An Attempt To Make A Computer Resource Unavailable

An Attempt To Make A Computer Resource Unavailable

Invitation is a request a solicitation or an attempt to get another person to

Daftar Isi

1. Invitation is a request a solicitation or an attempt to get another person to


Join our party or planning

2. How to make computer

To build a computer that functions, you only need-

-a Hard Drive
-a Processor with fan and heatsink
-a motherboard
-a Monitor
-256mb or more of ram
-a Power Supply Unit-(PSU)
-a mouse
-a keyboard
-cables to connect it all

But to add form to function you need, in addition to that above-

-a case - AT, ATX, BTX, or LPX -a modem
-an ethernet card
-CD/DVD drives

and if you want it to be even better-

-a graphics card 
-a sound card
-another hard drive

3. What computer language ia used to make a bussines appication


Bahasa komputer apa yang digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi bisnis?



4. what does a computer need to connect to an internet


itu yang gambar jawabaan




5. procedure text ''how to make on computer''

First, turn the power on.
Second, turn the monitor on.
Third, turn the CPU on.
Finally, wait until the windows loading ends.

6. 1. Berikut yang tidak termasuk layanan VoIP adalah ....a. modem to modemb. computer to computerc. computer to phoned. phone to computer e. phone to phone ​


a. modem to modem


VoIP adalah teknologi yang memungkinkan Anda melakukan komunikasi jarak jauh dengan memanfaatkan jaringan internet.

Secara garis besar layanan VoIP dapat dibagi menjadi 4, yaitu :

1. Computer to Computer

Layanan ini merupakan layanan voice call yang menggunakan komputer sebagai alat komunikasi.

2. Computer to Phone

Layanan ini merupakan layanan yang memungkinkan kita melakukan panggilan dari komputer ke telepon, baik itu telepon tetap (PSTN) ataupun mobile phone (handphone).

3. Phone to Computer

Layanan VoIP call ini merupakan layanan yang memungkinkan anda melakukan panggilan dari telepon ke komputer

4. Phone to Phone

Layanan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pesawat telepon khusus atau telepon konvensional yang di hubungkan dengan VoIP adapter.

7. Make a question from this sentence! Rojali will use computer to do his job


what will rojali do with the computer?

apa yang akan dilakukan rojali dengan komputer?

Jawaban:what does rojali do to do his job?

Penjelasan:smga membantu

8. similar meaning "unavailable"​


not exist


9. What computer language is used to make a businessman application




Because English is the International language

10. computer uses an email to send a alan​


to send messages or As a means of sending letters via the internet with the ability to attach documents in the form of files, images, videos and audio.


untuk mengirim pesan dan Sebagai sarana berkirim surat melalui internet dengan kemampuan melampirkan dokumen dalam bentuk file, gambar, video maupun audio.

semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban ini yang tercerdas

11. does land belong to natural resource


Apakah tanah itu milik sumber daya alam

12. Setiap sistem operasi memiliki cara yang berbeda dalam menyediakan Resource -MacOS -Windows -Linux -Android Bagaimana cara sistem operasi menyediakan resource computer dari masing-masing OS diatas untuk keperluan user



maaf kalau salah

13. what computer laguage is used to make a business application

the computer language is user to make a business aplication is a language inggris semoga membantu

14. 6. what computer language id used to make a business apolication?​

Jawaban dan Penjelesan:

Most used computer language for jobs include:



Python. ...

2. Java. ...

3. Javascript. ...

15. 6. Salah satu layanan pada VoIP, yaitu .... computer to computer computer to hadrware C. computer to client d. computer to server computer to jaringan e. a. b.​


a. computer to computer


jadikan jawaban terbaik ya!




Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) adalah teknologi yang memungkinkan percakapan suara jarak jauh melalui media internet. Jadi diperlukannya server computer dan jaringan

16. Make a sentence from each following words! 1.natural resource

Make a sentence from "natural resource"

Indonesia has a lot of natural resources spread from Sabang to Merauke.


Indonesia memiliki banyak sumber daya alam yang tersebar dari Sabang sampai Merauke.

Semoga membantu.

17. 1. Unit komputer yang menyediakan resource atau sumber dayanya untuk digunakan computer lain disebut




18. computer-uses-an email-to send-a-alan​



komputer-menggunakan-email-untuk mengirim-a-alan


maaf kalo salah

semoga Membantu

Alan uses a computer to send an email.

19. write a procedure text. you can choose one of the following goals : a. How to make fried rice b. How to operate a computer d. How to send an SMS or an e-mail

How to send a sms

1) Open your phone and choose "sms"
2) Then choose "write new message"
3) Next, write your message until done
4) If you was done, tap "done"
5) After that, write the receiver number or select the receiver contact
6) And last, tap sendlg buat wait ...... hrs semua nya ya?

20. make a simple procedure text telling how to trun operate a computer .

First, switch on the stavolt. Stavolt is an electrical tool to stabilize the electricity to the computer hardware
Second, press the power button to turn on the CPU. The power button usually lays under the CD Rom. The shape is round or square.
Third, turn on the monitor. Sometimes the monitor is on when the CPU is turned on. It depends on the previous user whether turned the monitor on or off.
Fourth, start to operate an application. Example, if you want to type, you can open Microsoft Word aplication by clicking twice. First, switch on the stavolt. Stavolt is an electrical tool to stabilize the electricity to the computer hardware Second, press the power button to turn on the CPU. The power button usually lays under the CD Rom. The shape is round or square. Third, turn on the monitor. Sometimes the monitor is on when the CPU is turned on. It depends on the previous user whether turned the monitor on or off.
Fourth, start to operate an application. Example, if you want to type, you can open Microsoft Word aplication by clicking twice.


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