Essay On Railway Station In Hindi

Essay On Railway Station In Hindi

the man (get on/gets on) a train in a railway station.saya harus menggunakan 'get on' atau 'gets on'​

Daftar Isi

1. the man (get on/gets on) a train in a railway station.saya harus menggunakan 'get on' atau 'gets on'​


get on


karena hanya berlaku untuk satu

Maaf kalo salah


gets on


Karena 'the man' itu singular. Kalau plural (lebih dari satu), baru menggunakan get on. Contohnya, the teenagers get on the train.

2. dani are in the railway station

Dani di stasiun kereta api 
kamu tanya apa?dani ada di stasiun kereta

3. buatlah contoh announcement in railway station

attention please, according to visitor in Djakarta railway station, we are as officer in Djakarta railway station want to apologize because the railway is on a reparation. so maybe the stations might sounds bothering. thankyou for your attention.

4. we came to bandung railway station early in the morning artinya?

Artinya "Kami datang ke stasiun kereta api bandung pagi-pagi sekali"
Semoga membantu

beberapa jawaban yang benar

1.kita/kami datang/pergi ke stasiun bandung pagi-pagi

2.kita/kami datang/pergi ke stasiun bandung cepat sekali pagi ini

3.kita/kami datang/pergi ke stasiun bandung di pagi hari

mohn maaf untuk kesalahannya:)

5. railway station artinya​


Stasiun kereta, Itu Jawabannya


Stasiun kereta

Maap klo slh ^^

6. 16. Ana "Where is the railway station? Silva a. Go straight and turn left. The railway station is on the left side b. Go around and turn right. The railway station is on the left side c. Go straight and turn left. The railway station is on the night side. d Go around and turn left. The railway station is on the right side. -17 IL 14 Modul Pembelajaran​

B. Go Around And Turn Right. The Railway Station Is On The Left Side


7. Tuliskan 8 contoh notice in the railway station

Students Must Turn of Cellular Phones Before Entering School BuildingNo Cell Phone Use in this Classroom
Please No Texting
Quiet Study Area
Keep Door Closed

#maafkalosalah:) semoga membantu:)1. Warning! Look and listen before crossing the line!
2. Danger! Overhead live wires
3. Passengers must not pass this point or cross the line!
4. Passengers are not permitted beyond this point!
5. Danger! Risk of serious injury or even death.
6. Use the subway or the footbridge to access other platforms.
7. Images are being monitored for crime prevention, public and staff safety.
8. Beware of trains, do not trespass on the railway.

Smg membantu ^^

8. Who works at the railway station

Siapa yang bekerja di stasiun kereta?

9. we came to bandung railway station early in the morning. artinya?

kami datang ke stasiun kereta api bandung pagi-pagi sekali

Kita datang di stasiun Bandung pagi pagi sekali

Semoga Membantu

Maaf kalau salah

10. What can we inter from the dialog above?a. The railway station is about a half kilometer farb. The railway station is on the second turnc. The railway station is on the third crossingd. After turning left you can go straight until the railway station​


d.After turning left you can go straight until the railway station

11. sebutkan contoh notice in the railway station..

always keep your cargo security
be careful of the train that pass

12. buat lah dialog seputar Railway station​


A: Excuse me, are you going to take the train to London?

B: Yes, I am. Can I help you with anything?

A: I would just like to know if maybe you know when will the train to London depart?

B: I believe it will start to depart at exactly 2 pm this afternoon. Just around one more hour.

A: Thank you so much for the information.


A: (Permisi, apakah Anda akan menaiki kereta menuju London?)

B:  (Iya, betul. Apakah ada yang bisa saya bantu?)

A: (Saya hanya ingin tahu apakah mungkin Anda tahu kapan kereta menuju London akan berangkat?)

B: (Sepertinya keretanya akan mulai berangkat tepat pukul 2 siang ini. Hanya sekitar satu jam lagi)

A: (Terima kasih banyak atas informasinya)

13. where can we read the warning? a. on the highway b. at the overpass the bus station the railway station

di mana kita bisa membaca peringatan?

a. Sebuah di jalan raya

b. di jembatan

c. di stasiun bus

d. di stasiun kereta api

✔Opsi : a. On the highway

14. 15. We can see many planes in the .... A. harbor B. airport C. bus station D. railway station A


B. Airport

semoga membantu hehe


B. airport


translate inggris to indo

15. kita dapat melihat banyak pesawat di ......

A. pelabuhan

B. Bandara

C. Terminal bus

D. Stasiun kereta api

15. Ana : "Where is the railway station?" Silva: .......a. Go straight and turn left. The railway station is on the left side. b. Go around and turn right. The railway station is on the left side. c. Go straight and turn left. The railway station is on the right side. d. Go around and turn left. The railway station is on the right side.​


Ana: "Di mana stasiun kereta api?"

Silva: ......

a. sebuah. Jalan lurus dan belok kiri. Stasiun kereta api ada di sisi kiri.

b. Pergi sekitar dan belok kanan. Stasiun kereta api ada di sisi kiri.

c. Jalan lurus dan belok kiri. Stasiun kereta api ada di sisi kanan.

d. Pergi sekitar dan belok kiri. Stasiun kereta api ada di sisi kanan.


A. Jawabanya Maaf kalo. salah :)

16. 24. Benyamin .... in the railway station last week. are was were O ing



Benyamin were in the railway station lastweek


Jawabannya adalah were


Benyamin was in the railway station last week


semoga membantu

17. tolong di jawab yah.what facilities does exist in gambir railway station ​

fasilitas apa yang ada di stasiun kereta api gambir

jawab :

This is the Latest Facility of Gambir Station and Pasar Senen

Coworkers' Room. This convenient place is for anyone who wants to do work while waiting for the train to arrive at Gambir Station. ...

Instagrammable Indoor Spot Park. See Photos. ...

Children's playground. See Photos.

18. Adam: duta: he is in the railway station duta : he is departing ​


Adam: Duta: he is in the railway station

Duta: he is departing


Adam: Duta dia sedang ada stasiun kereta api

Duta: dia pergi

sekian jawaban saya mohon maaf jika ada kata yang salah

19. The railway station is... The gas station


The railway station is... The gas station= The railway station is near at The gas station.


hoped it help :)

Jawaban :



maaf klo slah

20. 10 kata kata railway station​


en A former railway station was converted into a hostel for the homeless in Pretoria, South Africa

id Bekas stasiun kereta api diubah menjadi tempat penampungan tunawisma di Pretoria, Afrika Selatan

en The Berlin railway station was swarming with people as I prepared to return to Zittau.

id Stasiun kereta api Berlin penuh orang sewaktu saya bersiap-siap pulang ke Zittau.

en “We met at the Chemnitz railway station to board the train reserved for us,” Harald Pässler, an elder from Limbach-Oberfrohna, recalls.

id ”Kami berkumpul di stasiun kereta api Chemnitz untuk naik kereta api yang dikhususkan bagi kami,” kenang Harald Pässler, seorang penatua dari Limbach-Oberfrohna.

en This Pakistani was 11 years old when he separated from his family at Delhi Railway station.

id Orang Pakistan ini berusia 11 tahun ketika ia dipisahkan dari keluarganya di stasiun Delhi Railway.

en This is the new [ Wuhan ] railway station for the high- speed trains.

id Ini adalah stasiun kereta api baru Guangzhou untuk kereta berkecepatan tinggi.

en For 20 days it rambled along from one railway station to another across Germany and then on into Czechoslovakia.

id Selama 20 hari, kereta api ini mengembara dari satu stasiun ke stasiun lain melintasi Jerman dan kemudian memasuki Cekoslowakia.

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