Last Week On Your Way To School

Last Week On Your Way To School

you meet your teacher on your way to school

1. you meet your teacher on your way to school

kau bertemu guru mu di perjalanan menuju ke sekolah

2. You meet your school mate on your way to school. Kalo di buat dialog


A: hi G , good morning .

G: Hi A , good morning too . want to go to school right?

A: yeah, i want go to school .

G: should we go together ?

A.: let's go

3. you meet your class teacher on your way to school

simply, lower your attitude, give him/her smile and greet them before you do all of the step above first, then you might simply say "hello, teacher im on my way to school. later ill see you in my class" bye to him/her and thats how do you do when you met your teacher

4. Apa arti you meet your teacher on your way to school


Kamu bertemu gurumu diperjalanan menuju ke sekolah


Artinya :

Kamu bertemu dengan gurumu dalam perjalanan ke sekolah

5. last found week a on way my from school purseREARRANGE INTO A GOOD SENTENCEN​


Last week on my way from school i found a purse

maaf jika salah semoga membantu!


Last week on my way from school found a purse


Maaf kalau salah

Jika benar tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa

6. yourfriendlosthisHpon the way toschool​


Teman Kamu kehilangan HP dalam perjalanan ke sekolah


maaf klo slaah


Temanmu Kehilangan handphone nya ketika berangkat sekolah

7. you meet your friend in the morning on your way to school (dialoge)

you : Hi!, how are you?
friend : oh! its you! i'm fine. How about you?
you : i'm fine. Your going to school?
friend : yes
you : lets go together!
friend : sure!

8. What do you say to a friend you meet on yourway to school?Apa jawaban apa What do you say to a friend you meet on your way to school ​


hello! keysa! *smile*


kurang tepat soalnya, gitu aja si kalo aku, nama keysa nya kamu ubah dgn nama teman kamu


Say Hello, Good Morning, Hi, Or Say Her/Him Name

Semoga Membantu

9. Practice dialogs .You meet your schoolmate on your way to school

Me:Hi good morning

my friend:good morning too

10. You meet your neigbour on your way to school,you would say...

Say "Hello, excuse me. I wanna go to school, see you".

Semoga Bermanfaat ^_^
hello / hai / good morning.



Last Week ann go to school


thank you so much

12. terjemahkan you meet your friend in the morning on your way to school

kamu bertemu teman kamu di saat pagi hari saat kamu sedang di perjalanan menuju sekolah 
ato gasalah

kamu bertemu dengan teman kamu dipagi hari dijalan ke sekolah

13. you meet your teacher on your way to school you=........,sir

Morning Sir Semoga Membantuhello sir how are you sir

14. Apa jawaban: You meet your neighbour on your way to school you would say

hello. do tou want to go with me? Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Materi : Greeting


You meet your neighbour on your way to school you would say?


Me : Hi, my neighbour how are you?.I am on the way to school.

Neighbour : Hi, i'm fine, thank you, how about you?.I am here waiting for my parent.

Me : I'm fine, too.Okay, see you later.

Neighbour : See you.

Semoga membantu.
Don't give up!.

15. Apa arti you meet neighboor on your way to school


you meet neighboor on your way to school artinya : Anda bertemu tetangga dalam perjalanan ke sekolah.


Jadikan jawaban terbaik

16. you meet your teacher on your way to school you=........,sir

you=morning, sir

morning karena kamu bertemu dengan guru saat perjalanan ke sekolah yang biasanya pagi

you=hello, sir

sapaan umum

17. apa arti you meet your friend in the morning on your way to school

kamu bertemu teman kamu di pagi hari dalam perjalananmu ke sekolahkamu bertemu temanmu pagi hari di jalan menuju sekolahmu

18. you meet your teacher on your way to home after school you say

you meet your teacher on your way to home after school you say
artinya Anda menemui guru Anda dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah sepulang sekolah yang Anda katakan

if I meet the teacher I will greet him and greet him
artinya jika aku bertemu dengan guru aku akan menyapanya dan memberi salam

smg membantu

19. who........on your way to school yesterday (you see)​


next x yach


maaf gw

asal jawab aja


jawabannya yaitu; THAT

who that on your way to school yesterday (you see)


# maaf kalau salah,semoga membantu^

jangan lupa jadikan jawaban tercerdas

20. she school last week​




karna dilakukan nya minggu lalu berarti pake pastense


She went to school last week.

Video Update

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