, getting as much down as you can without worrying about the wording being 100% right.

You may find it easiest to start with the conclusion so that you know which direction your writing is heading, or the background.

The introduction is often the hardest to write, so leave that till last.

Don’t spend too much time trying to make this draft perfect as it will change!

Fine tune

Revise your first draft, and check that it makes sense and includes everything it needs to.

Fine tune the wording, and make sure your writing flows well.

Make sure you keep different copies of your drafts as you may want to go back to them.

Leave the writing for a day, read it, and fine tune again.

Compile your bibliography or reference list.





mapel :bahasa Inggris


apa yang mereka butuhkan untuk tugas mereka?


demikianlah pembahasan materi bahasa inggris tentang________yang dikupas tuntas bersama brainly dan saya bagaimana apakah kalian sudah faham?semoga tulisan ini bisa membantu kalian dalam belajar bahasa Inggris ,mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan ,semoga sukses

_ingatlah jika dia melakukan kesalahan dan pujilah sekecil apapun prestasi apa yang dia capai ,niscaya dia akan tumbuh menjadi pribadi yang sportif dan mampu menghargai orang lain_。◕‿◕。......dan sekian terimakasih

10. 3. Rosita got go for maths, Zalfs gone toofathend Andre got to for mathsFrom there we thatO A Rosita got the worst in mathsOs Rosita got higher score than ZultaO C Andre got the best score in mathsD. Zu got the highest score inO​

. Rosita belajar matematika, Zalf juga ikut

fathend Andre belajar matematika

Dari situlah kita

O A Rosita mendapat yang terburuk dalam matematika

Os Rosita mendapat skor lebih tinggi dari Zulta

O C Andre mendapat skor terbaik dalam matematika

D. Zu mendapat skor tertinggi di


11. What does mr. Prayogi offer lintang for his assignment?.


apa yang dilakukan Mr Prayogi setelah untuk ujian

12. 4 falls by 7 ismaths 5a​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

→ Bilangan bulat


4 - 7 = 7 - 4

= - 3

13. Complete the following sentences. ……….. pages 7 through 9 for tomorrow ‘s class.

do the questions and tasks pages 7 through 9 for tomorrow ‘s class.

14. What score does haris get for maths? Tolong jawab skrng juga aku lagi butuh bantuan nya


mhon maaf sebelumnya itu seharusnya ada teksnya atau tidak kak, kalau ada alangkah baiknya di fto juga.

15. assignment about checking for one's understanding? ​


tugas tentang memeriksa pemahaman seseorang?paule


maaf jika salah (*^ω^*)

16. aryani ... the assignment , so mr dika looks for her​

aryani submit assignment, so mr. dika looks for her

semangat belajar!

aryani has not submitted the assignment, so mr dika looks for her

17. Maths Assignment 2/Homework: 1) What is the value of underlined digit? Write the Place value • 356 • 250 • 571 • 732​


356 = Three hundred fifty six

250 = two hundred fifty

571 = five hundred seventy one

732 = seven hundred thirty two


jadikan jawaban tercerdas


356 = Three hundred fifty six

250 = two hundred fifty

571 = five hundred seventy one

732 = seven hundred thirty two

18. Andi has just got one Hundred for hir maths test. She looks



"lanjutan" really happy(kalau perlu aja)

Andi baru saja mendapat untuk ujian matematika.dia terlihat

19. artinya what score does haris get for mathsbutuh jawaban secepatnya​

✍️ Jawaban ✍️

berapa nilai yang di dapat haris untuk matematika




what score does haris get for maths

skor apa yang didapat haris untuk matematika


maaf kalo slh :)

20. tomorrow is the due date for our assignment​


besok adalah tanggal jatuh tempo untuk tugas kami

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